To understand the far right, look to their bookshelves

When we think of white supremacists, we often think of uneducated, unemployed young men who spend entire days behind computer screens, individuals so disconnected and atomised they search desperately for a sense of safety and security in the dark labyrinths of the internet. We think of Charlottesville, of angry men marching with flaming torches in their hands. But these images are limited, and they fail to capture the extent of the cultural shift we are undergoing today. To understand that, we need to focus on the seismic changes in the publishing industry. There is a new radical-right intelligentsia and they provide the missing link between the world of art and the margins, they give legitimacy to reactionary politics and to the backlash against progressive reforms; they systematically distort facts, unashamedly rewrite history, and use their words and social status to incite hostility and separation. And they manage to do all of this with a shiny veneer of intellectual sophistication.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I used to live in Tucson, teaching at the University of Arizona. The post-9/11 US, just half an hour away from the Mexican border, was a strange place to be. Armed vigilantes patrolled the desert hunting for illegal immigrants. Every day the local radio spewed paranoia and xenophobia. They talked about “true Americans” in small towns with “pure values”, as opposed to the corrupt liberal elite in the cities. A radical-right rhetoric was beginning to form, but it was still on the margins.

Poll after poll showed that trust in basic democratic institutions was diminishing. It was against this background that the rightwing radio host Rush Limbaugh claimed there were “four corners of deceit”: media, academia, science and government. Conspiracy theories mushroomed about how “liberal lobbies” had usurped the system. Populist demagogues began to advise building alternative rightwing institutions. A parallel universe. Information wars. Culture and knowledge, which have for centuries bound us together as human beings, were now regarded as a battleground.

Since then the radical right has seeped into the mainstream. A new breed of populist demagogue has arisen, with no care for facts, reason or data. Yet alongside this has been a silent shift: the emergence of a radical rightwing intelligentsia. With their books and talks they bridge the less-educated groups on the margins and the world of letters. A new publishing trend has emerged, and part of its task is to rewrite history.

In 2018, Jean-Marie Le Pen’s memoir Son of the Nation came out in France. The first edition sold out even before it arrived in bookshops. The book was, among other things, an attempt to rewrite the past, particularly the Vichy era. Nazi sympathisers in the Vichy government were romanticised as true French patriots. Le Pen himself has repeatedly denied the Holocaust, and calls the Nazi gas chambers “just a detail” in the history of the second world war. A similar attempt to reconstruct the past is taking place in Poland. In her books and talks, the historian Ewa Kurek claims the ghettos were “voluntary” and life was more difficult for Poles living outside the ghettos than it was for the Jews inside.

As a novelist I am particularly interested in how fiction fits into the new rightwing publishing. Hard though it is to admit for those of us who believe in the positive impact of books, today the art of storytelling is being used to spread hatred, bigotry and misinformation. That in itself is nothing new. The Turner Diaries, a dystopian novel regarded as the bible of the far right, is a 1978 novel by WL Pierce (writing as Andrew Macdonald). It depicts a future society where white Americans have been subdued by non-white minorities. The dominance of these minorities is opposed by an armed movement named “the Order”, which eventually carries out a genocide of all non-white people. The book has inspired a series of terrorist attacks, including the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, in which 168 people died. A white nationalist group that called themselves the Order murdered Alan Berg, a liberal lawyer and anchorman, in 1984.

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The Camp of the Saints, a 1973 novel by the French writer and explorer Jean Raspail, was recently rediscovered and repackaged by the far right. It has since sold in huge numbers, thanks to an endorsement from Steve Bannon. It, too, describes the collapse of western civilisation at the hands of “brown people”. Raspail, now 93, claims that the solution to today’s problems lies in suppressing compassion. “I have written that Christian charity will suffer a bit when faced with the answers to the influx of migrants. It will have to steel itself and suppress compassion of all sorts. Otherwise, our countries will be submerged.”

Few books in this new trend have been more influential than those written by the French novelist and essayist Renaud Camus. Camus, an ardent supporter of Marine Le Pen, claims a global elite is conspiring against the European white populations and culture. His views on “the great replacement” have been translated by far-right websites and used to reinforce the thesis that there is a “white genocide” at work.

That fear is also visible in Thilo Sarrazin’s 2010 book Germany Abolishes Itself, which topped German bestseller lists for 21 weeks and sold 1.5m copies. Sarrazin believes Muslim immigrants are less intelligent than Germans. Emboldened by his remarks, rightwing activists in Germany demand IQ tests for immigrants. In 2018 Sarrazin published Hostile Takeover, on more or less the same themes. This time, the political atmosphere has been even more welcoming with the far-right Alternative for Germany having entered parliament. In an interview, when asked whether he had anything positive to say about Islam, Sarrazin responded: “No, I believe the world would have been a better place if Islam had never existed.”

The new radical right rhetoric deftly blends antisemitism and Islamophobia – but other forms of prejudice also share centre stage. Anti-feminism and gender bias echo throughout the works of the Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson. Packaging age-old reactionary machismo with sophisticated, academic language, he is the perfect intellectual icon for young, discontented men involved in the radical right. Peterson enjoys making grandiose claims and then watching people get upset. He is difficult to categorise, and that elusiveness is clearly cultivated. He walks an increasingly thin line between a scholar who rightly defends freedom of speech, and a demagogue who fuels discrimination. One wonders if this does not bother his conscience.

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They are so desperate to crush anything that opposes them, that now Jordan Peterson is far right. What next, Jesus?

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Entire article is bullshit designed to make you trust """"""right wing"""""" ecelebs/authors, these ecelebs/authors refuse to address the JQ and are either retarded, controlled opposition, or allowed to exist because they are pressure relief.

I have a friend who listens to these ecelebs like dan bongino, ben shapiro, etc. He is even more indoctrinated into thinking that a "right vs left" exists. I point out that neither right nor left have ever done anything in his favor and what do i get? A glazed eye look because he literally refuses to hear anything that isn't "da libs r da bad guize, da tru racists r da demon-crats".

Fuck juden peterstein, fuck (((ben shapiro))), and fuck the book kikes who ALWAYS skirt the issue of the JQ.

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It doesn't. Reading fiction is the same as playing video games. It's worthless.

What else am I missing?

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The Turner Diaries and The Camp of the Saints are good tho. They just added Jordan Peterson to the list because they are desperate and triggered as fuck whenever someone that opposes their leftist shit becomes popular.

Kill yourself you jew fuck.

Go fuck yourself nigger

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I'm glad your blog has so many visitors.


Why would I read this?

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You some kind of woman gushing your feelings?

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This. It's their typical pilpul. Make "left" act retarded, offer "right" as a solution. Then do the opposite.

Just another Rules for Radicals trained brainlet cunt.


The left always accuses you of what they are doing.

This exact article is why they will lose. They refuse to engage with reality on any level that makes them uncomfortable so they have no means of countering anything we say beyond

Go away. This isn’t your blog.

Going to have to butcher the whole pig, Selim to Safra.

You’ll notice that these op-eds (assuming this is copied from an article somewhere) never actually provide a refutation or far right politics. What is so bad about being reactionary? I mean, I’m at the point now where I don’t give a shit if somebody calls me racist, I just try to avoid it I’m certain places to avoid losing my job.

But almost all of these sorts of articles are built on the presumed understanding that the reader rejects racism or nationalism. But they never tell you why you should, which is why I think this propaganda is beginning to fail, because a lot of people are beginning to question that basic underlying premise.

Hey op, maybe give some context? Is this you or pasta?
Anywho, to whomever it may concern:
Its not books, they come after during the search for understanding.
Its not emotional arguments, they are merely a symptom of the underlying cause.
Its not 'fiction', that's just our version of a morality play. You know? Like you try and shovel down our throats every day via mass media and 'education'? Yeah, that.

What comes first is the practical reality of our lives and what we see around us and no amount of 'telling' will overrider that visible, experienced reality.
When a white man walks down a street in his home town and sees nothing but women in burqas and swarthy, alien men with beards that smell like shit it really makes him think.
And when you tell him that there is nothing to see and to move along it really gets the ol'fair trade Qinoa boiling.
Underneath all the moral grandstanding and sanctimonious condescension we know what you are because contents beats label: you are all cowards, betrayers and degenerate filth.
We know you lie, even the normies know that.
We know that entire libraries of philosophy and truth have been edited out because you don’t want us getting any ideas.
We know that everything you claim to believe has failed utterly and the proof is visible everywhere outside of your bourgeois bubble.
And we hate you more than we hate the invaders.
One day someone like me will hang you and laugh because you deserve it and because it is morally right to do so.
And you will never understand why.
We don’t need you.

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It's a fucking copy paste of an article from the guardian the idiot didn't introduce properly or green text. This place is going to be very bad for many months to come.

Butthurt fucking nigger. OP is a fag, but you are not even a good kikeposter.

Since this is a shit tier thread from the outset, I don't suppose there's any harm in turning this into another right wing book thread.

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The kind of kike fantasies Guardian readers buy by the billions is worthless. But it would take a lot to convince me there's no good in some based old sci-fi, like Heinlein or the short stories PKD sold to get by in the '50s.

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Maybe its the fucking Guardian working on another 'think piece' and looking for a good reaction?
If so its finally my chance to shine!

HI Guardian readers, here's a picture of a nigger because i know you love those
Don’t forget to eat a big bag of dicks

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What a fucking pleb list. Once again (((journalists))) show absolutey zero knowledge about the topic they are writing about. Daily fucking reminder that you will all hang.

I mean He did say that He was going to condemn degenerates to an eternal existence of torment where their flesh is eaten by worms, and where the pain never numbs as they grind their teeth in agony endlessly.

how hard is to read the whole thing?

I tend to skim read to preserve my sanity.
How hard is it to get to the point?

jews and their pawns don’t want to give people any ideas. That’s why we should spread those books.

Mine were loaded with math and physics books.

Hey, a description of jews.

your "friend" hasn't even left the fish bowl.

History is more interesting.

Oy vey

When some random is claiming responsibility for building civilization, you know he's probably in construction and isn't aware that his employment in said field is particularly responsible for the collapse of European civilization.

You don't understand how this place works. It's not fucking "tumbler" or your kikebook blog to your buddies. The goal is to introduce the information, then condense the info/ideas into as small a space as possible using text and photos. No one wants or cares about the whole thing.
If it's your first day here, maybe that's how you think. After 4 or 5 yers here, you just want to sift through the shit really quickly : "guardian article. roach author. don't care. next."

I'm going to bet the authoress is a turkish Jew, simply bc it''s exactly what AH said they do in Mein Kampf– not only is this a lie, it's the polar opposite of the truth. you post something here, the first thing people ask for is the source and look for holes into why it's bullshit, or if it's a study why it's flawed, etc.. This place is the exact OPPOSITE of what she describes.
I can't help but laugh at seeing Peterstein mentioned in same article as Dr. Pierce though. I mean he's not fit to clean Dr. Pierce's shoe, but maybe le lobster man can start selling thot pants with swasis on them instead of lobsters now.

I'll keep my "The Man with the Iron Heart" next to my "Three Musketeers", Dante's "Inferno" and "Divine Comedy", Homer's "The Odyssey", and "The King in Yellow", nigger.

Not all of us want to be terribly dull and dreary.


Thought it was killing traitors first.

Are we all on the same page of bypassing incredulity at this seeming lack of self-awareness, and instead going one level deeper in concluding that they are consciously doing these things and "hiding in plain sight" by purposefully affecting a "lack of self awareness"?

Books? You faggots read those things?

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Of course.
Your mistake (a mistake probably repeated many times in this thread), is in assuming that the article's purpose is to inform.
It isn't. They never are.
The purpose of this article is to advertise controlled opposition authors to young White men.
They're deliberately being steered away from giants like Evola, towards controlled op zionist trash like Lauren Southern or that "clean your room" kike.
Rebel media works closely with legacy media. Hence why Rebel media shills get so much legacy media air-time, full page articles etc.

Why are you a brainlet or something?

retarded idea, all that will do will create another overclass like the jews

lol the "books are for nerds" shill.
Weird how you use trump images.

because all reformation is progress, never in history have regressive mistakes been made in the name of progress that needed reversing.