Constitutional Monarchy is inherently the superior governing system.
An Absolute Monarchy is good if the leader is righteous, and will lead to much prosper, but many times an absolute bastard/idiot can take the throne and do irreparable damage.
Therefore a King must have the ability to take executive action on behalf of the country, but he may be overrided by an organized council or senate. Though, the King may be able to replace senators a set amount every year, so as to not give him complete authority, but neither to make him powerless.
The military should be held firmly in the hands of King and those loyal to him, but he must take an oath to preserve the integrity of the law, and not use it tyrannically, lest he be declared an outlaw and liable to death by the natural duty of every citizen of the state. This would include actions such as dismantling the senate in a bid for complete authority. Upon coming of age, the citizens must be required to swear upon their lives and souls to kill either the king or the senators if they are shown to have committed acts of treason. Though many would ignore this, if even 10% took their oath seriously it would be a great challenge to any to be tyrant.
The media should be concentrated half in the ownership of the King, and half in the ownership of the senate. So that the King may not use it to subvert public opinion to his own means.
The culture should be purposely created through targeted propaganda to revolve around honor, virtue, marriage, and submission of the wife to the husband. Schools should be optional and exclusive to men, aside from wifing schools for women, so that they may learn how to cook, clean, be a good wife, and mother a child.
This should be mandatory for them only. Male education should revolve around that which is virtuous, shunning that which is not so. History should focus on what is achieved by doing good, and showcase in graphic detail the horrors of selfishness, apathy, and greed. They will also tell of the Khazarian menace, who tried to destroy all that is good and holy in the world, and why a similar event should never be allowed to unfold. Physical bullying should be encouraged in schools, but verbal bullying should be strictly punished. The goal is to make the boys strong and resilient, encouraging them to stand up for themselves, a virtue lacking in modern society.
Criminals should be hung in a public square often to remind people of the consequences of their actions. Prisons will be small and should exist only for those who have committed minor crimes. If someone repeatedly commits a minor crime but does not do anything worthy of death they should be banished to an island of criminals.
Guns should be given to landowning white males. They may allow their family to use these weapons while at their property, but only themselves if not. Hunting weapons are unrestricted. Anyone who possesses a gun illegally should be shot with the gun they acquired. The landowners who have guns should be required to read a short book on what guns are to be used for, and the emphasis on against tyranny in the government should be great. They must memorize this by heart and then they will be allowed access.
Corruption will be punished with slow torture and execution, to dissuade offenders.
Welcome to Paradise.