Highlander School (Communist School) Burnt to a Crisp VIDEO IN LINK

This is where they trained MLK jr and Rosa Parks, and a current generation of Communist scum, to agitate against our nation

"We had a total loss of the main office," Woodard Henderson said, showing the still smoldering remains of the New Market building around 6 p.m. Friday.

"You can see the office is gone, but again nobody was physically hurt," Woodard Henderson continued. "We did lose, obviously, some really important historical documents. It was not our full archive, and so we're processing what happened."

The fire that claimed the building was initially reported as a brush fire at around 5:30 a.m. Friday, according to the New Market Volunteer Fire Department.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office and the state Fire Marshal.

The University of Tennessee History Department called the fire "terrible news for Highlander Center and also for East Tennessee history," in a Friday tweet.

The center became a key player in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s, hosting figures such the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Eleanor Roosevelt at workshops and training sessions.

"While physically unhurt, we are saddened about the loss of our main office. The fire destroyed decades of historic documents, speeches, artifacts and memorabilia from movements of all kinds, including the Civil Rights Movement," Woodard and Maxfield-Steele said in a statement.

"Highlander has been a movement home for nearly 87 years and has weathered many storms. This is no different."

Crews arrived at the scene by 5:52 a.m. to find the wooden building engulfed in flames.

"By the time they got there it was burnt to the ground," Sammy Solomon, a captain with the New Market Volunteer Fire Department, said.

"Luckily, nobody was inside and nobody was hurt," said Chelsea Fuller, a communications strategist working on behalf of the Highlander Center. "But it's devastating."

The building was equipped with a burglar and fire alarm system, which apparently failed to alert E-911, Solomon added.

Founded in 1932 as the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee, the historic center is renowned for its social justice and leadership education.

The nonprofit has been at its current location in New Market since 1972.





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Other urls found in this thread:


knoxnews.com/story/news/crime/2019/04/02/highlander-center-white-power-graffiti-found-scene-fire-market-tennessee-mlk/3341324002/ VIDEO

Attached: Highlander Center building destroyed by fire in New Market-1.mp4 (202x360, 1.33M)


What a shame. Whoever did this (good fucking job, by the way) chose the wrong day and forgot to bar the doors and windows first. Should have let these snakes suffocate in the smoke of their burning Marxist drivel. What a fitting reward it would have been.

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was it arson?

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it could be a false flag, seeing as commies train other commies to do that. they say they found a white power "hashtag" sprayed in the parking lot so they are claiming a White Nationalist did this.

I assume they are referring to the Iron Guard symbol since they mentioned Saint Brenton using the same symbol.

Still seems like it could be a false flag for insurance bucks, Lord know those kikes don't like to pay for anything themself. Strangely it is not making national news though, which might mean it is as they say, White retaliation

Forest for tress, Anons.

You'd think people would've learned to film in landscape by now

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backwoods fire dept. probably volunteers.


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Good, i hope to see more.

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And with records gone they’ll rewrite history even further.

Surely there was no Jewish lightning that night.

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Bet it was #SubscribeToPewDiePie

I think we could appropriate the # symbol. It just takes memeing. And then we get tic-tac-toe and all hashtags in one feel swoop.


MLK was actually a gay disabled transgendered midget of jewish heritage

The FBI is looking for OP for burning this school down. It's all over the local news here saying there's an anonymous poster on 8ch showing footage of the fire before it was ever reported. What the fuck OP?

Based and Flammenwerferpilled

Nu uh you lying kike. Post links then

For those of us who don’t have the balls to go full Tarrant, Arson has got to be the next best thing

Something like 80% of arsons go unsolved

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it's the Reichstag all over again!

Arson is more effective if you do it intelligently. However it requires more planning, much more careful opsec, and much more time i.e. Killdozer If Tarant had been planning citywide vandilism without getting caught it would've taken him 5+ years.

Kind of surprised he didn't go for the firebomb approach, as a more direct response to typical Muslim behavior, and to prevent the instant gun grab.

Come on user, use the correct term.

Judenblitz? Sounds blasphemic tbh

MMMMM insurance money.

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The primary way that arsonists are caught is because they return to the scene.

"People" have. Niggers haven't.

The entire point of Tarant's act was to incite a gun grab. Jews want a gun grab so that's what jew Tarant gave his masters.

if you aren't using them you don't deserve them

nah. we know what they did. this school was around for decades. plus, explain how burning their infrastructure and training materials is a bad thing.

niggers like you always got to bitch about everything. i bet you bitch about Brenton too

this reportedly happened friday. story in OP broke tuesday. all data in thread is from news stories.

got a link to prove this claim you are making?

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Get comfy by the fire bois.

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Yep, my thoughts exactly.

It isn't the buildings that radicalized them; it was the people inside.

Don't burn the buildings of our enemies.



Because they did it to themselves to cash the insurance cheque. Why even pretend a pro-white or even a q-tard boomer did this?

I hate these newfag niggers.

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>light it on fire, claim it was Al-Qaeda neo-nazis alt-right

America has Highlands too? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt

it's in Appalachia, a historically Scotch-Irish area

CIA killed MLK Jr. because he wasn't okay with jewish NWO programme of infinite race warfare.

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This is great.

Don't be a retard. Not only will they survive from the fire, it'll be used against you as well.

You should always destroy communist symbols illegally since they tear down Confederate statues without repercussion.

In the past 10 days three historically black churches have been burned down as well in Louisiana

Is this at accelerationism I keep hearing about?

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Yes, a gargantuan state university enlisted someone to commit arson for a few insurance bucks, nigger.

I fucking hope so.

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