wtf? Where did the board go? I cannot connect to it on any device. Where am I going to get my news now? Zig Forums? wtf???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Where is Zig Forums on 4chan?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself faggot
4chan is a cucked honeypot. You can't post there while using a VPN unless you buy a pass with your credit card. They have to fingerprint you.
fucking neck yourself
Daily reminder
Any thread posed as a question is a slide.
Anyone posting an unspoilered nigger is not from here.
Anyone saying "based" is not from here.
Anyone not supporting Natsoc unironically is not from here.
>>>/oven/ or >>>/4chan/
take your pick
adblock (((lists))) fucked up the cuck/pol/ catalog
4chan is gay anyway. i am banned there for month and i don't even have any idea why. i just checked how 4chan react to Saint Brenton Tarrant, and they banned me. Zig Forums is much better.
I'm banned for life because of ironic cunnyposting.
Seeing this?
Turn off your adblock as said.
I was banned for life on previous IP because talking about pizzagate end pedo elites. But at least i know why. This time i have no idea why i am banned at all. I was also banned for few days because i write on /v/ that Nintendo can only make Mario clones for manchilds and PS4 is more mature gaming console. 4chan is cucked.
slanty eyed retards
Yes don't bother with it, some boards like /v/ and /tg/ are as bad as resetera now
The reason that's happening is because Hiromoot has put malware in 4chan's pages so anything that blocks ads or scripts will break the site.
PS4 is a cucked platform now. PC is the way to go as it always been.
It's still where it always you fag
People do this here even more than on 4ch. No matter if they're from here or not, they seem like a majority now. I've nothing against them but theor ad hominem arguments are annoying.
Not for me. I want to lay in bed and play some games before i sleep. I sit in front of computer too much anyway.
I know. Real Aryan don't have fun. Even better do nothing at all becouse everything is controled by jews anyway and propably mossad false flag.
You fucks moved it here.
You could just hook it up to a big screen and use a controller…
You're all stupid for such obvious bait without even sage
My pc is not exactly new. Why should i buy new pc for games if if PS4 cost 20% of PC price. I also hate Valve.
Whole life is bait. Who cares. Not like i could save world instead posting here.
4chan had more positive reaction to tarrant than Zig Forums
That is not true at all.
True. But i already know knowledge this board offer. I just do not pretend that i am important.
Namefaggotry and Likes,I knew /wsg/ "artists" had a ,I told the namefags what will it lead to,their answer was "Nobody cares old man",and then they will ask me Why I fight back