What do jews feel guilty about?

It's a common trope/meme that jewish people are riddled with guilt…but what is it that they feel guilty about? I've asked a ton of jewish acquaintances, and none of them seem to know.
Irish-catholic (for contrast) also have a guilt complex, but it's because the bible says don't be a fuckin booze-bag and many of them are alcoholics anyway, so that's where the guilt comes from.

What is the genesis for Jewish guilt?

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They don't feel guilt. It's a meme to make them seem more relatable to humans.

I've considered this. The psychopath feels no fear, empathy, guilt, or anxiety. To loudly emphasize how guilty you feel is to loudly proclaim 'I'm not a psychopath'….but still, not every jewish person is psychopathic. I just don't understand how you could say, 'well, I'm jewish so I'm obviously burdened with guilt' and then when pressed to 'why do you feel guilty?' not have an answer.

They feel guilty about not performing some bullshit ceremony or eating bacon. They don't have an actual moral code just voodoo bullshit, Read Leviticus or Deuteronomy.

Jews are incapable of having any feelings of guilt or empathy.

It's that simple.

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Literally never heard jews feel guilty about anything, so I don't know where this "common trope/meme" came from because it's total bullshit.

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They never feel guilt but they're always afraid of being found out.

Guilt/Shame is a Weakness Goy, just like Virtues coveted by our Western minds like Honor and Integrity. The Jews that felt those emotions either converted to Christianity or died in Pogroms generations ago and any that are left are pretty much invisible to us like a prol Jew at the bottom of the hierarchy.

It's a very common trope. They joke about it all the time. Just google 'jews guilt' and you'll find a plethora of stuff about it. Here's a national institute of health article about it (written by a jew): ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4560119/

You just won't find anything about WHY they feel guilty. Obviously, I could think of a few things they may feel guilty about…just interesting how this is a well-known trope that exists in their own community, but most of them can't tell you exactly what that guilt it all about.

And apparently no one else seems to know either.

You misunderstand the guilt. They don't feel guilty, their mothers shower them with guilt.
Jewish mothers Jew their kids. Those Jews turn around and Jew you.
It's the cycle of Jews

Does that refer to 'they killed jesus'?

That's honestly a reasonable thing to feel guilty about, and I'm almost inclined to believe that's the origin of it just because no one can give me a straight answer on this.
However, it's also my understanding they hate Jesus and don't acknowledge him as a avatar of God, so don't know why they'd feel guilty about playing a part in something they proclaim to not believe in.

finally! okay, so jewish mothers are over-bearing, and through their incessant pushing to do better a sense of guilt is overlaid over the rest of the psyche, yah?
The same could be said for Chinese parents, though, but the idea of ever-pervasive 'guilt' isn't prevalent in that culture like it is in jewish populations.

What Jews tend to feel is insecure and inadequate, which is why they hate those that don't feel that way.

not getting their daily aliquot of deep-fried foreskins

they feel guilty that you don't remember the 600 trillion

They are the serpent in the garden, The one we must kill and overcome if we are going to escape Hel (the realm of Neflheim/nephilim). Eve got talked into death as an expirience that would impart wisdom. How is that working out for all of us at this point?


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This. Even the cops in Israel will lecture and guilt trip the fuck out of you rather than giving you a ticket. "Gevalt! Didn't your mutha teach ya not to double pahk?"

They also know deep down they should be at Yeshiva and not popping molly in the club.

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It's this. Jewish mothers are horrible and they use every psychological trick in the book to domineer over their husbands and sons. It usually fails with their daughters since they've watched their mother's from day one and they're as big an entitled arrogant bitch as mommy. Iranian jewesses are beyond the beyond with this but basically they're all ruthless merciless bitches. In fact I suspect that about 90% of the pathology we complain about in jewish men derives from the neurotic compulsion to feed the deranged ambitions and relentless greed of their nagging women. They really know all the weak points in male psychology and just dig in there pitilessly to open up big bleeding psychological wounds. Thus sons are really ridden with a guilt that they can't even understand since they've been getting it from the time they can talk from mommy herself.

Thus, paradoxically, the only way they can rid themselves of guilt is by engaging in flagrantly criminal or at least ruthless psychopathic behavior in quest of the material wealth mommy and prospective wives demand with a savage tyrannical will. They can only escape maternally engendered guilt by engaging in the very activities that would make a Christian feel guilt.

Psychopathy is inherent in Jewish genes. Psychopaths don't feel guilt. Add to this that Jews aren't raised with the same morals as Whites, do not have the same compunctions and do not have the same mindset as we do.

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Generally speaking because they're smart enough to know what terrible people they are.
They know they are terrible people. They know that the best any of them could ever aspire to, the very peak of their peoples achievement in this regard is to be an alright person. Not great, not good, just alright.
That the best they can ever do is to reach the starting point for whitey, where culture and life experience can start grinding him down to the jews level.

They know. They hate it. They're jealous.

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Jesus, what game is that from?

None. The jew is a known shrewd liar. If they had any concept of actual guilt, their people would have killed themselves many times over. The only emotion that comes close to "guilt" is guilt in being caught. It's the same for the rest of the subhumans, the concept of feeling sorry for something you do is exclusively a white only trait.
You're confusing self-deprecation with guilt, most likely. The "comedy" styling of self-deprecation is a jewish invented tactic. You might hear the cliche "no one hates jews more than jews themselves." This is intended to show that hating jews is silly, as jews are the experts on hating jews (another favorite tactic, pretending to be an expert) which seems absurd in of itself. It also has the nice effect that no one gets the right to hate jews. If jews aren't hating on themselves about rabbis sucking off kids during circumcisions, then no one has the right to hate on rabbis sucking baby dick. The third use is to manipulate the Christian ethos, the jews are such a pathetic creature that it simply doesn't feel right attacking them. The female jew hits the wall at 28, and the jewish man is exemplified in Woody Allen. Weak, effete, unable to do basic labor. Of course, we know that all three "reasonings" are illogical and fall apart at even the most minute of observations.
So where does it come from? Overbearing mothers do indeed exist, but this is more of a modern thing. Why are the men so weak, and why do they feel inadquate? The jewish nature is envy. Every single kike wants to be some 6'4 ripped Addonis of a man, with a six-pack and cannonball delts. They want to have the impressive form of the goyim, but they do not want to do the work involved. So the kike wants the farm boy body, but without the farm boy work involved. They want the shortcuts, to take the least amount of money and effort required. The jew has been this way since before Babylon completely destroyed them. Their very blood is cursed, hence why they're matrilinear. They need the women to tempt the dumb goy into propagating their shit genetics, since the men are all weak.

The jewish culture is one of a matriarchy, at least in the home. The jewish mother is a shrill know it all turbo bitch, while the dad is a worthless oaf that does silly things. (If you wonder where the smart mom dumb dad cliche is from, look no further). This is one of the reasons why the jew pushes so hard for feminism, it lines up with their twisted ideals. Thanks to the concept of matrilineality, the power is shifted to the women. They can marry outside of the religion (browbeating the weak goy man into conversion), while keeping their genetics.

No its not. Its a common trope that jews use guilt, even upon each other.

The most common trope in this vein is that of the jewish mother guilting her children for not seeing her enough, or for not being jewish enough.
Jews employ guilt against others, and only a jew can draw guilt from another jew.

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Nonsense. Have some perspective. If Jews thought the blood of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Redeemer of Man himself was on their hands they wouldn't be Jews. They'd be Christians.

I wonder if it's somehow related to their obsession with poop.


NPC like Jews don't feel anything, Op. Things like guilt and shame are human traits. That's why they're a herd of psychopaths.

Jews don't have human emotions. They can only imitate.

Sleeping with Black People.

They feel guilt is the same thing as empathy. That's the only time they "feel guilty", when they think that's how others feel, otherwise they relent being Jewish and repent to Christ for their rejection of him and retract their unbridled desires with new found sight.

They aren't ashamed of that though.

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Jews don't feel "guilt", they do not regret being lying, subversive parasites and in fact enjoy it a great deal. What they feel is a nervous paranoia at being caught.

They know that their instincts to lie, cheat, and steal and their perverse sexualities are considered "wrong" by their host societies and that they must deceive their hosts in order to continue in their ways. This dichotomy, sometimes needing to talk about it, in order to find and associate with other jews, while sometimes needing to deny it, in order to not attract the wrath of their hosts, is sometimes a difficult game for them. This is jewish neuroticism. They confuse it for guilt, which they do not actually feel.

This, too.

Being premature ejaculators and while thinking of their mother's.

Lots of degen sex shit. Probably other stuff but they mask it with drugs. jews use tons of drugs.

They're more self aware than people give them credit for. They know what they do is wrong, but they don't care because they lack empathy genetically and they have psycopathic tendencies.

Hey there, Rabbi. How y'doin? :D

The only thing jews feel guilty about is not having enough power or wealth and not doing enough damage to Aryan societies.

Absolutely spot on!
We on the other hand should only feel guilty, when we do not enough against (((their))) lies and their goal to annihilate us.

Alice the Goon spotted.

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The modern kike doesn't feel any guilt about this at all. Most of them are atheists.

The j-wise journalist Steve Sailer says the following: "White guilt is feeling ashamed about the ethnocentrism of your ancestors, Jewish guilt is feeling ashamed about not being ethnocentric enough for your ancestors."

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I am so sick of this lie!

The things people have been led to believe!

The only jews I've ever seen to be ridden with guilt are self-hating jews who praise Hitler. Not that I blame them of course.

Psychopaths CANNOT feel guilt. All jews are PSYCHOPATHS, if they are not, then they are not jews.

Why do you think they as the perpetrators of malevolent criminal activity 'blame the victim' and obsesses about pretending to be the 'actual victim'?

Scum has no guilt because it has no brain receptors to experience the hormone feeling of guilt. As parasites, they can't fathom a non predatory, lie ridden life.

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they are not guilty they are neurotic, like a jew coming here thinking hes performing some kind of deed when really he wallowing in his many many intellectual disabilities.

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Gotta say, I read this whole thing and it makes me a little uncomfortable that I relate to and to some degree envy the devotion to race and nation on display here. Granted the jews are vile and should be removed from positions of power, destroyed etc, but I gotta give it to them on living the dream of ethnic unity.

Guilt is literally a useless emotion. I am not exaggerating; it’s something you can cut out and lose nothing. Shame, of course, is useful.

The jewish mother thing is spot on, but don't get too hung up on it coming from the mother. It's deep in their culture and they all relate to the world in that way.

So there's this thing called cognitive dissonance. Your brain hates it, it's not easy to believe two conflicting things at the same time and your mind will try to make it so you don't have to. It explains why someone with a certain self-image will continue to do things to reinforce that self-image. It gives the brain a break because you're changing your reality to match your beliefs. This can all happen on a very subconscious level but I think it's a better explanation than acting bad makes the guilt go away. It actually reinforces the guilt and makes the jewish guilt thing make more sense.

So the equation look slike this

jews use guilt to get what they want
jews deal with other jews all the time so are on the receiving end of this constantly
jews then feel vague sense of guilt and do guilt inducing things to ease cognitive dissonance

This honestly explains so much. If this is true I'm glad they're at least making themselves miserable in the act of fucking us over.

That they are and always will be nothing more than a dirty smelly jew

Get the fuck out of here with your whore picture.


perhaps possible, but looking at their racial history, I wouldn't be so sure
they certainly exhibit the signs of psychopathy on a racial level

but pol can't stomach the psychopathy pill; I gave up on pushing that truth years ago

The utter impossibility of keeping the 615 mistvot

Every Jewish mother holds out for the possibility that their son could be the messiah. Of course, none of them are or ever will be and every Jewish mother secretly hates her son for it. He, in turn, feels guilty for not being what his mother wanted.
To compensate, the Jewish son seeks to steal the identity of a highly accomplished white male. They learn to imitate and/or confiscate the real world accomplishments of a virile strong white male, one that they know their Jewish mother lusts over and would probably prefer over any of the males in her own family. Succeeding in this, the Jewish son is partially forgiven for being a disappointment to the Jewish matron, head of the matriarchal Jewish household and lineage.

They don't feel guilt, they feel paranoia that the goyim might find out what they've been up to.

jews feel guilty not eating pork. so they extra rabbi serving.
pscyopath cant guilt himself.

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Jewish Men have been conditioned to feel constant guilt towards their mother and wife.
Jewish Women have been conditioned to feel constant guilt towards their mother.
Jews in general have been conditioned to feel constant guilt towards Rabbi, temples, and Israel.

am i banned!!


this doesnt need to be a thread. jews are like vampires they have no self reflection

They don't have guilt or shame, like others have said e.g. they are nepotistic but they will even Jew each other over in the end, see the story of George Soros the King Jew, final boss of the Jews who sold his own people out during WW2

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I wouldn't quite say that Soros is the "King Jew" but rather that he's the fixer man for the inside cabal, like JP Morgan was back in the Gilded Era. He appeared to be the wealthiest man in the world until he died and then it was revealed he only had $10 million USD. The real powers hide in the shadows and send out their minions to do their dirty work for them, draw the flack.

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This. It's almost the essence of Jewing. How did a small, physically weak minority gain positions of dominance in Aryan Societies? Ethnic nepotism, financial trickery, media control, etc are all part of the picture, but we had to allow them the opportunities to do these things. Their primary weapon is emotional manipulation, to prey on our kindness and naivety as our greatest weakness, to allow them into our societies in the first place expecting them to play fair. GLR summed it up so well in "The fable of the Ducks and the Hens".


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I joined a Facebook group called AJA "Australian Jewish Association" A Jew (pictured with Tony Abbot, the old PM) was telling me how he gave talks on the Book Of Ester and numbers therein claiming it predicted Julius Streicher's murder.

They found out I wasn't a Jew and kicked me from the group, But it goes to show, They know exactly the evil they're doing.

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This too. It's a common trope that in many Jewish families there is a paranoid elderly aunt or grandmother that always warns "The goyim can turn on us at any time". The truth in this being that the old woman is probably more aware of the extent of Jewish crimes than the youngsters (most jews believe their own lies that are passed down through the generations), and remembers the days when counter-semitism was more prevalent.

The good thing is this is usually laughed at by the younger jews, who grew up under full ZOG and tend to think themselves invincible, which causes them to lack discretion and display the infamous jewish chutzpah in their dealings with goyim. This arrogance is ultimately beneficial to our cause, and is leading towards Grandma Golda's prophecy coming true at an ever-quickening pace.

Yes. That's actually the entire Jew psyop. I mean the belief all Goyim are slaves helps. However its based in emotionalism. If you can appeal to a Goys emotions you can make them do all the work.

When that's coupled with belief Goys are slaves it's actually a self full filling prophecy. When the Goy realize how much they've been Jewed they get bounced. This cycle has gone one for too lonb.

Yeah that and they also know money is a meme. Rothschilds don't need more than about a billion dollars for whatever they need on hand. Beyond that debt slavery is king.

The Dark Triad


Nutting to their sisters bigass jew tits.

That whole holocaust thing, they feel guilty about that. Don't believe me? Go ask them.

First post best kike-free post.

Tipping 15% when they could have got away with 10%.

Jews were a problem even before Christianity, though. They've been a problem to every country and civilization that they've ever stepped foot in. In some cases, countries with very few to no Jews have also been affected by Jewish ideas alone, with the cases of North Korea, Cambodia, and Laos have historically and today affected by the (((communist))) virus.

Saging for retarded premise, normalfag content, and QTDDTOT-tier thread.

What alternate dimension are you from? Why do you associate with jews?

Jews don't feel guilt. They prey on people that do have guilt - whites. Whites feel guilt because whites have empathy and sympathy. Guilt is how jews manipulate whites effortlessly into getting their way.

Jews exploiting guilt is what has led to pathological altruism. A short list of the vast amount of guilt-born beliefs jews invented:

Where did this normalfag mentality spawn in from? You're not even scratching the surface. The surface level understanding for this comes from acknowledging the Catholic Guilt complex, which was the prototype for all other guilt complexes to come. Jews invented the Catholic Guilt complex and studied how it allowed them to control christians, making variations across different ideas. I

No such thing. Lurk for 2 years.

The ignorance here is astonishing. The killed Christ! Jews don't accept Jesus as the legitimate Messiah. Christians have always hated Jews since then.

The bible quote to justify the hate is "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36)

So, therefore, they should feel guilty because of their past.
It's the same crap the blacks pull with us.
According to this. It says the Jews crucified Christ,

This is actually good. Society that actually cares about YOU, rather then just going through the motions soullessly.

They are also the only first world country that keeps a strong birth rate even among secular women. They allow women to bring kids to work and colleges.

The best thing is, they make it all work.

Jews don't have the capacity or will to introspect, it's always been them vs the world, hence their survival without a nation for over 2000 years. If history has tought us anything it is that there is no single more dangerous, evil group of people in the world than jews and those of us who have let themselves be poisoned by them.

Fuck off Israel is not a first world country. Besides, if it weren't for the trillions upon trillions of dollars the US has showered upon them, they'd be a hellhole right now.

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Somebody asked "who is bigger in Judaism than the Rothschilds?"

I think it's the Synagogue itself. Where do families like the Rothschilds get their money from ultimately anyway? From the synagogue. The Synagogue is not "free". You have to pay for your seat. A decent synagogue seat in a good synagogue is $100k a year. But members can go to the synagogue for favorable loans. Thus the governorship of the synagogue by a council of rabbis itself essentially constitutes a bank. Imagine the wealth in a top NY or London or Vienna synagogue. A trusted group of businessmen drawing on that communal wealth would have very favorable terms. I think ultimately then it's groups of influential rabbis that are running the racket through this means. And this explains their influence over policy even when the policy seems destructive to the jews themselves; their mystical faith is ultimately the driving factor, not mere self aggrandizement. The destruction of Europe and North America may seem suicidal to the jews themselves but from the deeply mystical imperatives of the Talmudic rabbis their directives are compelled by a superstitious (I won't say logic) imperative that seems incomprehensible to those who aren't deeply schooled and devout students of the yeshiva.

Wow no result for "Yom Kippur" in the thread. You are all newfags I see.

They let rabbies rape and mutilate their kids, because muh religion. No wonder they feel guilty about it.

They are taught not to feel guilty.

This is the prime example of the Jewish tendency to talk in euphemisms that only they are supposed to understand the true meaning of:
What is wrong with the world that needs healing?

It's not that they feel guilty like a normal person would, it's more like a tactic or strategy they use.
They constantly apply pressure to make others who are less psychopathic feel guilty as a means to manipulate and gain power over them.
It must be especially bad in a jewish ghetto where everyone they speak to is trying to guilt trip them non-stop.
In this environment, only the most cold hearted psychos would escape without feeling any guilt at all.
This may have been the evolutionary selective pressure that made them such cunts.

They feel guilty about not making more money. Their mothers would be very disappointed. Jews are constantly tortured over the idea that they are not earning money to their maximum potential. This is why the most successful jews own printing presses, and while they have absolutely no sense of guilt at all, and instead invest all of their excess brain power into guile and chutzpah.

It's false humility, and fake submission. Until they hold the numbers to attack in the open (just like their ill mannered pets, the mussies), they pretend to be meek and docile. Then they take advantage of whites compassion and humanity to jew them out of everything.

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Christcuck, they never feel guilty about their blood sacrifices. You still do not understand the jew.

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That time when it couldn't find the missing penny, it was a literal shoah.

Jews probably feel most guilty about pedophilia. They take promising young "white" boys and then gaslight them/their families so they all go insane and the boys are forced to become sexy "female" Hollywood celeb starlets. That's why none of them have kids, because they don't have any eggs. Also Wolf Blitzer's a tranny.

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'The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."'

Could you Jews and Christians mutually exterminate each other please? For the sake of peace, y'know.

They don't. Fuck off with your rule 4 violations.

Hi, jew.

We don't care what you say.

Buy a ticket to Israel and stay there, thank you.