Niggers Are A Different Species

I'm 100% convinced that niggers are a different species and not even human. We should just take up arms and hunt them like deer until they go extinct, no wonder they commit so much crime and are unable to build a great civilization (they arent even human).

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Checked and kek'd

Good for you OP

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They are Homo Erectus + Homo Sapiens hybrids.

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Nigga you’re retarded, they’re a race, not another species. A species is determined by genetic similarity “I.e members of the same species are genetically similar enough to have fertile children, while seperate species are genetically distant enough to be unable to have the same species”

This dosen’t make us “ all the same” though, as genetic similarity really says nothing about the contents of any creature. As even slight differences in parts of genetic code can have massively different results, while some other parts of genetic code can drift in far enough directions without substantial change that seperate species are near identical. Say take the Horned Owl, and Great Horned Owl, they are genetically distinct enough that they can’t have healthy children, yet they are pretty much the same fucking animal with slightly different feather coloration. Then compare a Wolf, to a Pug, or Beagle, they are all the same species, and they can breed, yet their differences are more pronounced than the differences between many different but similar species. Same thing with humans, niggers are retarded, and inferior in every way, but we are still the same species since we can breed with them “disgusting thought”

We were naturally on the way to becoming seperate species “as genetic drift caused by separation occurs slowly over time” but with the race mixing that has occurred due the rise of civilization this is becoming less and less of a possibility. Niggers could stay the same as they are now, and if no race mixing occurred for say a couple hundred thousand years, we could become seperate species then. Imagine that, a world where whites and nonwhites could only produce sterile children. Imagine how many problems that would solve then and there.

A race is a sub group of a species on its way to becoming a seperate species.

“while seperate species are genetically distant enough to be unable to have non sterile children”


Sorry tired

Boasian definition. Fraudulant and obsolete. Read fucking Darwin, student.

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Stopped reading there and reported you.

How can you be on a Image board and not get irony? Are you retarded?

Only difference between what I said and what Darwin had to say is that I use the widely used term race where he uses sub-species, while he uses the term race in place of the widely used term ethnicity. I still think seperate sub-species would be considered all part of the same species though. Like I said it only has to do with genetic compatibility, not actual physical and mental traits.

Was meant for

I’m retarded

what the fuck is that butt?

So that we can get down to the nitty gritty of this, can y'all source those stats? Like, I know some of them have citations attached but I mean actually link the articles.

And assuming blacks are a different species (highly doubtful for West and East Africans who are mixed with Arabs and South Africans that are mixed with whites), why does that alone entitle anyone to treat them like dog shit?

Stop using words you don't understand. If they were a different species we wouldn't be able to cross breed successfully.

By your failed logic a poodle and a german sheppard wouldn't both be considered dogs. You can have large differences within a species and its still the same species.

The inability to produce fertile offspring is not a requirement for classification into separate species.
Many animals with LESS genetic distance than Whites and negroes, and which can produce fertile offspring, are classified as separate species.
e.g Carrion Crow vs Hooded Crow. The main differences being habitat and plumage coloration. Used to be considered races, now considered separate species of corvid.
One example of many.

Slide thread.

Tigers and lions can cross breed, they are considered different species.

And yet tigons and ligers are sterile.

We love our doggos, but we dont enrole them in our universities.

Attached: niggerdog.jpg (480x360, 38.28K)

Zebras and Horses can also cross breed as well as whales and dolphins

Just because we can cross breed with niggers doesn't mean we are the same species as niggers

A dog or wolf can mate with a coyote, and produce fertile offrspring commonly called a coydog. They are larger than a standard coyote and tend to exhibit more of a tendency toward pack behaviour, and are not as predisposed to be solitary (save for mating periods).

They are different species, though they *are* both canines.

Similarly, Europeans and Africans (also Asians) are all humans, in the sense that Neanderthal is human as well, or any Homo. However, we are distinct enough genetically to warrant being true subspecies, and not one group with minor “races”. In the case of Africans, I feel it is warranted due to their genetic difference from the others to define them as a different species of human. They are more genetically distinct from us than Wolves are to coyotes, and the same is true for their differing behavioural tendencies and social traits.

Their offspring is sterile so its not considered a successful breeding.

The offspring are sterile.

That's nonsense. The black race was just thousands of years behind other races, when the jews enslaved and threw them into (in their perspective) alien societies. Since then, and accompanied by constant jewish social engineering, the blacks had to play catch up ever since without the natural progression of building the genetic make-up. For example: you cannot learn empathy from a book, it grows inside your ancestry for many generations and slowly fine tunes to your surroundings. Blacks were robbed of every mental progress between mutt-hut savages and western civilization. They are not perceiving the world as the rest is. What they need is a fat ass wall around Africa and 5k years of undisturbed development.

Well, it is called steatopygia.

Attached: steatopygia.jpg (1280x720 32.52 KB, 143.58K)

Fuk all niggr apes. Where ever the niggr moves is turned to ruin.

dummy thicc

More likely 500ky.
But doubt. There is no natural pressure bananas falling from the trees everywhere.

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We can cross breed with Negro species, because they are not pure anymore. They are Homo Erectus + Homo Sapiens hybrids.
And there is more.
More hybridicised with white species Negro is, more sucessiful is cross breeding. Darwin for example reported unsucessifull breedings between Anglos and Abos. The same phenomena exists between pure Negro, like Khoisan, Bushman, Hotentot, and whites. They cant produce offspring.
You should know, Bantu Negro is crossbreed between A and B haplo original African Negro (like Khoisan) and Arabs.

Attached: Khoisan.jpg (2153x3222, 2.09M)

But Bantus are the vast majority of Africans. By that logic, very few Africans are actually of a different species.

Then how come niggers and humans can reproduce among themselves and create offspring that can reproduce?

Give them all free Ebola. fuking ugly retarded animals.

Isn't Africa famous for having a lot of people starving to death? If there has ever been a great social Darwinian experiment it is Africa today.

lol when Africans are Ubermenschen by 2100.

2110 - Africans invent plasma drives, niggerize the Andromeda galaxy.

Well, it is new species in the making. When hybridicise and stabylise, and genetic distance is big enought, there you have a new species.
Look at american nigger, for example. About 70% Negro, 30% white. If we could isolate them for long enought, they will became new species, different from african Negro.
What people dont understant, new species are in the make, everytime everywhere. It is never ending process.
Yes, Bantus are now subspecies in Negro species. Aka one of the African races. And when they sucessiful kill off other African Negroes, they will became the only African Negro species.

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You're right to want to look for original sources. You're right to question everything.

The way to find the sources is to go to and search. For example, the source for the second pic in OP is:

Now, that source is behind a paywall. That's pretty common. If you're in school, you can get on your school's VPN and get the PDF. If not, any public library where a computer can get it for you. Basically, you go to the library and hit the exact same link, and you'll find that the PDF link is available.

Alternately, you can search (on regular google) for the full title of the article now that you have it. In this case, doing that led me to a place where I could download the full PDF:

And you'll see in that PDF the same charts and graphs as in OP's post. So there you go. That's how you get the source.

It doesn't. No living creature should be mistreated.

What acceptance of the truth's of human biodiversity would do is NOT "entitle us to treat them like dog shit" - what it would do is remove the expectation that they should be performing exactly the same as other races AND rebut the claim that if they're not performing exactly the same, that must be proof that they're oppressed and that whitey is racist.

The situation we're currently in is, people assume (1) everyone is the same therefore (2) they should all have the same average outcomes - there should be just as many black mathematicians as there are white mathematicians and (3) since there are fewer black mathematicians, that is proof that white people are oppressing them and finally (4) "we need more money for dem programs"

That whole chain of argument is wrong, and the conclusion (giving them more and more money) is a huge drain on our civilization. It needs to stop.

you're wrong, OP
blacks are human

Okay, I buy that. Hell, I doubt the people even promoting that shit care about black people. Wasn't it revealed that Trudeau's government was actually killing of Native Americans? It's just virtue-signalling to get away with corruption.

But keep in mind that white countries have somehow become among the most corrupt in the world over-night. Damn, we suck.

Do you have a larger version of the first image, "The Genetic Reality of Race" or a source site to reference?
That thumbnail is too small for me to recognize what it's trying to say.

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Depends of hybridisation status.
For example, Pure Negro and pure white very rare sucessiful reproduce. But obviously, that fact in rarely know outside academic.

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How do you manage to use all the worst examples?
Bornean and Sumatran orangutans are considered different species, and can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, same with bonobos and regular chimps. Wolves, dingoes, dogs, coyotes, and jackals can all interbreed. Hooded and Carrion crows produce fertile offspring, with even heavy gene flow between the species. White and striped bass can crossbreed to make a hybrid bass.

Theyve found a thousand niggers washed undead on beaches in France this year alone

what about jews?

Jews cluster between semites('Middle East') and Europeans. Some doofusclown scribbled over this picture, it still shows what I mean.

Attached: who is white.jpg (1516x1428, 352.67K)

*But obviously, that fact is rarely known outside academic circles.

That is some good info my man

Just a standard PCA of human autosomal DNA, you can find all sort of versions, that one looks quite old yet it keeps getting reposted. Here, just made this(1st pic).

Attached: Unterlander2017_Fig5.png (1680x1050 175.36 KB, 85.73K)

This is something to REALLY shoot for in biological programming.

That is true for ashkenazi and sepharidm only. Mizrahim, original jews, are semitic Middle Eastern people.

Attached: Mizrahim jews.jpg (800x450, 46.89K)

If you were smarter, you would get that Central Asians/Amerindians are in fact mixed populations.
Pure populations racially are West Eurasians, East Asians, South Indians, Oceanians (related to Indians but split earlier and mixed with denisovan). Africans are more complicated but basically they are divided into South Africans and Central Africans. Natives could be considered (because the time of their isolation) but not for sure
There are populations between Africans (like South American mulattos) but Africans have been more isolated. Central Asians (Turkic people) are infact Indo-European people "raped" by Mongolic invaders. Something similar is with Saamis and the rest of Finnic people.
Natives Americans are also West Eurasians + East Asian.

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Oh yes, I absolutely agree with you. As proof, just look at how they treat "uncontacted tribes"

If you actually believed these were humans that are no different than you, you would want to go rescue them. I mean think about it - ever had a toothache? Every broken a bone? These are people living with pain that we have the technology to make go away. So why don't we help them? Answer: because we all know, deep down, that they're not like us.

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Can someone explain the X and Y axis on this chart?

Ignore blackness and yellowness. It is incorrect.
I just took this as an example.

More like this.

Attached: yyy.png (998x666 412.62 KB, 72.87K)

Askenazi Jews are Europeans that decided to convert to Judaism
Sephardi Jews are North Africans that decided to convert to Judaism.
Mizrahi Jews are Arabs that decided to convert to Judaism.

The actual values don't matter too much, they are coordinates on the first two principal component of variation of the data. Basically, you can take a set of, say, 500k places along the human DNA and see where people vary in this set. Obviously this is a big set and people are going to vary in different way. But, you can ask a computer to take this 500k dimensional space and find the 500k-dimensional "directions" in which this data varies the most. X and Y in that graph are the first two component of variation, the X capturing the African-non African variation, which intuitively comes up to be the first, while Y the west-east eurasian variation. Once you know these directions, you can project the samples onto those and that's how you get the graph.

There is some racial connection. They all have more Levant admixture.

Original jews are either Samaritans
Iranian/Iraqi/Georgian jews are more related to Caucasians (
Yemenite jews are more related to Saudis
Sephardi/Ashkenazi are more related with Mediterraneans

Actually niggers are earthly species that came from monkies while aryans are aliens from another gallaxy called "Nordic Aliens" , do your research niggers

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Don't call me a nigger, nigger

Yes. Clovis.
And pre Clovis West Europa Solutreans.

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I said "niggerS" it could be directed at anybody and you automatically got butthurt assuming its directed at you whicj indicates youre not an aryan youre actually a Neandrathal nigger
,otherwise you wouldnt be offended

Ok so which races should we leave alive, only whites? Asians? Amerindians?

What about the mutts/mestizos/mulatos, etc?

OP confirmed retard.

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Clovis is identical to most Native Americans
We don't have any genetic proof about that
European DNA, they most likely have this from Mal'ta-related population
West Eurasian populations inhabited Northeastern Siberia before East Asian replaced them 22 000-12 000 years ago
Later they replaced Central Asians somewhere 3000-1000 years ago

Lel, no.

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I dont think we should exterminate all niggers , they make a grest slave to do hard labor they are designed to work for the white man ,plus they are great for experimenting on them medicine and disease cures, they are just violent in nature so we need to keep them in concentration camps and sometimes castrate their males so they dont over breed like the wild animals they are

Races don't exist, change my mind.

Niggers are homo erectus

ChingChong HongKong


you can reproduce with them , same species

Work is just a social construct as well as every other thing I don't like.

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They figured out this was false 75 years ago. They have successfully bred a hybrid back with one of the species it was bred with. Catch up you mong

Sure sure.
West Europeans migrated all the way from Iberia to Siberia to Alaska to Florida. But never thought about walking 2000 miles Atlantic ice shelf.
You Boasians are pathetic.

For sure you dont have genetic proof. But you know why? Because you gave all skulls and remains found at bogs to the fucking Injuins to destroy them.
But you know all about that, Boasian.

That doesn't make them the same species you fool, dolphins and wales can reproduce as well, they are considered separate species.

Don't kidding me ;_;

And Solutrean/pre Clovis stone tools made from France exclusive minerals traveled all around the globe few thousands years rather then acros Atlantic ice shelf.
Yes yes, goyim, it was Beringia, it was fucking Sinid who invaded America first, kvetch.

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They're just accidents
God accidentally burnt a Neanderthal kike who was pregnant with some parasitic Greeks child and it passed into their DNA as a predominant trait. Hence - niggers were born

Lions and tigers can reproduce but no one says they are the same

Niggers themselves are hunting pygmies to extinction to cannibalize them so it's OK with me.

Absolutely don't care before any proof, which I can see genetic proof with my eyes.

mind blown but eyes damaged reading that picture for ants

species bro , species … thats the fucking thread

i didnt say blacks and whites are they same , but they are the same species

thats how I define it , not really sure if thats a scientific definition.

It seems like an important indicator

Cactus hill, preClovis to Solutrean material connections
OoA discredited
global warming discredited
"we are all one human race" discredited
Such a chutzpah.

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As much as I hate to admit this slave girl looks better than cracker Jane.

Not much has changed over the last few hundred thousand years.

Damn he's fugly.

White Nationalism is first and foremost the root cause of the death of white nations, culture and their people. They are the political 'AIDS' virus that has suppressed our white immune system from enemies that have and continue to seek our ethnic cleansing.

>>>Zig Forums

And that is just because jews said to you, all "humans" are same species.
Same jews that told you in 1995, that in 20 years planet will burn down if not flodded entierly.
Same jews that told you, you are essentialy albinized nigger from Africa.
Same jews that told you, you can be a girl with a dick.
Same jew… etcetra, etcetra
Why dont you just look and think for yourself? Ask about real definition of specialisation? Not just regurgitate false "if they can breed and produce fertile offspring" mantra?

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never reply to the redtext faggot trying to consensus crack

If we went by animal standards, no they are not the same species. Bone geometry differences are enough, let alone "Coat" color.

That is what must be done to all races that aren't white. It doesn't matter what they do anymore. they aren't like us, and thus, they must be all killed.

Deformed kikes and their fear of our violence.

Interesting paper on the subject of hybrids.

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"It has been mentioned that sterility is rather common i Jewish-Gentile marriages. The cross between the European and the Australian aborigines is almost sterile."

Ahh, those pre (((Boasian))) science.
Such a good feeling when read real non jewed stuff.
Thanks user, this is great.