The Psychology of Jews

Has anyone else noticed that it is not just Israelis or religious Jews that are neurotic and subversive? Every single Jew I've met, even at their best, exhibits numerous character issues, usually narcissism, hedonism, and a demand for others to be the same.

Completely non-religious, non-Jewish raised genetic Jews seem to have an innate desire to destroy the communities around them. Every single time I see someone pushing a blatant lie, it's a jew. Every single time I see someone harming others for their own profit, it's a Jew. I used to be of the belief that Jews could just be reformed from their destructive religion, but now I think it's directly in their genetics to subvert their hosts. They're the pathogens of humans.


Attached: disgust.jpg (524x336, 26.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Psychopathology of Judaism


jews can not be reformed. They are these parasites since at least 2500 years.

Expelling them did not work.

They always kvetch about the hollow claus which never happened to begin with. But they kvetch about it, because they know, that this would be the only real final solution to this nightmare.

More about jewish tactics against aryans:

What is really shocking to me is all of the legal entities Jews hide behind. Foundations, think tanks, organizations, NGO’s, etc. It all happens under the name of (((democracy))). Jews are cunning, manipulative, and secretive. Jews have six million ways to launder money.

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Looks like embedding doesn't work.

Doreen Dotan a genetic jew admits jews have a high rate of psychopathy. Used to be on her YouTube channel before they were taken down. Someone uploaded them to vimeo.

Their behavior is genetic. They are thoroughbreds or should I say THOROUGHBREDS. jews have practiced euge ics for a very long time. They will never change. Even theirhalfbreeds are as bad on the so-called pure bloods.

Yes it is the curse of their demon god Yahwe on their blood.

Fucking autocorrect. It's thoroughINBREDS.

I've known Jews that were athiests yet still belted God gave the Jews a country, this is a perfect example of what they're like, they're inherently manipulative and have an agenda hardware into them

I meant -
I've known Jews that were athiests yet still believed God gave the Jews a country, this is a perfect example of what they're like, they're inherently manipulative and have an agenda hardware into them

They're so bad every Jew I've known despised there own tribe and said they'd never pigeon the Jewish community, one dm converted to Mormon and didn't want her kids raised knowing they were should be Jews.
When even Jews despise their own people that says it all about them.

Goddam autocorrect!!!!
I meant to say -
They're so bad every Jew I've known despised there own tribe and said they'd never live in the Jewish community, one even converted to Mormon and didn't want her kids raised knowing they should be Jews.
When even Jews despise their own people that says it all about them.

So close, but yes user you are correct. They're a brood of vipers.

The problem you have is that you are strictly a materialist.

If you believe in any form of Tradition you must acknowledge not only Physical Races but Spiritual Races.

Jews are the way there are by birthright, caste and design. The ar e here to challenge the Noble Aryan Spiritual Races who typically inhabit Europeans and the Japs.


This guy gets it.

The blood is a carrier of spiritual traits.

“..virtue lies in blood..” - Adolf Hitler

>It all happens under the name of (((democracy))).
The other way around. It's democracy that provides kikes with a rich and conductive environment to engage in their parasitism. Democracy might have worked for Ancient Greek city-states, but today, it's just another word for kikes bleeding a country dry. A democratic system is inherently directionless, has a very easily corruptible justice system and puts a lot of emphasis on (((human rights))) and (((pluralism))). Its government is nothing but a talking club, with members trying to outcompete each other in avoiding responsibility for any decisions.
This allows kikes to worm their way in with barely any opposition, take over the courts, take over the media, and then vote themselves into government. Then, of course, heads and managemerial staff of the country's main banks miraculously find themselves mired in widely publicized scandals and are forced to resign, with a swarm of Coinsteins, Usuroffs and Shekelgrabowitzes rushing to replace them. You know the rest of that story, various acts of it are playing themselves out across all White countries.
An authoritarian system would slap these parasites out the moment they dared to poke their hooked noses in. There's a reason why kikes always tried to get rid of monarchs they couldn't corrupt, and have been on a crusade to eliminate "tyranny and dictatorship" across the world for almost a century now.

Constitutional Monarchy is inherently the superior governing system.

An Absolute Monarchy is good if the leader is righteous, and will lead to much prosper, but many times an absolute bastard/idiot can take the throne and do irreparable damage.

Therefore a King must have the ability to take executive action on behalf of the country, but he may be overrided by an organized council or senate. Though, the King may be able to replace senators a set amount every year, so as to not give him complete authority, but neither to make him powerless.

The military should be held firmly in the hands of King and those loyal to him, but he must take an oath to preserve the integrity of the law, and not use it tyrannically, lest he be declared an outlaw and liable to death by the natural duty of every citizen of the state. This would include actions such as dismantling the senate in a bid for complete authority. Upon coming of age, the citizens must be required to swear upon their lives and souls to kill either the king or the senators if they are shown to have committed acts of treason. Though many would ignore this, if even 10% took their oath seriously it would be a great challenge to any to be tyrant.

The media should be concentrated half in the ownership of the King, and half in the ownership of the senate. So that the King may not use it to subvert public opinion to his own means.

The culture should be purposely created through targeted propaganda to revolve around honor, virtue, marriage, and submission of the wife to the husband. Schools should be optional and exclusive to men, aside from wifing schools for women, so that they may learn how to cook, clean, be a good wife, and mother a child.

This should be mandatory for them only. Male education should revolve around that which is virtuous, shunning that which is not so. History should focus on what is achieved by doing good, and showcase in graphic detail the horrors of selfishness, apathy, and greed. They will also tell of the Khazarian menace, who tried to destroy all that is good and holy in the world, and why a similar event should never be allowed to unfold. Physical bullying should be encouraged in schools, but verbal bullying should be strictly punished. The goal is to make the boys strong and resilient, encouraging them to stand up for themselves, a virtue lacking in modern society.

Criminals should be hung in a public square often to remind people of the consequences of their actions. Prisons will be small and should exist only for those who have committed minor crimes. If someone repeatedly commits a minor crime but does not do anything worthy of death they should be banished to an island of criminals.

Guns should be given to landowning white males. They may allow their family to use these weapons while at their property, but only themselves if not. Hunting weapons are unrestricted. Anyone who possesses a gun illegally should be shot with the gun they acquired. The landowners who have guns should be required to read a short book on what guns are to be used for, and the emphasis on against tyranny in the government should be great. They must memorize this by heart and then they will be allowed access.

Corruption will be punished with slow torture and execution, to dissuade offenders.

Welcome to Paradise.

Consider a case study of jewish psychology. As we speak google is choking to death in order to prevent any divergent historical and cultural record from their own surviving. This is the epitome of judaic practice.

Man you goyim are so dumb. Hate us all you want, it doesn’t matter, you’re powerless to do anything about it.

You guys are angry, and I get it, I’d be angry too if I was being culled. The sad truth is that once AI kicks in, 90% of you will be culled for being useless eaters.

A new and international elite race is being formed, and it will largely be a hybrid of European, Northeast Asian and Ashkenazi Jewish blood. The humans of the future are going to look like Anime characters and have an average iq of 160.

Humanity is in a transitionary phase and we aren’t going to be returning to the past. The future is going to be global and interdependent, not national and self sufficient. You are wasting your time fighting for a return to the past, your best hope of survival is to focus on acquiring the skills that are in demand. In short, learn to code!

Is usury permitted?


Even the holocaust couldn’t stop us, in fact it made us stronger as Hitler culled our weak. We’re like weeds, u have to kill us all because if even one breeding pair remains we will reinfest your lands!

PS You’ll never get me, I’m based in China, and my descendants will come back centuries later after your descendants forget why you killed us, lol.

The Jew never seems to realize it is his Cosmic Destiny to forever lose and be cast out. The Sonnenrad spins on, but in manifest forms the Aryan Spirit will be incarnated to root out the Jew Vermin where ever it temporarily takes hold.

RaHoWa. Gas the Kikes.

jews are psychopaths
psychopaths are evil human parasites with less than a full human brain

but the holocaust never happened.

die negro

Hahaha you have no idea how weak that narrative has made you. Jews are softer now than any time in history. When the shift happens it will be like a knife through butter. Besides I know the kind of jews that come here I'm not impressed you guys have plenty of losers not everyone owns a media company. You probably failed hard in your original country and had to buy into a wife over there I actually know a jew who did that.

Everything changes moshe. The internet gave you a million new ways to jew everyone, and it gave us a million new ways to remember.

checked, 7-11 was a part time job

Most professional Israelis I've met do not exhibit those character issues to any greater degree than other people I'm familiar with, though they can be rather blunt with technical criticism (which I don't mind and rather prefer).

Outside of Israel, however, my experience 100% agrees with the OP.

Perhaps it's the difference of skin in the game.

Great idea! We should learn to require the math and engineer skills so we can build the pro-white interplanetary empire.

That sounds like a bunch of unscientific nonsense to me.

You should be proud that a quarter Jew of a corporal killed 6 million of us. Even if it isn’t true, you should take credit for it, it’s a huge accomplishment.

Your a fucking idiot, you only know of the weak and soft American Jews who came before ww2 like my family, lol (and yet we still own you). Go to Israel and see how Jews are like there.

And I didn’t fail in America, I built my professional reputation in America . I saw even greater opportunity in China and I’m here to make money so I can return to America and live like king!

If the Jew is such a loser then why does the Jew live like kings for all civilized history, control all the worlds assets and fucks all of the hottest aryan women while our race slowly dies out.

It seems like we already died and went to this Jewish controlled hell for whatever sins we committed in our past life.

Sure, but do you really think your people STEM as well as gooks and kikes? While you focus on building a nazi galactic empire, my people, along with my Asian and White brothers who can tolerate each other, will build a less narrowly racist galactic empire. I’m sure 2 billion gooks, kikes and crackers will beat a handful of gentile incels.

Nice larp.

We are winning. Threads like this show me you are afraid.

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No friend, threads like this show that the time of war is near

Those "people" look like puppets.


Everything you wrote was on point except:

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Why are jews so bad at art?

they look like Chinese

Yes you are winning I don't think anybody disputes that. But what are you winning? You are turning the world into a shit heap as part of your strategy so you get to be Rulers of the Shit Heap. At this point even intelligent Jews are taking stock of the situation because historically unjust rulers are all brought to heel eventually. Your hold on power is growing tenuous because you are running out of things to destroy and your answer is just to up the ante in an attempt to hold on to power. A godless people will learn the hard way that power is granted by the gods to those who are wise enough to use it responsibly.
Jews are successful now but in the larger scheme of things they will end up being victims along with the rest of us.
Modern Judaism is built on reaction to Christianity which is ironic because in a large extent Christianity is built on reaction to Judaism. It is like a dog chasing its own tail.

a webm of this would be great, i can't be stuffed downloading the whole thing to make a little clip

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Why would White people want to claim that idiotic kike fantasy that reads like something out of a B list horror movie as legitimate? Seriously, your Holocaust is a fucking joke, the entire premises of it. The OSS was surprised Americans even fell for it. If Adolf Hitler actually wanted to eliminate the Jews he would of done it and there would be no "Survivors" who make up audacious stories or over-hype their own camp experiences.. Hitler actively gave orders to not mistreat Jews or to retaliate towards their bait.

Let me guess. You are hired here as a civcuck/Trumpkike shill

because art is an expression of the human spirit, the soul! These people are unable to do art and instead make trash, because their soul is that of a subhuman animal. Just look at their art. Some of it looks good but if you take your time, you find that it is perverted in some way because they are corrupted >people

Any species will evolve to fear things that threaten them, and as an obligate parasite the greatest threat to the jew is the human survival instinct. Whenever he sees an expression of that instinct, such as a healthy family or an unpozzed work of art, he literally feels the same primal fear that you feel when you see an angry snake.

It didn't.

Jews oppose idealization of forms. They are willing to wage brutal war against those who value beauty as a Divine virtue, and have done so in the past - Maccabean revolts.

Guilty as the Jews are, always remember the supporting cast of equally guilty non-Jews. They will wander the minefields forever.



Absolutely not. This idea has been pushed by the Jews a lot recently. The Jew Moldbug is big on this nonsense. Sure they want a monarch. That they can control.

What the Jews don't tell you is that the system we have now, Democracy, they put in place. We used to have a Representative Democracy where there were some limits to who could vote. You had to take intelligence test or own property but the Jews messed that up.

The best system is a Republican Democracy.

The guys who set up the American Republic studied all the political systems through out all history and picked the best one. That the Jews screwed it up doesn't mean it wasn't the best. The Jews turn everything to shit. It not surprising they turned the USA into shit too.