I'm sick and tired of seeing this word all over the Internet. ChapoTrapHouse, Antifa, Tumblr, every pozzed community uses this word as their new "politically correct slur". Can we take it back and make it ours?
GOAL: Let's take the word "Chud" back from Antifa
It would stick better with a single set meaning targeting one group, otherwise it just seems like "no u".
I'm sticking to using faggot for now.
I think they should keep using it because it only highlights their hypocrisy based on the definition. There's something about pink-haired hamplanet calling someone else a "chud" that just feels poetic.
This. Focus it on trannies because it sounds like it could have a sexual origin to it.
Clerks II ? What? How did this happen?
Chud: a tranny choad. Can refer to a poor attempt to construct an actual choad from other mystery meat, or the choad-like, fire hydrant shape of most trannies.
How is the far left not a pack of CHUDs? As a group, they are figuratively and LITERALLY cannibalistic, if you loosely define the jew as "humanoid". They squat in unused dwellings out of sight, maintaining some sort of hipster society, being underground dwellers.
Nigger works too
Absolutely sounds like some sort of disgusting tranny body function.
A chud is what a tranny expels from its cloaca
muh feefees
theyre calling me a chud
Not disputing it, I Found a video exposing a Antifa head quarters, It was someone else's house they where squatting in between the owner repeatably chasing them out.
Kevin Smith is a poofter faggot though.
god dam if braking in someone else's house claiming it as your own then daring people that hate you to come and burn it down and running away from one 60 year old man when he say god dam drugies get the fuck out of here. does not some up antifa Idk what does.
Antifa Hq. with out a doubt
i have literally never seen that word until you posted it OP
its too close to chad to ever work tbh
Leftists tend to be the most chudlike blobs in existence. But yeah, the memetic potential is there.
never heard that word before.
But if I were to give a fuck about it (I genuinely don't) I'd just co-opt the word and make it positive in a way.
The chad and the virgin (((chud)))
Alright faggot, want to know how to kill this insult?
Insults have as much power as you give them. If you get laughed at whenever you use one, you'll stop using it eventually because it doesn't work
Start calling yourself a proud Chud. Like the above, but doubling down on it.
I like to combine them
Chud were a tribe of Finno Urgic people between what is modern day Estonia and Russia. Along with the Tavastians and Bjarmians they made up the population of early Novgard/Novgorod when Hrorekr/Rurik and the Danes founded the Rus. Lake Chudkoe or the Pskovsko-Chudskoe lake are named after them. Chud Eye or white eye, as the Chud were said to have eyes the same color as the frozen lake.
simple, start calling niggers chuds.
Cannibalism is something the left would support as an "expression of a unique and vibrant culture", so I'm not really seeing how they justify using it against the right who would most definitely be against cannibalism. I guessing it's just projection.
Chud is about the gayest insult I've ever heard, but by all means keep calling me that - and I'll keep pointing out that the only reason you use it is because it is politically correct. So tied up by your ideology that you self-censor.
Like the right & center-left did with "shitlord". You don't hear feminists hurling that word anymore because we took it away from them with gusto.
bingo. also it sounds like 'chub', the word for a light erection, which is what tranny chodes look like permanently
what does it even mean though? cannibalistic? that's democrats. I don't get it.
what kind of insult is that? gayest shit i never heard.
Fuck you kike.
Better yet: let's form extermination squads to kill antifags whenever they gather. All leftists must be killed.
muh feefees
theyre calling me a cuck
Chud sounds retarded. Why not stick to the classics?
user stop
my sides
How's the weather in Langley, Frankie Federalstein?
kike usually sets them reeling because it (A) hits close to home (B) breaks the usual power dynamic they work with, which is a cuckservative pleading and begging with them to prove he's not anti-semitic, handing all the power to the antifag.
lol what a faggoty insult
I have never heard the word before, it sounds gay and doesn't seem a memeworthy word. Might also be why the left use it, because they can't meme for shit.
Also this