Topless environmental protestors distract lawmakers in UK Parliament during Brexit debate


Not a post against environmental activists. Just wanted to show how the concept of the MegaNanny state has now reached critical mass… Completely Feminized nations cry "Do Something!" to the kikes in charge. Why pick up some fucking trash of the streets you ugly cunt?
If you are going to be an envirofag, then simply being a naked women standing and crying for the help of Juden seems less noble then those 4 QTs who aligned Sharon Tate with The Hanged Man Tarot card

Think about the absolute state of European people. A perfect microcosm of our situation. American anons, this is how women are being socialized to get what they want
1. Get Naked
2. If that doesn't work, simply scream and throw a tantrum (preferably while naked)

Step 3 is cucked faggots like you let them get what they want and rot you from the inside. Dyad rides Monad like the whore of babylon riding Johnny depp in the fuckin Ninth gate.
Britain, sorry you guys are fucked. Patriot anons, u better feel guilty about the state of your country while you jerk off to traps tonight faggot

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These people are damaged and an insult to their forefathers.

Same problem now as it's always been, over population. You can't have the same amount of space constantly being filled up forever and not have something break

Back in the day they used to do useful things like sabotage logging companies operations.

It should have said "why NOT pick up some trash off the street?". You probably got that though. You know these girls aren't bending over (to pick any trash up)

They're leftists, they don't truly understand or care for the beliefs they claim to hold, they just like being attention-whores.

Half of them are trannies, which is why they're facing away from the camera.


"topless" is meant to imply that they're women (as a man being topless is fairly irrelevant).

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soros funded

A bunch of dudes in panties?

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Right at the moment of Brecht collapse, someone sends boobs.


Pathetic, if you can't even be bothered to pull you knickers down and evacuate your bowels over the balcony, what even is the fucking point? Streaking is so 1970s.

May should be locked up in the tower of london.

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Women being naked isn't shocking at all anymore. Porn is fucking everywhere and modesty is dead. Even if mediocre tits in the parliament is jarring the first few times, masses will quickly become bored.

Is nothing sacred? Not even in this secular society the UK has built for itself are the Halls of Government seen with any respect.

Women can walk around freely flaunting their upper cleavage, side cleavage, or under-boob. In a recent survey conducted in New York, 75% of females agreed that if women were allowed to expose their breasts in this way that men should be allowed to similarly show testicular cleavage as well.

How would you POLiticians of high fashioin feel about this new trend of undernuts?

More importantly, what limits should be placed on the public display of testicular cleavage to maintain a sense of balance and public decency in this ever-becoming degenerate society?

What more do you expect from the subhuman anglos? They fought for this. They destroyed Germany for this.
And they are proud of it.

Sounds like an evil neo-nazi group touting the "white extinction" conspiracy theory to me.

Wow, just wow. We need to do better

Just thots gagging for attention as usual

There must be belief, myth, and stories. A culture cannot live in vapid secularness.

Shoot these cunts.