We are doing it anons!
Get in here and let's have a nice thread, Italy deserves it.
Italy Zig Forums - Lord and Saviour Salvini did it again Edition
tldr of what happened with the senegalese nigger
>(((Gad Lerner))) and shills saying that the dindu did it because of hAte and oPpReSsIoN, Salvini's fault and shit
We are winning this guys, the left is broken. Let's meme the hell out of them.
Btw we created an anonymous chat in telegram, you can join it through this link t.me/italypolchat
If you want to know more telegram chats or channels there should be a thread here
We even created a /italypol/ board but it's empty rn
S pd
Here's a video of the senegalese failing his objective
Oh, here's something no one is talking about, the new party for migrants, called "cara italia" after a song made by an "italian" nigger to make italy more diverse.
Too bad noone cares about it rip
This video is a red pill, user, keep up the important work!
I'll keep it up.
Fuck off back to kikechan.
Can start cloning Salvini already?
I wish we could
Salvini needs to do everything he can to call a snap election and he will double the seats Lega currently has.
I'm convinced that once Lega has enough power to ignore weak coalition partners, Salvini will become a new Mussolini
wait, wtf this is not what I heard about at all. Was he trying to keep people on the bus?
There is no hurry, Lega's numbers goes up slowly every day. Once election time comes and he sweeps everything. He can name himself Il Duce with the popular support that (((they))) can't stop him. Unlike moronic WN in USA, nationalists in Europe have long captured the hearts of police and military.
Well, at least Italy. Sorry.
are Italians against white american immigrants and if no how much Italian would I need to know to get by?
Europeans in general are against white american immigrants.
Stay home goblino
we would we want you back after what you did in WW2
After the Second American Revolution and our liberation from Israel, we will liberate Europe as well as redeemers, guides, benefactors, and conquerors.
just liberate yourself. everyone else is tired of your liberation, freedom and democracy.
Considering what a mess American culture is?
That would be the dawn of a new dystopia.
As it stands we're already being infected and its nightmarish to behold.
america is not supposed to have (((democracy))) and we certainly shouldn't be promoting it
Because of large immigrations to America in recent enough times (everyone knows somebody who one of their family emigrated to USA), Italians even nationalists are more open to a return to Italy. But we are very passionate about the ways of our people unlike countries like England or Germany that have cucked to internationalist ways.
Italian is not a hard language, while verbs can be hard, the pronunciation is very straight forward. But please please please get native Italian tutor and maybe native Italian penfriends before coming because the details are very important and people will like you more for example, something silly, you know that Cappuccino is ONLY a breakfast food.
my dad's side of the family is from Italy about half from Calabria at the tip of the boot and the other half from Sicily. My mom's family is mostly german and irish incidentally.
I figure the best way to learn a language is to be in the country and need to use it regularly but how fluent should I be before heading over?
Why do you think cops kill niggers so much here? Have you heard of the police gangs that are especially active in California that were outed as being explicitly white nationalist?
I think around the entire world police and military tend to have the highest concentration of nationalists
We had a thread on this, he tied the kids to the seats before setting it on fire
I'm so sick of living with all these fucking golem cattle who claim we're the good guys world police and the best country in the world. I hope they're all eaten by the niggers they love so much
Ok so shoot some politicians faggot.
2nd ammendment was written by people who shot politicians so you could do the same.
That's very important, yes.
Yes of coarse but don't just show up saying "I'm Italian niggas!", it's true that Romantic countries most people don't speak English very well compared to Germanic countries (expect old Italians to not be able to speak any English) so I'd recommend you get a native tutor and ask him to teach you until you "can defend yourself"… he should understand… enough to communicate and then you'll pick it up.
WHY would an American try to leave America for a shittier country?
I'm by no means an America-boo but the idea of someone unironically deciding to give up all their freedoms to move to a cucked Euro zone country just because le pizza and le pasta is beyond me. And I'd like to stress the word freedoms, yes, because here, in Italy, we got HALF of the freedom of speech you got in there.
Not only that, you might not realise it but modern Italy is Americanised as fuck except not in a good way. We got nigger music, whores, retards on TV, more whores, whores on TV, nigger lovers, niggers on TV, blatant leftist propaganda on TV 24/7, virtue signalers, trannies, gay clubs, trannies and gays in the gubmint, problem hair, problem glasses, feminists and the list goes on and on. That's all we import from America.
But hey, who am I to judge? If anyone wants to trade places with me, be my guest. I'm more than happy to because I really want out of this dumpster fire.
You are a nigger
I'm so jelly of Italy right now, I hope Salvini really starts deporting these people when he forms a stronger majority after the next elections. Maybe he could pay all immigrant "refugees" who already got asylum a small amount to leave? The undesirables are likely starting to feel the heat and they will take such an offer if presented under the right circumstances. I would love to visit a pest free Italy
Stay and fight for your country, the tide is obviously turning fast in a positive way. All of those degenerate effects you mentioned have the same cause. if you can get rid of the immigrants then you can get rid of that filth as well
Shit's bad in Italy but at least there's hope here. In America it's hopeless at least politically.
strong words from slaves of jews
lolno. Just fixing your own country is a monumental task. Don't tell others how to do it.
Nothing cheers me up more than checking the news from the pastanons. Grazie faggolis!
Are you really this dense, or just brainwashed friend? Don't you find it just slightly odd that that a driver would set his bus on fire? This invader's objective was to murder all those kids.
Forza Italia
best waifu
This. We will keep fighting.
Wow the msm said he let the kids off the bus, the fucking filthy scum. They would rather children die by the busload than invaders get called invaders and for repatriation to rapidly ensue.
it's not working schlomo
Why is noone saying that Boldrinee was the "moral instigator" of the poor senegalese that tried to kill those children?
I remember a different story when luca traini happened
Scrolling down this thread one wonders if one has accidentally clicked on cuckchan. Sucking off this kosher Salvini faggot, because he realeases a bit of pressure before the next summer of rape comes along, give me a break.
Better have Trump who build wall…. in Israel.
Salvini is actually doing great right now.
Why not go to /ita/?
There's actually people there.
I hope you are kidding me
Di queste cose ne puoi discutere benissimo in /ita/, solo perchè la gente non si vuole unire a telegram of cazzi vari non significa che la discussione su /ita/ di fatti politici non sia accettata.
Creare una chat fuori dal sito e aspettare che la gente si unisca senza motivo è un poco da folli.
Su /ita/ Melevisione non bandisce nessuno, non seriamente almeno, se vuoi fare una discussione di politiche attuali dubito qualcuno cercherebbe di fermarti.
What's stopping the italiabros from taking it back? The left doesn't have anything factual behind their claims, only marxist rhetoric feeling based shit, that's why they can't debate, only resort to false outrage and are often instructed not to do so because they get btfo every single time. Get on it.
mfw im moving to gorizia region in 4 years
cya later niggers, iam now a pastaboi.
I'm shocked that this was allowed to be printed. What year is it from? Certainly wouldn't be today.
Sure it would, it's commie as fuck, maybe the editor would ask that the first panel be changed, but the psycho with the gun is white, the sign on the hummer says guns for "peace" and of course meat is murder. Got to get the worker class used to living on turnip and rice.
Doesn't look very white to me. Looks like a niggmutt.
They're not WN but they mostly hate niggers and spics
We have the freedom to own guns and get our internet comments censored while being ethnically replaced
Non capisco.
Men that want to serve their nation and their people often end up in either the military or law enforcement. Its those areas where discipline and loyalty to your people get amplified. The whole muh zogbot-thing people keep throwing at you, i dont see it. You are right, the highest concentration of nationals can be found right where it matters.
I mean, no, that's gullible.
People hired in the military undergo a basic brainwashing where they end up not questioning orders at any point, which is good to the extent of war because soldiers acting as individuals would fuck up any formation but it is bad to the extent of social life because you become less of an individual and are more likely to listen to others.
It's not so much that they are zogbots and thus they join military, it is however that these are people that can end up misguided because they enroll in a program that is meant to make a pawn out of you, meaning that there are others that can abuse said program to condition your mind and skewer up your priorities.
No, they screen military/cop/public service/ jobs these days most places just for this exact reason to not allow any real nationalist sentiment or anything that sways from total party line narrative marxism. That's why there are for the most part only ZOGbots and cucked silent dissidents in any case, sociopaths and the apolitical. Cops especially know they're not anyone's friends and they knew that when they joined, they feel fear when the roles are reversed and someone knocks on their door.
The moment anyone with a functioning brain speak out somewhere like on social media or even a rumor of that is the moment they get fired.
Especially police attracts a lot of sociopathic individuals with a real desire for control over individuals deriving them among other things sexual plesure.
Indeed very gullible when you consider how they act in europe like in france/norway/sweden/germany/UK and events like GJ towards their own people, most of them have become enemies of the people due to how they treat us alone.
l'intero filo telegram era solamente insulti contro i "nazi"
è quello che viene fatto in un telegram thread, non è un rubare persone ad un sito, ma mostrare le potenzialità di telegram ed i suoi canali per redpill prefitrate
Ma non è il "rubare le persone", è che la gente non gliene fotte di muoversi in un sito alternativo per quale che si voglia ragione.
/ita/ e i suoi utenti sono per lo più pigri e "casuali", non puoi arrivare in una sezione lenta come /ita/ e aspettarti di fare dei grandi movimenti.
In più devi metterci in conto che tra quei quattro gatti cè anche il coglione di /italia/ che era comunista contro la lega oppure quello che ha fatto /leftyita/ o come si chiama: quella gentaglia rimane lì però ripeto che il gestore della sezione dubito freghi di moderare a loro favore, specialmente quando /ita/ nacque specificatamente perchè /italia/ era un buco del cazzo comunista.
Have you ever actually been to America recently?
You've been downing too many muh guns muh freedumbs memes. I've been living in the US for almost two years, and I couldn't wait to get back home.
As bad as it is here, the situation is really not even comparable.
Your post reminds me of my high school self, when I worshipped America for no reason and shit on Italy because zecche told me so.
What things did you find worst about America? And what were you most relieved to encounter again when you got back to Italy?
9% from the original yes. There's still much work to be done. Especially considering the niggers that are already here. They can go to niggger nation France&Germany for all I care but I rather see them tossed into the sea. France apparently only wants niggers.
Thank the lord 5stars is in a coalition with them. I shudder at the thought of Berlusconi being of prominence anywhere again in Italy. The inept pedo degenerate idiot destroyed Italy on many levels. Most of the modern problems are a consequence of that demented boomer.
I'll speak for myself. Importance of family, good simple food, the importance of traditions, strong friendships, passionate women, people not taking life too seriously and don't live to work and consume like in America. And lately, an environment where the average White person is very very angry at the current system.
Ok retard.