Blacks suffered from a multitude of countries. Any country that brought slaves into current US soil are a guilty party as well as the people who owned slaves. Religious institutions are also guilty as well. I definitely think religious institutions are very guilty of aiding in the brainwashing of acceptance of being less than a white man. The whole reason why slaves were in the US wasn't just a British Colonial situation.
That being said, I am not asking for reparations from these places because it doesn't help in the large scheme of things.
I'm finally glad someone pointed to this. That's where my image came from when starting this thread. I didn't want to bring up the article but thanks. I agree with it 100%
I rather have reparations be molded where it provides for all US citizens because of how poorly blacks and Native Americans suffer. Not be limited to those who can prove they belong to a group that suffered.
These are nice ideas but this is the liberal shit that doesn't solve the problem on a large enough scale. These proposals going only to blacks and not all poor people is honestly why the country wouldn't be able to take care of everyone.
You need to offer free education for everyone. You need to offer affordable housings for everyone. Healthcare needs to be provided for everyone. This isn't proletariat positive. This doesn't even sound succdem efficient at the very least.
I 100% agree with you. I don't know the Native American perspective and I can't assume what they clearly want. I hope people can bring their situation to light in this thread.
Victim hood is a garbage idea. I'll agree that middle and higher up class of black people don't need reparations but to claim that blacks are biting the hand that feeds is implying that blacks are being adequately taken care of in the first place by this system enmass. We are still one of the most exploited groups in this country, Fuck off.
So, I think I have an idea to sell to America about reparations.
Let's use our "reparations" idea to make sure that all Americans don't have to keep being exploited. The end goal of such reparations is provide a safety net for all Americans so that they have their justice and liberty restored to a full level. Because even today, no one has complete control over their lives except for those who have benefitted by exploiting the people of America. From the Native Americans, to blacks, to the immigrants from all generations that were used as cheap labor or worse and even groups that were unfairly targeted because we were at war with their countries of origin.
It is time to rebalance the country and provide everyone with a foundation that they can have so that they can have their pursuit of happiness.
My ideas would be Healthcare, access to housing ownership, and free education and wiping Student debts. All of it.