Liberal dumbasses in America

A girl started up a politics conversation with the statement:
"yea I dont want to live down south because they are trashy." or something of that nature…
so I responded, "yeah, theres nothing wrong with knowing that your people are better.."
and she ferociously responded with liberal brainwashed garbage, and I stayed composed and retaliated with "well, white people are the most successful race" and "actually jews were the largest proponents of slavery in america" and she literally said that I was ignorant and that type of mentality doesnt belong in this country…lol.
eventually she wouldnt stop spouting liberal bull and basically lashing out and so I said "to each his/her own…" and it got so quiet.
Guys, if you're on the fence, you need to take a stand for yourself and state the facts because people these days are SO fucking dumb.

the thing that bothered me most is her opening herself up to a political conversation while not knowing shit about anything and geting immediately get shut down; that is really sad when you get lemmings that are just repeating strong opinions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah man Zig Forums is the meat grinder. I’ll agree with you and cal you a cocksucking faggot nigger while also inferring that I hope your mom gets raped. I do
You’re not wrong though. Also females have no role in politics and therefore their political opinions are trash and should be discarded as such. You should’ve threatened to impregnate her. That would’ve shut her cunt up right quick

this is almost exactly what she looked like AND she was overweight…typical.
The point of this thread is fuck these stupid parrot, CNN watching faggots. they are a disease.

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This was your first mistake.
Your second mistake was thinking that this was your personal blog.

dude, I was literally trying to ignore her, every little cent of attention I gave her, she took a mile.
So, I decided, what the heck, let me poke at this one. Jesus christ that rustled her jimmies. whats funny Is I didnt even say anything racist or NatSoc, or even something like "fuck niggers"
No, I simply stated something I'd learned from reading, and she flipped shit.
Fair warning, anons. Do not engage in amerifats or normies.
better yet, dont state your opinion publicly because they will track you down

I feel you man now and days lefties are extremely ignorant, stupid and are basically brainwashed. I hate these fuckers thinking they are superior when in reality they some god damn sheep being led to slaughter. Fucking idiots.

Yeah, but is not wrong, is he?

Women are not to be talked to. Women are literally tools. Not people. Use them for making white children, and abandon them, while keeping the children. Repeat with other women/tools (only young and pretty ones) and never go back to any of them.

Honestly it was just a reflex-response, but i didnt even feel anything about saying it. Im done arguing.


It's not your hook up site trap. Get lost.

Checked. Well done. More of this everywhere

Don't worry, after the happening if a woman tries to share her opinion you'll be free to smack that bitch into oblivion. They'll learn their place real quick after you beat the shit out of them.

So, what op wants us to know is, its easier today than ever before, to trounce women in debate, because when they listened in the past, they really learned something. They could actually organize and order a house, which they can't anymore. Today, they're braindead and only excel in blowjobs and make-work affirmative action. The exceptions aren't extinct though. Good luck!

This is a shit blog thread but I can't help but relate my own experiences doing this: back when I was doing phonebanking for a liberal group (this was years ago, 2007ish) we had the exact same shit happen all the time when cold calling people. Yuppies can't handle it when they are cold calling people and get told off. It's not even full rants, just asides like calling them a nigger or telling them they'd wish women would go back where they belonged. We did a few door to door polling IRL and the girls on our team almost got in serious trouble when they yelled at someone's grandma for being against abortion.

Years later, it's hilarious that everyone I did that with is now unapologetically racist because Obama sold them out with Snowden, because they were locked out of all their own libshit groups as racists simply because they criticized him for it. The remaining ones either found work as online "journalists" (and subsequently laid off and became homeless loool) or retreated back into their university as adjuncts (and thus became homeless or dropped down and became a teacher, but wait all the racist teacher unions are dead due to kiked up charter schools so their wages are still shit).

Yea. I relate to this.
One of the strangest things to boomers is when i walk past them with head phones and dont say a word. They cant stand that a generation is not nearly as in debt as them, and driven into a despotic lifestyle lacking abundance.

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First of all, those aren’t liberals. Don’t let the media trip you up on that—mainstream and fox like to use the left right spectrum to reference ideologies to simplify things for their audiences, and paint people as being something they aren’t. I’m a liberal. I do not associate myself with the current state of the left. Frankly, I probably land closest to the Blue Dogs, but even that’s not without it’s disagreements.

I don't think that'll work in public.

This isn’t your fucking blog.

No, you weren’t.

It will work the best in public.
Nobody wants to be smacked around when people are watching.


I have started revealing my power level and no one challenges me. When they think I am not paying attention they cluck like hens the Orthodox Liberal opinions but when I enter the fray they immediately acquiese. Most people are just lemmings who don't want a scolding.

Sounds like you got shut down. Your first line was good, but your second needed to be, "Then what do you dislike about the south?" And when she goes on to call them uneducated and stupid and poor, then you whisper and tell her, "You shouldn't say such racist stuff at work, what's wrong with you?"

Out liberal her. Truth is on our side. Virtually everything negative about the south is because of blacks and Hispanics. Our education rates, school ranks, poverty, crime, IQ. The south is shitty because we have all the blacks. Anyone that thinks otherwise has obviously not investigated it much. Stupid liberal girls always think there are fields of sprawling trailer parks and red necks when they make up about 2% of the population at most and most of them don't actually vote. Rednecks haven't elected anyone but even so the poorest white communities have fewer drugs and less murder than the richest black communities.

Every liberal complaining about how stupid the south is, is actually complaining about blacks and Hispanics and it is actually blatant racism hidden behind a thin veil of ignorance. No exceptions, hang out in Atlanta anywhere that liberals like, it will be 100% white in a 78% black city. White left avoid blacks like the plague and just get around the racism by calling their areas, "the bad part of town" or start leaving when blacks show up. It's amazing.

At work I have heard, "Why is the south so against welfare, they use more of it than anyone! lol" Yes, we do use more, because we have all the black people. The white population in the south are overwhelmingly conservative but also overwhelmingly more educated and upstanding.

Go to Jacksonville Fl, beautiful place, posh, upstanding folks everywhere, leans left because of large black populations in section 8 housing, of course, the bad part of town. They almost all vote left because they always want more free money. It's clear that over 50% of the left's support is from blacks, Hispanics, and other nonwhite groups. Yes the brainwashed white left girl will show up, go to Ortega, or Riverside & Avondale ( Old traditional white areas that are rich, well maintained, and have great local white culture) and act like you are a backwards hick if you don't like the leftist policies even though the only part of Jacksonville under leftist majority is Moncrief Park, a crime ridden hellhole full of murder and rape carried out by blacks, and surprise, that's not the part of town white left girl wants to visit. It's the, "bad part of town". Even though she can't connect the dots and realize that's what she supports.

You only need to give white left a reality check about their own racism. They all hate the black parts of town more than you do, they just don't say it. If shitlibs want to hang out after work, side with your black coworkers, ( they usually over ride the black vote at work and never go where they want because they don't think it's a good area or they don't like fried chicken.). Invite them to a spoken word black poetry place. Make the white left uncomfortable. Always choose the blacker option and then call it out at some point. "Why don't you ever want to go to the black areas? You have a problem with them?" Harass them because soon there won't be places like Ortega and Avondale left. Make them come to their own conclusion that it's insane to want to grow Moncrief Park. "It's racist to just avoid blacks all the time." "Don't you like diversity?" "This area is growing no matter waht those damn Trump supporters want" Fucking troll them by making them face their own hypocrisy. I have had nothing but success with this.

You're right.
Many years ago, an old friend posted a heat map on my Farcebook page. It showed the dismal state of the south in terms of obesity, welfare, and education standards. In the context, he was trying to point out how terrible republicans are and how shitty red states are.

I sent him back a different heat map that showed racial demographics, with the caption 'that's a racist map'. My heat map clearly showed how the south is the most heavily black area of the country, and how the racial demographics of the U.S. correspond almost perfectly to the education, poverty, and obesity rates.

That was the end of that friendship. Libfags can't handle truth at all.

Is this the new epic comeback for blogposting newfags?

Women are cancer

I heard a non-euro girl (Indian/Arab-mixed) say to a European girl (Celtic) she was having lunch with:

They can't, which is why it's important to do this from a position of farther left. Pre-empt it and fake being left. Call them a racist or "I bet you're a Drumpf supporter, always bashing minorities. That map is Nazi propaganda. Don't act stupid."

You'll lose touch with them anyway but you can lose touch drying them away from leftist rhetoric.


She's right. You should leave.
The United States belong to the Jew.

Hey look its one of the liberal dumbasses mentioned in ops post that forgot to lurk before posting

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Interesting. Yea but it wasnt at work and someone ive met once. Also the conv started with "yeah i would never live there"

My goal is for everyone to be terrified of my knowledge and to just ignore me and not engage in any debate let alone political

Don’t you know she is quite smart

Show her your hammer…

Not your blog, cunt.