White Nationalist Political party thanks to Saint Tarrant!
Okay, cunts, this is epic. Fraser Anning recently launched his new party. In this OP, I will break everything down and provide a short analysis. Strap yourselves in right now.
So, shortly after his anti-immigration comments about the CC shooting, Fraser launched his own official party. Why? Because he's the real deal and knows that you can't win by playing nice with the globalists, of course. Plus, he wants to make a difference.
SMH reports:
Okay, sweet. Now let's take a look at his policies. What's the first one listed on his official site?
He's fucking gone and done it, cunts! He wants to implement a neo-white Australia policy. This fucking madman is our first significant modern white nationalist politician. Seriously, this is too cool for words. If you live in Australia, I recommend you become a member. It's only $20. And make sure to volunteer if you can because this absolute champion needs your help. Just visit the site to do either.
Now, let's analyze this. What caused this to happen? Well, you'd be half-right if you said it was him talking about the negative impacts of immigration after CC. That's what started the fire. But, what caused CC to happen? Brenton 'Kebab Killer' Tarrant, of course! Brenton caused this party to come into existence. There's no other way about it.
If this isn't proof that Accelerationism works, I don't know what is. Shills, just go and get a new job right now because you've been BTFO from a Godly height.. And, Anons, make sure you support this cunt. The birth of this amazing party marked the beginning of a new epoch in Australian politics and we need to help things along.