International anti-LGBT, anti-abortion congress opens in Verona
where are the trucks of peace when you need them?
Italy has been blowing away all my expectations. How long until Right Wing Pasta Squads blitz through Europe and liberate it from the (((globalists)))?
I'll open my doors and feed them when they come here.
Fucking this. Italy is really starting to look like somewhere I can live. Why can't we have our own salvini here in the US?
Why isn't this hosted in the middle east?
Italy seems to be the future somehow
We're beholden to a (((certain type of group))) who like to hold (((historical atrocities))) over the White Race's head to bring them to heel.
The future of a jew-conspired economic meltdown.
Verona is perfect too. The two gentlemen of Verona in Shakespeare are basically thinly veiled faggots, making this a very poetic choice
nigger, are you sure you're on the right website?
(((you))) guys hate us christians though so why are you suddenly supportive of us?
+20 XP
When did I say that? I'm saying the reason whites keep cucking out is because they think it's real. As well as not knowing (((who))) was really behind shit like slavery.
No shit. Does sharia say anything about women murdering their own children? Meme the jihad against them.
Like Weimar?
Knows shit about that nugroup. Stupid suits with stupid hats. Who is it? Pro or Anti?
anti faggot obviously
lurk moar
Increasing white birthrates and decreasing mud invaders isn't uniquely Christian. I remember my pale ancestors pushing back against swarthy Christian scum from Rome to keep their land white and free. Unfortunately they failed, and here we are 1700 years later with you talking shit like Christians are the only ones that preserve their people.
My oh my, isn't that transphobic?
Sorry I replied to the wrong person.
Increasing white birthrates and decreasing mud invaders isn't uniquely Christian. I remember my pale ancestors pushing back against swarthy Christian scum from Rome to keep their land white and free. Unfortunately they failed, and here we are 1700 years later with you talking shit like Christians are the only ones that preserve their people.
Abortion is a National Question.
In that thing called "America," being anti-abortion means Christfags go into purity spirals when white women abort nigger mongrels (they realize what a mistake fucking niggers is and try to get rid of it).
And the homosexual identity is a "Western" invention, and nothing but nationalist revolution will ever purge it from society.
So-called conversion therapy groups don't even have a psychological explanation for faggotry, they are all religious groups that simply want to turn faggots into faggots for Jesus (like they are). The only way the faggot identity will be eradicated is when White Nationalist psychologists start experimenting with male children identified as faggots (lesbian is just an anti-male ideology extended to sexuality). We will find a "cure" for the faggot identity, up to and including cutting their balls off when they're 7 years old and turning them into women. No more faggots, one way or another!
Nigger apparently you haven't heard of Persia, India, China, or Japan. Don't even get me started on the western hemisphere.
Abortion is illegal in muslim countries, so I assume so.
/trannypol/ needs gassed. Trying to pass off more tanny degeneracy as faggot hate. Nigger, I got Zyklon for U.
Pro-life only matters in eugenic sense, i.e. you want to encourage high quality whites to have healthy children, the rest should be aborted. (((Christcucks))) are uncomfortable with that position.
Gee I wonder (((why))). Fuck (((universalism))).
the only atrocity of slavery was how shitty and inefficient of a workforce they made and the fact that we let them breed and didn't castrate them like the arabs did to their nigger slaves
if abortion was actually made illegal spic and nigger women would still go get back alley coat hanger abortions which are likely to kill the whore too.
The idea that your are born a faggot is an invention of the "West," and more specifically, capitalism.
Men also have fucked animals all over the world, but no culture ever came up with the idea that some more are born wanting to shove their dicks inside of cows, horses, chickens, etc, etc. This idea is a "Western" capitalist invention, that no other culture ever thought of to describe their perverts.
The homo crowd only cares about their own choices. Our opinions don't matter to the globohomos.
Only Christfags care about killing the woman who wants to abort her nigger-mongrel.
Making abortion illegal means more nigger mongrels that we're just gonna have to kill when the White Nation Liberation War starts.
Abortion is a National Question. After our real Nation has liberated itself, perhaps we can reconsider the issue. Until then, being anti-abortion in that thing called "America" is a form of purity-spiraling for Christfags to cry about aborted nigger-mongrels.
Me too, they are most welcome to purge gypsy and turk from Bulgaria
It's ok Varg, it happens
Recently, I've been thinking about shitposting on some gypsies in my city. They are a fucking plague.
You must be atheist right?
If there was a God, why did he create niggers?
I suppose collecting a genetic sample without hurting the baby should be preferred. Then if the baby is tagged as non-White, abortion is not only an option, it is mandatory and the bitch can go to a reeducation camp for something like two years, just to go from coalburner to 1488 waifu.
Ever heard of the concept of struggle?