This year we have a good opportunity to do IRL activism. On the 20th and 21st of this month we can organize a cleanup of the local neighborhood. As both dates fall on the weekend I expect you faggots to be able to participate on at least one day. Niggers, liberals, and other societal refuse are going to be making a mess on 420. Spend a couple hours cleaning up on one of those days and we can accomplish quite a few things. Why? Since Tarrant's strike the Overton Window has shifted. More people are no longer condemning and instead saying they understand why he did it, and some even praise it. We must capitalize on this momentum. So what does a community cleanup accomplish?
1) It allows us to go out in colors and do something other White people will appreciate. I'm cucking on optics, but please don't do this while wearing a swastika if you are alone. Our safety is more important than the message and cleanup. Feel free to use other symbols like runes, the black sun, 8 of diamonds, 4 of clubs, etc.
2) If we meme this hard enough to become a national activity we can be right next to other Whites and directly talk to them. Boomers are wishy washy, but the younger ones could really use guidance. Nonetheless we must be friendly, open, and neighborly to all of our brothers. Focus on establishing rapport and new friendships. Bonus if you find another one of us.
3) The media (and shills) have no counter to this play. It's impossible to demonize us for cleaning up. Because if they do it accelerates the divide between the established powers and the normie Whites. The higher energy we get this, the better. Spread it on any other websites you visit. Spread it to family and friends. The more of us the better. We can control the discourse here.
4) We can increase the impact by using livestreams, recording and uploading, snapchats, etc. Normies love getting pats on the back for everything they do, and these can prove they were a part of it. This can run counter to opsec. Decide on what kind of activity you are going to do. The more that participate the safer it is to do so. Even if it's just a bag full of trash that you take a picture of with no identifiers in the background. All the way up to buying a go-pro and recording every second. Yeah, I may get called a glownigger or FBI for saying we should comp ourselves, it is up to you to do it.
5) Get to know the area around you. Plan where you will clean. Highways, nature trails, beaches, hillsides, parks, local neighborhood. Know what areas are safe and where the lines in the sand are drawn. Don't go into enemy territory to cleanup. Stay safe and organized. This is not a call to arms of any kind. Do not listen to anyone who promotes violence in this thread. There may come a time and place for that, now is not the time.
This can get co-opted. If the media runs with it as something the country should all participate in then plenty of non-Whites could be present. I'm counting on a few factors to prevent that. Spics are lazy, niggers are lazier, mudslimes lul; only White hippies really care for the environment except they'll be stoned and not on the streets cleaning up. None the less there could be a few non-Whites. Avoid confrontation and generally let them just cleanup for once in their lives.
So grab a trash bag, spend a few hours, make new friends, and cleanup our lands!