The Tarrant trial

Accused Christchurch shooter is charged with 50 counts of murder and 39 counts of attempted murder

The man accused of shooting Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand has been charged with 50 counts of murder.
Brenton Harrison Tarrant, 28, is due to appear in the High Court at Christchurch on Friday.
The Australian-born man is accused of gunning down almost 100 people in a sickening attack on the Al Noor and Linwood mosques that was live-streamed and shared to Facebook on March 15.
Tarrant, 28, will appear via audio-visual link from New Zealand's only maximum security prison in Paremoremo, Auckland, the New Zealand Herald reported.
He has previously requested to represent himself in court, and in his last court appearance he smirked and gave a white supremacist sign with his hand.

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Kek, don't care.

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Doesn't even say when the trial is going to be and how public it will be. The kikes are terrified of him and rightly so. Everything he says and does only furthers our cause but they can't keep it under wraps completely as it is too high profile.
Fucked if they do fucked if they don't. I can't help but wonder, did Brenton..

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He did nothing wrong, try him for that.

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I’m assuming and hoping he’ll just turn the whole court into a shitshow due to utter disregard 100+IQ have for jewish cabal courts. If he drinks poison like that general did in the Hague he’d be a eternal martyr.
Either way:We Win

Terrorism is an act against the state, not a religion

When you're done jerking off to dead muslims,,go outside and put up some "it's okay to be white" stickers

look how crazy this simple phrase makes the SJW.

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So all those trucks of peace flattening Europeans were actually just attacks on the state?

Do you think if somebody flew a drone over that prison with a loudspeaker attached playing that serbian polka he'd be able to hear it from his cell?

Had anyone seen an actual picture of Tarrant since being caught?

What is with these numbers.


You almost had me willing to do so but then you failed.

did you click on the link, and read the story?

What do I have to say to get you to put a half dozen goddamn stickers up?

It matters. a tiny bit.. but it still matters.

Even assuming your intentions are honest this is not the thread for this topic and you type like a faggot that just escaped from reddit.
Either way go fuck yourself nigger.

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Never forget the 49 billion Shmule's who died in the Jeh*vahchurch terrorgas attack

oh.. so I should go on shooting spree and inspire a nation to rally around the poor victim muslims and wear hajibs,,, cos' that's all your "hero" achieved.

Yet you clicked this thread and commented here.

on Friday
on Friday

I wonder if the soggy cunt and her ilk are trying to send a message with holding their kangaroo court on a Friday and not a Monday or Thursday, for instance.

And now you out yourself as the pathetic and kvetching little kikeshill you are. Brenton "The Halal Holocauster " Tarrant killed 50 dirty fucking mudslimes all by himself and showed millions just how incredibly easy it really is. The state and other faggots like you cucking in the aftermath of that event also only helps us in the long run. If you even lurked for more than a week you'd know that. But you didn't. Or maybe you did but are too fucking stupid to understand where the fuck you are.
He had a very specific purpose in mind when he wiped out those filthy cockroaches from this earth, do you remember what that is, kikeshill? Or did your bosses tell you not to mention it?
Let me spell it out for you:
As a shilling tactic it is not that bad of an idea to try and derail our actions to smaller scale operations like IOTBW, it was and is one hell of a shitpost. But unfortunately for you we are beyond the need to talk about that stuff now and your unending faggotry ruined your shilling before it even started.
The reason you kikes are so buttblasted is because his plan worked out perfectly. He made the media and the government dance to his tune and escalated the whole fucking question to an insane level. And he isn't even fucking done.
That is why you are here, to cry and kvetch and beg us to do something, anything but give this hero of humanity the respect and recognition he deserves.
Fucking mudslimes once thought they were safe to continue their raping and pillaging. You pathetic kikeshills also once thought you were safe.
Not anymore.

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Let him fry

he killed fifty.. big deal. How many arrive every day? Is questioning that more or less socially taboo after this shooting?

I want immigration limits.. and now i can't talk about without being called a nazi murderer.

so unless you can kill hundreds of thousands of goddamn darkies in week, I suggest you shut the fuck up. Otherwise white nations are doomed.


He won't, there's no death penalty in new zealand. You faggot cuck.

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what a pity

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It's 50.
The 50th died in the hospital.

I thought the kill count was up to 51?

>gunning down almost 100 people
>gunning down almost 100 people

Please leave and go back to halfchan.

Just say 100 at this point. Sick cunts like Brenton Tarrant have earned the right to embellish a little.

Of course they were. Everything islam does is to take over everything.

Attacking foreign dunecoons as they durkha durkha to their desert demon god is not and cannot be terrorism, as their religion is opposed to the state.

Such a nice round number. Its almost divine. Blessed by kek.
You cant stop Tarrant the Torrent

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Nice to see my webm is doing the rounds. That song with the footage still electrifies my blood!

It's like Hank Hill's dad Cotton always said:
"I killed fiddy men"

By the way, just picked this up. Ejected cartridges on the floor if there was any doubt.

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fuck Hulagu, fuck Donald Trump, fuck Brent Terrant, fuck crusaders and Karadzic. Islam will win, we are having more children than any of you will. Hulagu tried, even if he was the evil man who killed the most Muslim people, christian did not help him haha he failed and you will also fail.


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Shut up shit skin, you're probably going to die in an airstrike tomorrow.

Fucking kikeshill are still trying to pretend it was ever about the number of mudslimes he killed.
I even spelled it out for you but you still couldn't even mention his real goal. Is your boss going to be angry at you for being found out so quickly you, cuck?
Nothing you say or do is going to change anything for and your kike bosses. But allow me to humour you. When was the last time that "talking about immigration limits" has ever actually changed anything, cuck?
Please point it out to us and try not to type like a fucking plebbitor while you're at it. You see faggot, even if immigration dropped to zero this instant, the filthy cockroaches would still outbreed us in the coming decades so the only real solution there ever was is to kill or violently deport every single last mudslime.
That process is called the Day of the Rope and it will be when we wipe out faggots like you too.
Won't be too long now.

It is his job in JDIF. Sad life of isreali incels.


You sound slightly upset achmed, here let me show you our welcome.

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50 is right, someone died a couple days after the shooting from their injuries

Friendly reminder to all news reporter…nobody gives a fuck about your personal feelings. Keep them to yourself,report factual, and stop being deceiving slaves.

he needs a private office and exercise room. it's the only humane thing to do.

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DOT. Still counts as his.

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Pretty sure Varg is winning.

Do you think your children are bulletproof?

Fuck Tarrant. He's a dickless faggot homo. He'll get drilled in prison.

Don't count on it. He will have his own cell. But you can enjoy your rape fantasies if you travel to Pakistan. Alpha pakis love some tiny asses.

Cry harder for us faggot. You're just the entertainment we need.

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God bless this man for cleansing the earth from Filth ,he should be released without charge, hes a Hero and a symbol of resistance.

Finally someone with guts to speak out and fight back , his manifesto will last forever and inspire many..god be with you tarrant and see you in Valhala

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They mention in the court ((video)) the next date which is 5th april you braindead cucks

Have you seen his arms? Dude's fucking jacked, they'll be keeping him apart from the roody-poos so he can't kill more of them.

Whenever I see that picture, I want to sub to pewdiepie

The Mongolians and Hulagu try to kill the Muslim in the past, see below in this video and did they succeed? No, Islam won:

Typical mudslime thinks anyone here cares about a fucking jewtube video he is too inbred to embed.
There Tarrant threads really bring out all the vermin, don't they?

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Damn! It is better than almost any university dorm in my shithole country. And you get a PC? That is not that bad. I wish I could go on a muslim killing spree in a country with this kind of prisons.

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What the fuck? Seems weird.
Are they forcing the lawyers on him somehow to minimize the time he can speak for himself?

Brenton Tarrant
He's our hero
Taking immigration down to zero

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Kek it’s pretty funny. Zoom in and you can see where that things “brain” used to be
The next hero should use one of their vermin offspring to beat an adult mudshit to death with. Yep you read that correctly , swing one of the mudshitnoffsprings repeatedly into the head and face of several adult mudshits to beat them to death with one of their whelps

Nice webm

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You're all joining him in prison soon.

You'll be joining your ancestors in the bog soon

Are they pulling a Kaczynski on him? If he wants to represent himself they should have to let him

Nuh uh u r

I won’t be mad ,New Zealand prisons look like a 3 star hotel

Muslim live don't matter.

Your id though , excellent digits my man


If only the numbers were higher…in the thousands.

Checkin those ought dubs too.

Look at you pussy…get back to your containment board cocksucker.

you're all psychopaths, every white nationalist ought to be executed by immigrants for treason to humanity

It can be if we all came together instead of doing lone wolf shit

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Nuh uh u x2

Not now, there is radicalizing to do.

Nope, biologicals and chemical warfare is where it is at user. I hope you are studying. Look at what Prophet Tarrant did with the outdated technology of a GUN…we are going to destroy the world when we get going. I await the day when it is all burning and we are protecting and sheltering our own people and watching the enemy die in agony.

Copypasta from a TORposter:
In mid-512 BC the Persian army began to cross the Danube into Scythian territory. The Scythian kings, Idanthyrsus, Taxacis and the supreme leader Scopasis, set to work by sending their noncombatants and flocks north into the great steppe. Then they divided their forces. One host (led by Scopasis) rode ahead of the advancing Persians, burning the pastures to prevent grazing, filling in the wells, and driving off game. The other kings, meanwhile, shadowed the enemy’s northern flank, protecting the retreat of their families northwards while continually pushing the Persians into the denuded areas behind Scopasis’ army.

After 20 days of this the Persians were exhausted. They had reached the Sea of Azov, where Darius ordered a fortified camp to be built.

Then, for some reason, he suddenly began the pursuit again, with the same result. Darius now entered into negotiations with Idanthyrsus, asking him to convince Scopasis that it was folly to resist the might of Persia and to bring simple gifts of earth and water as symbols of submission.


Instead of these tokens of submission, Darius received an unusual collection of symbolic gifts: a mouse, a frog, a bird and five arrows. Darius pondered these and considered them positive signs of submission. The Scythians, however, meant them to represent something totally different. The historian Herodotus records the alternative interpretation:

‘Unless the Persians fly away like birds, hide in the earth like mice, or leap into a lake like frogs, they will never see their homes again, but will die under our arrows’.

shiggy diggy, doo

Would any of you vote to convict him if you were on the jury?
I wouldn't.

At least we will have time to read, get fit, learn to fight and kill, research and dream while that user is paying for three square and a cot for us…we will be like parasitic niggers on him for a while and he can work to support us for a change. I mean someone has to train us to kill and prison seems like a good place to start, amirite?

After Saint Tarrant took them to mosque, I subscribed to hope.

How about none? Also. That is because you're a faggot and no one respects you. Also sounds like you're neck deep in cucks. The main two opinions around me were apathy or "fuck muslims" Quit being a faggot and stop caring that someone called you a Nazi

JURY NULLIFICATION BABY…don't know if thye have that in NZ

He is supposed to appear in court again on the 5th isn't he?

Is there a way to disrupt/jam that audiovisual link between the prison and court?

Nice ID.
And you aren't wrong either. To any user or white man in general who is being fucked by the system and has nothing to lose, Brenton has indeed created an excellent plan B.
I have been thinking about it myself a lot. If I fail with my goals for house and family then I will focus all my energies on following the Gospel of St. Tarrant the Remover.

How about DEPORTATION of the SUBHUMAN FILTH? Personally, as ETHNOGLOBE user…I have just completely HAD IT WITH THEIR SHIT!!!

How long before they are going to 'decide to come genocide us all again, men women and our children' at the kikes behest? FUCK THEM, KILL THEM ALL…LEAVE NONE ALIVE.

That paragraph spacing is off friend

I still like how the guy on the right is looking at him if he is secretly approving as if "You're a legend my son!"

The very existence of niggers and semites is a crime against humanity, not to mention faggots like you.
Now subscribe to pewdiepie or else.

we know. they will kill all whites or we will kill them. do you think this is game?

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why exercise jury nullification? that implies he did something illegal but you agree with it. brent didnt do anything wrong, nor did he do anything illegal.
i would never vote "guilty" on him, i would vote "not guilty"

and its honestly the truth.

Go back to your Q-LARP board.

Reminder that literal paid shills are allowed to post here now.

How many actual New Zealand citizens did he kill? One? Last I checked, a bunch of them still haven't been publicly identified. Perhaps Saint Brenton has some bounties coming his way.

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