Let's discuss the Jewish History of Big Tobacco and how its been weaponized against the Goyim
Did you know a Jew who accompanied Christopher Columbus, Luis de Terres, found tobacco and introduced it to White Europeans?
Philip Morris (Marlboro) himself was Jewish, and founded the company in London. Jewish CEO of Altria (parent company of Marlboro) Michael Szymanczyk was their longest serving head of the company, until 2012. The new CEO is also Jewish, Howard A. Willard III.
Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death among White males.
Vaping isn't a permanent solution, one should strive towards quitting all degeneracy. But it's 1000x safer than Big Tobbacco. The US govt has lost BILLIONS in tax revenue due to vaping. Video related.
Shameless kike free first post I'm not encouraging vaping, but I'm encouraging health and fitness among Whites. Hitting the gym, eating properly, and banishing degeneracy should be the ultimate goal. But, if vaping helps you quit cigarettes, more power to you.
Hudson Richardson
Nicotine is shit, but vaping is great. Manlets that don't even burn will dispute this.
Dylan Lewis
Vaping is giving yourself chronic pneumonia, don't do either.
How do you explain jews that smoke? Didn't they get the memo? Also smoking tends to kill long after people should have already had children and even grandchildren. It's not a factor of White genocide.
Nathan Gomez
Doesn't look like it. Herbert Gilbert is the first man to introduce a patent in 1963. Family of Austrian footballers, it seems.
Some jews smoke because -shocker- some jews are people!
That's right. Not every member of the tribe wants to be a devil worshiper and kill all the goyim. They are people with vices and loves and appreciations for Hitler like the rest of us.
Ian Hill
Read Culture of Critique then lurk 2 years before attempting to post again.
Wow 35 whole people? And god knows what they were actually vaping…
Matthew Cook
Jews partaking in their degeneracy is nothing new. Sodomite Jew Allen Ginsberg, his Faggot Jew boyfriend Peter Orlovsky founded LEMAR (Legalize Marijuana) in 1964. Funded by Jew Democratic Party Millionaire Max Palevsky, High Times and Playboy Magazines. In 1964 Ginsberg marched in front of the Department of Welfare Building in Washington, D.C., with signs reading “Smoke Pot — it’s cheaper and healthier than liquor.”
No love for David Cole or Bobby Fischer, eh? Even Brother Nathaniel has some good things to say, and doesn't want to kill all the goyim.
No, you'd rather live in your own little world.
Thomas Mitchell
Cooper Evans
Heh you vapw?
James Lopez
Philip Morris (1835–1873) was a British tobacconist and cigarette importer whose name was later used for Philip Morris & Co. Ltd. established in New York City in 1902. Life and career Philip Morris was the son of a recent immigrant to England from Germany who had taken the name Bernard Morris. In 1847, Philip Morris's family opened a tobacco shop on Bond Street in London. By 1854, he had started making his own cigarettes. In 1870, Morris began to produce Philip Morris Cambridge and Philip Morris Oxford Blues (later called Oxford Ovals and Philip Morris Blues).
Isaac Jackson
The article is misleading but not entirely false: This can actually lead to a very fast overdose of nicotine. Many bottles are 60mL in size, if you have a 3mg/mL bottle then that's 90mg of nicotine in half a bottle or 180mg in a full one.
"The LD50 of nicotine is 50 mg/kg for rats and 3 mg/kg for mice. 0.5–1.0 mg/kg can be a lethal dosage for adult humans, and 0.1 mg/kg for children. However the widely used human LD50 estimate of 0.5–1.0 mg/kg was questioned in a 2013 review, in light of several documented cases of humans surviving much higher doses; the 2013 review suggests that the lower limit causing fatal outcomes is 500–1000 mg of ingested nicotine, corresponding to 6.5–13 mg/kg orally."
Since the LD50 is questionable, you might be able to kill yourself by ingesting just one 60mL bottle of 3mg/mL vape juice. This is of course a low end, some juices go as high as 24mg/mL and OTC stores sell 6mg bottles readily. At 6mg one 60mL bottle can cap out at 360mg of nicotine putting you in a good spot for either death or negative outcomes such as a seizure.
Essentially this article reports that there are retards suffering seizures for drinking ejuice, which is basically suggesting we should ban hand sanitizer because a few retards once tried to get drunk by drinking it (actually happened). I frankly don't care about this. You shouldn't ban tobacco just because it kills people, especially in the modern age where even a 6 year old knows smoking kills you. My problem with big tobacco is their incessant attempts at crushing vaping which is a "healthier" alternative and their targeting of kids.
No, it's not Jewish. It's mostly chinked because most large vape chains like Smok come from China. The father of the modern vape scene was also a Chinese guy who made his own e-cig in an attempt to quit smoking.
Vaping is the most effective smoking cessation method, a fact that many anti vapers and pro-gum/patch faggots refuse to realize. It fixes both the nicotine craving and provides the social outlet smoking gives you hence is more effective. It also reduces the chance of OD since gum/patches use high amounts of nicotine and, if abused, can lead to death.
Benjamin Cruz
The kike hates books and loves the grassy jew. COLOR ME SURPRISED
Weed itself isn't bad if its treated the same way a drink after work is. The problem is that that's not the weed culture that exists today.
Christopher Gomez
They breed true user. If you let them live they too will breed true degenerates in the next generation(s). The Book of Enoch clearly states that before they are all removed from the Earth that they will beg for their children to live 500 years and for them to also be 'immortal' but that the angels will have no mercy on them and drag ALL OF THEM and ALL OF THEIR OFFSPRING TO HELL (where they belong for their collective crimes against humanity). Everyone knows that they declare themselves to be 'the sons of god' which means that they (and anyone who cooperates with them) are the offspring of the fallen angels that get dragged off to Hell for eternity for the crimes they commited on the planet. Even the muzzies have plenty of legends about how they are all going to be removed from the Earth, as well as their quran when that day comes.
Brayden Barnes
Morris Schinasi
Ryan Evans
There's no evidence to suggest it's anywhere that low. Read the 2013 paper. The only question remaining is how high the lethal dose is. Conservatively it might be 750mg, but probably much higher. But what is true is that nicotine can cause seizures, but you'd start to feel very unwell before that happened. The case is probably that these people had some kind of latent susceptibility. This information is one of the most embarrassing examples of "word of mouth" science. It and the "60mg kills an adult" in fact came through guesswork done in the 19th century. A friend of the publisher literally told him "I swallowed X amount and got pretty sick", from which it was extrapolated that 60mg would be lethal. Every professional, technical and scientific body just ran with, never attempting to verify. You can still find professional chemists, doctors and pharmacologists who will assure you that it's correct.
Brayden Green
So you believe in original sin then. Because by that logic even a jew that told the truth for their entire adult life would still be taken to hell and deserve it
Elijah Garcia
I did say its more likely 500-750 but that a 6mg/mL 60mL bottle could induce a seizure at 360mg total. Still, arguing the LD50 is semantics given we both agree drinking a bottle of vape juice can probably induce a seizure if the nicotine content is around 6mg/mL.
Evan Hill
I'm fine with medicinal marijuana for the right purposes. It's the marijuana industry which will eventually become another Jewish controlled industry to further denigrate Whites that I have a problem with. Personally I don't use marijuana, and I believe it makes people lazy. That said, clown world and inaction among Whites is likely only going to increase usage among our youth.
There are only two positives to vaping, 1. you aren't buying something heavily taxed by the government and 2. in a warzone a vape doesn't necessarily emit light, unlike a cigarette. But other than that, it looks gay, it smells gay and it sounds gay.
This is their cheeky trick, my friend. They will be the pioneers of the degeneracy you then pick up on and embrace. A recent example of this, is that disgusting faggot kike teenager who became a tranny with a fake vagina. The jews are batshit crazy and not afraid to sacrifice one for the destruction of many.
Ian Price
Fair enough. That's likely in someone without a huge tolerance, if they could keep it down. It's not credible that it would happen by accident/a child sipping the bottle etc. For two reasons, nausea and very bitter/burning taste (take a sip of e-juice to see what I mean.)
Owen Foster
The original sin was HUMANS allowing themselves to be spiritually joined to kikes (subhumans). This is why we are trapped here in this single 'tree' until we overcome Sin (jews)…meaning that we are doomed to repeat this experience over and over until all of you are dead and gone…then we can advance to Heaven. But as long as you exist in this reality we are doomed to be slaves in it.
"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, Sin (this is you keeping us from advancing the SINagogue of Satan) is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master over it."
What is right is killing all semites so that our people can escape here and go back to Heaven.
Benjamin Young
I'm not a kike. I'm just not deluded enough to believe that some sky Santa imbues everyone with original sin as babies.
Landon Edwards
I've noticed in some older movies, the actors would pretend to smoke but not inhale.
Nicholas Bell
I'm good. It is absorbed through skin but again, you'd have to basically lather yourself in an entire bottle's worth of liquid for that. A good point to bring up if anyone suggests muh accident.
Kevin Nelson
Most of the high dose data is from (unsuccessful) suicide attempts. Not trying to be deliberately argumentative, but you won't get 180ml of liquid in through your skin. The skin absorption cases tend to be neat or highly concentrated product. Green tobacco sickness for example, from handling the raw plant, or insecticide. It's actually the vape community that first started to overturn the concept of nicotine being on a par with cyanide. People handling concentrated product noticed that they were feeling no effects from skin contact.
Brandon Taylor
literally what is wrong with vaping? allegedly propylene glycol is a formaldehye releaser or something, and artificial flavorings are probably not good to inhale either. but overall, it's not very harmful. why does everything fun and enjoyable have to be "DUHH JENN ERR ITT"? why does everybody have to be a boring asceticist loser? this is one of the few issues that Zig Forums tends to go full retard on. I've even seen somebody claiming that recreationally fucking your wife is "DUHH JENN ERR ITT"
it's "degenerate" to be a fudgepacking faggot that gets pozzed up the neghole, it's "degenerate" to marry a nigger and have mud babies. but does it have to be "DUHHH JENNN ERRRR ITTTTT" to do literally anything that's fun like drinking with friends or playing video games or watching anime? asceticism is not redpilled, nor based; it's autistic cancer stemming from chr*stcuckery- abrahamist jewish hatred of all that is good
Funnily enough during its time, the X-Files got a lot of shit for that - aswell as portraying smokers exclusively as the bad guys, atleast until the last cucked seasons - curious really.
Kayden Rogers
Not as babies. They make the choice to enter into your system when they join themselves to politics, finance, law, etc, etc, etc all your systems on this planet. All set up and engineered by you to bring everyone into coherent thinking rather than an individual relationship with God.
You are 'making man in your image' rather than letting him have his own NON-BRAINWASHED relationship with God as he/she understands God. You have almost gotten the whole world imprinted with your ideology…only islam will catapult the planet to complete submission to your rule, THE RULE OF DEATH.
PS if you can't tell I don't believe you are not a kike 100%…taqiyya and all that applies to all you semitic trash people.
Ok that's all you needed to say. I just wanted to know if And that seems to confirm that we agree on taking a truth telling jew to hell would be an act of an unjust god.
Noah Watson
Huh, you really do learn something new every day. Wasn't aware of that fact. Thanks user.
Tyler Richardson
PS: It's called pilpul in the Talmud
Joshua Lopez
It also means that the "nicotine tipped bullets" Breivik described how to make in his manifesto, probably wouldn't have been fatally toxic, as he based his measurements on the 60mg figure. I've had tobacco sickness myself, after growing some N. rustica, regular tobacco's stronger cousin. Also of note is that the plants end up covered in dead insects.
Jayden King
Big tobacco is currently in a crisis, because cancer-sticks are going out of fashion in the West. Vaping, gay as it is, plays a huge role in this. Cigars are getting pretty popular, too, as they have become relatively affordable to the masses. No one wants to be a cigarette-sucking faggot with dead lungs, parched throat and grey skin anymore, so sales are plummeting. And Big tobacco finds itself in a trap - since they lobbied a shitton of restrictions on cigarettes in the past to raise prices and make more shekels, they now cannot run marketing campaigns to promote their garbage. So now they are compensating by trying to force vapers, cigar, pipe and cigarillo smokers out of the market to leave them without an alternative. FDA has become very busy as of late, trying to push restrictions through Congress that, if approved, will be bad fucking news for "non-mainstream" smokers and vapers.
It doesn't kill young people, but it does waste their money.
Julian Cooper
That's not what the word means moron
Samuel Hill
The point of my post is that christians must do this to follow in their based kike so you should be doing the same. Nothing like bringing over shitskins as long as they thump to the same book.
Robert Wright
Isaiah Rogers
Our knowledge of Vaping is still developing. It does appear it is MUCH MUCH safer but that doesn't mean we know it all. The problem seems to only impact the very young, and no testing is done on these products on underage kids so it is very possible it is a problem for them as their brains are in a different state than adult brains. It's worth following this in case there is a problem for the young.
Carson Miller
Pilpul is for all intents and purposes the same as taqiyya. Lying for the sake of the religion is permitted.
Lucas Garcia
Not unjust at all. Not even close. They are the product of their original decision the same way that we are the product of our original decision. Except kikes belong in Hell and we belong in Heaven. Do you really believe that you have seen 'beginning to end' so that you are capable of second-guessing God?
Genesis 3:14, NIV: "So the LORD God said to the serpent, 'Because you have done this, 'Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals!
You reaped all the reward you are ever going to get in torturing, pederasty, rape, murder, cannibalism, etc, etc (your hobbies) here on the planet. That is why kikes are materialists. Because to them, there is no god, it is meaningless since all they have to look forward to is punishment for their crimes against people, animals, and life.
Christopher James
There is no such thing as original sin. If you wanna kill kids, just be like Tarrant and say the children of your enemies dont stay children. Dont hide behind your dogma.
Robert Diaz
Whatever…this just shows me that you haven't understood what you were reading because you have no genetic memory/capacity to understand the material. Just because the based kikes overthrew the Roman Empire and commandeered the words of a HUMAN (not a kike) and abused the ever living fuck out of them doesn't mean that they understood it either. Not everyone who cries out Lord lord (because they aren't OUR PEOPLE and never will be) is going to be saved. You have to have a genetic connection in order to be redeemed and saved. Without it…you could be a nigger or shitskin or kike of perfect standing and you are still doomed because you don't belong to the PEOPLE or HUMANITY.
Ian Taylor
No. Pilpul means strict study. It's the opposite of what you claim.
Jace Flores
There most definitely is original sin for those who are capable of Transcendence…for others it is immaterial. As the masons would say, "It is not a secret, it is just none of your business."
Liam Ward
Being able to breathe normally and freak out from lack of nicotine is a great thing, user; not to mention that getting house blends from your tobacconist at dirt cheap prices devoid of toxic additives throws a wrench into the jewish big tobacco machine. t. former cigarette smoker turned piper with focus on health and fitness looking and feeling better than ever thanks to Zig Forums
Alexander Carter
Jeremiah Smith
I used to have an image, but what is their word for it?
Eli Torres
Indeed. Piping is nice. Blessed be brick & mortars. Also, you can buy dried tobacco from Leafonly and make your own blends.
Jace Bailey
No it doesn't.
Pilpul is a technique, when the key dissects what you wrote to find a problem he can use to divert the topic.
Landon Russell
Thanks, I'll check it out. I love being able walk, jog or run and recently on one of these ventures, I spotted a Identity Europa sticker. There is hope yet.
jews are just pissed they don't have control of the vapes.
Ethan Anderson
This. Look I hit the gym 3-5 times a week and workout every day. I've seen guys that are roided out, healthy and lean guys, and obese guys trying to get fit come through those doors. I sometimes give sparring sessions and mma / JuJitsu training for them. I like to take the overweight and out of shape Goys to befriend and encourage them. They're the least likely to return to the gyms because they're intimidated. They need healthy friends to encourage them to get and stay fit. Lots of them smoke… And quit. The overwhelming majority of them (I'm talking hundreds of White people I've met and helped motivate) quit by way of vaping. This is why I encourage it as a means of quitting smoking. No, it's not healthy. No, its not a "solution" permanently. But it's 1000x better than cigarettes and it's a start. Staying fit and healthy is a battle for many people. If I can encourage other Goys to stay fit by vaping and they're still able to jog/run/lift/squat? So be it. All of you should be encouraging other Whites, motivating them to stay healthy. You have no idea how far that encouragement and motivation goes among your peers.
Liam Martinez
The idea of needing anything at all to COPE with life is what's degenerate user. Again, vaping is 1000x better than smoking. But people who say "I need Xanax for depression" or "I need weed for stress but im not an addict" are missing the entire point- You don't NEED any of it.
Anthony Richardson
That and Swedish snus. The jews tried to ban snus in the entire EU, but Sweden made it a condition of entry. It's illegal to sell in any other EU country. As a result, Sweden has the lowest rate of lung cancer in men, of any Western country (maybe any country on earth, haven't checked.)
Joseph Fisher
This is called, speaking out of your asshole.
How do I know you're speaking out of your asshole? Because not a single human alive has achieved "Transcendence". Note that stories from 2000 years ago do not count
Cooper Lewis
My father was a "Paul Bunyan" type of brute. Huge, muscular arms (Popeye even) and a built body. An ironworker his whole life. Healthy as an ox. Smoked pure tobacco (some very expensive tobacco mind you) from a pipe. Never had any lung/breathing issues. Largely due to the lack of chemicals in the tobacco. That said, modern cigarettes/tobacco and even the paper used is loaded with unhealthy additives. I love the smell of a good pipe. Reminds me of the old man. RIP
Thomas Barnes
I tried snus as a child, I believe. That's the fine grain powdery stuff you put between the lips, no? I remember getting a little nicotine rush off that if I remember correctly.
Kevin Fisher
All this is not only because of good tobacco, but also because pipe (and cigar) smoke is not inhaled. And yes, pipe smoke smells fucking nice. Modern cigarettes are considered "premium quality" if they contain at least 15% tobacco. The rest is brown paper soaked with nicotine and chemicals.
Doesn't snus fuck up your gums and teeth, same as dip?
Aaron Sullivan
There are two types, lös and portion. Portion comes in a teabag like container. It is placed between the upper lip and gum. It doesn't appear to increase cancer risk like other smokeless tobaccos, because it is pasteurized instead of flue cured (lower TSNO level.) Probably not great for your circulation though, you can feel the cardiovascular effects if you use a strong version.
Jayden Anderson
They still want to kill us even while they partake of their own vices. It's part of why they must constantly gene steal from whites for new lifeblood.
Jacob Cox
Nah, that's a myth put about by the antis. You even get it in "white" version now, so it doesn't even make brown juice in your mouth. I've used it for years and my mouth and teeth are perfectly fine. Loose is messy though.
Ryan Evans
That bullshit comes from a piece of shit like you, not a Jew.
Jason Gutierrez
Noice. I tried dip, didn't like it. Will try snus if I get the chance. How's it taste?
Samuel Howard
you don't need any of those things, but what's wrong with somebody using them in moderation because they enjoy it? a lot of people here seem to think that doing anything for the purpose of pleasure/enjoyment is bad. I don't have the image but this was a problem for NSDAP- chr*stcuck asceticists exploiting the anti-degen attitude of NatSoc to promote their agenda
Jose Kelly
Men smoke, boys vape. I'd rather die a man then live like a boy too afraid to enjoy life because some kikes on an image board are trying to give life advice
Nathan Ward
Interesting. I'd say that it trumps smoking regardless. One of the other issues with cigarettes not brought up yet in this thread is the dangers to pregnant women and their unborn children. Lots of women with multiple kids pick up the habit of smoking. Even women who are good, stay at home mothers. It helps them COPE which is semi understandable as raising multiple kids while the father works is unbearable in terms of stress at times, especially amidst the modern world and trying to shield them from degeneracy. Men should pressure and shame women away from smoking in the same fashion as were encouraging white males to get fit. Smoking is such a dangerous tool that the Jews have used to bankrupt this nation due to social welfare healthcare costs, serious health related issues among those who've smoked for years, and remains the leading preventable cause of death among Whites. I'd hate to see a good healthy White family have a child born with birth defects because the mom decided to puff a few cigarettes from time to time. If you're a man dating a woman who smokes or are considering having a family with her, show her images of stillborns / babies with birth defects. Whitepilling works with women, too.
That's your "jewish genius", bullshitting squared.
Juan Ramirez
that being said, xanax and other benzos are really bad for you and I condemn those. people that use benzos a lot act like zombies. there are soft drugs and there hard drugs, the hard drugs should never be used because they're too harmful. generally pharma pills are considered 'hard'
the issue with the anti-"degenerate" thing is that people take it too seriously and go too far with it. there's a difference between fucking fag orgies and having a beer after work ffs
well why not both? vaping can be done inside without permanently affecting the room you're in, depleting the property value. you can get all different kinds of flavors, not just tobacco agree wholeheartedly
Parker Bell
Avoiding smoking, vaping, and drug abuse is for the good of the nation and not for the good of yourself. You must put your race before yourself. That momentary moment of feel good will mean nothing once your dead which all mortals eventually will be.
Matthew Jenkins
Again I'd much rather see someone whose ZOGpilled and aware of Jewish Degeneracy enough that they can moderate something than the uniformed using it and thinking it's okay. Reminds me of an argument I got into with someone a few days ago. I talked about a movie I torrented on social media, he responds with "hurr durr still watching Hollywood films muh hurr"… Its the first film I've watched in six months. I have a wife and kids. We don't allow Hollywood degeneracy into the home, and are extremely strict on what we allow them to see. We instead encourage reading literature from Julius Ceasar, Rockwell, Pierce, etc. Anyways, I downloaded a single movie and watched it with the wife. Some things are okay in moderation especially if you're informed about what it is you're doing. It's the NPCs who will watch a movie and take the indoctrination to heart. The same can be said of bad habits.
Grayson Miller
The smoking while pregnant issue has now been taken up by feminists under the umbrella of "her body, her choice". Same with alcohol, which can cause lifelong disability in the form of fetal alcohol syndrome. A woman can main her child, deliberately if she wishes, and it's completely legal.
Easton Baker
but if it only affects you, then what's the problem? how does somebody vaping in their own house harm the nation?
Owen Bell
Benzos cause brain damage when used long term. They're much more medically harmful than opiates, and untreated rapid withdrawal can cause death instead of just making you wish you were dead.
Christian Perez
The white race is lost if you retards prefer those purple dildo vapers to manly tobacco!
Tobacco is a neurostimulant and reduce the chance to get alzeimers as well as other brain illnesses wile reducing estrogen and increasing testosterone.
Not like I expect you limp wristed idiots to want to improve yourselves.
It doesn't. But they'll give you an answer along the lines of: Which while true to an extent is extremely disingenuous. It's the same type of poster that will say they want all jews dead, yet shitpost as a NEET 7 days a week instead.
Levi Russell
the problem is that we have all these millions of mud races infesting our lands, destroying the purity of our race; and jews dominating and controlling our governments, economies, media and culture, running our civilization into the ground. these are the problems, not people fucking vaping or smoking a cigar or whatever the fuck. you people are taking things to the point of absurdity
Agree 90% of big pharma prescriptions, especially opioids, do far greater harm than good. Id make the argument that even cancer patients suffer more from chemo, if not die, than those who've done nothing but holistic treatments. I have two aunts who had cancer. One crinkled up like a fish out of water, went bald, and died miserably within 2 years of chemo. Another went against her Healthcare providers and insurance and traveled the globe enjoying life. It's been 14 years now I believe, she's still kicking and healthy, for the most part, with zero pharmaceutical treatment or chemo. All natural vitamins, fitness, and overall enjoying her quality of life traveling the globe in her late 40s. She's into runes / gems / stones things like that. Interesting woman. Her and her husband. I'm not saying she'll live forever but she's lasted this long without that shitty and God-awful misery of chemo.
Alexander Diaz
The medical effects are caused by nicotine, which may turn out to be a vitamin eventually. Tobacco is merely a vehicle for delivery of nicotine.
Gabriel Miller
Landon Gonzalez
That's actually what a lot of people use vaping to do. It makes it easier to quit as you slowly wean yourself off the smoke jew.
Yeah, the whole anti-vape campaign is American lobbyists having an autistic meltdown over tax dollars and global market share. It's actually one the biggest public health innovations we've had in decades since the removal of lead from gasoline and paint.
Lincoln Roberts
Amazing how the white race flourished for 500 years since Tobacco was introduced, I guess we should all just go back to being retarded pagans worshiping mud, living in stone huts and painting our faces and bodies like a bunch of retards because some kikes want you to live longer so they jew even more money from you
Elijah Myers
yeah, the medical industry is not about treating disease for the benefit of patients according to the Hippocrates Oath, it's about extracting maximum profit from disease. this applies not only to how they typically 'treat' diseases, but also how they research them. so things like cancer, we're not doing any research into actual cures like antineoplastons or holistic remedies or herbs or whatever, these things cost money and there's no profit to be had from eliminating a disease that they could be making billions off of