Guy was a CIA operative that went postal, and his hard drive went missing from the evidence lockers. (((MEDIA))) made it look like he got his money from real estate.
wonder how similar this is to las vegas…
Anti-black rhetoric started in Europe by the (((small hats))) with Rabbi Rashin. This would become the framework for slavery. Now they enjoy a protected status.
Parker Thomas
Missing magazine found in the mosque when he walks in.
Dissapearing shell casings.
Nobody actually wounded, no blood or gore or exit wounds.
Whole setup was done by a guy whos family is jewish and lived in israel.
The entire shooting is used to justify mass gun confiscation, censorship and white genocide.
Adam Kelly
Gavin Hernandez
You are an actual retard.
Andrew Torres
(((9/11 tier disinfo))) once again… what now? Are you going to tell us to focus on Israel and not Pakistan?
Jace Cruz
Kill yourself
Jaxon Scott
Ugh this shit is so tiresome. Theres tons of fucking blood in the video, he literally blows an old mudslimes brains all over the floor (mp4 related)
He dropped the magazine's, if you watch the beginning for a brief moment in thr car you can see a shitload of magazines clustered together and attached to his person. He even mentions this in the video "Those mags just dropped instantly. You can go for ease of access or you can go for retention, and if you go for ease of access you can fuck yourself" and "I left one full magazine back there, possibly more"… But my biggest gripe with this part of the shill narrative is… Why the FUCK would they stash an extra magazine in the floor for their Mossad operative to use when they could just have him CARRYING THEM IN? It makes NO fucking sense.
Also nothing disappears and you can see casings bound on the pavement.. Its just they get lost in visual noise caused by Facebook compressing the stream.
He literally addresses the shill questiom in the manifesto because he was a regular here and knew this would come up… He livestreamed the goddamn thing for you so we could all see what he did from the front row and you faggots STILL come up with this ridiculous shit.
Seriously.. Go away forever or kill yourselves… You aren't worthy to speak the name Brenton Harrison Tarrant
Confirmed where, exactly? That video is Tarrant being pulled out of his car, dumbfuck. There were false reports of multiple shooters the day of but that shit always happens. Theres a pic of some islander looking fuck on his knees by a cop but it was reported they just stoppedhim because he was in camo and they thought it was suspicious.
Where was it confirmed anyone went to Israel? Because the only source we have ever found was one sketchy fucking blog and sites linking back to it.
You're a shill or extremely low IQ. This stuff gets better traction on cuckchan where people are retarded enough to just believe whatever without sources or research.
Cameron Wright
Oh and his face is blurred because it's apparently common to do this in New Zealand in an attempt to prevent spoiling jurors beforehand by showing the persons face.. Although admittedly in this case thats a moot point.
This is the least blurred one I have seen… Its clearly fucking him. And the OK hand gesture was him memeing and saying Hi to us.
Don't shit on the man's courageous acts by buying into this kind of shit
In the parking lot a casing clearly goes into the grass; it's made extremely obvious by this scene that the block compression is causing the "disappearing". But I wouldn't expect disinfo niggers to ever get that right when it's easier to just rely on people not understanding tech.