(((They))) will try to promote actions as in NZ
Christchurch was a false flag, there's evidences that hold this proposition. What will stop the replacement are political parties but overall by winning the cultural battle
Daily reminder: Actions as in NZ won't stop the replacement, they will speed it up
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shut up, kike
So basically you are saying everything is going according to plan?
two niggers
Reported to interPOL
Shills are dropping like flies but op is still here thinking he can make a difference. Sad.
ok whatever
Thread after thread, will you kikes ever learn? it's to late.The goyim know. Get used to the Age of Tarrantism. If we're going to be replaced it's going to cost you at a ratio of 50-1.
The paid shills outnumber us. They stay because they're paid to.
Bump because you can’t refute what he said.
so suicide then lmao
fuck you
Is this one of the white rabbit/trsodomites?
You sound sweaty and increasingly nervous kike
You have no power to win that battle.
Face it loser:
You said you would fight. Well soon will come the time.
Bump because you can't refute and unfalsifiable claim.
Pretty much this.
Anyone telling me they're going to win a conflict they've been losing for 30+ years by doing the exact same thing they've been doing for 30+ years only wants me to take actions that have not worked in 30+ years instead of pursuing a new line of action.
Sounds like vote-faggotry.
Only violence will destroy this vile System.
There is no political solution
Norway slowed it way down after that island shooting.
I'd bet a billion Muslims are seriously rethinking any plans to move to White nations after NZ, with a "better wait and see".
Well said. I don't understand why obvious shills think that flooding the board with "le everything is a psyop" shitpost OPs is going to convince anyone. Obviously it's going to just showcase what shills WANT people to think, which is always some retarded lie. But I guess smart people don't work for .02 shekels per shitpost.
Sage and report all inaction shill threads
Quite the opposite user, as the muslims are ready for a fight.
Its the Whites who are too weak and stupid, by the numbers mind you, to see that their enemy is using platitudes and falsehoods to get their foot in the door, with the intent to kill everyone inside, and with the assistance of jewish organizations.
If anything, fighting-age muzzie men are probably hoping to get into Europe to get revenge.
Which is fine by me - hit the gas baby.
Its just silly nonsense user.
These people are invested in this shit, in maintaining the status quo, and they'll look for any fucking excuse to get out of the fight that's coming their way.
Nobody who actually wants change still holds the belief that change will come non-violently by democratic political means. The demographics no longer support such as feasible in the US, and in most of Europe the existence of the US as an occupying power ensures that no real change can transpire therein.
So, basically, there is no solution to the demographic issues in the West, because the cultural means of expression are overwhelmingly in the hands of jews who seek to further the demographic disintegration of the White European people, whom the jews view as a dangerous threat to their long-term existence. As a consequence, the US does not represent the potential at this time for genuine change via peaceful political processes - the demographics are too fully of DADAs and mudfolk - and, as further consequence, European movements are stifled by media/monetary influx and political pressure derivative from US-based/-backed overtly-jewish interests.
Conclusion: The US must be made to fall, and this process will be neither peaceful nor democratic. In the wake of its demise, the European powers will no longer be subject to so aggressive and so kosher an occupational oversight.
(((They))) will do everything in their power to AVOID promotion of actions as in NZ. If Christchurch was a false-flag, it was extremely poorly designed, in that it drew a ton of attention to the issues which generated it and forced the (((Enemy))) and its minions to act out at a time and in a manner which is not conducive to their long-term goals (slow boil > sudden temperature increase, in the eyes of those who do not want the frog - you and me - to jump out of the pot of demographic demise).
Perhaps most importantly, it showed that you can do this and survive and face what is most likely going to be a long prison sentence in a comparatively comfortable government-paid accommodation with tons of conjugal pussy.
I mean, really, if you're going to go to prison somewhere, NZ - like Norway - is a pretty good choice.
Anyway, anyone saying shit like this "only hurts the movement", I have only two things to say.
1) Hitler was in prison 10 years before his rise to power, for a failed attempt at overthrowing the government by force. He did some of his best writing therein.
2) What movement? The optics cucks haven't managed to organize for shit, and every organized platform they can or do point to is headed by a pro-zionist faux-nationalism kosher mouthpiece. So I say again, what fucking movement? You don't have a movement. You can't even form a single organization that isn't dog-shit.
Protip: It was very-likely a moderator who made this thread.
I mean, seriously now, look at this shit.
Its not like a US prison full of nigs and spics or some shit.
I could easily make friends with a Maori, and it'd be great fun redpilling isleniggers on the JQ.
Plus, they abolished the death penalty back in the 40's!
Its quite clear, NZ is definitely one of the premiere spots for carrying out such actions.
We should make a list of government-mandated/-provisioned vacation destinations.
STFU kike!
hey muslims! who wants to move to New Zealand?
You don't win a cultural battle by
"[When given a choice man will naturally prefer the strong horse]"
can't even understand what you're trying to say because your grammar is so terrible, but it seems like you're saying we can vote the non-whites out? 'cause that's not happening, all the politicians are controlled by jews and the majority of voters support white genocide
Lets be honest here man.
The majority of voters are fucking retarded and don't - CAN'T - even understand the concept of White Genocide.
They fundamentally don't have the cognitive ability to comprehend what you're saying to them, the numbers are too large, the scale too great.
What's amazing is that there are still people who believe that a political system in which an IQ 80 basically-retarded Africanoid nigger should have the same say as an IQ 130 European White man as to how the country is run.
Its fucking laughable on its face.
Only a complete fucking simpleton who buys into the platitudes could possibly think this was something other than absolutely ridiculous.
checked Hitler's dubs for truth
False flag or not, Tarrant's accelerationism doesn't work, or worse it accomplishes/accelerates what the other side wants by inviting gun control/censorship.
All is not lost with these idiots. They tend to be easily bullied by confident assertions and commands issued in a firm tone of voice. The trick is to dumb down your message and say it more often than what they get from the (((television))).
Ideally, your messaging should fit in large type on a bumper sticker. Just memorize a few near-slogans and bash the idiots in the face with them like you know what you're talking about, as appropriate. Suggestions include:
You get the idea. Know your sources, but don't really sweat it – just insist these things in the same tone of voice that Joe Biden says "diversity is our strength," and you're halfway to starting a cult.
if it was a false flag then yeah
accelerationism for our side will only work as long the communication channels remain open/free and the population remains armed.
If those two go away it doesn't matter how pissed of the normies get, the most we'd see in terms of reactionism with a disarmed/censored population is something like those French yellow vests (which I have a feeling will go nowhere)
Its working right now by your own admission.
If you won't fight to protect your access to firearms over them attempting to take them for things like this, you will never fight while you have the power to defend yourself even with weapons in hand.
I don't think you understand how accelerationism even works.
You assume a lot about the invading horde. You assume that they are composed mostly of people who like looking over their shoulder all the time, wondering if they'll be slaughtered in their own mosques. In truth, most are just here for gibs and free money.
Besides, even if you were right and all the orcs were coming for battle, then so much the better.
As you say, hit the gas baby.
Cutting all communications would be absolutely fucking the best thing to happen for us. Our message got out and like Ebola or cancer it has metastitsixed in a really funny way. Thinking whites are awake and at least starting to grumble, shits fucked and getting fucked-er by the day and if they were to try and shut down (especially this little water color painting discussion group kek) things then it would spiral outta control quite quickly. We are the kikes’ eternal catch 22 hahahahahahahahahahahaha
EXACTLY my Aryan. Exactly.
See, thing about Whites, they may be weak and dumb now… But they're starting to get the message. And, if you're not White, you really don't want to be on our bad side once that message is heard far and loud.
The situation is different in the US, but in NZ the normal population seems to be open to be gun grabbed the same way Australia was. Do you see people fighting to keep their guns en-mass in NZ?
I dont think you understand how accelerationism works in the oppositions favor when the general population is satiated and primed to be complicit to whatever the government tells them.
Imagine how different the situation would be for the Yellow Vests in France if they had the same gun culture as ours in the US.
Since they don’t have that wonderfully fun culture maybe it will just have to be enriched into them. Arm up or get fucked in the ass by ahmad non-burgers
By the time they wise up they wont have access to guns. This is why all these false flags are focused first and foremost on getting everyone to give up their arms.
Yeah no shit man
MOLON LABE and all that. It’s good that the raifus are there for the use but that’s no fun, we could come up with some much funnier means of dispossesing the mudshit/kikeshit hordes than guns. If we use our imaginations we’re sure to come up with some hearty chuckles while we clean the place up a bit
Then they deserve not to have guns my man.
Its funny you don't seem to get this.
To quote a great man
What you're actually saying is, they'll never rise up.
You're just trying to hide behind the falsehood that your guns will be fought for.
If you wouldn't fight for them today, you won't fight for them tomorrow - and the day after that you sure as fuck won't, especially when you've been reduced to a minority.
Harsh realities my man.
I'm a naturalistic person.
If you say "i need guns to protect myself!" yet all it takes is one little event like this to get you to roll over, then evolutionarily speaking, you deserve to die out and I won't pity you.
You were never going to fight, if you won't fight today - you merely want an excuse to not HAVE to fight today, for it to be justified for you to not fight today.
And you're not going to have that excuse anymore.
This is accelerationism - you would sit quietly and post memes online and pretend you have forever to solve this problem, and not solve it in the least, and then hand over your guns just as daintily then as you would now.
You're not going to get that chance.
You're going to have to choose NOW whether to fight or die, rather than to sit comfortably pretending you will one day fight while knowing in your heart you would never risk it.
Well, schedule has been accelerated. You don't get to wait another 20 years for this to happen, its happening now.
You said you would fight. Well soon will come the time. Its just that simple.
Good and well said.
If violence is to come then I am grateful that it is in my own time , and that one day my sons may know peace. Until that day comes then I will struggle and never slacken and never surrender , SIEG HEIL
The best way to get a meaningful number of people to rise up is to hit them fast and hard in the pocketbook. Hit their economics, raise their taxes and remove their benefits. Make it unfeasible to run all these entitlement programs. And do this before the guns get taken away.
That's how you do accelerationism, not this false-flag into gun grabbing game the kikes have been playing.
You have no power to do so and this is just another excuse for you to not have to fight.
And my response is: No.
You said you would fight. Well soon will come the time.
Its just that simple.
They've never been safer there than now. NZ police are guarding the mosques for them.