The Nazis were the good guys. They wanted to protect nature, live in a balanced and natural order, and guarantee that the suffering of animals was eliminated.
The man of the future is a steward of nature, not an exploiter. Part of our beautiful vision for the future is to establish a garden of eden world where man uses his position as the sole species with dominion over the Earth to guarantee that we do not cause the suffering and extinction of other races.
First we have to defeat our enemies. Second we must build this new world. Part of this effort must incorporate eugenics to eliminate stupid fucking degenerates who don't understand the moral wrong that animal abuse is. Retards who lack empathy will be sterilized. Retards who don't understand the immorality of it will also be sterilized. In a few generations of eugenics and gene editing, we will eliminate the Man Of Cruelty and replace him with the Man of Mercy.
It is not weak to have mercy for those who deserve it, innocent and defenseless animals. For we must love justice, peace, innocence, beauty, wisdom, and at the same time for us to love one thing, we must HATE the opposite of it.
We must hate suffering, cruelty, injustice, stupidity, immorality.
Please white brothers do not turn a blind eye to the suffering of animals.
Warning for this video. You will want to vomit. But these animals live this hell on earth every fucking day, every moment. When you are comfortable in your bed. When you are listening to music in the car. When you are enjoying a meal. Their hell endures. No one comes to help them. No one shows them mercy, or kindness, or compassion. Their entire short existence is suffering on a level that would break any man reading this now. Their imprisonment and pain would shatter your soul and break your being.
These animals are as intelligent and emotional as 3 year old children. Imagine a 3 year old trapped in this hell. That is the equivalency of it. Please Anons remember that in the world we wish to usher in, we must not forget all creatures of nature must be rescued by the current system of unnatural exploitation and suffering in the name of profit.