Guards are cleared of using excessive violence after they dragged a pregnant black woman off a Swedish train for not buying a ticket and sparked racial profiling accusations
Two guards have been cleared of excessive force after they dragged a heavily pregnant black woman off a train in Sweden earlier this year. Footage showing the unnamed woman being hauled from the carriage for allegedly being without a ticket in Stockholm caused fury across the country in February. The clip showed the woman appearing to be pushed down onto the bench while her child watched on and she was later taken to hospital where she and her baby were reportedly given the all-clear. The prosecutor said she was the one who had escalated the situation by showing contempt for the officers and resisting their orders.
You okay there sweeatie?? Didn't get your hrt dose or soylent today huh? Poor little retard.
Blake Cruz
This bait... it's too powerful! You could say it's bait that has ascended past bait.
Jordan Green
I actually worked as an armed guard at a large city's train system in the US, we quickly learned that hood black people would get violent if we forced them to pay the fare like everyone else. They felt zero shame of not paying if they were low on money or didn't feel like it, and got shocked and legitimately angry. They felt they DESERVED it… it didn't even seem like an act. The cuckservatives use the term "entitled" but that's spot on. Also they have a twisted definition of rights, they felt "disturbing the peace" didn't exist because it's "public property"… even if it isn't because you pay to get in.
"Yo, why the fuck you hasslin' me, cracker?! This here is public property, that isn't a fucking crime! There's no victim!"
"Yo, why the fuck you hasslin' me, cracker?! This is public property, I have freedom of speech!"
Literally nobody gives a fuck about who you are, filtered.
Logan Turner
El oh el.
I'm so fucking looking forward to fighting. You fetch your rifles, I'll fetch mine. Let's fucking go, nigger. I've been waiting my entire life to fight this war. I'm not talking pussyshit like sucker punches at rallies or calling the police to fight for you... I'm saying a legit civil fucking war.
Do you Nazis not remember what happened in WWII? Your homosexual Fuhrer killed himself and Arthur Harris retaliated in the best way possible. You little wignat spergs will get what’s coming down the shit pike.
-Nickposter, board owner of /cow/
Dylan Hughes
Bets on leftypol tranny trying to get Zig Forums to raid /cow/?
And he's back Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger Nickposter is a nigger
Elijah Hill
They should have shot the ape for being escaped from a zoo
Colton Richardson
I would actually enjoy seeing monkeys tranqed before being hauled off to the zoo.
Funny how you mentally already send in soldiers to fight battles for you.
This time the revolt won't only be in a few countries, they'll be a White uprising in every White nation. In Europe and the Americas (proper White man's clay, read about Solutreans) and even if all we get is 12 years of freedom from the jew… it'll be worth it over a lifetime in bondage. The jew HATES Whites and especially despises those wise enough to see them as the monsters they are.
There is literally no proof this is true. The Soviets had what they claimed was his skull. When tested it turned out to belong to a woman. Declassified FBI and CIA documents show that the US government did not believe Hitler was dead and were actively searching for him decades after the war ended.
Matthew Walker
Do we live in a caste society?
Jeremiah Moore
Lucas Davis
Stop responding to obvious retards and just filter them instead. Don't give them your attention. It's obviously bait.
Matthew Perez
I always suspected Hitler was a woman. He has that middle-aged lesbian vibe about him.
Yea I was totally wrong just looked it up and it was on a fake news website. my bad
Jordan Mitchell
Wherever niggers exist they always dindu nuffin
Cooper Martinez
I just finished reading Hellstorm tonight. I had only seen the movie before. The book is so much worse. I cannot find a reaction image suitable to express how violently angry this picture makes me, and I have an obscenely large image reaction folder.
If you follow the line from this mentality to the decayed and destroyed infrastructure in the documentary "Empire of Dust", it fits together very neatly.
Xavier Harris
What's not fair is that only the niggest make it to Sweden. Sweden needs affirmative action for the less niggy niggers in niggerland. Take some of these niggest of the nigs and trade them for some of the more docile niggers that never tried to escape the habitat.