Articles for a campaign website we need to make, with our agenda and multimedia and downloadable information people can use to wake up friends and family.
Articles to return to natural balance among men and nature to guarantee peace and justice.
1. Safeguard the Nation from demographic Invasion and Subversion.
2. Protect the environment and human biological system from destruction through pollution.
3. Create, Modify, or Abolish laws which do not serve to protect the European racial interests.
4. Direct the economy towards investments that provide for the future prosperity and happiness of all Europeans.
5. Direct eugenics programs that humanely, compassionately, and justly improve racial hygiene and excellence. Sterilize violent criminals and those with genetic and psychological diseases.
6. Establish laws to protect all sentient animals from needless suffering, abuse, cruelty, and inhumane treatment.
7. Non-citizens can live in The United States only as foreigners, subject to the law of aliens.
8. Only citizens can vote or hold public office.
9. The state insures that every citizen live decently and earn his livelihood. If it is impossible to provide food for the whole population, then aliens must be expelled.
10. No further immigration of non-Whites. Any non-white who entered the United States as an immigrant, legal or otherwise before 2000 must leave.
11. A thorough reconstruction of our national system of education. The science of citizenship shall be taught from the beginning.
12. All News Media must be published in English and owned by United States Citizens.
13. Intermixing of Races is Illegal.
14. Restore traditional position of women in society, repeal voting and property rights, and reaffirm male authority in all domestic and social affairs. Support motherhood and home making.
15. The privilege of voting or running for political office can only be exercised by European decent males who meet specific criteria.
16. Dispatch Archeological teams to uncover ancient history that has been hidden by occult groups to keep the masses ignorant to the true history of mankind.
17. Direct Scientists to create next generation power generation technology for free energy.
18. Create continuity of civilization underground shelters to preserve our way of life in event of cataclysmic disasters which have previously occurred on Earth, and will occur again.