Dorald Grimpf plans to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a fronthole if the kike mutant finally dies

Trump plans to appoint female judge to replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg if she ever retires as he tells confidants he's 'saving' Judge Amy Coney Barrett for that slot

President Donald Trump is reportedly saving a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court for conservative Amy Coney Barrett to take the place of 86-year-old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Barrett, a judge on the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, was added to Trump's shortlist of potential nominees last year following the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy in 2018.
The 47-year-old was said to be among Trump's top three picks before he settled on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which sparked a controversy after a California college professor leveled an ultimately unsubstantiated sexual assault allegation against him.

Despite Trump’s plan to have Barrett on the Supreme Court, Ginsburg has said she plans to stay a justice for 'at least five more years.'
That would open up the possibility of a Democratic president replacing her.
When he first deliberated Kennedy’s replacement, Trump revealed he had big plans for Barrett, Axios reported Sunday.
He admitted he was 'saving her for Ginsburg,' according to three sources familiar with the president's private comments.
The conservative favorite is often criticized by Democrats for her anti-abortion views, having said in a University of Notre Dame magazine in 2013 that 'life begins at conception.'

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Oh boy, another BASED femoid judge!

Has she actually been seen since the theater appearance, it's never brought up anymore on half chan.

Hell yeah! Anti-trumpers OUT!

I'm incredibly disappointed at this presidency. Fuck voting, nothing changes

Fuck trump fuck America

OP just mad he ain't appointing another kike.

Why hasn't Trump appointed a single jew to a position where they can't be fired?

We would be fucked without Trump.

If Trump is not good for anyone, name a better candidate.

Barrett is /ourgirl/. If the dems throw fits about her, she must be great.

America needs someone who stops abortions completely.

The US didn't have demographic problems when abortion was illegal.

If abortion is banned, the fertility rate will get back to at least 2.1 children per woman. Th's will lead to big economic growth.

An abortion ban makes migration unnecessary.

Every thing about your post is cancer


Don't worry. We have an ace up our sleeve. The nigger lover raped me, so she can't possibly be a justice.

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But user, men have holes in their dicks just like women have holes in their vaginas. It's just women's holes open up wider for obvious reasons

And wiki has this to say: They have seven children: five biological children and two children adopted from Haiti. Her youngest biological child has special needs.

She's a christcuck of the highest order, roman catholic.

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"IF" Ruthie Dies?
Why wait?
Just have her take a cognitive test like they demanded Trump take…
And a Physical to see if she can stay awake for an eight hour work day…

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I wonder what kind of outcries the democrats are going to create this time.

Oh shit, she might be a Christian dominionist slime intent on establishing egalitarian theocracy. Well, at least that would be better than Ginsburg.

She adopted a nigger.

Correction: She adopted and imported TWO niggers.

I guess they're going to say that she's a fake Christian then.

checking those bitter, bitter blackpill trips

There will just be a whole group of people who will come out and say she raped them 20 years ago.

The absolute COPING of MIGApedes.

Aren't you suppose to try and hide your nose when you do shit like this?

I wouldn't worry about her. Three months into her appointment she'll be killed by one of the niggers

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That's another jew.

What does that matter? All the kikes he hired are still there while thd nationalists were booted in the first quarter of thd firstf year of his presidency.
No one is falling for the orange kike meme anymore.

Unedited Full NZ shooting:
Condensed shooting footage with added hit markers and music:
Marty Robbins/Johnny Cash edit
Dope Fiend edit

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Answer the question shitkskin

How do you fire your favored son in law who rules from behind the throne?

It’s become a bitter indifference to me at this point. I know it always could be worse but it does not change the fact we live in a dystopian clown world.

All I can really say is to surf the kali yuga, if you are able to survive this shit storm with your family and character in toe then all else will be made fine.


So do you think it was all 88d chess and Trump is going to fire all of jewish appointments, maybe around the time when Qanon arrests everybody you don't like?

shes a demon worshipping moloch slave like all politicians in roles of power


Why are you using transgender terminology?

It adopted a nigger too. Women kind have zero place in politics or business and should be at home making babies and food for their husbands

His eyes are crazy because he has to keep his hands off the girl, for the picture.

Oh no, he is floating one of the exact straight White justices he was advertising that he would appoint during his campaign? Such shock! I am soo disappointed wtf I hate blumpf now! #Imwithher #Yanggang #CruzMissile

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Yes, I think most people would agree that Barrett is better than Rbg.

If Barrett is not good enough, name a better candidate.

Hello fellow liberal retard.

Theres a high probability she died in the recent complications after surgery.
My suggestion is that we organize a sudden outpouring of sympathy for Ginsbergs recent passing.
They would be forced to either wheel her out in public or admit that shes dead.

Why do Jews want to be in power in a country that supposedly hates them?

Alas, no.

Can't find a picture of her, I bet she looks like fucking death. The picture with the article is from much earlier.

That is why killing more women is a must.

He was supposed to be a god emperor who destroyed that evil institution. Now he's feeding it with pretty faces who will make transforming America into a gulag of niggers more pleasant.

The so tell for cognitive dissonance. Stop being so emotional.

If you are ever going to get anything done for your race, you need to either think clearly as a thought leader or get off your ass and ACT. I think we all know you will never do the latter, so at least try to do the former.

yes. she went to. Zionist thing a few days ago

Why should we even bother to read your shit if you cant even spell his name right. Stop acting like a fucking faggot.

Its a meme, summerfag

No its people acting like faggots. The same people probably relate harry potter and star wars to politics.

I thought for sure they reported Ginsburg dead.
2nd image looks suspiciously fake, or like a body double.

What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch?

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From Haiti?
Wow what a coincidence.
Another pedophile Moloch worshipping Jew.

Trying so hard to make people hate trump. It’s not working.

A woman is as great as an immigrant… for every great Aryan woman you find who would be fine directing and protecting people of your own kin, you are likely to find an immigrant (Male of course) who can do the same with the same duty and skill as her.

If an immigrant's voting patterns destroy a nation, he can simply go to another nation and work there. If a woman's voting patterns destroy a nation, she will simply go to another nation to spread her legs… regardless if she's a doctor or a lawyer.

Amy personal online army has arrived.

What does it even matter, dems just kill any supreme court justice they don't like… "Wetworks in the vineyard"

You mean how they throw fits about Milo Yiannopolous, Implicit Dick, Fag Anglin, Juden Peterstein, etc.? Guess those guys must be fuckin great.