Niggers on twitter are going crazy about a nigger, a Rapper named Nipsey Hussle, being shot...

Niggers on twitter are going crazy about a nigger, a Rapper named Nipsey Hussle, being shot. There's a conspiracy theory going around that he was shot because he was doing a documentary about a goddamn African witch doctor named Dr. Sebi who died in police custody in Honduras. Said nigger witch doctor is claimed to have found a cure for aids (Hopefully not by raping babies), and now I guess a 3rd nig, Nick fucking Cannon, is picking up where nog #1 left off on his documentary. Cannon is trending on Twitter now because the nigger community at large thinks he needs a bodyguard.–sebi-and-nipsey-hussle-s-documen.html

Thhese are the same GODDAMN DARKIES that think white genocide doesn't exist.

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I'm beginning to think AIDS isn't even a real thing.

AIDS is real, but HIV is a hoax. Watch the documentary "House of Numbers".

This is what Boomer retardation looks like


I've looked into this Dr. Sebi "witch doctor". The blacks tend to follow anyone of slight (and I mean slight) leadership qualities as hard as they praise jeebus.
He was pushing for an alkaline diet. I would say he did do some research which is surprising. Supposedly he had shown proof of these claims in court too. Not sure how accurate any of it is. Though any diet of natural grains and plants will obviously be better then kfc and Applebee's. Of course as usual his mindless enterouge loved to blame whitey every chance they got.

Eh, it's funny seeing them try.

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AIDS is caused by voodoo is what I'm getting from this thread

Yeah but not better than kfc and Applebees and a glass of baking soda and water.

K here is the funny thing about this…you can kill yourself dead as FUCK by altering your blood chemistry just a little tiny bit…when you do follow an alkaline diet you need regular blood tests to make sure your pH isn't too far out of balance.

Anyone wanna take a bet on how many niggers he kills because they don't follow proper safety procedures and start guzzling baking soda and water? Give me your best guess on a number?

It would be funny to kill him just to cause mass nigger hysteria

Is there a point to this slide thread?

3 a month, assuming the niggers even put in the effort.

Nogs are a funny uneducated bunch!

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This is what truth looks like Kike.

niggrs are vile fuking animals. They should be contained to afreeka Ebola land. They don't belong in civilized society.

Somewhere between 0 and not enough. They won't even look into his research, they'll just chimp. Its niggers ffs.

Stop being so close minded you retard and research Dr. Peter Duesberg. Fucking plebs I swear.

Niggers always are looking for a reason to chimp the fuck out - why do you think they stand behind every gangbanger or strong-arm thug shot by cops, every wife-beater, every dog-fighter? It's not that they genuinely support these pieces of garbage, it's that they're looking for a reason to burn shit down & loot stores. This is why no sub-Saharan civilization exists, and why when niggers in sub-Saharan Africa gained independence from whitey, they IMMEDIATELY set to burning everything down, ripping up railroad tracks, demolishing buildings. They want to live in rubble because they can't understand civilization. In civilization they have to be civilized and can't act like unkempt animals.

The police probably shot the nigger because he's a nigger (racism). Why invent some stupid shit conspiracy theory?

This. The main (french?) doctor who championed the HIV theory completely backpedaled on it with solid evidence too.

AIDS is real, but it is not caused by HIV.

1/10 of those with AIDS don't have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

1/10 of those with HIV don't get AIDS (think Magic Johnson)

Thus while HIV appears to be an opportunistic micro organism that takes advantage of the collapse of the immune system during AIDS it is by no means the cause of that collapse of the immune system.

It appears that heavy drug use may in fact be the cause in conjunction with repeated syphilis infections; both overload the immune system and cause it to go into a state of utter collapse.

Former gang nigger killed by other gang niggers.

Not believing retarded conspiracy theories is not being close minded. Do you think all of the people to have a family member with AIDs are lying about it?

I hope you're not white.

I'm sorry, my mind just couldn't make it over this hurdle and onto an AIDS discussion. Fucking niggers, he just forgot to put 'lil in front of it for maximum street cred.

Yeah these niggers are no different than leftist cunts trying to get a mention on the back of a tragedy. The proof can be found in their silence for x number of little niglets who caught bullets inadvertantly and all the baby niggers that got aborted today.

As for that 'doctor', he was old af. Nothing happened there. His 'cures' were diets. I think it was about being akaline which plenty of White people talk about so nothing ground breaking there but having the words come out of a coons mouth is a revelation to these animals.

Anyways this dead fucker wasn't even a real American black but some sort of Arab piece of shit/half breed, mutt abomination posing as a good old coon. So as usual, nothing of value was lost.

April fools mf. Right ?

Lynn Margulis, who was Carl Sagan's wife, also famously published her opinions on why AIDS was not caused by HIV, but was in fact a renaming of syphilis, so that they could claim that syphilis rates were going down. Something to that effect, my based biology professoress made us read it.

Opens Co-Work Business Incubator Vector90 In Crenshaw. Say What…
Where have I heard the words "Business Incubator" before, oh that's right…
Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator.
Ocasio-Cortez’s failed company is a tax deadbeat: warrant filed over unpaid taxes to New York State.
"GAGEis, Inc."appears to be a Delaware shell owned by Cheni Yerushalmi, an Israeli businessman who also owned the now defunct/above referenced "Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator."
Money Laundering?

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if they'll believe one conspiracy theory they'll believe another, try reaching out to them, it can't hurt


Riots at the nigger memorial gathering police swarming the event.
Reports of shots fired mass hysteria ensued with trampelings.

Two people shot and six stabbed so far, mob won’t let ambulances through.

Officials are currently trying to remove all patients to a safe location in order to transport them, the department said. It's unknown how many people are injured.
Los Angeles police have responded to the memorial's massive crowd with riot gear and batons and have formed at least two containment lines, as seen on a live signal from CNN affiliate KCAL/KCBS.

In the live signal, there are people seen running and the dedicated memorial seems to be in disarray. Also in the live signal, people can be seen carrying others who appear to be injured; however, it is unknown what sort of injuries the persons sustained.

The Los Angeles Police Department tells CNN they do not have any information to provide at the moment.
Rapper Nipsey Hussle was killed Sunday in a Los Angeles shooting near a clothing store he owned, the Los Angeles Police Department said.
Two others were injured in the shooting around 3:20 p.m.
The rapper's last message on Twitter read: "Having strong enemies is a blessing."
Having strong enemies is a blessing.

Copied so you dont have to click on cnn

Crap forgot the picture

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Sick argument dude.

….and this is important, why? It's interesting drama but unrelated to Zig Forums maybe is the relation?

Did you see


Some nigs decided to nog at a memorial (usually happens when there's a large gathering of them) and the cops are clearing them out. Not that interesting at the moment. Is there supposed to be a greater connotation that's going to be a catalyst for something?

The peaceful mourners are taunting the police and have now entered into a fenced off construction area. Several people with minor injuries, the stories of a possible shooting were erroneous.

This is the psy op. They use racism and stupid ignorance to convince would be conspiracy theorist to buy into their cointelpro.

This thread I mean. Nipsey was really killed for spreading the truth. Dont let the obvious shills on this board persuade you otherwise.

Chimping out as usual, kek

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I don't understand. What does Honduras have to do with America?

I can honestly say I've never heard of "Nipsey Hussle" in my life. I need to spend less time reading books and more "keeping it real."

What kind of fagged up name is that anyway…breaking news another niggers dead…ONLY GOOD ONE….

Holy shit, at the candle light vigil? Isn't that special.

It's what colitis, celiac, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, etc., are. Immune failures because lack of resources; food, water, sun, movement, love, and so on.

Or proper immune system responses to lack of resources.

I don't really understand why you guys choose to cry over the fact that blacks will chimp out instead of using it to your advantage.

If the government killed this guy, the only reason is for that pharma money. Who runs big pharma?

The same guys you hate more than niggers. Use the chimp out to your advantage

Always that curious number… but pretty old for a nigger.

Why are the monkeys chimping out this time??

Apparently this nog was Grammy nominated, incase you needed another reason to ignore that award. Here's his top songs, #GrindMode, yo!

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these are good too

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It is a take off on Nipsey Russel
60's negro comic was a regular on hollywood squares game program.

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this a good feed from heli crew

inside group on ground

holy shit, vid deleted. Was woman from inside group of people. she cut out.

Saw this on the BBC website. Laughed.
They should just come clean and call the articles "Another nigger shot in a ghetto lmao"
Tell me, did any of you know who this nigger was until this news? They're all literally who's. The media uses them for token niggers.

Wow that's a massive police response.

yup, shit load cops everywhere. HAHA!, Did he just say stabbing wounds and then it cut out.

But I had to point out how he got his name

LA remembers its last riot quite well, and also remembers those that were the most vivid participants.
Geeeze can we find an actual pattern here?

Here is another group from ground

I got bored after a minute or so. Too many other things to do than watch niggers chimp half a world away.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. HOW the fuck is that a blessing?

That is not a downvote redditfriend, counter sage for interest. Maybe this isn't the place for you.

That's pretty based yeah.

Shkreli ordered it from the inside

why do we always give them shit for free, he didnt even have to pay to get arrested even though he clearly was willing to offer up something.

He was really fending for it.

pol should take advantage of these dumb nigger situations and tell them it was jews. It wouldn't ever be wrong if they look at jews corruption they targeted towards niggers.

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user you need to have an IQ upper bounded by 87 to appreciate such poetry.

////who//// cares nigger


Who gives a shit what a bunch stupid niggers think? It's not niggers that need to be convinced of White genocide. It's Whites.

fag IDF has arrived

Remove mudshits from the planet. It’s simple

Reprashuns n sheit mofuggah

From Mr. N. Hustle's critically aclaimed artpiece 'Bullets', i cite:

"Why you niggers outside without no gun,
you think this shit is a game?
But no, no not at all, i hop out gunning,
show you niggers i aint playing.

Pull the trigger,
Shoot the nigger,
Make sure that you got him,
Because bullets aint got no name

Shit Good to know. Heh puts his "scientific Discovery" into perspective.

This. When he was talking to groups none of them understood him and were just waiting for a whitey tirade.

Fucking niggers in this thread.

That corner alone could tie Saint Brenton The Remover's high score.


was no time, nothing important anyway

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Why do we care?

This literal nigger conspiracy theory is more plausible than Qanon, and many of the other Trumpnigger conspiracy theories.