Daily Reminder that It's Okay To Criticize Jews

It's Okay To Criticize Jews
It's Okay To Criticize Jews
Jews are human beings like us, in the sense that they have agency, they have rationality, they have free will…And thus, they have accountability and if with their free will they always chose evil over good, then we have to call them out and criticize them and hold them accountable for their evil deeds.
Jews are no special, even if those racial supremacists claim they are, they are not special and they are not above the law. They have abused their position and we have to stand up to them now.

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What happen to previous thread? I had soo much fun posting IDF thots and badass Israeli warriors.

EMJ does the best job of putting the JQ in to historical context. More people need to read his stuff.

The mods deleted it because it was a "Religious Thread". Totally bogus reason.

Except they killed the Son of God, but yeah

What I meant is that they aren't racially superior, or superior plain and simple. If they commit evil deeds, they ought to be hold accountable.

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Daily reminder that the OP is trash and the only way this can be effective is "It's okay to critcize Jews" on a plain white background. No need to explain any of it.

What the fuck, I was just watching Dr Jones.

So jews are some of the worst people of the world, but now they are just normal people like us.


Someone did it on the other thread that was deleted.

What I mean by normal people like us is that they don't have special privileges garanted by their """superior""" pseudo race and that they don't have a license to wreck our nations and cultures. And so they ought not to be a privileged class who can live above the law but they ought to be judged and held accountable for their evil deeds. That's what I mean.
They are evil because they think that they are the superior sperm of Abraham, superior to even Jesus-Christ the son of God, and so they think they can do whatever they want and despise all the goyim, all the non-Jews of the world and live above the law.
Well no, they aren't superior to anybody, they are just like us and so they are accountable to criminal evil deeds just like us and so we have to put an end to this tyrannical Jewish Racial Supremacy dictatorship.

So they are some of most evil on Earth, but they are also normal people like me and you.


Go back to reedit. You are playing dumb on purpose.

It's more like any sort of race that utilizes their race as leverage to get ahead and controlling powerful institutions are bound to be corrupt, and it's important to be aware of the nepotism that are happening in place.

This is why there are so many Jews in influential positions, because they are relatively united and sees race above proficiency, unlike the whites.

I don't see anything dumb I posted.

LOL, the lack of nepotism is why there are a shitton of non-whites in white countries nowadays.

Until white people embrace racialism, it will keep happening.

Moral of the story is, you can criticize everyone. Even a jew that survived the hoaxcaust

If it's a hoax, how can it survive it?

Their survival was real in our minds.

The only good jew is a dead jew.

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You will never be white, nor welcome on Zig Forums moshe.

Thas da stuff mang

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Post more kike target templates plz.

They removed it after I described my visit to a synagogue when I was younger.

EMJ is based but he should say fuck off to Judeo-Christianity and embrace Cosmotheism

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Pure fantasy!

No bones with Jones.

Who cares? It's a way to turn Christians against kikes, that's all that matters.

Jews have censored EMJ's wikipedia after his second interview with Owen Benjamin

Yes, but I am sick of people lying about me.

Audiobook I am recording: Slaughter Of Cities, Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing

by E Michael Jones

Chapter 1


>Using a Jewish show, Scrubs to criticize the Jews

Maybe (((David Cole))) was right when he wrote in Taki's Magazine about golem turning on their (((masters))).

Is Cosmotheism compatible with Logos? Jones always talks about how Jews reject Logos.

Cosmotheism is not compatible with catholicism at all


Yeah. Came here to see if this was reported.
I honestly think the deletion is because EMJ criticized the faggot dem candidate Pete Buttigeig.

Which reminds me, Freud once considered the possibility that circumcision was the main subconscious root of antisemitism. To even think of it would trigger absolutely disgust and even castration anxiety on gentiles. And then, it's easy to hate those whose actions are repulsive.

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Well, Logos is logic, facts, evidence and truth. Cosmotheism is the consciousness of our true nature and the will to evolve for the best possible outcome.

Unsurprisingly, Cosmotheism rejects basically everything jews do, make or think.

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Yeah..it's subconscious fear of castration and has nothing to due with getting ripped off.

thoughts on mort klein?

You are middle class teenagers and adults born into the NEET/Hikkimorri generation, most of you wont be able to live on youre own and earn a $40k salary. Many of you will die or have family and friends that will die because fentanyl and drugs.
Go and do something with youre life, being antisemetic wont do anything but subconsciously prevent yourself from taking personal responsibility.

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it is not enough to criticize, a holocaust is necessary


So was hitler inspired by saint paul?

The Talmud

that's a relief
what if it weren't okay

Freud's preoccupation with penises eclipsed even today's most degenerate teen swimming in ab ocean of Internet pornography.

People are trying to get E. Michael Jones' article on Wikipedia back up:


The video is still there on E Michael's Channel…It seems that it was a mirror link that was deleted.

Until recent history, we were all subject to evolution. They may be human, but they are not like us

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I presume circumcision (aka. baby torture and genital mutilation) have something to do with it.

You do know that your meme supports one side of the 'fake news' argument, and by associating religions with one side implies that they are either very correct and redpilling or fraudulent in the face of the correct establishment truth?


It is ok to kill jews. Just criticizing them is for cucks.
No. They aren't. They are genetic defects and all parasites. They must be killed simply for existing.
No. White men are libving Gods. jews are nothing more than literal parasites.
Always kill jews.

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Martin Luther was inspired by Paul, and Hitler was inspired by Martin Luther.

As a jew and gods chosen people, I approve. Also, it's okay to throw us in the ovens as well. Shalom my goys.

Criticizing jews is like fumigating a cockroach infestation, jews shrivel and scatter when their crimes and degeneracy have light shone upon it.

op you absolute coon, never embed from jewtube. your video is gone, and your op is shit.

The Jews are evil. What is there to it? You have objective proof in their own culture, history, and religious system even their pariah parasitic homeland Israel itself with its nationstate law and anti-miscegenation laws and apartheid and so forth.

What do they have against Legos?

Ya right torpedo.

Zionists are constantly thinking of clever new ways to insinuate that Goyim or tools, cattle, products, shoes, cars, etc. Capitalism is Communism and neither are National Socialism.

that Goyim are* tools etc.

Archived it, just in case


Sounds like somebody wants the special kamphy cremation chair!



trumps plan to release to sanctuary cities.

A bone! Thank you master.

This is just a check… migration right now is a little out of control even for the (((shiny happy people))). MIGA!

What do you mean by that, OP?

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This site is as bad as reddit when it comes to censorship

more than half of american boys get circumsised
how do you defend this goys

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Americans are conformist christcucks. Can't criticize it since it's related to jews, which are related to israel, which is related to christ. But nowadays, it's ok to criticize jews.

In my life, it's compulsory

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user, I …


Daily reminder to you fucking newfaggots why it's unacceptable to embed jewtube/invidifag or any other non-direct video file
It's fine to take a snippet and make an mp4 and then link the larger video, but with the knowledge it will always disappear and you need to acknowledge that. DL the full video and throw it up in a torrent type place for archive.
Pics related from this weak thread.
If you don't know how to do this, you should lurk moar.

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fuck you