Gender fluid stock image library

Vice magazine is proud to create the world’s first full gender spectrum photo library, to help advertising agencies and news outlets find cheap stock images of healthy, sexually ambiguous young millennial naturally exploring their gender non-binary ness is all important colored skin types.

This is a Real thing Enjoy spreading love and diversity across the internet.

Attached: 843AEB20-EA53-471F-A0AA-80E136ED87D6.jpeg (670x754, 206.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait to buy all images.

Attached: C5OLMP-VYAE70En.jpg (1080x743, 124.72K)

Perfect for my Cocaine ad. Fishscale gets a completly new meaning.

Attached: 5c9652b2e36e2c22aa0c539c_GenderSpectrum-Day1-1084.jpg (1000x667 76.89 KB, 84.43K)

So vice made us a cringe compilation?

Attached: 76C93DF1-F14B-4604-8935-5CE8BD67C6AD.jpeg (600x367, 41.63K)

Attached: 5c96a7c7ddde8f4d07f4da66_Day 3 - Callen-Lorde3434.jpg (1000x667, 83.73K)

Absolutely disgusting.

Attached: vomit.mp4 (1280x720, 8.43M)

That's nice, waste resuorces. Now fuck off back to kikechan.

Attached: EE68BF67-A4B8-459E-A11A-69F5AD81BB05.jpeg (750x1016, 661.19K)

It looks like an asylum

Attached: 5c93a2c2fd25699e391b16fb_GenderSpectrum-Day1-1233-p-1600.jpeg (1600x1066, 247.24K)

Attached: 1.jpg (640x480, 33.52K)


shooting fish in a meme barrel

Don't interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake - Sun Tzu Art of War

Attached: YourLifeSubscribeWiselyB0.jpg (3260x2468, 1.12M)


40 keks at your binary choice, m8.

Attached: 07fc62450e7ea1c92dcdd7fdd5736f7eeafad65e5a3d08ad59f44130cd310914.png (431x663, 511.82K)

>Recommended Usage Guidelines
>Per the terms of the Creative Commons license, you may not create derivative work from the images or use the images for commercial purposes. Beyond these basic license stipulations, it is vital for anyone using this resource to make appropriate contextual decisions.
>When attaching a photo to an article, think critically about how the accompanying headline could reflect on the trans community. Understanding the stereotypes and tropes that have accompanied transgender media representation—such as trans subjects being cast only as sex workers, portrayed soley in states of apparent victimhood or crisis, and being characterized as deceptive and mentally unstable—can help you to avoid them. If your usage of one of these photos could feed into a stereotype or negative stigma, you probably shouldn’t use it.

Attached: hmmm.png (463x188, 37.07K)

Your inheritance doesn't count faggot.

Attached: 1546114728432m.jpg (820x1024, 97.79K)

Attached: sleeping.png (1098x754, 1.23M)

The photographer has some lovely shit on his website.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (568x576 545.22 KB, 585.11K)

Are you even from here frein? Wizards are always over 30 yo, by definition. The 20th level business is just to state i'm not a noob wizard, been one for quite a while. 20th level in AD&D meant you had played that character for a really long fucking time. The XP charts weren't linear (see pic).
On that note, check out this /b/ thread for a more extreme kind of wizard:

Attached: PHB-000031.png (1166x1541, 1.92M)

You can edit captions pretty easily if you open the inspector.

Attached: it's a penis.png (751x565 415.77 KB, 363.92K)

shooting fish in a meme barrel

Attached: NPC-Vice-fullgender-photolibrary.png (504x508, 443.37K)

Fuck gender, look at that giant shit stain on its face!

fuck. they're at it again. clown world galore.

Attached: sub2pdp.png (171x194, 50.06K)

so it seems

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1077x732, 1.45M)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1040x736, 1.23M)

Attached: you're gay.png (778x576 1.22 MB, 509.14K)

In the bright future, we shall use this gallery in history classes when some smartass kid asks why we culled so many people from the genepool after we were finished with the kikes.

Attached: 5ecbc66eb53a3d83712a70ddc6db285b37d30645660b5ae9d11d46fd8d1ab9ac.png (863x852, 244.6K)

Kek. This is how you kill it. Don't let them have anything. Death is their only respite.

so it seems

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1045x762, 1.43M)


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (581x749, 600.61K)

Your only good edit so far is the NPC one, the rest are trying harder to be redpilled than funny and fail at both. Find the joke first.

Attached: meme_power.jpg (1196x616, 86.69K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (838x747, 1014.92K)

Attached: bogdanoff_sister.jpg (1038x1522, 2.16M)

Remember when vice was about talking to African cannibals, instead of trying to normalize sexually confused heroin addicts?

there are different dimensions of memes padawan
you must first learn to transcend the levels

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (481x739, 651.64K)

He's right though. The captions aren't funny.

So what goes on here these faggots use neon hair dye and then they don't look like a man with stupid hair?

See the tent around you.

Attached: faces_of_the_asylum.jpg (1203x1527, 3.15M)

since you need it spelt out - they are not meant to be funny to (you).
They are meant to be mildly amusing and pertinent to others.
The art of memetics isn't a 1 trick pony, level up.

t. memetic war vet
how many of your memes have major news sites and presidents used? I've lost count

Run it through one of those neural networks that repaints an image in another image's style and you have a masterpiece.

Attached: jack in class.png (714x518, 514.49K)

Including as much of the original wording as possible, though less humorous to (you), allows the image to go undetected in places it might otherwise not appear. >What is trojan horse meme?

newfag detected

Attached: jimsmug.jpg (271x276 4.46 MB, 1.98M)

Not too keen on the first one and I doubt many will get the second, but here they are anyways.

Attached: incrimination.png (680x498 656.05 KB, 373.76K)

Attached: expired pass.png (691x965, 1.02M)

Attached: heroin time.png (726x1492, 1.2M)

We need to pick out some of these images and start pushing anti-tranny memes with them.

imagine having mixed slav rape babies hahaha

We already are, just turn on your browser inspector and go nuts.

Attached: the case.png (876x656 857.58 KB, 802.82K)

What a time to be alive

Attached: 4babf19587fb44acdc5abf3b1efc1d1b.jpg (800x600, 81.19K)

Reminds me of this

Attached: 1428463783754-0.jpg (1622x1180, 236.11K)

Attached: eq.png (1197x809 780.16 KB, 1.85M)


Attached: jack receives a hug.png (794x594 616.28 KB, 680.18K)

Send me some. 38gx3XrTTytpFbYJHyq5FVoQ1HTaF9Y4Gx

I really can't get over how repulsive and unhygienic the average leftist is. I know guys that sleep in their car and live off of nothing but dirt weed, natty light and gas station food that still don't look half as bad as these wretches.

>$75k per mo. operating budget from (((grants and donations)))

Attached: unreasonably large image of a smug baby.jpg (4272x2848, 3.45M)

Attached: mutual favors.png (779x582 489.59 KB, 426.19K)

I don't even need a new caption for this one

Attached: non-binary femme at his phone.png (882x674, 428.92K)

That's the last one for tonight.

Attached: rodriguez in pain.png (770x559, 470.65K)

that got a chuckle out of me.

Attached: 285420e57fc33d2a46edbb170ea6ca3f81c530e17b12a015d9932d201024bb88.jpg (763x540, 180.14K)

Kek'd and bogpilled

Attached: antesdepoisfede.jpg (1080x1171 1.87 MB, 112.38K)

Fucking newfags had better start lurking.