Nope, biologicals and chemical warfare is where it is at user. I hope you are studying. Look at what Prophet Tarrant did with the outdated technology of a GUN…we are going to destroy the world when we get going. I await the day when it is all burning and we are protecting and sheltering our own people and watching the enemy die in agony.
Copypasta from a TORposter:
In mid-512 BC the Persian army began to cross the Danube into Scythian territory. The Scythian kings, Idanthyrsus, Taxacis and the supreme leader Scopasis, set to work by sending their noncombatants and flocks north into the great steppe. Then they divided their forces. One host (led by Scopasis) rode ahead of the advancing Persians, burning the pastures to prevent grazing, filling in the wells, and driving off game. The other kings, meanwhile, shadowed the enemy’s northern flank, protecting the retreat of their families northwards while continually pushing the Persians into the denuded areas behind Scopasis’ army.
After 20 days of this the Persians were exhausted. They had reached the Sea of Azov, where Darius ordered a fortified camp to be built.
Then, for some reason, he suddenly began the pursuit again, with the same result. Darius now entered into negotiations with Idanthyrsus, asking him to convince Scopasis that it was folly to resist the might of Persia and to bring simple gifts of earth and water as symbols of submission.
Instead of these tokens of submission, Darius received an unusual collection of symbolic gifts: a mouse, a frog, a bird and five arrows. Darius pondered these and considered them positive signs of submission. The Scythians, however, meant them to represent something totally different. The historian Herodotus records the alternative interpretation:
‘Unless the Persians fly away like birds, hide in the earth like mice, or leap into a lake like frogs, they will never see their homes again, but will die under our arrows’.