I think it's time there was a thread on the general idea of white unity. I know a lot of folks get very uptight over the idea because of each nations unique culture, in Europe and abroad. I used to feel the same, and dismiss the idea as a pipe-dream and something that was counter-productive, but now I find myself wondering if it's truly our only hope. I see whites fracturing on so many issues, and over the simplest differences or rivalries.. But if we all realize our shitty position, and admit that we're in trouble, we should be focusing on uniting all the whites of the world (who are conscientious and moral) and create a 'solidarity' of our own. I just think there's potential there if we could all come to terms with the world's reality, and actively do something to actually solve this problem.
White Unity
Unity among populations preserves criminals. Look for the greater unity of people who are honest and disloyal rather than relying upon bigoted collectivist psychoses. Dwell not in collectives, for you are one flesh alone; dwell in what you truly are, and seek peace beyond a sociopathic unity of minty pigs.
read siege faggot
dafuq does that even mean.
If white countries all came together and created something like the original United States with strict immigration laws and allowed the different regions to have their own "states rights" what could be the problem?
Only if you fail to preserve it!
Goddamn you stink
What exactly are you proposing?
Communism and newfaggots that can’t into formatting properly
Shitty defense contractors in the US run by jews and staffed by pajeets would all be put out of business by Russians.
Unity without violence against our enemies is useless.
Brazil had a majority of white people, and in due time, with jew subversion, it became infested with niggers. The jews fled Brazil, letting only their communist lapdogs in charge. Now that the communists were brought down, the jews showed up again, and no Brazil opened a trade office in Israel.
All of that is just to show that no union or ideology will stand up if our enemies are allowed to live. Kill them all first. Anything else is secondary to that.
Brevity is the heart of wit
Always doomed to failure if White Nationalist cringe larpers are involved.
Amerimutts and their fans are truly something else. Cthonic subhumans made by kikes.
'ugg bugg' ←- witty
The NSM has poor vetting quality. However, if jews wanted to make you look disgusting and took constant photos whenever you went outside, they could do it with ease.
The right angles in the right light at the right time can make even the finest Ubermenchen look like a dweeb.
this is autistic we are all homo-sapiens and really " satanist death cult " and how are you gonna unify the white race when youre a minority and everyone else in the white race hates you or doesn't wanna be associated with you? all this shit is autistic you people really are autistic.
A-fucking greed they honestly destroy the movement everyone laughs at them. Only fucking muscular and well built men should be involved
Never met a fucking irish that was worth a shit, call me a shill all you want. Am top of aryan food chain, all skandi mix. S my d. Does this mean I am apposed to white unity? No. It means potato niggers and britbongs need to unfag themselves.
defend yourself, Zig Forums
Neither have I. Irish have only been good for one thing, dying for niggers and jews
Who even cares anymore? If I was a braver fucker I would’ve committed suicide a long time ago.
Unity among populations discourages crime in the first place.
If "white unity" means unity with Ashkenazi (Euro) Jewery, I don't want anything to do with it!
There is no possibility of pan-European unity outside of a nationalist context. Look at the "European Union" and see what a fucking failure it is.
The European Nations can have unity, but only through nationalism. And this doesn't mean the fake "nationalism" of countries like Austria (part of the German Nation) and Northern Macedonia (part of the Bulgarian Nation).
Suicide is the ultimate cowardice.
If you were brave, you'd live.
If you were a hero, you'd fight.
Are they though? They seem to be different enough to merit their own state.
Here is a map I made of a potential future Europe if borders were readjusted to reflect the European Peoples who lived in said region.
Note that I awarded Greece and Bulgaria land outside their national area based on requests from anons. Since Turks are not White and have shown hostility towards Europeans, I see nothing wrong with annexing their land to Greece/Bulgaria.
You might be interested in this map
Here's a clue: if you're both Europeans, and you can watch each other television without subtitles, and you can go to each other's universities with no special language training, you belong TO THE SAME FUCKING NATION.
The differences between Scotland and Ireland are greater than the differences between that thing called "Northern Macedonia" and Bulgaria. And guess what? Scotland and Ireland are the same Nation.
What are Albanians? Serious question.
Cypriots speak Greek and have Greek culture but racially they are nothing like mainland Greeks. Most mainland Greeks are mutts or Balkan types. Cypriots and people of Crete are the closest thing you'll get to ancient Greek people. Even so, majority of Cypriots are closer to Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians than they are Greeks.
Forgot the picture.
Doubt it. You're one of those swarthy Germans, aren't you?
They are a non-white group originally from the Caucasus. It isn't clear whether they are closer to Kurds or Azeris but we do know that they came over to the balkans at around the same time as the Turks and genocided the native Greeks and Aromanians (look up sack of Moscopole). The Aromanians are Vlachs and are the closest to the extinct Illyrians except perhaps Bosnian Serbs with large percentage Thracian and Dinaric blood.
The vaguely Latin elements of Albanian language (which has no written document before 1500s) and genetics are from raped Aromanians and Italian horniness.
Albanian or Albani is a toponym; it refers to a people of a place. It means people from the north in Latin. There are places called Alba and Albania in Iberia and Scotland. It has nothing to do with the Shqips (as SoCalled Albanians call themselves amongst themselves and will get extremely buttflustered if you call them). Albania is Shqiperia in their language. Epirus and Albania were terms for the region since Illyrian times and do not refer to the current inhabitants.
Even in genetic studies (to be taken with a grain of salt) Shqips show 3 major haplogroup inclinations: a Latinized group, a Hellenic group, and (by far the most common and responsible for their violence and non-white IQ) a cluster that is more common in North Africa and elsewhere without any close neighbor on the European continent (except for our refugee friends)
Realistically, Skadar all the way to the river and northwards including Kosovo and Metohija should be returned to Serbia.
The south given to Greece.
The remaining areas given to the Aromanians who still exist (most live in Serbia)
So they were the carrion following the turks? Disgusting.
Yes and the Turks used them as soldiers and proxy forces.
The White Race needs to stand togheter. Only then we can win the War against the International Jewery.
Kill and shoot niggers and jews
Only the left hates me, and I don't give a shit about them, because the nonwhites on the left fucking love me.
I know why the Whites on the left hate me. They were usurped by a complete and total outsider that was willing to make deals.
You poked my eye out with your nose!
Pic related.
Doesn't work.
Second pic related.
But there is a solution.
Albanians are identical genetically to Greeks. Both are descendants of Mycenaeans (or Mycenaean-like population).
This. Scandis are 56% steppe-atlantic muttrace.
That meme is terrible. And I made this mess:
I'm sorry but no. I believe that any % of jew blood is too much, and I as a mischling would much prefer the entirety of jews be exterminated in one way or another.
Until it is 0%
The Irish are not white, they're worthless niggers, deal with it
Thanks Jordan Peterstein
Thing is, most families are so fucked at this point, most people can't honestly say what their grandparents were, let alone their great-grandparents.
I'm sorry but you're going to have to come up with some kind of methodology or metric, ya know?
Its really quite amazing how lenient Hitler was, all things considered.
I urge you to re-examine that graphic and offer some constructive critique of the methods and the intention behind those methods, which should become obvious through understanding and comparison with the actual Nuremberg laws.
Keep that word in mind: Intent.
Take another look and get back to me.
What did you just call me?
They are NOT the same people!
Genetically they are
Afraid of literal Gods, as always. We will kill you all. Nothing can stop us.
Nope. try again.
t. denialfag
The border separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.
We are the largest European Nation, composed of all the English-speaking Europeans in "America," "Canada," the UK, Ireland, Australia, Scotland, South Africa, etc. We are a single Nation.
"America" is dead. "America" dead in 1865, crushed by the weight of its own contradictions. What exists today is nothing but a walking corpse, feeding on the brains of the children of the White Nation. And the youth of the White Nation are gonna put a bullet in the ZOG's decaying brain.
Based on the evidence I have seen historically, genetically, culturally, and linguistically, the Albanians are indeed as White as their neighbors. Adopting a semitic religion does not alter your DNA.
And yes, "Greater Albania"
If you dislike the borders, go examine demographic data in this area. I gave Serb areas to Serbs, Albanian areas to Albania, and Macedonian areas to Macedon.
In fact, the Serbs got a little extra as I reduced Bosnia a little as it seems too small to have exclaves.
Now I will pre-empt several common responses
Sure but there is enough historical record of Albanians in Europe before the Turks so either the Iron Age kingdom migrated there somehow or this is simply a coincidence.
Sure, but later in that same article they say that they're Dacian.
Sure, but the Serbs were mean back and regardless, meanness does not cancel out DNA and history.
If you can demonstrate that any of the regions I awarded Albania are NOT majority ethnic Albanian, I'll alter the borders. Until then, Greater Albania exists.
I'm a bit confused. The images you provided seem to prove the opposite.
But back to Macedon and Bulgaria.
Okay, so I can understand your position as, yes the languages are similar. But then, so too are Serbian and Croatian. And if people are willing to fight a war of extermination to be seperate from one another, I'd say that's strong evidence that they're not the same people.
And had I been drawing this map 100 years ago, I'd certainly give the entire thing to Bulgaria.
But the problem is that Macedonians have evolved their own ethnic group and are fiercely nationalistic. Show me some, any, evidence that modern day Macedonians identify more strongly with Bulgaria and I will happily change my mind on the matter. But similar language and geography are not enough.
Small tribes do that too. It does not mean that they are not the same people.
what about civil wars? 'not the same people' too? or something else?
It depends. Is the civil war political in nature or ethnic?
I will admit that while I am on the fence over this issue, I am leaning towards the Bulgaria side. I'm looking into it presently and am already updating my map based on conversations with actual Macedonians/Bulgarians
There is nothing as artificial, false and kiked as """white""" unity.
The term "white" itself is now really just used by filthy new worlders who are themselves immigrants, but refuse to identify as such, LARPing as true Europeans.
They are a non-nation, and seeing them advocating for ethnic nationalism is ironic as fuck.
ok shiptar
Several anons critiqued my map for Macedonia and Bulgaria being separate nations. I've been doing some intensive research to try to get into contact with Macedonians to find out if they consider themselves to be Bulgarians or not and also in updating and perfecting this map to be more accurate.
And I went ahead and joined Bulgaria and Macedonia anyway to see how it would look.
Many nations in the Balkans and Danubian Europe gains and lost tiny bits of land. Again, this is all based upon ethno-linguistic data that I can get access to.
One thing that I may need to change is the German exclave in Poland. I've been doing more and more research into this and it appears that I may be over-estimating the demographics of Germans here.
But I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt in this version of the map.
Also of note is an interesting large Bulgarian exclave that I came across in Odessa. I cannot find any information on them other than that they're ethnic Bulgars. But whether they identify more strongly with Bulgaria or Ukraine is beyond my knowledge. Maybe some Ukrainian or Bulgarian anons can help me out.
I'm trying to be fair and unbiased.
Seems something is being slid so time to bump anything even vaguely worth discussing. Just for annoyance value.
Fuck off nigger.
Nigger what the fuck are you doing? Even after looking for only a minute this is already retarded
We are already fighting on one front, but one should be careful not to cross the threshold to trying to mix us all together. Europe is a land of many white races and peoples. Nordics are not Slavs, British Islanders are not Alpinids; and that's how it should be.
You're a serious person.
I will only discuss the demographics of this map with serious people here.
So fuck off.
fuck off this isnt your personal blog you nigger. Hang yourself if you really wanna help whites.
>You're not a serious person
My original post read; "I don't think you're a serious person"
But after re-reading it, I determined that there is no doubt that you are an idiot.
Demographics is demographics.
The only thing that would lead to less tension would be to do nothing.
I'm just trying to better adjust borders to reflect demographics. Not your fantasy larping.
Ask a serious question and only then will I give you a serious answer.
have the edgelords finally gone full circle in their faggotry?
Gee, I guess Detroit is actually Africa and South USA is actually Mexico. Boy You probably really look forward to finally becoming an arab once your countries demographics flip
First of all, the Nuremberg laws were only for Jews, because there were little of them and they were already mixed.
Second of all, we should be more extreme this time around. Any amount of impurity will be too much, no admixture should be allowed at all. If we do not adhere to this, we will die out due to miscegenation.
You've outed yourself, (((Christcuck))).
Jews, are not hwhite, Jared.
White people > non-Whites
Now fuck off, nigger.
After much research I fixed it this time
No Nuremberg laws were about relations between Germans or of people related (equal) blood with all others. Sexual relationship and marriage was prohibited between Germans and jews and niggers but also to Japanese, Chinese or Indians.
Jewish rape stories are pure wishful thinking on behalf of the jews.
Yeah yeah. Germans are jews. I get it.
Based and Prussiapilled
Only slavic niggers will dislike this map
So much germanic/scandi supremacists snowniggers on this thread.
Tell me about it.
This is why what OP wants will never happen any time soon.
t. a German who doesn't want to kill everyone else.
So while this is tongue in cheek, still some remarks.
Italy on the Balkans. The Italians have historical and cultural strong connections to the area, but not ethnic ones. So that would all depend how "Italian" the locals feel, I suspect not enough.
Corse are kind of Italians that don't want to be French, but for the moment probably don't want to become Italian either. Maybe that changes when Italy becomes great again.
Anatolia Greece. Cyprus should be Greek no doubt. Doubts I have if Greece can manage to ingest that much territory. Maybe other nation sould participate too. I would give the Armenians a small slice. While I don't like the Kurds, parts on the border could become part of a Kurdish state.
Hispania. Portuguese will get the fits, but I think for practical purposes they could merge with Spain. Spain itself I would merge "communities" and partition it instead in three parts. Western, Atlantic, Lusitan former Portugal and Galicia (Portugesse would get their Super Portugal). Central, Castilla, Asturias to Andalucia (bigest stretch, but historical sound). Easter Medditerranean, Valencia, Barcelona (I doubt the Valencianians can stand the "Polakos") that could reach into Occedan France. You have the Vasquos independend what I would consider an historical aberration, but in such a case I would merge it the with French western Pyrenees and further direction Toulouse.
Lowlands as part of Germania I see as problematic. The only reason could be to mend the differences (Prot, Cath and Francophone) in the Lowlands forming a single own province there, what would not work in her own state because each group could not stand to be dominated by the other.
I could at least theoretical see Switzerland disintegrate in a ethnic and political much improved Europe.
I'm not sure if the partition between Scotland and England is just a meme or not.
Okay. I'll bite
I agree with you on much of what you say but I do not believe that the various nations you mention merging with Italy would ever want to surrender their sovereignty. And it would be a shame to do so as they really are not Italian at all. Multicultural states are bad for everyone. Nation-states are better.
As for my original, actually serious ethno-linguistic map, I just awarded Greece parts of the Megali Plan and then doubled it due to a request from an user. Frankly, dividing up non-White lands is not the concern with that map. It's just ethno-linguistics. So Kurdistan and Armenia are not included.
Regarding Portugal, why do you believe that they should merge and do you believe that the Portugese and Spaniards would wish this to happen? This sounds like multi-culturalism again and that tends not to end well for anyone.
On the Lowlands, obviously combining French, Danes, and Germans is silly. But Switzerland is an interesting question. So far they have been remarkably stable together. One of the only examples of multi-culturalism working in history.
As for England and scotland, in my original, actually serious map, the border was determined by percentage of pro-Independence vote. Clearly it is not a meme for actual Scots.
Our allies are few and far between. I would prefer winning with millions of 90% Europeans than losing with an army of 10 thousand 99.9% Europeans. You may understand differences among ethnicities but don't dwell on the purity if it means ignoring the big picture and losing the war for a free white Europe, for its separate nations and its colonies. Divide and Conquer is real on this board and in life. Don't fall for it.
That is what I said.
"Italy", there was no Italy at that time, Venice acted as a successor of the Byzantine empire. The Italian cultural impact on the coast of the Balkans is noticeable.
I think the Balkan was always better ruled by outsider than the Slavs there. On the other hand do I think that the people there should "enjoy the fruits of their own decisions", good or bad. As long as they do not bother anyone else (that is a big "if").
No question, but some "nations" are so incompetent, belligerent that their neighbors are forced to act.
There should be a Hispania state for economic, military and political reasons.
Portuguese should think if inhaling British cock is really preferable to collaboration with Spain. Spain could learn to stop to felate the French.
No it isn't, not more that it is already. All this languages on the peninsula, except for Basque, are kind of Hispanic dialects. The Portuguese have their language from Galicia that is Spain. The Portuguese would like to annex Galicia and some smaller parts in the south of Spain. Generally separatism in Spain makes not much sense, is in fact foreign initiated.
So I think it would make sense, but is not very likely to happen.
Danes don't belong to the Lowlands and I think the Lowlands should only in so far be German as to lift the tensions in the Lowlands with Germany acting as a kind of "referee". So Flams and Dutch can forget about who dominate each other. I'm not so sure if that is really something Germany would, should want. In the end it might be that the only thing they can agree to is that "Germany is at fault".
German refugee fleeing to Russia and France? Of the bizarre things here, that is special…