The one flaw with this plan is the possibility that (((they))) could decide to jam your signals, rendering you even more isolated from the outside world than you already would be in this scenario. Now granted, as mentioned elsewhere, if you already have a bad goy group that was formed in anticipation of this sort of thing, you'll probably only need to put out the call to one of them to get the habbening ball rolling, but is it guaranteed that you'll have enough of a warning to get a call or text out before (((they))) jam you?
The way I see it, there are only four options when facing red-flaggotry:
1. Fake a cuck-out and hand over a few less desirables to get (((them))) out of your hair for the time being. The trick here is to remain calm, while feigning just enough hints of disappointment and regret. You want them to fully believe that you will be disarmed - and thus not a threat - once they leave your door. If you go this route, you will have to make the hard choice as to which funs you can bear to part with in order to save your ass.
Potential problems: A few fudd pieces may not placate them, and they may demand to search the house to make sure you aren't holding out The solution for this could be, as others have said, off-site caching. Also, handing over even a single weapon to Boss Hogg is understandably gravely offensive to many fun owners, making this option a fuck-no from the start.
2. The Ruby Ridge, aka barricading oneself in the house and holding for out as long as possible. This would preferably be accompanied by hardening one's house and property and stockpiling food, water, ammo, etc well before the first sign of trouble. Best-case scenario here is OP's, with the ability to get the word out before getting jammed South Africa-style.
Potential problems: You have trapped yourself in a single place with no escape route barring that one moleman fuck who actually has an unnaground tunnel. (((They))) know you have limited resources and will attempt to wait you out. As mentioned above, signals may get fucked over and prevent calling in backup to establish a media shitfest.
3. Grabbing what shit you can and going innawoods. This option offers mobility, and your resources are not limited by how much was in the pantry when the shit went down, but rather by how much you can carry on your back or acquire via hunting/fishing/foraging.
Potential problems: how well you can survive depends on your innawoods knowledge and experience, and your fitness level. Also, not everyone lives next to woods they can run inna. Finally, if (((they))) get wind that you grabbed SKS instead of being a good goy, they will hunt you down like Chris Dorner.
4. Balls to the Wall. Unlike the other options, which are defensive in nature, this one has you taking the Minecraft battle to (((them))). As such, it involves a hypothetical, preemptive Minecraft strike before (((their))) Bearcat race gets out of the gate.
Potential problems: If you decide that this option is the one for you when the time comes, you must be ready to put your all into training in Minecraft every chance you get or you will end up like pianoboy, who could not respond well to unexpected events that arose while performing his Minecraft raid. Also, should you go this route, you must also realize that, unless other anons decide to stop shitposting and join your server, you probably will not make it out alive (and thus lose your diamond sword).
You're thinking about the 2016 botched wildlife refuge occupation in Harney County, Oregon. One man was killed there: LaVoy Finicum. He was murdered when the the neon gang ambushed the Bundy's convoy as they were driving to a public meeting.
The fight OP is talking about is the 2014 "Battle of Bunkerville", in which the BLM goons backed off and released Cliven Bundy's cattle after realizing they were one itchy trigger-finger away from open war with dozens of militia members and angry cowboys. I don't think most people realize just how fucking close it came to armed conflict right there. Anyway, Bunkerville showed everyone that a group of armed citizens, no matter how Threeper or boomer-tier they are, can actually force Uncle Sam to back the fuck up and respect their line in the sand. Harney County, on the other hand, showed everyone just how fucked a guerrilla movement is when the locals start to see you as a nuisance to their everday life rather than as saviors from a corrupt government.