Dutchfag here, what will happen when article 13 gets enforced? Will I still be able to post here?
Also, when exactly will it get enforced?
Dutchfag here, what will happen when article 13 gets enforced? Will I still be able to post here?
Only superior Americans will be able to post here. Yuropoors get the bucket.
Geen idee of het rechtstreeks imageboards beïnvloedt.
Gebruik je geen VPN?
I think it only gets enforced when I try to destroy Article 13
I use a VPN, yes.
piss off mutt
Huh, so your saying superior US of A is going to comply with whack EU juncker to censor the internet?
EU can't force Zig Forums to comply with article 13
Wouldn't that mean ISPs are gonna block the site? Guess I'll be a torfag from then on until Nexit finally happens
The time for posting here is over. It is now time to post irl.
No Eurofag, your shit is fucked. Get a VPN and pretend to be from Somalia or some shit.
No , you should sub to pewds and help your countrymen remove the various mudshits niggers n kebabs that infest your lands
Just do it faggot
Ready set go
Kill all the traitors and then you can say whatever you like.
Pewds is zoomer shit like all youtubers.
I wont get myself in jail in the name of some memeing zoomer idol.
You get your guns, revolt, and install a pro-shitposting regime.
Guns are banned here sorry
It’s ok Dutch bro
Hé man, je moet wat m8s bij elkaar krijgen en je bewapenen en de kebab en verschillende shitskins uit je land verwijderen. ze verkrachten je vrouwen en dood je kinderen. sta op of wees voor altijd een cuck. heeft ook een zeer pro-shitposting regime opgezet in jouw land
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
Ik snap het ook niet
Ga een beetje achterdochtig VPN gebruiken, ik doe niets illegaals. Maar om antwoord op OP te geven; niks. In de realiteit komt het neer op een niggerfilter. Een filter waar je zonder een bepaald IQ niet doorheen komt. Prima toch, zuivering op het internet.
Then get your pitchforks and axes, picks and clubs. You get whatever weapons you can muster and you fucking destroy. You destroy everything. Fuck them. You fight and you die for Deutschland!
Install a government that is more aligned with your ideas and ideals. I guess it didn’t translate very good
Nigger if you're not dutch don't try to speak it.
Pewds has permanently fucked off to Japan to avoid this shit.
54 second mark
Bruh no one really knows what article 13s gonna do but probly all right and white supremacy websites and articels are going to get censored and the left is going to continue to push its agenda.
so lets start protesting in the streets instead of being shit tard cucks sitting at home complaning about the issue
shouldn't you be off killing your sick and grandparents?
Is er een alternatief voor de mede hall ondertussen?
its been good shitposting with u tards but i got som curry smelling kebabs to remove
Normally, several years. The law has to be implemented by each country, which takes time. But considering the massive attack on the Internet we're seeing taking place since Trump won (which wasn't supposed to happen if you control the media, hence the attack to get control), I wouldn't be surpised if they speed this up.
The goal is total control. It's really unique that some person somewhere on the planet can share information to everyone without having to be approved. Media was always top down, and the few independent journalist were limited in their range. The Internet changed this, and they want their control back.
Now, you won't see any resistance at first. But if you take away people's tools to vent their frustrations, and expose them to more and more propaganda, eventually, things will escalate; and then get violent.
good luck user kebabs are pretty tasty i hope you remove all the kebabs from the store
Do it
Ey, in het circus geniet je van clowns. Gaan we nu ineens doen alsof we tegen censuur zijn? Ik moedig censuur aan. Porno, marxisme, diversiteit-cult, trannies, antifa, flikkers en niggers moeten worden gecensureerd.
Essentially it comes down to the tech.
What the EU actually wants is for them to have a database they control of controlled or prohibited content.
Which when you upload something has to be checked to ensure your content is permitted (or is to be monetised)
We know why they actually want this.
Problem is it's not easy to do.
We're gonna see the EU pouring money into the R&D necessary to make it happen while rolling out provisional systems/rules through Google/Facebook.
So we could be only a few years from it or decades out. Depending on how quickly they can develop and implement the tools needed.
But short to medium term expect Facebook and Google to become useless. Moreso than they already are.
use tor op
You can post about your gay tulips, homo wooden shoes, windmill technology, and how cool your bicycle is. Untermensch.