assume that Telegram is compromised by the NSA. with over 100 million users, there is zero zilch nada no snowball in hell's chance that the NSA pervert traitors would just let that many people communicate without butting in to eavesdrop.
with that said, i have moved my comms to Telegram, since Twitter and Facezerg and Jeddit and (((Gab)))baim and everything else is a compromised Shitlib infested panopticon. i have been stunned by the amount of Content on Telegram. i was wondering since everyone has left Zig Forums and everyone has left Twitter, where did the Shitlord Autists from the Great Meme War era migrate to? they all moved to Telegram. there are dozens of channels and there is so much NS content i cannot even keep up with it.
Telegram has one thing going for it over all the rest: you can set it to only connect via Tor. now i also expect that NSA has compromised Tor and can read plain text at will and ingests and indexes all of it into XKEYSCORE. by definition of NSA's mission of being the Global Passive Adversary, there is no way to use any electronic comms without them also stealing a copy. so the only thing i expect to be NSA-proof is ear-to-mouth comm (but even that is becoming more and more dubious, with the rise of ever listening Alexa's and Nest's and microphones in every goddamn thing, including all of the light poles in San Diego which we learned in the breaking news today.
but what makes Telegram useful has nothing to do with NSA and everything to do with keeping your privacy from all the faggot Orgs run by kikes and Bolsheviks who are downstream of NSA. like Facezerg, Jewgle, Microsoft, Crapple etc etc who are also spying on everyone and using our private comms to manipulate us and to run MKULTRA psyops and brainwashing on us, and then handing over our private data to megakike orgs like the ADL and SPLC and the FBI faggots to persecute us and entrap us for WrongThink.
at least NSA jealously hoard our data which they steal from all of us, and don't give it to anyone outside of FVEYs because they jack off to the idea of their own supremacy of keeping The Big Secret that they are spying on everybody, so if they shared our data with the ADL then everyone would know they really are spying on everybody.
Telegram has problems of course. it steals your contacts and uploads them to their servers. it also by default relies on trusting the server as the middle man. they also made the fatal flaw in cryptography and rolled their own protocol, called MProto, which will probably be cracked someday soon.
so if you use a burner phone or the Linux Desktop app, and don't store any contacts to be stolen, and only connect via Tor, at least you can hide from (((Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile)))
as well as (((Jewgle, Crapple, Facezerg and Microsoft))), and prevent them from trivially storing all your shit forever and using it against you to deplatform you and get you fired and get you put on an Antifa hitlist.
finally, ISIS uses Telegram, so considering any pledgee to Islamic State really has to worry about a fucking drone missile coming through their roof at anytime, in my eyes, that makes Telegram secure and trustworthy enough to use as the propagation vector for the on-going Meme War.
here is a formal analysis of Telegram's MProto: