I had a cool dream

Can you interpert it? I will pay anyone who can interert this dream ten million dollars in cash. Do you think you have what it takes to be a master of God's metaphors? If you do, reply below with your interpertation, and I will send you the money.

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go away kike

ecent magical dreams…
Ok, this is the dream from last night… in it, there had been a great global catastrophe of some kind which had killed billions of people…and the systems of government had decended into chaos and disorder…

I had left my home in a half ruined city in search of civilization, or other people at least, something, anything…but no one was there…when I left it was raining, not hard at all, but just a slight drizzel you know…

So, I was walking along when I saw this beautiful cat…it was a regular sized cat, but it was blue, and looked almost metalic. It was not normal, it was like an angel, and obviously a magical cat…and it was looking at me with a hard stare…but then it smiled at me, and It came up to me meowing and rubbing my leg, so I picked it up and it began purring…and then as I kept walking, there was a wall to my right, and beyond it was what might apear to be a very large private estate of some kind…there was a grass lawn with trees beyond it…and as I walked, suddenly, I saw on hill near me, inside the estate a jaguar run past. And that suprised me quite a bit you know, because there were no such animals in the country, and I would have been alarmed, except, it was gone off as quick as it had come.

So then, I came to this open section of the wall…and for some idiotic reason, I entered the opening, stepping into this strange property which I already knew contained at least a Jaguar. When I entered, there was to my suprise a uniformed government guard who was some kind of park service police guy…and he told me the park was closed due to the crisis. It was at that point that a lioness came out of the woods and ran up to me…now, in my arms, I held the beautiful magical blue cat…and the lioness struck me, but then was off me and tossing something about in the air which it was tearing apart and eating…and the officer kept telling me to remain calm and just stand still and everything would be ok…and then I said to the officer, “what is that?” And he said back to me; “I think it’s a cat”…and I looked in my arms and saw my beautiful blue cat was gone…the fucking bitch lion had killed it and was just then devouring it. So I screamed out at the lion, something like; “You mother fucker!”. And I stepped towards the woman demon monster that had killed my cat…and the guard shouted at me; “NO, NO, NO, YOU MUST STAND STILL!” But I did not, fuck that shit! I raised my hands to shoo it away screaming as I did so…and it was too late then, as the lioness had dropped what remained of my then dead magical cat and charged towards me…it jumped up on me growling and clawing me terribly, and the guard kept screaming for me to; “JUST STAND STILL!”.

Instead, I pulled out of my right pocket, with great difficulty too, as the beast was clawing me ferociously, a very old revolver…the kind they used in World War One, one of which I had in fact previously owned in real life…and the guard saw what I held in my hands, and screamed at me; “NO, NO, NO! PLEASE DON’T KILL THE LION!” (see what his priorities were) Anyway, the pistol I used to own was a Belgian Gun produced in about 1900, my Great Grandfather had brought it back from the war…those guns are barrel loaded and the barrel clicks open when you push a button and swings open downward…and in the dream mine opened exactly the same way, though it was not the same brand or manufacture. But my gun was broken…the locking mechanism that holds the gun together was broken and the only way it could be fired was if you held the barrel with one hand and pulled the trigger with the other, if one ever had the balls to attempt such a thing.

But you know, the fucking lion had just killed my magical cat, and was probably going to kill me next, so fuck it. I held the God dammed barrel to the gun and put it against the lion and fired it…and it worked, and the asshole lion stepped back then, revealing that it had been struck in the neck, about three inches below the spine, a through and through shot, entering the right side, and exiting the left…it was most likely a critical injury, and I looked at the lion waiting for the big piece of shit to fall over dead, but it did not…it just backed slowly away from me, staring at me with the annoyed eyes of the defeated, and then, not even bothering to pick up the remains of my dead magical cat, it turned and ran ran off into the woods. I was astonished the beast wasn’t dead, and I pondered shooting it again as it ran, and the guard saw this and begged me; “Please let the lion go…please sir…”.

Attached: magical blue cat.jpg (225x225, 8.83K)

You gotta tell us the dream first nigger.

Yeah, sorry, the thing with the picture of the blue cat is my dream.

Ēosturmōnaþ begins tonight, Anons !

It says you're gay.

Op is indeed a homosexual queer faggot niggerfucker

'Who is this that shines like the dawn, As beautiful as the full moon, As pure as the sun, As terrifying as an army marching with banners?'

Who is this coming from Edom, from Bozrah with crimson-stained garments? Who is this robed in splendor, marching in the greatness of Gods strength?

“It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”

Why are Your clothes red, and Your garments like one who treads the winepress?…

“This is the blood of mine enemies…revenge for all the murdered upon the Earth.”

Did you see us rising up to avenge the blood of our kin, user?

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Are you about 9 years old?

Probably related to being Nordic.

Is means that you want to have sex with Lex Luthor

Sexy Lexy

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Well, now someone serious has it. I did not see anyone rising up for revenge…but such is the prosime of God…and my dream tells a very special story that ends with a very clear meaning of almost exactly tht sort of thing.

I'll interpret your dream if you can decode this user's comment.

Um…yeah…but it sort of gave me a headache…it basically is talking of white power overthrowing the current system of evil which secretly rules our world.

So tell us then… :)

IDK why but I found your movie poster beyond funny.

Stop filling the frontpage with useless garbage, you're legitimately sliding decent threads.

To me your dream seems simply to represent the ease which White men could solve our non-White problem. Usually White men are represented by a lion but in this case, it is a lioness that attacks you and devours the beautiful cat which, I think, represents our civilization. Beautiful and precious.
The lioness represents non-Whites for several reasons other than this
1. It is being protected by the "authority figures" (the cop)
2. You slay this beast with a Belgian revolver, a symbol of White domination in Africa.

Yet you fear that the gun is broken, like the White spirit. Our race appears broken and dead, like the gun.
But in your rage to avenge the cat, you strike instinctively (using a "broken" gun) and to your surprise, the gun still works. Perhaps this symbolizes the truth that though White civilization appears "broken" there is still fight left in us.

Perhaps the dream symbolizes the final battle, with our backs against the wall staring extinction in the face, we will rise to the occasion and destroy our enemies.

You and I might have a connection.
Or maybe it's somethiug everyone sees what we've seen.
I've seen that blueish purple sheen but on a dog/wolf.
And I'm from Belgium.
Never had to fight a lion before though.

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It means you subconsciously want to kill your dad and have sex with your mum

Ever heard of Sekhmet?

She returns.

Attached: sekhmet's preistess.PNG (1755x308, 32.87K)

bump. I like these creative writing dream threads.

One hour in, mods have yet to delete this thread.

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Ok, so I really love the serious answers and than all of you for reading my dream…

I have to post a link to my blog because the story is too long for an answer…but I do invite you all to read it there and please comment…but comment here because I had to close my comments there because of this crazy stalker chick…long story.


The interpertation is after the dream.

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>literally a retelling of (((Joseph in Egypt))).
You kikes really can't invent anything original, can you?

DUDE…my story is in the fucking BIBLE!!!

Thanks for telling me man, that is truely fucking AWESOME!!!!

I really appreciate your answer, and it makes me think that I should get drunk…in fact, I think I will.

You stink like rebbit.

I think we just might. I have seen a similar blue sheen on another animal in a very, very special dream once before…that time it was a buffalo, and I spent years trying to figure out the meaning. Maybe you know, what does a Blue buffalo mean? Like as a message?

I want to thank you very much for your thoughtful answer and would like to invite you to browse my blog for my interpertation because it wouldn't fit in the answer box. I think my interpertation will agree with your basic ideas…and I am intrigueged by your answer.

And interesting answer…and I am kind of Nordic indeed.

African cats mucking about and feds saying to leave them be while sacred nordic icons are destroyed.

The weapon of your grandfather in your hand, broken but still operable when you use enough strength and daring, when you risk your hand being blown off (perhaps coorelation with Tyr's sacrifice there, general symbolism of sacrifice,) to "pull the fucking trigger/execute/initiate."

Dream seems to mean you need to man the fuck up and start training/arming yourself better or beautiful things you love will be destroyed. Your magic cat, perhaps Freya's cat was destroyed and you only temporarily repelled the beast and didn't do or say anything to the fed egging on you and the cat's demise.

Time to train user. Look to the old gods, steele your mind, reforge your body, buy better guns, or your magic cat is dead.

Its pretty straightforward. Surprised you can't interpret it yourself. Perhaps being too close to it has obfuscated its meaning for you. In general