The New IOTBW: Subscribe

Taking Tarrant's subscribe to Pewdiepie meme to the next level

Why this is the perfect meme: Brenton Tarrant has imbued subscribe to PewDiePie with an incredible amount of memetic power. It is being used all over the net as both a shibboleth for pro-White sentiment, and a subtle threat to non-Whites. The media predictably signal amplified the meme, and even normies are aware of it.

It can be taken even further by shortening it to just subscribe and associating it with the trademark jewtube subscribe button. Initially, this makes the meme even more esoteric, allowing anons and other Whites in the know to communicate pro-White sentiment around the web by simply vaguely encouraging people to "subscribe", but once mysterious "subscribe" posters begin appearing all over the place (especially colleges and universities), and the media gets wind of the new meme, the memetic power of subscribe to PewDiePie will be tranferred in full to the word subscribe, as well as to jewtube's trademark button.

The word subscribe is uttered thousands of times every day by jewtube ecelebs. The goal is to make the word subscribe so synonymous with White nationalism that leftist/cuckold jewtube ecelebs will stop using the word altogether, or at the very least release videos cucksplaining how they aren't being racist when they ask people to hit like and subscribe.

Subscribe is an imperative command. It is a command to subscribe to pro-White interests and to the conviction that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children by any and all means necessary. It is a command to non-Whites to subscribe to the realization that if they are in our lands they are not welcome.

Note: This is not phase two of IOTBW (there is no phase two); it is a meme campaign that emulates IOTBW's strategic design.

Just like IOTBW, the word subscribe all on its own cannot be construed as hate speech, even in hyper-gulags such as the UK or Canada. Also like IOTBW, leftist hysterics about the word subscribe will be viewed as deranged by the average normie; it is the perfect way to gas light the left in the wake of the Christchurch shooting.

However, whereas IOTBW was a statement of positive affirmation of the existence of Whites, subscribe is a statement of the willingness of Whites to ruthlessly defend our existence, and a command to others to follow suit in adopting that willingness or to get the fuck out of the our way as we do so.


Attached: subscribe_8.5x11_horiz.jpg (1875x1650 172.46 KB, 111.36K)

wow so this is the power of right wing memes, truly the left has no chance


It is good idea, I subscribe.

I fucking SMASHED that subscribe button



i whacked that subscribe button with a literal sledgehammer

kill zogbots

Attached: bothunting.gif (480x270, 6.14M)

I didn't make the association to Tarant
maybe it would work in normie space


I didnt read your OP but I support making subscribe to pewdiepie equal to hate speech, thats 90 million 9 year olds being called fascist nazis.
Heres some memes to get the thread started.

Attached: pewdiepie-tarrant2.png (800x603 60.42 KB, 103.52K)

CRIKEY that’s a good meme boyo
Also show some respect to Lucifer

Attached: race-war-new-zealand-tarrant-pewdiepie2.png (1280x720 210.52 KB, 108.95K)

Reminder he actually said death to all Jews.

Attached: pewdiepie-death-to-all-jews.mp4 (1365x724 377.24 KB, 940.76K)


Attached: SUBSCRIBE_0.jpg (476x500, 100.67K)

Beautiful idea. Get spamming

Attached: PewDiePie says NIGGER !.mp4 (640x360 159.85 KB, 5.83M)

Fuck off JIDF, This memeshit wont solve anything. if you want to help the national socialist cause then make actual propoganda instead of spreading another vague buzz that does nothing more than make a few people on twitter butthurt.

Doing this literally does nothing to help the white race and actually damages it by diverting manpower to virtue signal

Attached: jew tricks.jpg (439x290, 33.76K)

There is still time to get in on the ground floor of this hot new meme!







Attached: SUBSCRIBE_4.jpg (1024x670 98.55 KB, 252.35K)

Looks like someone isn't subscribed.

jewtube SUBSCRIBE button template attached.

Attached: youtube_subscribe_button__2014__by_just_browsiing_d7qkda4-pre.png (1185x665 119.87 KB, 168.03K)

Leftists are this afraid and weak.

Attached: PewDiePie-Jew-Illuminati.jpg (1878x2124 2.6 MB, 2.28M)

Begone, boomer.

Attached: SUBSCRIBE_8.jpg (1024x576, 76.31K)


Get out of here JIDF, either actually do something to help the white race or stop posting, your call

Attached: 1301092670380.jpg (900x900, 176.14K)

Also, the faggot buckled under the stress of NZ and shut down the whole 'subscribe to beat pajeet'-thing.

Attached: 1554048131435.gif (900x812 75.85 KB, 231K)

Attached: HussarBrentonsubscribe.png (823x971, 830.87K)

Attached: SUBSCRIBE_9.jpg (1041x987, 210.53K)

Kike shill detected and filtered

We need more edgy edits like the one at the bottom

Attached: whitepower.jpg (1280x720, 68.83K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1280x720, 333.44K)

This is how you make an OP. Take notice newfags and fucking

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1280x720, 355.59K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1280x720, 323.1K)

This stuff has potential

(psst… user…


Attached: SUBSCRIBE_10.jpg (720x757, 65.55K)


Step it up ZOG, if you want real change go kill some politican, this virtue signalling wont do shit

Why has no one done any edits with these yet?

Attached: image.png (620x348, 418.21K)

This screams for an edit lmao

Tel-Aviv really aren't sending their best

checked, and nice meme. grab the transparent png in this post here for a better quality button:

I'm into this. I will see what I can do with this late tonight.

Attached: SUBSCRIBE_11.jpg (825x774, 123.04K)

Lmao there is so many good ones


Thats all this is, you want to think your doing something good just so you can pat yourself on the back, you dont care about the white race!
Tell me exactly what this campaign is supposed to achive?

another great thread by the (((dailystormer))).


Attached: pewds dailystormer 2.png (1099x713, 139.7K)

I lol'd at this without any addition

wrong, he's going harder than ever

This is perfect


This meme has nothing to do with pewdiepie, we are hijacking jewtube intellectual property.


Attached: SUBSCRIBE_12.jpg (1600x2162, 366.61K)

fuck off anglin

Attached: pewds dailystormer 3.png (842x840, 109.53K)

I saw this on the street today.

Attached: 20190331_135653.jpg (3264x1836, 2.81M)

>'Bout to cause a genocide so you can call me Hi-

Attached: have you subscribed to pew die pie.png (1583x653, 1.7M)

Only a jew would even read the daily stormer, so you basically just outed yourself as JIDF. Nicely done faggot.

You can't stop the memes.


Attached: SUBSCRIBE_13.jpg (798x594, 71.54K)


Accidentally saved the image as a jpg. Here's a transparent png version.

Attached: SUBSCRIBE_12.png (1600x2162, 819.5K)

What do you lads think about placing hidden messages inside of enemy videos?
Aphex Twin style.

Attached: example.jpg (1775x631, 115.05K)

You're convincing nobody. Keep crying, kike.


Attached: The Lazy Town Sportacus Intro (Greenscreen Rotoscope).mp4 (1280x720, 828.42K)

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17.99K)

I've never done green screen in Linux -
Anyone have a "Favorite Program" that I can use for green screen?

Now this is epic
Good work user

And the anti-Tarrant shill exposes himself.

Every. Time.

Attached: SUBSCRIBE_14.jpg (1218x648, 97.69K)

I'm sorry but where is your argument? What I said is demonstrably true:

Attached: pewds jewish video editor bradwoto.jpg (1280x720, 91.7K)

kek, excellent work user.

too obscure lol

Checked. I doubt it would be effective, but this is pretty cool. How does one do this?

Go for it.

Attached: greyscale.jpg (960x592, 93.86K)

Shut the fuck up bitchass nigger

I'm currently looking for a windows program that can do that

Attached: hero.png (1837x482, 217.43K)



Attached: HussarBrentonsubscribe.png (823x971, 757.67K)

Only in your dreams, kike. The false flag narrative fell apart the moment it was brought to the table.

Reminder to filter paid Anti-Tarrant-shills

your ragequit has been accepted. Can't wait for you to see what I've prepared for the Stormer.

Attached: moarpheus-banner.jpg (1488x684, 250.3K)


Attached: doom_paul_1.png (720x720, 685.18K)

Attached: 436.png (432x291, 187.56K)

It's not hard to figure out with a google search, I use a linux tool designed to make sounds out of pictures. Don't want to spoonfeed because our enemies can use this to place hexes and spells inside of memes (but are generally too stupid to figure it out on their own.)

That's why you let them know it's been done after the memes have been infected.
My idea is psyops based. Make every meme sharing leftist worry that they might have on their computer/passed on to others, files containing WN/Natsoc/White Terror messages or propaganda.
Leftists and teenagers think in this sympathetic magical way, "contamination", the same way they won't want to download far-right files because it will "taint" their computer.
It's a very basic instinct present in everyone to greater or lesser degree, retailers are strongly aware of it, which is why you never find toilet rolls or tampons next to food products - it disgusts people into not buying the food product, despite this being completely irrational.
Best case scenario it gets mainstream media coverage as another danger children are being exposed to on the Internet.
Maybe my autism is playing up, it could be nothing.
the 'super secret creepy hidden darkweb message' vibe also appeals to children

Nailing printed out memes on a light pole seems pretty low to me, idk guys.
Are you a Late Bloomer?
This could be you if you change your attitude, maaan

Attached: 79d637c67b7a950e6649f8615691d855bd1dd0e23915de7e7f4e100ef6ab828f.jpg (1024x1024, 212.34K)

Oh, and there's something else.
Pictures of the Prophet Mohammed can be encoded into music and video, meaning that any Muslim who shares it is going to hell. (downloading = producing = the Muslims has created a likeness of Mohammed and is going to hell).

It takes balls to hang up memes this edgy

Attached: waronterror.png (580x497, 454.28K)


Most of these pictures claiming to show anons erecting hate-memes in broad daylight are malign encouragement designed to get us arrested.
Theythe cops take the picture down immediately after making the photo and if legitimately unaware enough to do this in broad daylight and only with staples, it will get torn down by the first normalfag or leftist passer by.


Why haven't we used this more?

>speaking like a (((jew)))
Die (((jew))), your schemes have failed.
We are Free.
White People are Free and Subscribe to the cause of World Freedom and Liberty from (((they, evil, illuminati, etc.))) Forever.
Everything that is from (((them))) and from (((evil, negativeness, etc.))) has failed completely.

They believe it, which is all that matters.

But thats wrong, schizo-retard. The picture i just posted was distributed by a swedish nordfront member who posted it on the NRM discord server. He's constantly making stuff like this, next to the normal NRM stickers of course. Yes, these will be ripped off eventually, but the prerequisite for that is a triggered libtard. And thats a mission accomplished in my book.



Take your meds

This has so much fucking potential

Try reading posts properly.

Which is a controlled opposition and honeypot.
Which they use because it easily allows access to your IP.
Immediately, if they're even left up.
A guy from a cookie cutter controlled op group told you that he does this, on a discord server, so it must be true.

Are you deliberately ignoring what I wrote, or are you really so autistic that you can't take in what's written?

Notice how it's being vigorously defended by two IDs with roughly the same number of posts, who use the same kind of abrasive semitic "schizo" language?

Attached: scripted response schizo posting.JPG (1847x226, 44.05K)


Just checked your posts.
So it's DS that's behind these threads, I knew it was something connected to Rebel media.
Remember the conversation where Anglin admits he thinks the White race should be "bred out" (of existence) and also defends having a black girlfriend?

Attached: anglin_anti_white.webm (384x288, 652.23K)

Yeah. Thanks for the webm didn't have that one.


I've got a longer version which doesn't have the loop.

Attached: anglin_multiculturalist.webm (752x5506 2.24 MB, 686.04K)