PITTsburgh bans guns


Oy vey, the constitution doesn't allow banning guns so we will just ban the USE of them (and we can take them away from you if we think it's necessary).? Is this the best example of how Jews try to subvert law and order yet?

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Baked Alaska is a Jew faggot

That is *exactly* how the jew operates: with forked tongue.


less guns less nigger shootings

uhh what about the right to keep and, I don't know, bear arms?

bearing arms is the same as USING arms.

Not going to hold.

preemption and the state constitution say otherwise. this is just a scheme to make the city (((lawyers))) richer while (((they))) defend the indefensible.

The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned

Threadly reminder Bowers did nothing wrong. Except not getting more.

Boomers believe we just need to convince shitskins of the merits of libertarianism, and they will come around to traditional anglo-saxon values like free speech, property rights, and the right to bear arms. Unfortunately they will die off before being proven wrong.

true post

Bump cause anons are missing this.

No goyim, you can hold it. That is bearing it. You can bear arms without firing them, hence not use.
this is how the kikes are pushing it

(((Trump))) is going to lose Pennsylvania. His support has evaporated.

t. Pittsburgh

Entire state is BLACKED anyway. Race war soon fellow PAnons. Day of the rope can't get here soon enough.

But muh constitution shall surely save us tho! Just send it the supreme court!

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Doesn’t matter. No one is going to do anything about it. Guns are banned all across the United States in all forms.

I think National Socialists should rally in Pittsburgh to help promote the rights of gun owners.

Why can’t they protect their own rights, glowstick?

Why can't you show your face in public coward? If natsoc is the way then you need to get out there and do it.

There was already a gun owner's rally in Pittsburgh. Nothing came of it, obviously.

Sorry, that was Harrisburg and I was mistaken. It would still have the same effect.

Yeah, that’s not going to work on us. You’ve confirmed what I said. We won’t be falling for it.

Yeah both city council of Pittsburgh and Mayor's office has been turbocucked since Pittsburgh was granted "Sanctuary city status." Can't fuckin wait for more innocent businesswomen have to fight junkies. Will be fun to watch but easy to defend the people in suits

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Non-news, all cities operate this way

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The strategy the council used to bypass our founding documents came from a lawyer named (((singer)))

another user said, which seems to be correct, that this amendment will probably be successfully challenged legally as it seems to be against the Constitution, it will just be wastefully costly in legal funding fighting it

Sometimes libertarianism is simply about having the freedom to not be ruled by a Communist-style government….


lol after da jooz got shot up. Wolf is joo. Peduto just another joo lacky. Pixburgh is a niggr enclave.
Full of idiots and their sports.

kikes, faggot

Its not just Pittsburgh, they're trying to get this cancer to spread to all the other 53 third-class cities in PA.
PA is a fucking stronghold and unironically more backasswards than the worst southern and hillpeople stereotypes. This shouldn't be much of an issue in the areas that matter in the Commonwealth but there's been some weird winds a blowing lately.

while the Kikes and Catholic church bring in more of the third world niggr filth and place them in predomainantly White Anglo neighborhoods.