3rd trial of nigger who raped Italian girl falling apart

She was Italian, not going to get into whether White or not. She was gragged into weeds by the nigger in question, raped, and murdered, his DNA was found all over. Why she didn't realize this is no longer the time of John Gotti when a nigger wouldn't dare touch a white in Howard Beach and thought she could go jigging in outfits so tight you could see camel toe, I have no idea.
The family look like complete trash, with the mother getting a huge tattoo og the daughter on her arm. If the father wasn't a former cop, it would have already been thrown out after 2nd mistrial, but they'll keep going with it, even though the jury is full of niggers who "don't trust the White man's science" and "they be trying to frame a nigger" so he'll never be found guilty.
This is why the jury system was set up to consist of "free, White men of good character." A jury system CANNOT work in a nigger area, even a partial nigger area since they will NEVER, EVER convict them. Saw that in the tiral of the coal burner down south who was burned alive by her nigger boyfriend and also got off after 2 mistrials. ZOG is falling apart very quickly.

"Chanel Lewis, 22, is on trial accused of raping and strangling 30-year-old Karina Vetrano as she ran on a park trail in Howard Beach, Queens, back in August 2016
Defense attorneys say they received the anonymous letter claiming to be from a law enforcement source late Thursday after the jury went off for deliberations
The letter alerted them to so-called exculpatory evidence about other potential suspects that they say was withheld from them
It included a claim that NYPD officers had repeatedly said in the first two weeks of the investigation that they were 'looking for two jacked up white guys'
An NYPD spokesperson, detective Sophia Mason, said the '11th-hour letter' was filled with 'falsehoods and inaccuracies'

PUBLISHED: 20:06 EDT, 31 March 2019 | UPDATED: 20:34 EDT, 31 March 2019

Attorneys for a New York man accused of murdering a female jogger in Queens say they received an anonymous letter that claimed police withheld key evidence in the trial, including that 'jacked up white guys' were among the potential suspects.

Chanel Lewis, 22, is currently on trial accused of raping and strangling 30-year-old Karina Vetrano as she ran on a park trail in Howard Beach, Queens, back in August 2016.

Defense attorneys say they received the anonymous letter claiming to be from a law enforcement source late Thursday after the jury went off for deliberations.

The letter alerted them to so-called exculpatory evidence about other potential suspects that they say was withheld from them.

It included a claim that NYPD officers had repeatedly said in the first two weeks of the investigation that they were 'looking for two jacked up white guys who are from Howard Beach'."



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Other urls found in this thread:


Must be the same fictional white guys that participated in Jussie Smollett's racist hate crime fabrication.

Another coal burner, same verdict, 2 hanged juries– the niggers won't vote for guilty obviously. Personally, I saw let him go and kill more coal burners. He was let go but was unfortunately killed in a drug war or some sheet before he could force others to pay.
Status of toll: PAID IN FULL

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She ain't white, so who gives a shit. Either way you fags need to stop being such white knight homos, women aren't worth fighting for, they never were

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Black on Black violence.

For anyone interested, the nigger "Choked her out" but mistakenly thought she was dead, so set her on fire while still alive, and was a human torch. The first responders who got there, many have PTSD so bad they cannot even leave their house, which I actually believe since seeing a girl as a human torch and trying to put out flames and render aid will fuck you up. And then watching the nigger who did it walk free TWICE, looking at her family and smirking.
She PAID THE TOLL in a blaze of glory. Spread her story to any children/nieces/whatever you might have as a tale of warning– burn the coal, be burned like Charcoal!

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I will.
She's not.

Wow you sound edgy. You are truly an oldfag and you've impressed everyone here with how edgy you are *tips fedora*

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I'd really like to believe this post is a LARP, but I'm more inclined to believe it's either a cuckchanner (but even they aren't this dumb) so I assume you are about 15 and from X site, heard about "le edgy site where terrorists hang out," (like that fucking bar in the first Star Wars Movie) so came here to "prove your credentials," but you just don't realize what a fucking asshole you really look like.

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And if it was your mother or sister or jogging (although you're probably a spic or mud or some variety on spring break), do you really think the nigger would stop to think over whether she, with her green eyes, qualifies as "White enough to rape?"
Let me put it as Zündel used to put it (surely you know all about him and his life, correct, (((fellow user)))?– you are always going to have "grey lines" around the margins. Indviduals are going to have different standards. In my mind, if you removed al the fake tan shit and left the green eyes, she's probably White.

Fuck off, (((MGTOW))) faggot. You don't even realized how fucking stupid you sound.

I got very angry reading the comments on the nyc subreddit when the first trial returned a hung jury.

Follow up to the nigger who set Jessica Chambers on fire (so she could LITERALLY burn coal) and was killed by his felllow niggers over a $600 card game:



There's 3/4 of your problem in the fucking first place.

She's ugly

First of all, Sicilian =/= White.

Secondly, if this is going on, why don't you write to Agent Orange and ask him to fucking deal with it instead of bothering us? If he is who he said he was, he should be happy to help!

Everyone likes seeing a coal burner get got. But if we had segregation there’d be no coal burning in the first place, and each could have the judicial system they deserve.

you'd have got down on your knees and licked the cake of a urinal for her to even touch your tiny prick, who are you fucking kidding scumbag? Nor do I buy that she's a nigger. a 90IQ? Yes. A girl who could have married very well in her mid-20s if she had been sent to something like a "finishing school" and a voice coach to get rid of her awful accent and the make-up she was using trying to make herself more like a negress and look low class? But is she a nigger? No.
She's probably have had an apt on park ave.

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I've spent a lot of summers there, and it caries enormously by town and area. The areas around Mount Atena going toward the port? Mostly White. Go beyound there, and you're mostly dealing with Arab blood. You seem to forget that Sicily was a Norman kingdom for ~150 years, and they were very adept at spreading their seed.

Also, what makes you think she was Sicilian? You cn take a girl from..Venice, put her in the sun on the Med or Adriatic coast for a summer, give her the same horrible, trendy, kartrashian type makeup this girl is wearing, and she'd look exactly like that.

It's really unappealing when girls have hard, manly bodies and piant their faces to look like realdolls. She'd be pretty without all that.

She probably has to wax her mustache too. Go white knite elsewhere.

No, it seems as strong as ever thanks to red state randy.

Dude, why do I know you've never been to a gym? Her body is far from "hard and manly." You want to see that, go down to World in San Diego at look at some of the girls getting ready for a competition who have the huge fucking nose from take too much winny-v and have shoulders with ore veins and more definition than I have.
Every pic she has posted you can tell is right after the gym, when she has a pump. An hour after that, the blood would leave her muscles and her body would look nothing like.
She does, however, have HORRIBLE fucking NYC guinea dress sense, eso for her fucking height and should never be caught dead in that dead thing she is wearing, which makes her look like troll and probably explains what she was unmarried and living with her parents at 30.
IF she had been taking night courses at a finishing course to learn basic manners around people with money and worked on her accent, she'd have been married by 26 and have 2 kids and an apt in midtown by now…
Girls with good bodies and decent faces, if they'd just take a week or soemthing to go to a camp and learn how to apply makeup and dress so they don't look like whores… and fucking jogging in Howard Beach? IT ain't the 80s anymore when John Gotti's grew would have put a nigger who touched an Italian girl into a tub of acid and dumped him in the river. WHY was she out jogging, esp dressed like that?
The other one was obviously White, but she deserved it ALOT more than this one, since she was repeatedly burning the coal and ultimately got BURNED INTO CHARCOAL for her crimes against her race….

ZOG is working exactly as intended

Thanks for the news

oh shit nigga it looks like I've insulted someone's waifu…!

Nope. She's ugly. Please stop projecting. If you like manly dark bitches, more power to you. I could care less. Once again, she's ugly to me. Sorry, some nigger raped your fantasy girl. Cheer up.

You don't seem to quite have the definition of "White knight down," tourist asshole. a "white knight" is a cuck who defends x girl because he thinks he might get pussy for defending her. Hey, amybe I'll dig up her corpse and leave it in your mother's house in front of a cup of steaming hot tea, and with a camera and wifi hooked up to get a reaction to a corpse on her couch with tea in front of her.
Now, DEFENDING YOUR RACE when 2 niggers who were very clearly guilty based on DNA when niggers refused to vote guilty TWICE in 2 SEPARATE CASES– this means the niggers no longer have any fear of jail since their fellow niggers will just let them off in the name of "Social justice," and this is a GIANT fucking problem asshole.
I hope the next one they rape and murder is your mother.

If she is pretending to be a Sicilian and dresses and acts like one, then afaic she is one.

I like my white women to look white, thank you. I would take a pasty nerdy girl with decent features over this slut any day.

In the grand scheme of things, this shit was probably for the best.

Literally looks like a character made on the oblivion character creator.

Everyone on here is a fuckign stud, amazing how that works. Her looks wouldn't disqualify her for me. It would be the height the trashiness of her dress, and the personality/accent that would send me running.
You can always tell who has been to Europe and who has never left ZOG by these threads 9and now you'll answer "Of course I've left Zog 500x.." Post your passport then…


No, we should spend tens of thousands traveling the world when that money could go to charity to prove how "Cultured" we are… sounds like liberal shit to me















I too say let him go. Declare him above innocence and innocent for life , bless his heart.

You sound like an incel and you probably are one. Faggot

In other words, I was 100% correct. Thank You. You have an "idea" of what you think Europe is, but have never lived there. You are the post child for Le 56% with the flag "Let me tell u about what parts of the world are White…."

Average people do not have the money to travel the world, even if they wanted to.

The Internet is a sacred invention that can let us learn and travel without wings, without wheels. The trip begins with a kiss.

That's why it's so important that we not let it die, and it is sick. It isn't sick because of this site or any other chan, it's sick because of JewBook and JewTube, JewGoog and JewSoft.

Any entity that opposes the absolute, unfettered freedom of speech is an Enemy of the State.

Kike. Your father is an arab and your mother is a nigger. Don't talk about who's white right now, we're talking about the goddam jury system in burgerstan now.

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She was not white. she deserved to be tortured and raped by a subhuman.

Nobody deserves to be tortured or raped.

Subhumans do. And that includes women. There is nothing wrong in torturing, raping and killing women.

Confirmed for sandnigger

Defending a thot is not something worth my time. Nothing of value was lost here and calling me a tourist just proves you're a bitter white knight to the very end. If you look at her and see a white woman, you're either a kike or a nigger.

the kid confessed. they are saying he is retarded. he described how she died and where he left her. Family infront of court saying he is a dindu.

oy vey so what if a nigger killed a woman in your country? just let bygones be bygones goy!


Fake story.
That's a tranny.
See the flat plate between the fake tits?

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Are you posting from Morocco?

More dumb hoes gotta die befoe anyone can say nigger

Robbie Parker tier griefless parents.
This is meant to be 1 week after the rape and murder, and 1 day after the funeral.
You guys actually believe this?
Nice purple gloves, purple clothing on the presenter, and of course Hollywood connections right off the bat.

Just noticed the purple sunglasses too (presenter draws your attention to them before the scene, just to make sure all watching Masons understand it's an operation.)


that daughter was going to turn into her mother….

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So the girl gets raped and killed and the rapist probably won't be convicted.
Everyone: Wait, but her race and her aesthetics

What? We dont care you dumb fuck, all blacks are invaders in white countries. Like with black violence or abortions, if its black on black - we dont care, only bad one is black on white.

They call it "Murder Mystery" (33) from the outset.
Then it develops like a Humphrey Bogart flick, with the break coming from a detective's "hunch".
Of course, the suspect lived 3 and a 1/2 miles from the crime scene 3, 1+2 = 3 3
The tragedy! (plot device)
More tragedy:
15 feet away from the trail!
Mother speaks:
No shit! We need to teach boys not to kill and rape!
This is just a complimentary operation to #metoo, make every woman terrified of men, etc etc.
Of course. To get the right on-side with the psyop, you make the "perp" a non-White or a jew. For the left side, him being male is enough.
This is all the jew need do to ensure that right-wingers will vigorously defend its psyop, calling anyone who exposes it a "nigger lover" etc.
They know your mind and which buttons to push better than you know yourself.

Only cuckchanners and fedora tippers are you fucking retards. Go be pathetic cucks somewhere else

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I don't care about that.
It's a psyop, a hoax, a play for the masses.
How can you not see that the whole thing is a scripted play? The news is a soap opera by another name.

Everyone has their own taste. To me, she's ugly, so what? Why are you so butt hurt someone doesn't like what you like? Sorry they killed the love of your life. Bet you would act this way if someone said your new Prius was ugly as well. Grow up niggerfaggotkike.

Did you even read my posts?

clearly an oldfag here

another oldfag, the picture tells the everyone what they need to know

I don't care if you want to fuck your dead mother and then cook her insides. I care about the TREND here– 2x in 2 years, 2 DNA cases where the niggers were guilty beyound all doubt , 2 hung juries.
And I'm not even counting the Newsom/Christian murders where the kike judge was zonked out on xannies and painkillers and the niggers who raped, tortured, and killed a White couple in Knoxville TN were given incredibly light sentences as a result. I believe one is already out. Don't hold your breath for an HBO documentary on these cases though.
Reverse the races, and the niggers would burn down half the cities in the nation.

ec2717's waifu is ugg to the lee

This ec2717 americuck white knight is an embarrassment to watch. Just shut the fuck up, retard.

It's almost as if these anons blinked when staring into the abyss… or they're shills idk

Pic unrelated

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m having tourists come into my homeboard for the last 4 years, and telling ME what to do? No, fuckface, not how it works, sorry. In fact, now I'll keep fucking posting. Go to cuckchan or plebbit or wherever the fuck you usually hang out with the other hipster, nintendto switch, primal fear face soy faggots…

hey, I have a great idea user…know where you got that screengrab? Know that place? GO BACK THERE! This isn't "le cool terrorist board…" and if it were, I can tell you, when the day for shooting begins, I'd be gunning for most of the wiggers and various traitors and posers on here right now long before I'd be gunning for muslims or any others…

I thought 2 weeks was enough for the bullshit to wear off…looks like need to wait another 2, spend my free time on vidya and work, and then come come back again and hope the vermin is gone…if still not gone then, will start spamming gore and whatever else I can find…it's actually a shame in some ways the roaches are now rangebanned, since they had a "special" way of clearing out a board of those who don't belong on them.
To the few oldfags, see you in 2 weeks, barring another major happening. Maybe will try nein…later..

I really can't blame Niggers for voting Not Guilty no matter what.
I'm a White guy who was charged with simple DUI that was gonna be more or less a slam-dunk, and I was stunned by the amount the needless lying, cheating and fake evidence used by DA with assistance from Judge. I was like "this look like a pretty simple case so why all this BS…do you guys just do this for practice or what?"

OJ might be guilty, but given the realities of "the system" today the jury voted correctly.

I take back what I said. She's pretty hot in this video.

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Okay, I get you now. You never meant to address me. I admit it is sad, but it's her own fault for not carrying at least a machine gun with her when she's outside dressed whorishly. At best she should've been in the kitchen where she belongs. It's not the first time someone gets away with a crime and their guilty. It's also not the last. It wouldn't even be the first time if someone was convicted for something they never did. It's the parents fault/problem really. They should avenge their kid, if they really even cared about it.

what the fuck was that and why did i save it?

Same Probably in here.

Mother of slain University of South Carolina student says suspected killer created 'a hole in our universe'


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Fucking savage kek

Moolie tranny spotted.

Are you dreaming of having eggplant for dinner?

Dios Mio, la creatura has been around since he's 12…

I really, really can't stand tourist vermin look you who try to turn it into "x murdered raped and raped guinea was your waifu! You are "white knighting this manly looking.."
A. all you deal is reveal you've never had your hole in your entire life
B. Very rarely does this board give a fuck about an individual, exceptions made sometimes for girls like Ebba due to the nature of how she was murdered, her age, and the fact that they vandalized her grave THIRTY TIMES and cops did nothing.
It's not about these girls. One was a coal burner, one was a 5 foot tall guinea. It's the TREND. Are you capable of understanding that spic? This is twice in a row, DNA and confessions, one (the coal burner) had TWO hanged juries, this is about to be the second.
Soon, any nigger in the country is going to be able rape and murder any White girl they feel like, and if there's a single nigger on the jury, it will be "I don't trust the White man's science." There's a taped confession? "Whitey done beat that confession out of dat boy, he dined nuffin? Look how many nigger you'll find claiming the chaicgo faggot was not guilty despite the 2 nigerians on tape buying the rope and the hats, the checks, the text messages, etc… AND HE GOT OFF WITHOUT EVEN A FUCKIING BEING CHARGED! If I pulled that as a White guy? 25 years. You cannot have a society like this. This is South Africa level already and Whites are ~50%. How about when we are 30%?
I just hope Whites begin going tit for tat and (on the very few) occasions a White murders a nigger? Hung jury…

On a side note, couldn't Trrant have used his regular homebboard for the livestream instead of pushing all the tourist filth here? Yes, he was a somewhat regular user since in his manifesto he wrote : "EMBRACE INFAMY" about 5 times. But I feel like he put this board up as the patsy since:
A. not located in OZ
B. The users here (before the influx of vermin) are fewer but better with tech (got everything saved and distributed) and not ONE of the 300+ from here who watched it reported it to kikebook. That's fucking loyalty.
BUT..now, take a look at the threads, and this is what we'll be dealing with for next month or two…. I feel like a cunt for bitching about this when dude is in solitary 24/7, but I feel like it takes away from the greater mission of this place, which is exposing "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem."

Without our women we have no future.
they do need a slap mind you
but then so do you
Because you’re a nigger

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bro , its a cops daughter

toll paid

also if you are within 40 ft of a nog and you survive you should feel lucky. Nogs have aids aura, they are like fiddlesticks from league

that's a fucking Arab

this. why cry over non-whites getting niggered.com?

a. your spacing tells me you have never fucking posted here before
b. the cop's daughter (he was actually a fireman, but he'll get pretty much the same help as if he were a cop)was NOT a coal burner. The other one was. The girl in Howard Beach was literally pulled into the bushes and raped by a nigger.
The other one, the one down in Mississippi WAS a coal burner and DID get what she deserved. Make sure to share with every female in your life who you think what ever consider saying a nigger– THIS is what "paying the tolll" looks like… being covered in lighter fluid and set on fire while still alive…

p.s.- the said part is, if she's been raised correctly, today she'd have 3 White children and a decent husband. She wasn't ugly, wasn't covered in tattoos. I blame her murder squarely on the the Jewish media bosses like Sumner Redstone and Harvey Weinstein, just as Dr. Pierce did.
Look up the dr. Pierce broadcast "The killing of kayla" to see just HOW and why these jew media bosses are responsible….

Attached: jessica-chambers-quiton-tellis-2.jpg (1196x700, 542.56K)

Go here, then go down to # 69 if you want to learn WHY the Jewish media bosses have this girl's blood (the one above, not the howard beach) on their reptile jewish hands:


So you made this thread to white knight for some disgusting whore? I'm sure she's really glad you're out here defending her honor. I can't get past that face. It's like generic cocksucker or something. Just disgusting.

Italians disgust me

Just because she carries the surname of her remote Italian bull ancestor doesn't mean she is anything less than a McMongrel™ like the rest of her compatriots.

Neck yourself, nigger.

sure boss , never posted here … you are so smart

but sure , jews and blacks , stay clear, I agree. Fuck em. So why didnt her fire fighter father tell her about the blacks???

Just because he doesnt give a damn about a random whore doesnt mean he is gay.Also you need to go back to your safe space.

lmao, and you STILL can't get take a fucking clue on how to space here. Truly an oldfag, my mistake there Hymie.

Another spic ass ugly fucking nigger who doesn't GET the idea of TRENDS. When you have NIGGERS on fucking Juries– with DNA, with Taped confessions– who STILL refuse to find a fellow nigger guilty, then you have a MAJOR fucking problem in society. IF you aren't trolling and genuinely can't see that, expect to be visited on DTOR. One of the first.

wew keep being you, nu/pol/

I am all for criminals that target whites to go out without any kind of punishment, maybe when the knife is bone deep then whites will do something.Think in the long term before you post


Then you better be getting the word out, because the failure of the jury system isn't exactly the talk of the town yet.

Majority of whites will not give a damn because they live in a parallel world fueled by media and propaganda, so the system need to make everyone of them lose someone they care for and the criminal in question to get out without any kind of punishment.Only then will anyone see a real change and a possible tribalistic action.