Faggots are disgusting they should be shot + faggot experiences

I really dont like faggots theres so many faggot priest that rape children and there are disgusting faggots that jerk off to young boys. fuck and the trannys are the fucking worst. when i was a young boy i remember this old man with his wife would follow me around and stalk me and try to speak to me it was disgusting. keep in mind most faggots are married and are using their marriage to hide the fact theyre faggots. im fucking tired of faggot propaganda anyone who actually met a faggot will agree that theyre disgusting.

what are your experiences with these fucking animals

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OP is a __


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God user at least give them the whole turkike agenda…every user needs to read what Hell they are going to endure because they wouldn't BOG THEIR FUCKING FAGGOTS like a normal society.

I only get hard for the Sony vx1000

OP seems like a closeted homo

Got one for you that needs to be cut into quotes. Its Paul Morris's rant on how he's going to poz your children and destroy whiteness with rampant faggotry.
As a reminder, this guy and his super sleazy crew of degens are banned for life from the Folsom street fair, the Dore Alley Fair and the San Fran Pride Parade simply due to their usage of meth and their obsession with bugchasing barebacking.

Attached: Paul morris in his own words.png (997x1103, 583.74K)

When I was young and taking a shit in a department store bathroom. Some faggot pervert yes I know I'm being redundant went into the stall next to me. Now I don't know about the rest of you but I am 'aware' of people taking shits next to me in stalls and expect to see their feet facing out. I could see his feet pointed toward the toilet like he was taking a piss, but he just stood there for about a minute and I heard no sound. Then one foot disappeared. Then the other.

The toilet partitions had an aluminum bracing that ran about a foot above the partition and it was polished enough that you could look up at it and see kind of what was going on in the next stall. I could see this faggot standing on the toilet seat and hunkering down against the back wall. This went on for probably 30 seconds. Then this fucking faggot stands up, pops his head over the toilet stall and asks if he can see my dick. My response was something like "the fuck did you just say to me?". He then bolted and by the time I got my pants up and ran out he was gone. They pulled the security footage and he was arrested a few weeks later trying to do the same thing.

And you know I wouldn't have a problem with these faggots if they kept to themselves and didn't push their degeneracy. But no they have to go after teenage boys in public bathrooms.


Youre forgetting the faggot Rabbis raping little boy buttholes in the ritual baths, Chaim.

Berlin is rapidly going back to Weimar Conditions

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Much like the parasitic kike, the faggot pet of the kikes uses his own identity as a slur against anybody exposing his evils, because he knows just how grave a crime being a homo truly is.

True. They are mentally ill and undermine moral of our society

Attached: The Reality of Faggots.jpg (3016x8992, 6.07M)


lets fix the ratio on this one, gang

Post it on reddit or cuckchan, you'll get more response from those outlets on a platform like jewtube.

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Sodomite archive >>>1870

how new are you?

I dont hate homosexuals at all, I do however, abhor the cultural deviancy that the mainstream has pushed on us in the guise of human rights, when really, its just a means to demoralize honest and truly virtuous people (true paleocons). I didnt have any ill will towards homosexuals until the pride parades, when I slowly realized that these people are indeed disgusting, and the whole "keep the government out of our bedrooms'' was a clever lie and the slippery slope is not a fallacy.

Now onto your question. I have only met one overtly gay man in my life, and that guy was also one of my coworkers. The guy couldnt help himself but to talk about ass around me all the time, and constantly talk about how much pussy he'd slay, and would constantly rant about faggots. Sure enough, after he realized I was not impressed, he would outright call me sexy and hit on me all the fucking time in front of people. Pretty embarrassed for the guy. You should hear people talk about him when hes not around. His nickname is gay Derek lol