University of Kansas introduces a course on 'Angry White Male Studies' charting the rise of angry white men in the US...

University of Kansas introduces a course on 'Angry White Male Studies' charting the rise of angry white men in the US and Britain since the 1950s

The University of Kansas has added a course on 'Angry White Male Studies' to its list of offerings for the upcoming Fall semester.
The class will 'chart the rise of the "angry white male" in America and Britain since the 1950s,' according to its description in the school's online course catalog.
The course is offered under both the Humanities and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality departments in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

The course, also referred to as HUM 365 and WGSS 365, promises to tackle the tall task of exploring the root cause of anger in white males 'while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger,' the description reads.
The course will review how 'dominant and subordinate masculinities' are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change,' when that change is connected to 'modernity' and 'rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals.'
Students wishing to enroll in the 'Angry White Male Studies' course must first complete an 'Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies' course, or get permission from the instructor.

That course, exclusively in the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality department, focuses on examining 'the extensive role of gender in human life and examines the ways that gender structures power relations among individuals and within economic, political, educational and other social structures, with special attention paid to women's issues and movements in the United States and globally.
The course aims to take a look at 'alternatives to traditional and/or normative constructions of gender and sexuality, and also considers other markers of difference, such as disability, race, class, and religion, which intersect with gender identity and sexual identity.'
The lecture course is worth three credit hours.

That course, exclusively in the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality department, focuses on examining 'the extensive role of gender in human life and examines the ways that gender structures power relations among individuals and within economic, political, educational and other social structures, with special attention paid to women's issues and movements in the United States and globally.

The course aims to take a look at 'alternatives to traditional and/or normative constructions of gender and sexuality, and also considers other markers of difference, such as disability, race, class, and religion, which intersect with gender identity and sexual identity.'

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Other urls found in this thread:

Got dox yet moshe?

So basically, "we're too stupid to figure out why white men haven't fallen for our propaganda, so we're employing third party minds under the guise of education to find an alternate solution to the white male problem." Well considering universities are now home to the dumbest people in the country, I suppose we can laugh at all the morons who will go into debt taking this dumb-ass "class."

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A brainwashing course for the indebted useful idiots.

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Don't know which one is the one my man.

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Obviously you do.

Why are you saging the thread?

This shit was spammed earlier today.

Which shit? What are you talking about?

The shit fucking thread earlier was bad enough, this fucking spam is worse. You know exactly what kike.

You will never be white you spamming sperg piece of shit jew.

What are you talking about? What is wrong with you?

well, that's well worth going into debt for the rest of your life for, ain't it?


Now here's the question…

Which one is it? The article doesn't say, nor does the school's website, but its a humanities course, and these…

… are all the humanities professors at the school in question.

I can't imagine they'd have it taught by a male… Otherwise that fat-faced kike Botkin would be my guess.

I'm gonna go with Mihesuah.
Pic related.

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Thanks to the German Frankfurt School.

That's liberal use of the term German, it's the Kike Frankfurt School.

Basic academic culture marxist circlejerking. Nothing to see here, move on.

I used it the same way he used American.

It's like a hit list for assassination… but that's impossible since this is the board of peace.

How ironic. These yids are always projecting.

This is so funny I can't stop grinning. Devoid of any self awareness, nothing at all.
Thanks, I'll laugh the whole day because of this.

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Do you think they do an "Uppity Negroid Transexual Studies" course?
Because they're racist gender nazis if they don't.

Because cunts like you that ask questions like that exist.
And the only reason you keep existing is that some angry white males with guns are preventing the other, more aware, angry white males from ovening you.

I’ll be sure to call and email these faggots, Jesus fucking Christ, these (((professors))) can’t keep getting away with this shit.

Back to (((leftypol))) retard

You tards are looking in the wrong place. Try this:

I'm getting so sick of this shit. Of course I am angry, there may be a chance that literally everything MY ANCESTORS worked for could be destroyed. Everything they created is viewed as supporting some invisible hand of patriarchy, sexism, racism, all of this cultural marxist bullshit. They spit in my ancestor;s face, my God's face, and my face. To taunt us further, they create these mocking classes which is nothing short of "ohhhh, poor litttle man. Are you mad?" Fuck these people. Fuck them and fuck everything they stand for. When the day comes, they will regret doing this shit.

Tell tucker.

Shoot up the classroom.

I mean, duh.

your questions have answers

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Do your part to get closer to this day:

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Lets give them a lesson on angry white men, aye lads?
1. Sign up to monitor class
2. Show up in moonman outfit
3. Sit silently in back
4. Wait for the meltdown

Oh, they're gonna get a thorough education in angry white men soon enough, I can promise you that.

The pelican is an esoteric metaphor that the young students will be swallowed like fish at that Marxist indoctrination center.

If you hadn't realized it by now, this will confirm that so called higher education is worth less than the paper your degree is printed on. Institutions are anti-intellectual, crack down on free expression and promote subjective, fundamentally flawed courses which lack academic integrity.

Yep, annny day now. Jews forcing faggotry, niggers openly calling for the deaths of whites without repercussions.

Annnnny day now.

This is the fullest extent of modern white rage, and it is faggotry.

Jamal is angry. He's using his patented spam techniques.

(((They))) still won't get it that nothing good comes of telling people their grief doesn't matter because their (((class))) is not (((oppressed))).

People will not sympathize with you if you greet them with mistreatment. Hipster liberals will play dress up and pretend in order to get the Rabbi's blessing, but most others will not.

A recent example of an "angry white man":

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hahaha noise noise noise

She should have been buried under the concrete.

==A slap to her face would do the job aswell.
All these provocations of the women are just a silent cry for really dominant men that will end the shitshow and show them their place - by force.==

every day we stray further from God’s light

She should have been bred before she graduated High School.

In Kansas of all places. Cities are cancer.

Lawrence has been one of the most cucked, shitlib hellholes in the Midwest going all the way back to the Civil War. It’s like a miniature Portland just dropped right in the middle of the heartland.

Fuck KU and fuck Gaycocks fans.

Class isn't important, goy. Glad she checked that tradie's privilege for him.

What a fucking thot. Maybe she was ovulating

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Amen, brother.

The left has a habit of claiming that things that are currently happening have always been happening. Black migrants have always been in Europe. Diversity Marxism has always existed. The white males have always been angry.

She's got a face from "How to plan your Disney vacation"

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Hi I'm looking for a job; I graduated from THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS.

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Jessie Smolett as Democratic Party presidential nominee?

But how long will Sean Seyer, a white man in a suit and tie no less, be able to maintain his position of white male privilege, and continue his odious habit of mansplaining to oppressed minority women, regardless of how cautiously he holds to the ever changing party line? Not very long I think.

Let the games begin.

(((They))) know exactly why we are angry. They are trying to control and divert the narrative from the truth. Stop treating these kikes like anything but sadistic psychopaths.

Odd, its like i know what all these academics views are on almost any given subject. Psychic powers perhaps? Telepathy?
Tapping into the Akashic records?

Reminder that 1948 is the year that the kalergi plan was first put into action in England, the first target in europe.
I wonder why they chose the 1950s as the starting point.
Hungary banned "gender studies" as a university subject recently, The Rise of Logos.

Start spreading that on social media everywhere, write complaints to the university.
Turn the "fellow white" thing against them.

The way you fuck them, is start talking about how jews own the media, banks, aipac, talmudic quotes, jewish income vs white income etc. and call it "jewish privilege" or some shit and watch how kikes try to shoa it "i-it's different goyim.. r u a nahzee?"


That is all labelled as "anti-semitism" and immediately discarded by anyone due to the heavy programming on that as well as racism as being the worst thing imaginable.
If you had an ounce of thought whatsoever, you'd realise that the first response they have to being called out for being evil whites, is to say "I'm a jew!!!!".

Imagine how hilarious it would be if this classroom got shot up on a live stream.



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