Escalation of Violence

So Charlottesville was intended to scare people out of defending ourselves. So clearly we should do the opposite. We need to escalate violence beyond their wildest dreams.

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You won't do anything you nigger

Maybe. But would a giant escalation in violence be useful or counter-productive?

It's not just about a chimpaning, it's about tactical escalation. Making it too costly for them to get in our way while we clean up their mess. While simultaneously wiping (((them))) off the planet.

You're absolutely right but we must be organized to do so first. If one untrained (not professionally trained) Aussie can easily eliminate 50 undesirables in one go, imagine what a trained team of 5+ people could accomplish.

Also, while the mosque was a legitimate and reasonable target for a multitude of reasons, I suggest that future targets should be traitors, leaders (this includes Jews) and, most importantly, journalists. Make these bastards fear for the lives whenever they dare to smear our names.

You are a cuck. Embrace it. You will be the slave of the stronger man, the man with the fortitude to stand against the evil of this world. While you just grovel in the street worrying about optics.

I will not answer that question. Instead, you should educate yourself on various revolutionary non-state actors that engaged in asymmetric warfare against the System throughout the last 50 years.
Learn from them. Read between the lines.

Good call bro. Tactics of the Viet Cong spring to mind. Assassinations. Drop the weapon and disappear.

Yes, but keep in mind that as long as this is an active police state you will have to openly slaughter the boys in blue. Tear down their system of punishment and you'll have free-reign.

Please note that this post is intended as satire. Pol is a board of peace and we would never advocate for violence.

Nice try, FBI

This whole thing glows in the dark so hard, that the light of the sun is nothing compared to it.

yes shlomo, now take your meds.

this is a board of peace and occasional shitposting!

The glow in the darks are overpaid idiots.

Actually you can advocate violence under US law. It has to be general and not specific.

Brandenburg v. Ohio is the relevant case law

He obviously was professionally trained. Although he also knew he would be facing no opposition, as is obvious by his lack of tactical movement.

You'd be surprised how fast a "constitutionally protected" peaceful assembly could decimate a secession of congress, or assembly of the house, or supreme court hearing. Just think, a thousand man march on the capital, and all of them are armed. Flash mob of retribution.

The Viet Cong are almost worthless as a teacher of modern asymmetric warfare. Do you live in a jungle, user? Do you live in a state without mass surveillance and with the strong support of millions of nationalist "communists" who already hate the foreign invaders?
Do you live in a state that doesn't have firm control over 70% of the countryside?

No. You don't. So what can you learn from the Viet Cong?
Not much.
Instead, study the PIRA, ETA, FLNC, Red Brigade, the Order, and (oh I'll get flack for this) AL-Quaeda and Hezbullah.
They operated in far more hostile environments than the Viet Cong. Learn your art of war from those who fought or fight western capitalist democracies in their own backyard without the benefits of jungles, open support from the populace, and unstable governments.
Do you understand what I am saying?

Charlottesville was a psy-op meant to create a fake narrative. Just the fact you are bringing it up though makes me think you are a fed. Then you encourage violence in a cringey way too which outs yourself even more as a fed.

That being said, violence is the only solution we have left for saving our people. Things are going to have to get a lot more violent before they get better.

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Joke's on you bitch

I didn't realize affirmative action and the hiring of the mentally disabled extended to federal law enforcement agencies.

Imagine being so fucking dumb you can't even hide your intentions while being anonymous.

Imagine being so fucking incompetent that even without the necessity to veil your identity you're still incapable.

This is the law enforcement equivalent of some literal extra chromosome having retard being incapable of assembling the three stage process that is a McDonalds's Filet-O-Fish.

I'm not mad that there's surveillance, I don't mind a bit. I don't mind that I'm on watchlists. I don't mind they know what I fap to, that they have the unlimited potential to track my movement through my phone, that because of my affiliations my daily routine is likely scrutinized. None of that bothers me at all.

What bothers me is that some nutsack in sunglasses, Johnny Cage looking fuckboy is considered intelligent enough to do a job I can do better, cheaper and faster while exclusively typing with my fucking face.


Okay, you will do nothing ever.

Hell yeah. Let's do this.

Fucking regard has his eotech all the way back on the rail what kinda fucking retard does this shit

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I said no such thing, nor did I advocate or incite any lawbreaking whatsoever. I advised anons to learn about contemporary history and nothing more and your interpretations of what I said are nothing more than baseless opinion and speculation.

So this is the point again.

*The actual Feds would discourage violence*

They don't want actual violence. They just want to catch you planning it and put you away. I'm not planning violence. I'm just asking whether it would be effective.

poison kosher/halal food, fear is good accelerator

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Except that is completely false and the narrative behind the FBI knowing about the Parkland shooter's motives beforehand is proof of concept.

He posted exactly what he was going to do months prior and it's well understood that the FBI knew his plans, that he was capable, that he had a set date, and they did nothing.

And they're so abhorrent of "violence" while they genocide white people though a demoralisation campaign.

Look, lemme level with you.

Since the dawn of the chans, FBI has been trying these low energy entrapment threads. The only reason we allow is so that the stupid among us are picked off and removed from influence. Here's here to play the long grinding war of attrition against the institutions that hate us, not some flashy grand final stand that will be burned and spun by media cucks.

Now that the Mueller report was complete dud, DNC (and those who hold the blackmail on all of them) are panicking. Mainstream media will die, and so these preseeded threads will be used in the event the next Obama-style planned massacre kicks off. MSM needs to appease Boomers to keep their crumbling mythology alive.

Zig Forums has to intelligently fight back. We have a long history of tricking the subhuman staff that makes up mainstream media. In this case, these types of threads are also being monitored by sympathetic/compromised IC people as well.

Therefore, whenever you see these threads, just flood them with the addresses of people who work at CNN or MSNBC. Just address dumps. No statement of intent. No threats. No context.

Just the addresses. Why?

You'll clog up the analyst pipeline and force them deploy surveillance on mainstream media employees. Any data those surveillance requests gather can be picked up by out allies in IC and then used against MSM.

Remember: no threats. Just addresses. Enjoy!

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Not bad.

I'm not FBI I'm an independent white patriot. And what I thought is that maybe you pussies were the real FBI.

you nigger.

The Parkland shooter was not violence directed against the System, silly.

You are a big mouthed cuck sitting in your mommy's basement and you will never do anything

So you agree? Feds want violence if it suits the narrative, that means being complicit in the killing of children, if necessary.

Violence against the system is just the same, being useful towards a potential narrative of instigating violence.

You know the majority of food on US grocery shelves is Kosher right?

They will get caught.

let em have it bro

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I'm not defending our friendly resident agents but how does one assemble something with four parts in three stages?

redit spacing

fuck up bot

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Relax nigger. We are going to kill all our enemies. Thats the way of the world.

No, wide scale random violence is not effective. You need a coherent nation that wishes to defend itself down to every member. Observe the hispanics ethnically cleansing their cities. What you FBI niggers are proposing is a one man war against entire nations (millions and billions). It's fucking stupid on a level that shouldn't be possible. You don't consider the logistics of such a task or the fact that violence isn't even necessary when every member of the nation shuns and discriminates against the outsiders.

In-group preference is the only thing that can win and is the only thing needed to win. Without the in-group preference of a nation wishing to preserve itself, there's no point to anything else. Violence is for niggers.

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Feds do not want violence directed against the System because
1. Feds ARE the System. They do not want to blow up.
2. The more violence is directed against the System, the less legitimate the System becomes. So unless you believe that feds are actual revolutionaries, they oppose violence against themselves.

Jesus, just use your head. The FBI want nice, neat open-close cases to rack up good-goy points and advance their careers. They don't want to incite intensive guerrilla warfare against themselves so they can go to work every day with the fear that they might be incinerated in their own fucking office. FBI agents want cushy, high paid jobs in Honolulu behind a desk. Not risking their lives fighting people who shoot back or worse, having their house or office blown up and not knowing if the central government will even be able to pay them.


Wrong. If you get enough random violence eventually the idea becomes normalized in the public conscious and violence towards the invaders becomes an acceptable topic of ordinary discourse. This is called shifting the overton window dim wit.

What shit are you talking? How is exterminating large swaths of shitskins and traitors not an improvement on the nation mean? And random is exactly what you need to prevent the enemy from being able to prepare for whatever you might do next. Chaos is the name of the game. And this game is Winner Takes ALL!

give them all your bullets dont save 1 for yourself. thats when it comes down to a man and his knife. reminder you dont get into Valhalla if you die without your blade. bots get all the shots.

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Zig Forums is a board of peace

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(((we))) need to do something!

t. CIAnigger

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Go home.

That's not why I want to work for the FBI, and it's not why most do either. You think the FBI specific teams are some cushy honolulu motherfuckers? You don't even know what the FBI is fagboy.

The most effective thing to do would be to sabatoge corporate property and cost them so much money they can’t afford to keep attacking white people. Take down Disney. That would cripple the Jewish propaganda machine so badly.

You should definitely not be an nigger and do something

one of the secondary goals of brenton tarrant is to annoy the non-whites. if whites want to live they must fight. now or never.

t. Totally not a Fed

You do you. I'd rather you kill yourselves against this logistical impossibility than live to ruin the lives of people that matter.

I'm not waiting for the cucks, traitors, and eternal fence-sitters to come over to my side willingly. If necessary I will drag them to my side kicking and screaming and show them what horrors they face if they choose to become my enemy. Those that don't toe the line will be used to fill the deepest quarries in the surrounding landscape. Fuck you and your solidarity bullshit. This world deserves the warlords that are about to be born, washed in the blood of traitors, cowards, and kikes.

At least I don't still work for mcdonald's

I've also never actually been on reddit fam pls

yeah i'd be surprised how fast you get shredded

is this nigger serious

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Armed marches are what we need to start organizing. Unfortunately though, you can't march with weapons in DC because weapons are illegal there.

Shredded by whom? The Military goons, the boys in blue, the secret service? You do know that their information is easily available, and their families fair game. If they oppose the will of the people they and all those they care about will die screaming.

NO, not armed marches, counter-insurgency.


Yes Armed marches. People need to know they are not alone.


Prophet Brenton (peace be upon him) Tarrant approves of violence against the invaders

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The absolute state of Anti-Tarrant shills.

armed ambushes

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Keep up the good work.
The kikes hate it when you put his face on old-testament characters.

Fight for the mudsharks and cucks. I don't give a shit about them or you. They're not important. You're not important. Only the people capable of in-group preference matter to me as they're the only ones that can possibly survive going forward.

peace be upon him

Do you even understand urban combat? Do you know how easy it is to cut off a city's flow of resources? How quickly the stampeding cattle of inner-cities destroy infrastructure and kill unnecessary blue-pilled cucks that choose to live in diversity zones? Do you know how easy it is to cut off the power to a major city? Or halt their water supply? Do you even understand the hell you are facing at the hands of people who have reached the point of not giving a fuck, and just want to watch the world burn? It's coming.

gas christcucks

he surrendered to the zog. he could have had peace in death but he chose captivity. still a good lad.

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Wrong, faggot. 'Let's you and him fight' is a much more profitable game to play. When red hat == brown shirt, and cuckservative/intellectual dork web/MIGApede/zionist == neonazi white supremacist, as is beginning to happen, is when the real fun begins.

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I fight for my volk. All race traitors will die. But cucks can be made use of as the slave s they are.

Nothing Will happen


Not now. We are so close we need to keep them placid and corralled for just a tiny bit longer. I assume you’ve done your homework on this user. Best of luck to your team. 14th memetic brigade is active and ready here

Death is for the weak. He lives on so he can fight another day. If the fucking kiwi anons weren't such cucks they would have already organized a jail break.

And to yours, brother. May we meet in Valhalla.

Taking out an entire synagogue/mosque can be done at anytime. Same goes for taking out government officials. Consider all that without the use of incendiaries and [devices that go boom] are even taken into consideration.

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he didnt even engage zogbots you faggot i already said dont shoot yourself in the head give the bots your last bullet


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Glow-kuns not wanting to be in Honolulu is probably accurate. It's crawling with various military intelligence types because of the chinese honeypots and whatnot preying on both the enlisted and officers alike. It's a little too big of a pond for them and I assume being told they have to hand the case off because they don't have the clearance to pursue it rubs them the wrong way when their whole identity is based on being more in the know than the "civilians".

Think bigger scale , orders of magnitude larger. When it goes down we’re only going to get one shot at doing it right ….so….do it fucking right

A living symbol is more valuable than a dead martyr, right now. Martyrs are buried and forgotten. A living soul has value.


I will lock my door and defend from inside my home.


Op. You can start us off by killing yourself.

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stop justifying elements of cowardice.
tarrant was not that but a handful of unplugged bots and he would have secured his place in Valhalla. why argue against this? im not disavowing him but what makes us aryan is always striving for better.

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Spoken like a true cuck. Do you really think this is going to be a war with minimal casualties? Fuck no, they want you and your kin dead. They'll use any excuse to do it, even if it's just shooting your fucking wife at a traffic stop because she mouthed off. This shit is going to go hot and the casualty count is going to make the American civil war look like a training accident.

I haven't worked there in twenty years and it is perfect for teaching teenagers what the ZOG intends for us all. I dedicate all my attention to whatever task I am given and you would have considered yourself lucky to have received one of the perfect examples of Mcgarbage that I created. That being said your anime fingerguns are duly noted. Resist the urge to hit enter after every line and no one will ever know.

You get it
I expect total casualiteies , be sure to sub

user, we're quite beyond "blowback" at this point.

On that we agree. But Tarrant is a rallying point. Of which we have had none up to this point. We have always found a way to cast doubt on a happening and those involved. Not this time, he is one of us. And what they do to him, or what we do to stop them, is the true happening.


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Maybe you should make Dawah videos with Mo Mo OR SOMTHING else inside of it warning people against Islam saving people to converting to Islam that would a noble thing another tactic.