So today, I found out that not only does Benito Mussolini have a granddaughter, but she's a member of European parliment, and she's also talking shit at Jim Carrey on twitter.
Glorious to behold
So today, I found out that not only does Benito Mussolini have a granddaughter, but she's a member of European parliment, and she's also talking shit at Jim Carrey on twitter.
Glorious to behold
Someone should shoop that mutt from canadas face on there instead. Caption something like look what happens to jim cocksucker
pastalini was a crypto communist anyway. national socialism is not fascism.
how many times must we go over this?
She inherited her grandfather's flair, but not his political acumen and will, unfortunately. She seems content to just stir up shit without any rhyme or reason, both in Italy and beyond, and behaves like a celebrity clown.
Growing up with that kind of stain thrust upon you by the world probably fucks you up tbh
Anyway, as requested. I even added the gf he drove to suicide - for good measure
What stain? She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, has never lacked for anything, and was pampered by her aunt - Sophie Loren, no less.
But instead of using her heritage and education for good of the Italian people, she just trolls people in the Parliament and shitposts on Yidder.
Leave it to a woman to fuck things up and waste potential.
Jim Carrey lives here
615 N Tigertail Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90049
I thought walls dont work?
Top kek
In other words, she's a woman.
Here's her 1982 album, Amore, released only in Japan. Enjoy.
Hire people to pay a visit to Jim and kill him.
please tell me you posted this to his feed
Jim Carrey is politically retarded. He's the example of somebody who should not even talk about politics when he made his money by making funny faces.
She had all the prestige going for her.
lol no I'm too much of a pussy for that. But hey, have at it
One has to wonder if he has any motive or just purely driven by his ideology
And I'm a brit. I have no desire to get V& just yet
Besides being the unfunny shabbos soy of the nineties, there's nothing between his ears or in his chest.
No, he's just an ideologue, that's what happens when you're a Canadian, you're indoctrinated with liberal and socialist beliefs and don't learn American civics and philosophy. He is also the direct influence to why Facebook and tech started mass censorship because he can't handle Trump winning in 2016 and started telling people to advocate for change in Facebook moderation, it's actually disgusting how much influence the guy holds despite not understanding shit about politics.
He is a dumb(er) version of Russell Brand.
Kill yourself, kike
Alrighty, someone kill him
Nah, Russell Brand works as a "philosopher," Jim Carrey has no philosophy, he just continuously spouts shit.
He is too fucking dumb to even comprehend an ideology, let alone have one. He's a neurotic washed-up celebrity who tries to get publicity back at any cost.
There's a reason why in the West, actors, dancers, singers, comedians and other entertainers were considered barely above whores and slaves since Ancient Rome. Their job was to do their little performance, pick up the coins thrown at them, and bow out. The moment they started running their mouths about things that didn't concern them, they'd get chairs and rotten eggs thrown at them instead. I think this is a practice we should revive. Lots of jesters and jugglers out there thinking themselves philosophers and polymaths.
Fun Fact: She also made a weeaboo album in the 80s.
I see you havent read the thread.
Any relation to P.E.P.E.?
I skimmed it and didn't see this webm in particular. Gas me why don't you.
So he didn't learn that worshipping nigger culture and paying millions to Israel is the right thing to do?
Did he forget that McDonalds and Walmart are to be visited daily?
Did he miss his opportunity to support the jewish porn industry?
I really wish he were even more american so his fatridden brain could only handle a fucking two-party system.
It's very much similar to Asia, performers aren't traditionally respected, yes they can make a lot of money, but ultimately the respects are actual scholars and people who are learnt.
this is the most retarded thing I've heard all day
here you go
Maybe I was a bit too general, traditional Western philosophy passed down for centuries, even millennia. The Western tradition didn't just start a couple hundred years ago, it started during the Classical period. While I have no love for the American pop culture, the governmental system of America is the culmination of blood, sweat, and tears of the Western tradition in the making. Rather unfortunate that people don't have that perspective and want to change it to something arguably worse.
If you didn't already know this, you sure as shit haven't lurked here for 2 years. Hence, should not be posting.
The "American" system we have today isn't the product of anything more than decades of decay and erosion.
Fixed it for you.
Thank you Satan, Hail.
poo in the loo
I mostly agree, but:
Switzerlands "direct democracy" is way ahead of USZs shitshow of spectacle and division
She was a singer too
It wasn't at first though, serious subversion happened after World War Two. The parties are too self-interested and weak to preserve that tradition.
Switzerland is also tiny with a homogeneous geography with a very homogeneous population who had politically maneuvered, intelligently to not participate in any wars and grow their own country and economy, their "direct democracy" is never going to be scalable to a country that spans as much as America.
You better be kidding. The Swiss are united by culture and mentality, not by genetic heritage.
Well maybe America should secede into multiple little Switzerland size chunks. Fuck the Empire.
Yeah fuck off. I mean the stain of normie screams of "REEEEE Fascism"
That was meant for
homogeneous doesn't imply genetic homogeneity, it can be culture and mentality as well.
That's what federalism is, it's a compromise.
And also this.
It's more about "inward sovereignity" + "outward solidarity".
The EU is actually an exact opposite of Switzerland: They achieve absoultely nothing outwards, but want to dictate inwards how the nations have to behave.
That just ends up making the President a king of kings by another name.
What I meant was actual full succession without any federation or confederation.
I smell civnat bullshit.
I know, it's even more based.
No one else shit up Jim's twitter for uncle Benito and m'lady Alessandra?
It's always about us vs them, not the compassion they seem to project. Jim Carrey made his GF kill herself by giving her STDs and not telling her about it, this degenerate fag played character is films and that's about it, he's an entertainer. Fuck him.
Fucking kek
As many times as it takes for you to realize natsoc is German fascism
You do it.
Salvini should wife that bitch and recreate the roman empire with their offspring
From Wikipedia:
oh how lovely
they're eating their own
what a delight to witness
thats 15 years ago dude
I doubt anyone on this thread had the opinions they do now then
The migrant crisis woke alot of people up
And on top of that she is still a woman so here day to day opinions are purely reactionary and emotional without a strong man to lead her
the only real question is did she fuck niggers and is she still left wing
That does suck, but she was a bunny and into music, so it figures the kikes have her. She'd be dead otherwise. No excuse, though.
I miss Salvini.
Yes, it's a good idea him and Alessandra Mussolini.
People would love them everywhere in Europe.
Jim Carey's luxury mansion and land looks so white, so empty.
I think that place has a demographic problem.
We should make it more diverse. Why are all those poor niggers and Mexican crime gangs in those derelict LA buildings downtown.
They should go to Jim Careys home. He said he loves migrants, niggers, Mexicans and hates walls, borders, discrimination.
It is time to send thousands of niggers to Jim Careys house to make it more diverse.
Why has he got a wall around his estate? They say "bridges not walls".
Let's organise a diversity party there with niggers, Mexicans and rapists, tenorists.
Obviously, they can stay forever after the party whether Carey likes it or not. He cannot defend his land, that's racist.
While we shouldn't count out what she said even back then, that is a good point, user.
lol sounds good user but i have to ask
is he no longer minster of the interior?
i thought he was still scaring the shit out of the kikes by buldozing refugee centers and talking about ending the countries central bank lol
fucking shit user
(full house czech)
I fucking despise how some smooth-brain goober can spew some nonsense and people will act like it's the greatest and most enlightening thing since fire. "Art should comfort the disturbed" my aching ass. 3.7 thousand likes for that?!
Im angry
"One should tickle the brownhole while waxing the carrot"
- Gandhi
6 000 000 Likes
Share on Reddit
Goats are like mushrooms. If you shoot a duck, Im scared of toasters
We're all in this together.
"Daß jedermann lesen lernen darf, verdirbt auf die Dauer nicht allein das Schreiben, sondern auch das Denken." (Nietzsche - Zarathustra I)
Did people replied to you?
I'm probably going to regret this
Shes been in italian political scene for a while but for the most part people just blast her for being a fascist while she wastes time proving she isn't.
What was his response?
"I'm contacting my fund manager right now to pull out all of my Twitter stocks because Twitter is enabling Fascists to have a platform."
I thought Jim and his ex decided to invest in pharmaceuticals rather than the tech industry.
I drew this map of the restored Roman Empire. This is what Europe will look like in 30 years
We really are gonna have to kill these people aren't we?
Peace was never an option, user
I love this. For once I actually wish I had a twitter account so I could help torture him with this.
I think there should be a concerted effort to break him with this meme. Just constantly reminding him: "YOU DID THIS TO HER"
And to think I used to like this faggot as a kid.
I think he just pulled out of Facebook because trump got elected
Daily reminder people who play weirdo creeps are in fact weirdo creeps.
Not much of a looking any more, but she def did some more slutty things.
That account was locked and the post deleted in minutes flat. I gave twitter my phone number, just to shit on a pozzed 90s funnyman. It was for uncle Benito though, seeing his hanging hurts. He cleaned up his country, and then the shabbos bombed all that work and history, and raped their way up the penninsula like the commie niggers they were. My uncle Russ came back sick from what he saw in Italy, I feel bad just thinking about it. This diseased creep, who drives women to suicide, has the nerve to shitpost behind a wall, security, and million dollar attorney.
Not really but people who are into synth/fash/retrowave should really look into the genre of italo disco which both of those belong to
Holy shit Satan thanks
"politics" tag ++ now @ 88
Amai Kiouku
This sounds pretty nice. Makes me wonder if she's fluent in Japanese or was just coached phonetically with romaji on how to pronounce the required words. Does anyone know if any of the 8 songs in Alfa Records' Amore album were utilized in any anime series? They seem high enough quality to be used as an OP or ED in some obscure series. Can't find her credited in MyAnimeList though.
Isn't painting considered as a mental rehab for the insane who had a mental breakthrough? Jim did started after the 2016 elections though.
check'd AND kek'd all in one post!