Predicting Their Next Moves

Travel Bans for White Men

In one of Asha Logos' videos, he shows a clip of a shitskin CNN host asking why White Men aren't given travel bans.

Recently, controlled opposition clowns (((Richard Spencer))) and (((Jared Taylor))) were banned from traveling to conferences in Europe. Then it occurred to me that Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant))) was from Australia living in NZ – in other words:

They're building up an argument to impose travel bans on white men, the ultimate autistic Left's revenge for Trump's Muslim ban.

How can we even begin to pre-empt our enemies' next moves if they control politics and media? We can't but we can prepare. We have to prepare.

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Since white people are such a problem, they ought to segregate them from other races by making them stay in white only countries. That way, white people can't hurt other races.

Good. I want them to make those moves.

The only reason I wouldn't want them to make those moves is if I believed you and your way of thinking way going to fix anything, such that these conditions would not be forthcoming int he future when there are fewer to oppose it.
If you won't do anything now, you won't do anything later.

So might as well be now.

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Youre fucking a white male

>Recently, controlled opposition clowns (((Richard Spencer))) and (((Jared Taylor))) were banned from traveling to conferences in Europe. Then it occurred to me that Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant))) was from Australia living in NZ – in other words:

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>(((Jared Taylor)))
>Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant)))

Initially I tought you were a schizoposter but as you're attempting to associate Asha Logos with that faggotry, I'm gonna say you're JIDF.
Gas yourself

>Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant)))
nice thread FBI

you glow, niggers

You can start hating openly on the media… You don't even have to be specific… Just say you hate those fucking lying snakes in the media fooling and programming people. That's the kind of message that will make more people take to the internet. Also hate on cencored bubble fb, fooling people, programming people…. get it naow?

I do. I say it openly in public. Damn them all and such. I throw ALL lügenpresse in and its fucking funny to watch normal faggots heads explode

It's socially acceptable to hate the media. I'm fact, I will continue to hate it for as long as I love


OP surprisingly not a faggot today.

>mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant)))


Make white people live alone!

How many of these " posted a new video guyz, must see!" threads do we actually need?

Got a single citation that Tarrant was Jewish?
What a shit thread

Im pretty fucking sure this thread is a 1 on 1 copy of some other JIDF bullshit i saw last week.

He's shilling the youtube channel for v(You)s. Notice how he didn't use a single archive or link.
Just report and move on tbh.

Shouldn't you be off jerking it to mlp, Mr. Bioluminescent Intelligence Negroid?

>(((Jared Taylor)))

Anyone who puts )))Jared Taylor((( in echos is either a newfag that doesn't know shit, a schizo-poster or a (((shill))).

Gas yourself, nigger. Zyklon-Behave.

He's shilling his shitty youtube channel, a shill in the most literal sense of the word.
Stop bumping this shit thread.


You must listen to the water filter man to think such shit, OP. The airlines would fail and if that were to occur then the global economy would go into depression.

Yeah, no shit. I think it's great if cucks on TalmudVision are saying Whites should be banned from travel LMAO.


Just want a challenge, user - and yes, I just bumped.

Yes. We should support this.

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Nice thread you fucking fed


>Then it occurred to me that Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant)))
fuck off boomer

>Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant)))

I am in favour of anything that disrupts the system, and nothing is more subversive than a travel ban on Whites. Remember that a lot of the high qualification engineers and scientists as well as board members, all of which need to travel, are also White. Remember that a lot of the gen-xers that the tourism industry depends on, are also White. Remember that everyone who is White, but not WN, is also White. Think of the impact.

next census everyone self identifies as mexican, mixed race or black - race problem solved. transracialism becomes a reality, the left go into meltdown because now they have to played their hand. I urge everyone of european descent not to self harm by putting white or european in any government tracking database. They rely heavily on data collection and accurate numbers for their plans, why do you think the EU is freaking out over memes? Europeans have gotten so shy in polls, that even the pollsters don't know what the fuck anyone is really thinking anymore and it is really spooking those in power.

But then how will they take gibs?

>Then it occurred to me that Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant)))
These are the affirmative actions they're now sending here with this 0/10 garbage. Shills used to know how to get their agenda across back in the day, I actually miss dealing with them, it was good training.

>Then it occurred to me that Mossadi kike (((Brenton Tarrant))) was from Australia living in NZ – in other words:

This recent flurry of threads pretending to be about some random subject while actually being thinly veiled anti-Tarrant shilling is desperate as fuck.
You're failing at rigging a consensus, and you know it, kike.

Yet you bumped it twice, you worthless fucking newfag.

My family already does that. The government thinks I'm Jewish, and I'm also legitimately 1/16th Creek Amerindian, so I get scholarships all the time and I'm going to college for free.

not too smart. We travel for business or vacation, something that benefits airlines and the economy. you ban us and theirs less gibs. maybe we should boycott them really.

The sexpats and whites who want to study abroad will never let this happen. The would need to up their game at home or build their own specialized spectrometer which is too hard for whites, hence why so many sexpat and study abroad.