Tired of Anons Supporting Tarrant-teir shooters

Attached: MUSLIM GANGS TAKE CONTROL.webm (800x420 193.45 KB, 49.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Every one else can tell that OP is a literal brownskinned nigger, right?

Its so bright it looks like day where I'm at.

Mind you, the thing could be an op anyway but I'll just argue on the belief it's legit (and having seen most of the video that was posted). What kind of sissy doesn't go for the ones directly attacking him but targets the ones who not only can't fight back but aren't even in his own land?

vid related. Couldn't be assed to put himself into danger by investigating things like this and no doubt ending up into a self-defense situation.

And yeah I posted something similar in /v/ before the thread was deleted but I'm hoping I'm not alone in this sentiment.

Attached: Migrant Details Gangrape.mp4 (1280x720, 10.91M)

Attached: ejected cartriges dissapear mid air.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

When you want to do real terrorism you don't kill the soldier: you kill the civilians.
By killing "innocents" (which is absurd because all muslims are guilty of being muslims) he told the muslims "You're not as safe as you think you are".
This, of course, was meant to agitate them into a frenzy.

Sage because I am not going to stick around to explain OP how accelerationism works, mostly because I am not an expert on the argument but also because I am not keen to wasting my time.

Not even close. I've been following this for years even back on another board where I got a few of these pics from. I have a compilation of known areas just in England where the mass rape of white girls have taken place. Where's the "brave" and "based" (because we adopt nigger talk) shooter then?
No shoot up a church or a mosque or something. Don't go after Epstein, who we know owns property in Manhattan, a literal major player among the elite, a Jew who trafficks kids on his "lolita express" plane to his pedophile island! No, why do that? Why go after migrants? Why go after gangbangers?

Just shoot the hapless noncombatants, especially the women and any kids nearby, too. Keep shooting them while your young are being doused in petrol and their rapists are taking fertility drugs to make sure the nine year olds get pregnant this time. Nevermind the ones actively doing harm right now at this moment you're reading this. Can't target those! They might hit back! You might get caught and tortured if you go after Epstein!

Reminds me of the faggots who confronted Rothschild. Alone. At night. All they did was sneer at him and record him.
Roof, Tarrant, and all the rest who don't go after the ones actively–actively as in immediately–bringing the savagery is a faggot.

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You stupid nigger who wants terrorism PROTECT YOUR PEOPLE
Kill the enemy and protect your people! You can probably discover abducted girls still inside those muslim rape dens if you went over there fully prepared to die for the cause–but no, let's be "terrorists" instead. Fuck the kids! Fuck our people! We need to go and shoot these other jokes over there instead.

Why the fuck


Attached: gbprk.png (1040x508, 532.96K)

Attached: picks up magazine already planted in mosque.gif (480x270, 3.53M)

Hush little gay boy don't you cry,
Cuz a single muzzie did not die

Where, faggot? I told you I posted one post in an immediately deleted thread on /v/ ten minutes ago. That's it.

It's pretty chaotic in the vid, user. I don't remember it looking staged when it first broke and we were passing webms around. I mean like I said yeah it could be an op, and the way every major outlet was censoring the spread of the video, going so far as to even make it illegal to watch the thing in certain countries from what I heard, is suspicious as a two-holed ass. It could be an op.
I'm just arguing from the standpoint of if it isn't.

Shittiest graphics I've ever seen for a FPS game

You are a white nigger. Always remember you are below illegal immigrants in the grand scheme white nigger.

Fake and gay.

Leave. Its been 2 weeks.

Attached: de_al_noor_mosque .jpg (1920x1080, 474.67K)


But when we do it it's bad? Shut the fuck up

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Another bbc loving cuck I see. Do your family a favor and end yourself.

Oy vey goyim you must fight with honor an enemy that has no qualms about shooting you in your sleep or stabbing you in the back!

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Instead of shrieking like a girl organize and present this information better. Promote the idea, don't virtue signal and squeal like a faggot. I like your thread OP, even though you're still a faggot.

wh-why are you fighting niggers the same way they kill you????!?!?!?!?


oh yeah, wonder what thread he's trying to slide.


Then why not kill the niggers doing that instead of going off to the safest possible place killing others instead?
It's the fruitiest sissy who doesn't go after the rapists but goes after others because he's angry about the rapists, like a bullied teen punching a midget instead of growing a pair and punching his bullies

You're retarded.

Attached: bitch_lasagna.mp4 (1024x576, 9.17M)

An eye for an eye, an innocent for an innocent.

Op is a concern troll faggot and try to demoralize user sage and report.

Fuck off back to plebbit.

So he goes after a muslim no-go zone.
So he goes after and muslim cultbangers and migrants.
Here user;
There are no good arabs.

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

Remember anons;
Report duplicate threads.
Sage duplicate threads.
Filter duplicate threads.

FIGHT THE ENEMY then, you hapless idiot! Fight the enemy who is literally raping your daughters and sisters in front of you!

Again, all you anons who support Tarrant are of the same sissified ilk. You're so hungry for someone, literally anyone, do to anything at all that you'll laud a faggot who didn't even hit the targets that mattered. Migrant rapists, thug criminals, their hives of vermin easily discoverable and immediately approachable. But instead you go off and hit the ones that aren't doing it.

I'm not pro-muslim you jackass I'm saying only faggots go out of their way to not hit the targets that matter, and only faggots support such faggots

In a word, kikes.

why do niggers deserve to be treated better ?


Instead of shrieking like a girl organize and present this information better. Promote the idea, don't virtue signal and squeal like a faggot. I like your thread OP, even though you're still a faggot.

Meanwhile Jamal and Mohammet are raping your little sister to death. Better to just do as they do instead of killing them.

Op is a fag. Breeding won't do shit when the enemy breeds twice as fast.


it's beyond obvious

Attached: blew_the_bitch_away.webm (640x480, 3.73M)

What is he even shooting at? Why does no one ever ask?

Who said they do? I'm saying kill the ones killing you. If you gotta deal with the rest then do it after you fight the ones you know are actively, immediately killing you.

Again it's just a thread full of anons too pathetic to actually do anything themselves so they'll support and laud a faggot who didn't take the risk of killing the actual enemies. Any punk can shoot up a mosque. Why not be bold and actually try to rescue some of the girls in a No-Go Zone? Why not hit the rats in their nest?
For the same reason these "heroes" are so utterly ineffectual. Because they don't want to risk eating a bullet or swallowing a knife. They'd rather hit the soft targets instead.
It's fag behavior

Killing Jamal won't do shit, for every 1 nigger you kill 5 are born. You have to kill their women.

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Branton opened eyes of many who were asleep before. So its all good, we will have to wipe out Muslims anyway.

78 days for Invaders to leave Europe. Anyone we find, will be executed on the spot then.

Sage for being a faggot waiting for death. If you want to fight enemies with guns go to the Middle East and work for the kike army. Brenton is the only effective martyr I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Kill all mudshit beaner bug poo nigger shitskin filth
All problems solved instantly


You think anons would have been more receptive to the idea if I was less emotive? Look at this thread. Show me the number of posters who actually call me a faggot because of how I said it, rather than what is being said. It doesn't matter how it's said, user. You might have a point if more responded like you. I'd take the hit in that case, call me a fag for being so angry on the internet, but that's not the problem. Everyone supports faggots like Roof and Tarrant because they're pathetic.

They don't see how it would galvanize everyone if the right targets were attacked. They don't care about hitting the enemy and making a statement with their lives. They only care that somewhere, somehow, something happened.

So it's virtue signalling (stupid term) to say that shooting noncombatants–and women at that–instead of killing the rape gangs savaging innocents is faggotry.

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I wouldn't doubt it

Splatter all nigger filth

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And then you get THIS shit and and

No obviously if I was clear and patient from the very first post this would have been different. Like children they are only responding like this because they feel annoyed by how I posted, not at all because they legitimately believe this stupidity. Surely it's my "girl shrieking" that brought this out, not just what I've been seeing for too long now which has only gotten worse.

Attached: uk Crime Stats.png (2854x668, 1.74M)

He is "shooting " at mass casualty dummies piled up in the opposite corners of clear and open exits.Notice not 1 injured person ever moves.

Hail Brenton
Hail Victory

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I also suggested Epstein, user. And what's lower hanging fruit than hapless unarmed women in some mosque in New Zealand?
Again, No-Go Zones exist all over the shop in Australia. Not a single bullet shared where it counts.

Instead of complaining about Brenton didn't do why don't pick up the slack and kill as much pedos as possible

Are you retarted? Mosque is center of Muslim No-Go Zone.


The nose has been exposed.

Attached: murdochChancheerleader.png (921x505, 436.55K)

THIS is what I'm angry about. You people laud a faggot who lived near enough to get in here and do something, but he went to soft pointless others instead. I'm not supporting Muslims, I'm supporting defending your people from those who are actively attacking you.

your argument is not even an argument. It's just cherrypicking

You are idiot honestly.

You really want to accelerate, faggot?
Burn do their financial instututions like the based French are. Next, target all their puppets.
Killing a few worthless slimes does nothing to force the kike's hand.
But you already know that, don't you kike?

Yes, but I meant "who is he shooting at while he is outside near the fence at around 9 minutes into the video?"

You’re absolutely correct OP. But I fear you won’t convince the retards in this thread. They’re incapable of grasping logic.
They actually worship that faggot like a savior and martyr and started treating his manifesto like a bible. Basically, brainless sheep that desperately want to follow a leader because they can’t think for themselves. As soon as you call out their based Tarrant, they’ll blindly hate you.
It’s gotten to a point where they’ve made themselves believe that acting just like niggers and mudslimes is the right thing to do.

These people are the support structure and community that enables said rape gangs. Those rape gangs aren't secrets. It's not just two or thee guys that are just bad. They are *all* savages.

I pretty much automatically dismiss all non-arguments and appeal to emotion bullshit.

Because no one gives a fuck about the thugs, faggot.

You hit them where it hurts and send the message loud and clear: YOU ARE NOT FUCKING WELCOME HERE.

Not "you aren't welcome because you broke our laws,"
But "your bullshit backwood religion will not be tolerated by the MEN of this nation. Even if you are "innocent."

It was to provoke a fucking war.

Attached: Screenshot_20190322-194423_DuckDuckGo.jpg (915x1339, 294.25K)

Lots of mentions of 'faggotry' by OP whose never done anything so maybe… it's being in the closet that he's tired of. Do it OP, move to /leftpol and get yourself, a big, black shlong to nom on like your mom does.

Because he's a whiny little kike, and deep down he's jealous of Brenton for doing something he'll never have the balls to do.

Where have you been the last few weeks faggot? All this shit has been discussed a thousand times over. Even some of the questions you are asking are answered in his manifesto.

Already answered

Already answered

If you're wondering why he considered women and children appropriate targets, he already answered that. Where do you think radical muslims come from?

Government programs exist to replace and displace whites. Sweden's government, with a total population of 10 million people, just made it easier for 10 million muslims being persecuted in China to apply for asylum. How are you going to outbreed that? Not to mention you'd be competing with the immigration already in place ON TOP OF the birth rates of nonwhites already here. The first mosque he targeted was sharing this video on their faceberg page. Muslims are absolutely aware of what is happening, and they are celebrating it.

You see the problem of no-go zones, rape gangs, sex trafficking, but you are advocating what? That you kill the individuals responsible for them? The problem would not exist if muslims were not in Europe/Americas. Your retarded solution is for a white man to throw away his life to kill one or two muslims that perpetrate those crimes against whites. How long can whites afford to play that numbers game? You are butthurt he didn't attack the targets you would have. Kill as many rapists and human traffickers and terrorists as you want, so long as muslims exist in Europe, there will be more.

Brenton got the biggest bang for his buck for what his goals were. You are a brainless nigger behind the curve. If you think this attack was abhorrent, you have no idea what is in store just around the corner for the West.

Attached: 'Very interesting video. Only for Muslims. Please do not redistribute (otago muslim association) Compressed.mp4 (384x288, 13.19M)

What a big gay.

oh my god i need to play this

Did it work?


Yea. Men of action don't ask the opinion of cuck's.

Brenton's final gift is showing how kind morons are a bigger threat then any mussy. It's not remove adult fighting age kebab, its not remove standing muslim army kebab, its not not spare the women and children kebab. Its remove kebab, don't call men faggots if you are not one yourself.

Attached: Muslim_Slayer_ss.mp4 (1280x720, 8.05M)

True, N-Go Zone communities are often aiding and abetting BUT to truly make an impact is to attack the actual enemy, the direct rapists and thugs themselves. To go after them and
1. You are killing rapists and violent thugs, those actively attacking your people.
2. You galvanize everyone who hears the story of what happened, because you're not some faggot shooting defenseless folk and women but exclusively targeting the ones everyone already knows are the enemy, the gangs themselves. People will learn that you targeted them extensively, singularly, to attack those who are attacking your people. That's Crusade, user.

Plus, again, you have no idea who you might save and who you might protect by diving head-first ablaze into even one Muslim gang ghetto house, and you'll be killing those whose dicks are still slick with the blood of your people, not randos having a chant in some mosque.

Never said for anons to feel bad. I said anons who support faggots are faggots. Again, look at the supporters in this very thread.
And talking about the travesty of killing hapless women and children instead of targeting the rape-gangs themselves is not an appeal to emotion. It's basic fundamental principal, that which separates us from our enemy.

I cannot fathom how Zig Forums lost the ability to comprehend that killing rapists and thugs is better than slaughtering nothings, even women and apparently kids.

Yes. That is exactly what I am saying and I'm getting shit for it, and nothing you said remotely excuses not doing exactly that.
Yeah because shooting up hapless wombs in a mosque will make them go away. Be real.

If a shooter is to be lauded then it makes sense if he kills the ones raping his kin. It's that bone-smackingly simple.
But anons are pathetic and support faggots who don't hit the right targets, and then there's you, who not only studied but agreed with his faggoty diary simply because he said a few things that made sense in your addled mind, where you genuinely think shooting muslim women will stop them from outbreeding you and somehow magically stop all the mass migrant rapes–which are predominantly single men–by osmosis.

I'm tired of it, man. I'm so tired of this shit. Ever since the mass psy-op this board is almost filled with so many pathetic faggots who can't and won't do anything or think for themselves. I'm not saying everyone needs to be mass shooters. I'm saying if any shooter is gonna be considered brave or bold then why celebrate a faggot who didn't even have the balls to target the active enemy?

You rather have the police enforcing (((feminist laws)))?

If you rather see your wife get fucked by your daughter's boyfriend, then stay out of no go zones. The only wymyn raped there are whores.

Hard to describe how rage-inducing that is.
But thanks, it's going in my next propaganda video

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Hey OP tou fucking pussy all muslims are guilty they are all the enemy it doesnt matter where he chose to attack thw result is the same which is DEAD MUZZRATS now go make a noose and hang your self you faggot bitch

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Are you fucking retarded or a woman?

Their religion still has and enforces patriarchy.

It's the future.

it also enforces pedophilia and first cousin marriages

Attached: Beware the Trainomancers.gif (300x169, 683.67K)

He is randomly shooting blanks at who/ whatever.
If he is shooting anythingat all.
You ever see one of those super low budget action movies where muzzle flash is animated in and the actions on the guns dont even cycle and bo brass is ejected?

Don’t hate on the Demigogue of the retards here. They’re already beaten down in life and relegated to this sad tiny corner of existence… they just want any hope of escaping their fate. Faggots like Tarrant are the only connection they have to being alive.


Leave Tarrant and anti-life anons aloneeee

The (((Terrants))) of this world will be around in another thousand years, yt won't be around another 50.

Make a change user. Kill yourself.

LMAO op thinks that all Roof did was kill church goers. Take the BOWLpill, the first Target was a congressman and then one of the main coordinators of BKM in the South.

Nice try, fight the jew orchestrators first. voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/

The guy was a state congressman - a nobody.

Le kill yourself.

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None of these shooters have done anything. It’s the closest people here get to getting laid tho so I guess there’s that.

Did anything happen to him?

On this day OP is the only one who isnt a faggot

Yeah but it doesnt fucking evolve. Their median IQ is what, 70?

When you arrange society so that women can't challenge men, you get a bunch of repressed sand fags roaming the desert for 2000 years in worship of Muhummud, the biggest faggot of all.

They are wrecking the environment with their r-strategist reproduction. They haven't invented SHIT. And they fuck their baby sisters as soon as they bleed.

Fuck that backwoods shit.