Nova Scotia, Canada to become world leader in organ trafficking

Bitter at the amount of money being lost by not being able to farm its population for organ harvesting, and doing its best to eliminate the black market in "organ donation" by BECOMING the black market in "organ donation," Nova Scotia works to legalize automatic stripping of organs from anyone, which would create a climate where, instead of having to prove they had consent, now anyone who cares to inquire would have to prove that consent had been REVOKED.

Leafs raking themselves yet again.

Good ol' (((socialized medicine)))

I predict the next step is euthanasia of people against their will, or where they would have to PROVE that the person did not consent.

Also, the number of people "tragically not making it through penis enlargement" or some such other surgery, will it magically increase?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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gotta keep the jews young

Pro-tip: You can't experience the negative effects of aging if you're dead.
Has anyone told them? They might want to look into it.

This guy gets it

Basically if you find yourself in an accident that puts you out cold they'll do DNA and blood tests and if you match a rich Jew donor kiss your organs goodbye. You'll literally have to live with infectious diseases going through your body just to ensure nobody wants your organs. If you're lucky you'll see children being kidnapped in ambulances and whisked away to be fed to Jewish overlords.

is this for real?
alex jones made a funny accent telling this would happen

When you break it down, the average person is worth over $1 million on the black market for organs.

They are introducing mandatory organ donation in Germany as well at the moment.

What a cohencidence.


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Sounds like the Kikes need more organs.

We will make the Kikes pay for the things they have done.

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holy shimoli ol'ro8t

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Do they need to be donated in the original packaging? Asking for a friend.

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so this is a boomer metal detector thread now right?

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fuck off and KYS.

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Does anyone have the footage of Israeli's preparing Syrian children for organ harvesting? Seems like the Kikes have wiped form my computer, or I just can't find it.

Nobody cares retard, this is
we're dealing with.

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Fuck off boomer, you are spiritual Kike Kin.

Ah yes, the natural metal detecting boomer getting mad that his culture consists on metal detecting shitty bronze minted coins made by shitty american pirates.

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Which country has the largest proportion of AB+ blood type (universal recipient)?
Good trait to have if you live from the blood of all other peoples.

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Netherlands already has this in the works. Already approved by (((politics))). Starting 2020 everyone is automatically a donor, unless they opt out.
I can imagine a form of government i would allow ownership over my organs after dead, but its not this one. Its certainly not this one.
75 vs 74 votes, ONE VOTE DIFFERENCE, thats all it took for my government to lay claim on the organs of my dead countrymen. In a few years, when the green left has taken power, this will inevitably results in more ridiculous human rights. Like involuntary euthanasia or abortion. I can hear the rubbing of hands already.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Presumed consent still requires the agreement of the next of kin (if there are any). The whole "black market" thing is a piece of crap you just dreamed up. The organ donation and use system is very strictly regulated and controlled.

I have been really suspicious of the drive for everyone to sign their organ donator cards. Even using the dead kids killed by that street shitter for maximum heart string pulling.

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You are fucked in the head if you think those are the same thing as harvesting organs with consent of the family from dead people.

Skipping over your blatant lies, im just going to accentuate what i said.
Filthy kike.

more metal detector memes

Oh boy this thread fills me with a little white ball of burning hatred.

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Post again in 2022 and let us know how you're getting on.

do something about it! Take your time to think and do something!

This guys! SHare the video! We must give it to the muslims! they will go wild on facebook and twitter!

is it this one??? please look at it and tell me if they have changed anything.

Yeah that's it.

Someone should make a Webm of that.

Indiana Jones Ark of the covenant
Cover eyes
Faces melt those who did not

Coming censorship or something truly unspeakable?
Warning or threat?

Follow the connections

Bird Box (2018) sight/sight covering

A Quiet Place (2018) hearing speaking

The Silence (2019) hearing speaking

The Bye Bye Man (2017) "dont think it dont say it dont think it dont say it" virulent idea spread

Pontypool (2008) hearing speaking/silencing of voice to prevent virulent idea spread

Don't Breathe (2016) sight/blindness hearing speaking

Hush (2016) hearing deafness

The Mist (2007) and tv series (2017) Take note how the characters interact with each other inside supermarket area.

See No Evil
Hear No Evil (1982)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)

It Follows (2014) virulent spread of idea virus spread by "adult" touch that can kill those infected and can only be percieved by those infected.

You too?

Attached: where were going we wont need eyes to see.jpg (204x199, 10.41K)

I think it is a popular movie trope my friend, stop Q posting.

Look at this,

(( ( their site )) ) saying it is fake!

And since everyone there is in on the mason scam nothing will be done. What you need to do is warn tourists.

Look at these deleted Tweets! It's fake goy, we just censored the lies goy!

Was their MCAS fucked up too? I heard rumor that Apple iPhones cause crashes.

Sure it is, and that little SS in your lower right pickup window means nothing too.

finally. Murder is being looked at nonbiased. As the ending of life.

We'll take the same clinical approach when we excise you from your lair and carve you open from crotch to crown like a halibut, you hideous vampire kike.

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if anybody has more info or videos of human organ trafficking please post

Go online. Watch some streams. Maybe you’ll get some ideas.


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It goes both ways. People SHOULD freely give their organs on death. What are you going to use them for anyway?

If more people gave organs, there wouldn't be any money in organ trafficking.

you fool, if they can make money out of something they will! And people have the right to keep their organs

1) Dead people have no need for rights
2) What's the point of keeping the organs
3) The organs can help your Volk
4) Large-scale donation destroys organ trafficking scum

Your a stupid nigger
This is all the more justification for them to mysteriously die. This shit is only incentivizing (((accidents))).

Thousand of people die everyday. That surely is enough but there is no legal right to strip them off their organs. Which is totally ok in my opinion because dead people dont need their organs anymore. What would be nice is when the family, children or whatever receive the money from selling the organs. So if you´re a poorfag with a family they can profit from your death like from a life insurance.

That your opinion. And it's wrong because it's stupid, and you are stupid.

Your argument makes sense. Organ trafficking is lucrative because there's too few organs going around. The profit margins for organ traffickers would go into the toilet if people started mass donating. There would be no more money in it.

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Yeah so organ traffickers would get more money in the long run. Fucking brainlet. It's the same little club getting all the profits from everything.

Typical stupid nigger libertarian fucked thinking "Muh Markets". There will always be money in organ harvesting. It's called inelastic demand people are desperate to save their failed and useless lives and organ matches that will work will always be limited. This is going to only get worse with the more mixed and mutated humans become. There are plenty of organs but for any one person extremely few that could possible be used.
Fucking people like you are ghouls devouring the dead. Just accept and face death. Reality is that you and most people aren't worth the money and effort to save and nothing of value is lost with their death. If you were worth saving you would have the money to pay for it.

Sez the man whos so self-absorbed he wouldn't give of himself for the Volk.

Low effort Kike spotted trying to misappriate the idea of the "Volk"

god youre stupid.

This is absolutely terrifying. What’s the best way to make myself as strong as possible to protect myself?

Learn how to fight? Get in shape? Get gud with guns? Learn survival skills? Live innawoods? Am I on the right track here?

You first then.

What the fuck do you think the "Volk" is other than your People?
And some of them gonna need organs.

I am a full donor already.

This is already big in China.
skip to 1:27 for the gore

Socialism is so redpilled :)

The problem is that non-Whites living in Western countries almost never donate, neither blood nor organs.
So White organs are going to help jews, niggers and muslims at a rate massively out of proportion to their contribution.
Also what other said, it prejudices your survival chances in accident, you are literally worth more to them dead than alive.

That's right, also get married, move to a rural and white town. Learn to grow your own food and become self sufficient as possible.

No a problem when you're in a 99% white country

I would encourage the like of you to pay for your DNA test at

You know for science and shit….

Dumb fuck!

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I would love to be this naive again……

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Get diagnosed with a fatal blood disease such as HIV, HEP, although they might have ways to clean the organs by now.
Absolutely foolproof way? Go to Mexico and pay a doctor to diagnose you with nvCJD, then "refuse treatment" back home.
No one will want to touch your organs with a barge pole.

This thread is about Canada.
Are you implying that Canada is 99% White?
If not then what the fuck is your point? We wouldn't even be having this discussion of we lived in countries absent of kikes.

>I would encourage the like of you to pay for your DNA test at

Ancestry is so much better, though. Also, wtf are you so paranoid about? Do you think someone wants to make a clone army from some autist on Zig Forums?

Your retarded use of old memes expose you.
Death to all kikes- and you :^)

Reminder they are giving the organs to niggers

Canada is 54% white right now, was 97% in 1971 and will be 20% in 2060

may the truth now be known

As a Scotian I can assure you that most of Atlantic Canada is fucking meaningless in the operations of Canada. Four provinces combined have like 38 parliament seats iirc and that's barely 10%.

Nova Scotia doesn't even have 1 million people and it's the largest population center in Atlantic Canada. Atlantic Canada is also incredibly white, with Newfoundland being 99% white, pic related.

Demographically Atlantic Canada also has a large elderly population and also a high population of smokers, so I suspect most of these transplants are gonna be lung related.

These organs probably aren't gonna make it far outside of the maritimes and Atlantic Canada. Not much here even gets through Quebec. Finally, you can also rest easy knowing that we have a low jewish population if they exist at all here.

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