THE LEFT HAS BEEN DEMONIC TO TRUMP, he has gone through so much. Be a prayer warrior and support Trump. Don't mock Trump. Even if he can't hear your posts, negative posts about Trump still affect the ether and ripple out through the ether into the universe and so can effect Trump by virtue of magical law in a manner similar to Meme Magic. Stand by your president. And I support Yang too. I am a member of the Yang gang. But don't be evil to Trump. Have patience and be loyal, it is not virtuous to go against him given the titanic struggle he has been in and engaged in.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are you trumpniggers so obsessed with shilling trump here, specifically?
Food for thought; The US and the Christian Right is quite literally the only thing standing between Israel and complete and utter decimation.
If Q/Trump doesn't come through with THE PLAN Israel is FUCKED!
Assassinate trump.
Trump touched a wall
I hope people understand at this point that there is no overarching plan apart from trying to weave existent conspiracy theories into a workable "patriot" narrative where all the crimes of the israeli-occupied government are shunted onto non-existent "paperclip nazis" and "real racist democrats" and the saviors just happen to be the israeli-firsters.
Uh uh buddy…
Those fucking tapes are on stand-by and will be dispersed into the meatspace if Trump doesn't imprison/execute those that took part in that sick shit.
There's more than one game afoot
Is it due to all your threads being dead again, OP?
this is satire right?
If I ever see your face I'll kill you.
I'll pass.
Fuck off moshe
Because they are paid to do so.
Could you have ever dreamed of a greater timeline, anons?
Good luck. If I could offer the last few guys that tried a word of advice, bring a bigger fucking gun than you think you'll need
It doesn't fucking matter, you guys really think there's hope of reversing of the bullshit Zionist agenda that has been happening for so long? After Saint Tarrant I was hopeful but not anymore. There is no uprising against immigrants, no wall, Trump sold out to the kikes (if he wasn't before) and even the small amount of shit he tries to get accomplished is blocked by Dems and rhinos. We're out umbered man. Our "leader" is controlled opposition Whis continuing to let America slide into a 3rd world shit hole for brown ppl. Fuck them and fuck Trump. It's game over man. The mongols won. Fuck.
trump isnt entertaining anymore. im on yang gang.
Trump and Co are Fighting for You
Totally incorrect, youre a retarded leftist if you think that. Even it you were right about israel only having influence because of the right/christians (you arent), there are still hollywood/media/banking/porn/drugs/silicone valley/academia etc etc jews who the left are total cucks to.
Dont think for a second that the right is more jewed than the left, you shill faggot
Good goy
Vote White, not yellow, not orange
Vote Little, Win Big
Yep my wife and I still support and will happily vote for him in 2020. Every viable candidate absolutely must suckle the circumcised cock so him spouting the same pro-kike platitudes spewed by 10s of millions of boomers and Christians doesn't really surprise me. If he invades Iran I'm off the train but won't get too assblasted about the usual annoying republicuck rhetoric regarding Israel.
I'm sure that much of the trump hate posted here is genuine, but just as much is from organized astroturfing LefTards trying to D&C support and I ain't falling for it.
No thanks.
False dichotomy. They're both equally jewed.
The lie is that there is any difference between them.
which one is the nigger? you or your wife?
also, is your wifes penis bigger than yours?
If you would have injected one more canned-slur in your feeble attempt at peacocking, you may have impacted the lowest rung of onlooking intellect.
If White American Christians see what I saw and don't get their pound of flesh, Israel is fucked!
No fucking exceptions!
You mother fuckers never know when to say when.
We like hard work. We like spilling blood.
We don't like OUR children served as hourderv's!
how many spics has trump deported? Miles of wall built? How many billions given to niggers? We didn't even have a thread of his nigger fresh start shit people are so fucking tuned out on anything to do with Trump. Why would you vote for him again? What do you expect to be different in his second term then his first? What did he do to justify a second?
There's just no getting around it lads.
If you support (((Trump))) at this point, if you make arguments trying to justify his zionism, if you try to pretend the GOP is in any way less kike'd than the DNC, I'm sorry to tell you this but….
You're a cuckservative.
Why should we support an Israel-loving Republicuck?
Never post here again. Your ZOG emperor failed. Your Q-LARP is a hoax.
Trump is a kike, nigger lover that doesn’t deliver most of his promises. Oh yeah also, Israel our greatest ally
This guy is right.
The false country of israel survives only on the support of approximately 1/3 of the Republican base, overwhelmingly composed of Evangelical christians who believe israel is integrated into a prophecy which is never going to transpire (because it was made up by jews and fed to them by shabbos goyim to maintain a base of shabbos support for israel).
No matter how the future plays out, israel is pretty much done for - and no matter how much (((Trump))) tries to help them, there's just no hope left for israel: About 10 million kikes surrounded by 200 million arab mudkips cannot survive without the support of the (((American Empire))), Its simply a fact.
Ever notice some Jews grow real shitty facial hair?
They must have more not genetics than others.
Anyway, nice talk we had here.
Sage the thread, trumplover.
kill yourself, blatant shill
Here's the link from "not reciprocated" in the 2nd image above.