Did they fought in the civil war? NO did they fought in the independence war? NO did they fought in the ww1 and ww2 to liberate the world? NO Did they asent buiding from the scrach all the beautifull building and infraestructures you see today?
The rest are nothing more tha leechers that came when everything was already built They dont even deserve to be called americans that sustantive is exclusive of european americans Remember european americans= Americans The rest african americans, asian americans, hispanic americans……
Nice. Those are fine horses and a well provisioned wagon with a good white armed family protecting the wife and young kids. The various mudshit hordes hate this and hate this pic especially. I love it
Christian Collins
The only way we can free of our debt is giving to our children the same oportunities our ancestors fought and died for
I’ll use white all day long cuck White white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white My ancestors were in what is now Germany over forty thousand years ago using fire and tools and inventing art , music , and civility. They were there long before a Europe was around. I’ll never abandon the word White Man. White white white. Yep it feels good to type it out even. White. Ahhhh yesssss
Luke Smith
Native Americans would like to have a word with you.
Dominic Walker
How, by seance?
Christian Price
Yeah? And what do they want to say? Feather niggers have nothing to say to white men , I live next to an shitty rez ask me how I know they’re trash. Also whites were here on this continent well over ten thousand years before the chinks wandered over on the Berrengian ice straight Maybe they should fuck back off to China where they’re from m88
Hunter Gutierrez
Cuck? You are the only cuck that use a racialized term coined by our enemy to descrive yourself We are much more than that we are EVROPEANS
Luke Howard
Yeah you are the cuck cuckboy Learn the difference between “europe” and white. Europe is a very recent invention whites living in our ancestral homelands is not
Europeans= the native people of europe with history traditions and achieviment that date mileniums back in history . White = a racialized term to difference us for negroes that in usa include jews , arabs moorocans and even indians
Dominic Anderson
Henry Kelly
everythings jewish, everyones a kike shill words are all made up anyway. i dont think vikings or gauls or romans or angles or saxons called themselves white OR european
Jaxon Howard
Words have more strenght than the swords like they say specially the internalized ones that we fully accept as an aseptic description of fact
Evan Jones
None of that matters, faggot. The kikes own you and your greatgrandkids will be brown.
'Greatgreatgrandkikes' has a nice ring to it. You should start getting used to it.
Brayden Miller
Your dried corpse will be blowing amongst the tree branches by then, neanderkike. Stop concerning yourself with a future where you are already extinct.
Camden Morgan
the only ones who have been bleached to extinction are kikes thenself after more than 2000 years being fucked by everyone Hiytites, Greeks , romans ….. they are the perfect definition of frankestein Soon they will be putt where they belong
It's already too late. Might as well kys now, white mongrels.
(((WE))) control everything. You don't even possess a religion you can unite behind. You're already dead and you don't even know it.
James Peterson
HISPANIC CULTURE IS EUROPEAN CULTURE Therefore, Hispanics are European and, thus, American. This clearly excludes Mayanos and the mixed meszitos.
Aaron Jenkins
Lel. Stupid jews.
Reminder: Josephus made it all up.
Easton Foster
If that were at all remotely close to true, your frail, frightened, filthy ass wouldn't be here playing your tired, pitiful, and failed kike wizardry. Everyone is awakening to your vile existence, and crimes upon humanity for the past 6000 years. EVERYONE! And, unfortunately for your rotten hide, there is no where left on this planet for you subhumans to run and hide. …except maybe underground where you belong. You know this. We all do. You overplayed your decadent, arrogant, and time eroded hand. Your most recent, self absorbed, and mindfucked generations of parasitic ratskinned "elites" cuased you to simply forget how to play the vile game that your demon ancestors played so well. We see (((YOU))), you fucking shitstained pigdog jew.
You really should stop poking the Boar in your last hours, because you are only generating the inevitable scenario where NO ONE will give two shits about your "perpetual victimhood", or your bullshit Holohoax "guilt". Your blood will fertilize my land to feed my progeny thousand of years into the future without you, and your psychotic infection amongst REAL Human Beings. We're finally going to make the Holohoax real, so you can pay for the past 80 years of your usurping, subversive crimes, and lies upon OUR World. You're already extinct, and you know it. Your scared. …shitting yourself in your sleep. You should be, you worthless neanderkike. You'll never stop, or even hinder the future you've created for yourselves. We're coming.
Stop embarrassing yourself, and your Volk, your ignorant piece of shit.
Aryan Celtic Nordic Scandinavian European etc.
You're attempting to push your dying propaganda on a heavily woke Aryan audience? You truly are a shameless kike shill. The Fire Rises. The roaches scatter and burn like leaves in the wind. You're gonna burn.
Just remember who owns all the banks and who moves all the shekels and who rules all the courts and who controls all your entertainporn that you jack off to everydayandeverynight.
You low IQ goytards are so predictable.
"culture" lolz We gave it to you and you ate it all up like stupid children. Mesmerized whites glorifying niggers dancing on the idiot box as they grab their cocks. Glued to the flat screen witness to niggers running back and forth and back and forth and back and forth bouncing a ball. You goytards talk about these incidences at your wage slave jobs as if they hold any significance whatsoever — it delights our kind greatly. You're fed a diet of shit and porn and you don't even know it. All the while your balls empty out poisoned sperm into a crumpled up sock hoping to meet some nice wifey who hasn't taken black cock up her white ass.
ur kind is alreddy ded
Aaron Collins
Northern Europeans were the first people to reach America, it is ours.
I wonder what would have happened if white people who came to America first survived and thrived. Would we have gotten a separate convergent empire on the level of Rome? Would have American whites discovered Europe first instead of the other way around?