/btg/ - Brenton Tarrant General

but only if it's threads exposing Trump as Kushner demands

Is the (((DailyStormer))) spamming Zig Forums with Tarrant threads in an attempt to deflect from the fact Brenton was a Stormerfag so Zig Forums and not the DS gets shoahed?

Why did Tarrant visit Israel and claims Jews, if they live in Israel, are not a problem despite everyone knowing there are no good Jews?

Who is Pasha Shturgunov? vk.com/id280809169


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Why can't Trump be criticized on Zig Forums but MODS have no problem letting FBIniggers post?

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Lurk for 2 years before posting, newfaggot

Wasn't the question. I asked:

Why did Tarrant visit Israel and claims Jews, if they live in Israel, are not a problem despite everyone knowing there are no good Jews?

> Is the (((DailyStormer))) spamming Zig Forums with Tarrant threads in an attempt to deflect from the fact Brenton was a Stormerfag so Zig Forums and not the DS gets shoahed?

Why do you think not?

because your thread is garbage and you're a sperg.


Sure is a lot of kvetching. Would either of you like to address

Why did Tarrant visit Israel and claims Jews, if they live in Israel, are not a problem despite everyone knowing there are no good Jews?


just hang on to every little lie you can


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Where's the lie? Tarrant's manifesto states he has no problem if Jews live in Israel.

appreciate the bump

Yes it was. The Zionists have occupied land that once belonged to the Crusader states.
Why did he say that kikes living far away from a White nation are not a problem?
How the fuck should I know? I'm not Tarrant and neither are you.
However I will say this; If every jew were to be deported to IsraHell, then the country would be invaded and destroyed by Syria or Egypt. You see, the jews gain their power from parasiting off other nations. Without this advantage, occupied Palestine has no military strength and no future.

Why hasn't Syria or Egypt destroyed Israel thus far? Israel is 70+ years old, so what gives?

Most people here wouldn't have a problem with the jews if they would fuck off to Israel and leave us alone. The thing is, they won't do that.
Thats why Tarrant says only jews that fuck off to israel and leave us alone are not our enemies.
All other jews are our enemies.

You are playing dumb. Fuck off shill.


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This is a good idea for a general thread and will declutter the board/ help get back on track.

No, its kike/government shills trying to shut it down.

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Who is Pasha Shturgunov?

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Give me a break. There's many Jews who are just normal people

apparently this guy
and he doesnt look like Tarrant from the video

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fuck off kike

of course he looks like tarrant. look at his squinty eyes, jaw, and cheek bones. just a younger tarrant.

You shouldn't be making threads.
The reason why is because of jews in America. Until the flow of blood is cut off, IsraHell is virtually invincible.

Why? You telling me Egypt or Syria can't sneak a small nuke into Israel and detonate it any time they want?

His eyelids are wide open indoors. What squinty eyes?

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now tell me in all sincerity pic related is not a younger "brenton tarrant"

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suddenly shills stop posting

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You mean when I asked you what the hell squinting had to do with anything? When its bright out, we squint you fuckwit. That's no indication he's Russian, it means he isn't blind. I've seen his profile already, and yeah that's Tarrant. Obviously. Unless those pics of him with thots were never of Tarrant to begin with. So what now?

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Everyone knows that's "Brenton Tarrant."

Should I call him Tarrant or Shturgunov?

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Don't you think your theory is fucking retarded?
Yeah, no. Not buying it. Try harder, kikes.

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Stop posting until you have lurked.

To put it into more simple words, as the point seems to have flown over your head: Why would they include the visiting Israel part and not have him either never mention it, or outright deny it? Why does the manifesto speak of 'Semites' and have the stance he has on Israelis? Within that theory, they are supposed to create a bad boi nahtzee archetype, so it would follow that they would outright write that the kikes are not only behind all of it, but that every last one of them needs to be purged from the face of the earth. That's one of many cues that would have spoken of Mossad's handwriting if it was there, but it isn't.
At this point it's only mudskins and kike worshipers who made peace with the zog that actually believe the 'nothing is ever real' approach. Too weak to even conceive that someone would physically fight back, so you would rather deny deny deny.

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Why does the manifesto say Jews are fine if they live in Israel? Why does the shooter have two identities?

its dont

You are one dumb kike.

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go work on your ESL, Rabbi.


Implying jews in Israel aren't our enemies as well…

i am russian, lol.
i dont know whats your agenda but one guy is russian he even has russian scramometal group tshirt. and he doesnt look like real tarrant

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Tell your friends at the GRU da goyim know.

Because it's shitposting. Normies don't give a shit about "muh jooz", if he just went on about kikes for his whole manifesto then normies wouldn't give a shit or be siding with him like they are, it'd overall be damaging to our cause. Stop taking everything he wrote so literally you retarded mutt. You people are so autistic take everything at face value, it's like the "acid wash" factchecker shit.
The German autism genes really fucked up Americans.

More like Anti-Tarrant-Shills General. Kill yourself OP.

and you're a kike. Would you like to explain why he has two identities? :)

Would you like to explain why he has two identities? :)

Those are photos who were falsely associated with him because some Zig Forumsacks searched a russian photo databank with the only image we have from him, that is the few seconds from the shooting vid. KILL YOURSELF KIKE

You don't know shit about jews


Why don't you educate me then? Tell me about all the "good Jews" in the world.

You are a deradicalization shill pushing the false flag narrative which has been debunked 1201239102309 times on this board. Fuck you, hail Brenton. Your whole kike family will die, Yid.

Yes, Jews are based if they're in Israel. Muslims are the primary problem! I'm such a stupid goy for doubting based Pasha Brenton.

O hai Kushnershill :)

Absolutely disagreed. We will genocide you.

Normies hate muslims, focusing entirely on them and killing them was good for optics, the same can't be said for kikes.

For starters, the entire ethnically white population of Israel, the leadership/politicians mostly notwithstanding

You don't mean Pasha is wrong, do you? Jews are based if they're in Israel.

stay defeated kiiiiiike


Huh, wow, double filtered

Yes Brenton was wrong in one point. All jews deserve to be genocided. But thats about the only flaw in his entire manifesto. And i'm not even convinced it wasn't just tactics and he also wants to genocide you.

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stay defeated doubly kiiiiiike

Oh so you only shill for the Khazarian theory when it suits you then?


Khazars aren't "white." Jews aren't "white." You will never be white, Moshe.

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Oh yes yes yes. His manifesto is accelerationism manifested. But this has also been discussed in detail and you're not bringing anything new to the table. Its like you're trying to claim Hitler was a false flag at this point.

I think you've misunderstood the concept of "Accelerationism."


There are two options:

Mossad used some random russian guy to pretend to be Tarrant, when he might have just shot up muslims under his russian name, because [incoherent pilpul].
Random russian guy looking like Tarrant proves it's a false flag because [incoherent pilpul].
Actions of Saint Tarrant benefited the kikes because [incoherent pilpul].
Mossad had to train in him Israel and the visit to Israel had to be mentioned in the manifesto because [incoherent pilpul]
Even if he said that it's okay that kikes stay alive in Israel, because 4D mossad chess, the overall effect of the act was bad because [incoherent pilpul]


You are afraid Whites radicalize further and actually turn into a valid threat against the (((system))).


as a jelly-like slime, dividing up and pouring through my fingers.

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Tarrant and Pasha are two diferent people
They are nothing alike if you not think tht all white people are the same
Tarrant did nothing wrong

what did (((user))) mean by this?



fixed it for you.

the absolute state of Zig Forums

You clearly misunderstood it, as this post shows.

Please explain the "Accelerationism" which resulted from Pasha's actions considering whites are in no way resisting gun control, free speech attacks, and further Muslimization.

Saint Brenton shot up an ISIS mosque, so he killed Israel's allies.

I am done explaining kike shills accelerationism. Everyone who is legit has read the manifesto by now and won't argue with such entry-tier bullshit anymore.

awwww so sad

This is so stupid, its hilarious. Goes to show kikes are far less intelligent than they would like to have gentiles believe.

Western glowniggers let Saudi Barbaria finance mosques in the West, so to create cannon fodder for the wars in Libya, Yemen and Syria, and BT shot up one of these.

I wonder how the NZ regime will weasel out of this, since BT will focus on it in his trial. My guess is that they censor the trial, so to not "give the terrorist a platform to spread his hatred".


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ISIS are Israel's allies, yes?

ISIS are expendable pawns of Israel. Yes.

Is this true?

Yes. While claiming Israel is fine. That's same spiel as Tommy Robinson and every other controlled opposition figure. Muslims are the problem. ISIS is the problem. But no one says

Why is that?

He shot it up because they posted an infomercial for white genocide on their facebook page with the caption "only for muslims" and also because it advances the accelerationist cause. The Islamist shit came out afterwards.

Tommy Robinson advocates racemixing and has no problem with niggers racially defiling British women if they "integrate". Completely different story, kike.

Okay, because he wanted to examine the enemy stronghold.

Why do Jews live in America if they hate goyim?


See how retarded this line of questioning is? You have zero hard proof of anything besides Tarrant being exactly who he said he was who did what he did for the reasons that he stated in his manifesto, so you're just making up moarpheus-tier arguments. You're a sperg and your thread is shit. LMAO OWNED NIGGER

But no one says


feel free to take a shot at the above question

IF they did not try to act subversive. Since jews are unable to do that, BT is not fine with them.
So the newly created fighters can create civil wars and rapefugees for Europe, all for the benefit for kikes and kikealikes?

You're putting words into his mouth to frame the discussion in a particular way. Pasha didn't say
He didn't say

Did he?

Tarrant didn't elaborate on the JQ so it would be easier for the lying press, who would take the bait, to associate him with moderates, increasing the preasure on them and furthering the accelerationist cause. He did however say that kikes need to be expelled from Europe. Kike.

Well would you? The Jewish problem is specifically that they won't fuck off and leave anyone alone. It's not that they are repugnant people who hate every type of beauty and that they need to be taught a lesson and brought up to white standards. If they behaved like the Amish and stayed in their little ghettos without bothering anyone else, no one would have a problem with them living in America. The probelm is that they insinuate themselves in power, in the ear of the king, and through their international network they promote every vice, destroy social cohesion, and then move on to the next country. If you try to debate them, they become jelly like Hitler said. If one is duly arrested for his crimes, they kvetch and whine until they can get a sentence commutation, like how the governor of Atlanta commuted Leo Frank's DEATH sentence, or how Chump commuted Sholom Rubashkin's 27-year sentence.


He did not mention how western glowniggers let these mosques exist, so to create cannon fodder against Libya, Yemen, Syria and later for Iran, Hizbollah and Russia's southern republics.

Iran, Hizbollah and Russia understood that they were next, so they chose to fight in Syria, and that is why the radicalized cannon fodder lost.

Embedded is Putin talking about it.

BT still killed Israel's allies, and you struggle with that, since it fucks up your theory.

BT killed Israel's pawns to de-Accelerate white resistance to Israel. Why didn't Pasha explain Israel is responsible for Muslim immigration and provide a few news links as proof? Hmmmmmm?

Even moderates hates ISIS, m8.

Moderates dont go on shooting sprees, retarded kike.