Convincing a friend on ethnonationalism

I have a friend who I need to redpill on ethnonationalism. What are your favorite arguments or statistics to redpill someone on ethnonationalism?

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that its not possible under capitalism because your industries will pack up and leave for cheap labour costs elsewhere

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Lurk for two years

You should elaborate your posts. How close are you to your friend? What does he think of you? What are some of their thougts on race?

Your race is your extended family and the community to which you belong.

NYPA faggot, dont try to convert any of your friends into this, you are bad enough not being fully devoted to the cause, thinking its just ironic or in it for the memes? Just give him a gun and point in the direction of a politician

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'Hey buddy, you want to live?'. If yes, 'come this way' and if not, it's his live to be beaten, raped, robbed and set on fire by shitskins.

just talk about how whites are getting wrecked by jews and we can't do anything about it because our race is incapable of working together. the average dummy can parse out what that means.

it means your a niggerpill?

Pro tip: Do not bother redpilling friends as they might not be friends much longer.

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what is this mess of a meme shlomo; no more brother wars faggot

bro tip: do not redpill anyone!!! accelerate, by killing yourself :-D:D

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Nah. Better to kill a synagogue or mosque full of desert rats.

I don't know what that means.

Please don't. Maybe you should be good to your friend and not let him onto this world of pain and suffering of having unrealistic goals in life.

Easy. You really must be new.
People are innately tribal and have more altruism towards their ethnocultural group. Therefore lower diversity = more trust, more solidarity, greater public engagement = less need for a police state, and a united people are more likely to be able to resist criminal elites. Multiculturalism is basically bankers putting different animals in a cage and prodding them to get them to fight each other. It is a key part of their top-down revolution.
Preserving human cultures and ethnic groups (which are interconnected) is the same as preserving animal species or the natural environment. We are part of nature, not separate. A global state-people-culture means the destruction of all traditional cultures and communities. The earth's unique biocultures should be able to mature and grow naturally.
These are just basic starting principles. There will be some natural intermingling between peoples due to increasing interconnectedness, and an ethnostate doesn't need to be 100% homogeneous. The key is to treat diversity very cautiously, rather than embracing it like a religious fundamentalist. Protectionist demographic policies can and should be enacted.


Ethno nationalism is just a cover. Be honest with him. Eco Naturism , remove the filth to join. One hundred million white humans on earth period. No nigger or mudshit or shitskin or bug

I mean to say culture is partially an expression of population genetics. During our evolutionary journey, genes and culture fed back into each other. This is part of what made the races different. Read 'The 10,000 Year Explosion' to start with.

Which removes Jews and created a vacuum for folkish businesses to grow in.

It’s pretty easy, but delivery is key. The problem is whites have been trained to recoil from “racist” thought, as being slandered as such can ruin your life in today’s day and age.

On its most basal level it’s a simple fact that 13% of the US population (blacks) commit 52% of all homicides. They are also overrepresented in regard to other crimes, such as sexual assuage (rape).
Now the first caveat is interracial crime. Adjusted for population blacks commit more crimes on whites than vice versa.
Secondly they might try to claim “muh oppression”. Just bring up the fact that blacks actually committed less crime back when they were subject to Jim Crow laws, which is statistically valid. Thus we gave them more freedom and they became more violent.

If they actually take to this, give them some time to stew on it. DO NOT jump right into the Jewish Question because of the stigma, this will need to be brought up eventually to more adaquately understand the issues and their root causes, which I’ll address, but you need to lay the groundwork or they will recoil because of “muh nadzees”

Another pretty easy one because it’s very easy to appeal to the tribalism in this one.
First is dispelling the myth that western countries have this unlimited pool of resources and space and can let everybody in.
Secondly tie it back to the 1st point, crime. Back in 1965 the US government passes the Hart-Cellar Act, which caused the portion of inmigrants coming into the US to shift from European to overwhelmingly Latin America, shortly after was the 1st heroin epidemic in the United States. Subsequently as immigration increases from 3rd world countries so to did crime. It peaked in the 90s and subsided a bit but is much higher now than before the passage of the Hart-Cellar act.

There is a thread about this floating around, grab some headlines from that. But overall point out how there is this concerted push to bring in non whites to white majority countries occur in recent decades. Point out that this is only occurring in white countries. Nobody gives a shit that Japan is a majority japanese, Africa is mostly black, and Saudi Arabia is mostly Arabic. Oh and maybe Israel is mostly Hebrew, that’s a good one. Point out that there is an overwhelming push by the media to drive home how evil whites are. A google search here will yield unlimited results of op-eds on this subject.
Point out how Hollywood is pushing mixed race couples. Try google image searching:
< “white women with baby”
and see what 90% of the results are
Try typing into google:

Remove White Nationalists and Whites will be able to become tribal again.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is politically incorrect. It, or some other ethnic epidemic may sooner or later preempt your friend's need to decide about living in a mixed population.

"At least 639 (Black-ass) people have died from Ebola since August, according to the World Health Organization."

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Teach him how to play spyro

Remove various shitskin infestations from my beautiful planet and whites can thrive in any environ the beautiful planet has to offer

You spam every single thread,breed abortion survivor?

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I stick to optics-approved arguments.

Most people will agree that the multi-multi Wall Street conspire constantly to keep the little man down. From there it's just dripfeeding it. "The Man" wants you in debt, weak, fat, unable to fight back in any capacity. "The Man" wants to import cheap labour - practical, modern slavery - and that fighting against this stops "The Man" from keeping their trillions in offshore tax havens to themselves.

Leave it to them to find out how many of the top CEOs and millionaires are Jewish and have been for a century, how they've lied their way there and how those bolshevik communist dogs enable all this.

Once they've named the jews as conspirators, the rest of their evil is easy to air.
Just give them the dots and let them connect them, otherwise you're fighting against a century of propaganda and indoctrination and it's a pure Sisyphean task.

also crib some facts and talking points from Kerry Bolton's 'Babel Inc' - lots in there to appeal to leftists and normal anti-establishment types:

It actually means 666. Mark of the beast. The man that impregnates three women a day.

You goons know nothing about Luciferianism.

You don't know shit plebe.

Give 'your friend' the 14 words:
'We must secure the existence and a future for white children.' get them right, user
What is their reaction?
Indifference=ignore them, they are just an also ran.
Hostility=enemy, add to prank list.
Positive=potential, proceed.
1.Show them examples of our past glories: Music, art, exploration, science etc… We have an embarrassment of riches here. Make it relevant to the person and their ancestral cultural history if possible. Make them proud of their people.
2.Don’t apologise for our having been mean to poor brown people, they have all done far worse and still are. Don’t cuck, don’t give ground, don’t say sorry you faggot. Why should you? Success is not a crime and they all attempted the same, we just did it better.
3.Talk about our future especially demographics. We know the future they have planned for us and it resembles the Superdrome after katrina. In some places it already is that way. Example:
4.The rest is up to them. If they have any loyalty and sanity within them they will do the rest themselves. If not they are just another NPC and they don’t matter.

This process takes time depending on you and 'your friend'.
Good luck.

Attached: they are going to kill us.webm (640x360, 12.45M)

At least its stopped redtexting, lol.

What are his current political leanings and what issues does he have with ethnonationalism

Race/IQ is the first step. The next step is understanding why IQ is not important.

1. Race and IQ
1b. If disbelief, force him to explain in his own words why human beings who evolved separately until recent history are magically exempt from evolution.
2. Demographic trends and voter trends by race
2b. Show that during Obama's election almost all "republican" niggers voted democrat, putting race of candidate above political ideology
3. Studies showing diversity destroys social trust and cohesion.
4. Remind him that people are tribal and nothing we've done in our entire history has been able to repel this. Ask him to provide a single example of any nation that's been able to survive with mass immigration from another race without going down to mass war, because the answer is none.
5.Paint yourself as trying to avoid war and if he needs a politically correct out, argue secession works best for all groups because commies get their multimutt starvation collapse, civcucks get outvoted by their baste niggers, white nationalists live their paradise, black nationalists turn georgia into africa2.0, etc.

That's some sort of satanic jew sign that the jews have tried to meme as a white nationalist sign, you're a retard if you use it

America survived mass immigration