Herman Cain to nominated to Federal Reserve position

This feels like a good thing. At least more attention on (((The Fed))) is good. Cain is an intelligent Negroid, one of the very few, and a natural conservative.

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Oh look, it's a wild cuckchanner making threads

Auditing The Fed is priority number one. What are you suggesting, LARPing as a commando?

He was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Omaha Branch from 1989 to 1991. He was always kiked, and given what else was going on in Omaha during that period of time, there's a good chance that he was tied into some extreme semitic degeneracy.

Take your "muh BASED semi-retarded conservative nigger" faggotry back to reddit.

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All I'm suggesting is monitor the situation. CaIN could be the one to finally deal with The Fed. True 4D chess move.

We suggest you fuck off. This isn’t your blog. Your priorities are completely wrong. There’s nothing to monitor. There will be no audit. Ever. There is no peaceful solution. Ever. A nigger will not do anything jews don’t tell him to do.

Have the jews finally given up on it all? Crashing the fed with no survivors?

But if you were the moron you might at least conceivable distract from a political move against The Fed and suggest LARPing about commando shit?

Get out.

What makes you think a shabbos groid like him would move against his jewish masters?

Two outcomes:
Or, more likely

He'll pick the second one, and even if he didn't, it wouldn't matter.
The Fed can't be audited. I repeat:
Do you remember this quote: "If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."
Newsflash, it applies to a lot more things now, especially when they discovered just how much they could hide when the media is on their side.


The quote’s apocryphal, user. Without a hard citation behind it, we shouldn’t be using it.

Yes, go back where you belong. I’m sure a peaceful solution will magically manifest itself.


Kiss that wall, bitch.

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Herman cain is here to end the fed like trump is here to build a wall.

If you put a nigger in charge, it's sure to go well, especially in economics.

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yeah lets give brown people power over an aging white demographic's pension funds

white people: oficially the dumbest people in human history

Put a nigger in charge of public funds and you don't even get vital snow removal. All you get is a nigger with a big pinky ring.

I don't use it on other contexts. Only when related to "Too Big to Fail" institutions.
The quote is likely fake, but it contains an important message.
Things like the FED are most likely highly criminal, unethical and even immoral.
The people working there (or taking advantage of it) know, and don't care. They will protect it because it keeps them rich and in power.
The people who don't work or don't take direct advantage from it also know, but won't take action because they know the result would be utter chaos. So they too will fight to protect it least the world around them crumble.
Even normal people, when exposed to the drastic effects of having the FED collapse will fear that outcome and will actively fight to protect it.

An audit on the FED is a death sentence to it.
It's a death sentence for (((them))).
It's a painfull for sentence for others working with (((them))).
And it's a harsh future for everyone else.

The only people championing for an Audit are people like you and me, with nothing to lose. We'd welcome the collapse, so that a new world can be born from it. But we're the bottom feeders, the top of the food chain would very much like it to be kept that way.
Hence, why the FED can't be audited. It's not possible. All channels and legal means to do so will fight against it and block it.
Because they know that if the American people knew about it, they'd swing from lamposts. And the American people who know it, also know what would happen after the hangings.
Famine. Misery. Chaos.
Apathy dictates that you just accept things as they are, and try your best to preserve your status quo. After all, even as bad as things are, for them, it could be much worse.
Not for me. Not for you. Not for any Zig Forumsack.
Because there's nothing worse than having kikes enslaving your country to debt for generations.


Great, now that nigger can take out his skateboard and cruise around the empty vaults of the Fed, and he even gets payed for it. I'm jealous.

The Fed make money by constantly printing more. If it's tied to anything it's tied to international oil production.

Any others here who have their skin crawl when these obsequious nigger loving conservatives shit up the board with their pedantic and impotent threads?

Your DOOM LARP board? I'm not a nigger lover but if Cain can end The Fed I couldn't give a shit what race he is. That's a major priority, and the race of the guy who does it is 100% irrelevant.

>It's a death sentence for (((them)))
If the deliberate, systematic genocide of millions of lives by OxyContin isn't enough to even reach the Sackler kikes, then nobody will lift an eyebrow for the empty Fed.

What about the US gov just nationalizes the Fed and the Congress resumes its responsiblity for it. I don't see how you can have the Fed simply disappear without millions, maybe billions dying. Oh wait…that's a good outcome.

That stopped decades go. You don't have to print fiat, you just add another zero. Everyone can do this, like this "0". See I just illegally created fiat currency.

Wow interesting can I see the balance sheet?

Fuck off, Mac.

Pfff, balance sheets. I'm Robin Hood and I'm gonna spread the fiat that I stole to all of you. Here have a trillion…1,000,000,000,000 Jokes aside…who do you think does the accounting?

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The people that run the place obviously you idiot. The point is where is the accounting?

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Only a fucking trillion? Patzer! Make that 27 trillion. Go big or go home.

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It was glow nigger bush said it to long time texas reporter.
It has been verified many times all on Zig Forums should recognize the source immediatly.

The numbers the banks are giving you are just as forged as the numbers of the justice departments, the entertainment industry, and the commerce industry. You only have to go into a supermarket to see that every goddamn product is trying to fuck you over with numbers (price tag, weight, ingredients, advertisements) . If jews are one thing, then it's masterful when it comes to manipulating numbers.

I'm just not greedy enough I guess.

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No, Trump is not doing this. Trump is doing nothing against jews. Trump is doing nothing against the fed. Trump is a ZOG puppet worse than LBJ.

So post the source.

They don't even give any numbers

Quite the contrary. I told you "All channels and legal means to do so will fight against it and block it." and I mean just that.
You can vote, legislate a form all the special committees and inquiries you want. It will never work. That has been continuously attempted in the last 30 years.
But when you take away the means for peaceful revolution, you make violent revolution an inevitability.

Are you boomers, retards or both?

The FED isn't the building it's on, the machines inside or an (empty) vault filled with cash/gold.
The FED is an institution. An economic mechanism that entrenched itself into America in a parasitic process that lodged it at the heart of the market. It may have started as something resembling a bank, but now? It's the fucking spinal chord of the economy.
The FED's continued existence is the reason for many Bank's continued existence.
And while those same Bank's exist, a lot of companies, private funds, Venture Capital and stock markets will continue exisiting.

Assume this: out of his goddamn mind, Trump decides "fuck it, you're all fired" and the FED does become an empty building.
Let's even assume this would be possible without 72 diferent private groups hiring a sniper to kill the President before any of us had breakfast.

Without the FED, 2/3 of the "Banking Industry" would straight up die. Not in a matter of days, HOURS. In 2008 several crisis analysts predicted that if the worst came to pass, the average american would wake up, go about his morning with no clue, and discover that the economy had seizure by the time he went for his afternoon coffee.
But before the Banks die, every one that has connections in them will be tipped in advance. So, count on nearly 1/3 of America's wealth to be gone out of the country into offshores or foreign investment funds in less than 2 hours.
After that, someone would be careless, the news would spread. Now, the would be millionairs that were not rich or connected enough to be tipped off would be trying to extract their own assets out. A large majority will be too late, but you can still expect a few to be gone.
These companies, like or not, keep factories, stores, workshops and millions of job open. The workers wouldn't even be fired: the boss run away and there's noone to pay you anymore.
It's 6PM, you go home, wondering why there's 70 people fueling for gas down the street.
You turn on the TV, and the 15 minute broadcast fills you with all the terror that was amiss all day: America just turned into Venezuela in a single day.

Sure, go ahead. Call me crazy, claim it's impossible and that it never would happen.
You know what, I did exactly that before 2008.
I did it before seeing 2 neighbouring towns losing 80% of their jobs and 70% of their population. People just up and left, it completely went to shit. And then we heard the sighs of relief from all the usual economic indicators. The general feeling was "Yeah, it was bad, but it could have been so, SO much worse."
Look into the final days of the 2008 crisis and what they managed to avoid (by kicking it further down the road, they didn't fix shit) if you want to know what would happen if the FED ever got audited.

For me, the FED is a Babel Tower. It needs, by force, to come down. So it can come down around us, instead of on top of us.
But for everyone involved, or simply afraid? It must stay up, at any cost.

I wouldn't know, because I only have 15k in reserve on my account, while taking out the rest on every second of the month for the last 15 years.

Double dubs don't lie

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'''Probably a black jew. Look at his face, he no pure breed black.
I assume an ethopian jew (Mizrahi jew)'''

(((FED))) is a jewish power asset, they will not let it slip without being forced to.

So, the two "most likely to lie" jobs said something? Must be true.

I didn't say it was true or false, just that it was besides the point. Fuck, you're on Zig Forums, we know that fake or not, the quote is correct in the sense that the fucked up shit they pulled would be enough to lynch them if the majority of the public know.
As it stands, a few know, (((THEY))) know a few know and keep it out of publi knowledge by branding the few who know "lunatics", "conspiracy theorists" and "racists".
I don't give a flying fuck if a quote was said by the right person or wasn't said at all.
I only care about how right/meaningful it is.

So it's a front that can easily be sacrificed with a scapegoat, while leaving identity of the cabal completely out of the process? In the same way how you could take out judaism, israel and the term jews without getting at the khazarians hiding behind it all.

No. The monetary banking system would die. Thank god that our favorite nation wreckers already have a fiat only system ready to go after the wars are done…cash-less currency (crypto), social credit system (China) and universal income. In one big swoop wealth in the hands of individuals will be destroyed and good old fashioned slavery will be established globally.

This stream was about the international fed: youtube.com/watch?v=9Qjwb_gSpcQ
Don't lose hope yet Goebbels.

I hope you've already got a homestead for the inevitable collapse.

Quality blackpills.

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Hey at least its the boomers getting fucked instead of muh lenny alls.

Kill yourself

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kys, banks are good


Some white dudes are in charge.

You're the retard I'm afraid.

The Fed has global implications; it's virtually the sole mechanism for final settlements in international trade. We're talking about several trillions a week in exchanges. What mechanism will you put in its place? Just shut it down and you create a global catastrophe that will make the Great Depression look like a trip to an amusement park. Hundreds of millions will starve to death. Maybe you want social upheaval but I would wager that both of us won't survive it. No even if you can go hunting possums in the back country. The back country will be swarming with like minded idiots. Wild game will be hunted out pretty quickly. 7 million starved to death in the 30's in the USA.

Cain is literally a form of Cohen. He’s a nigger kike, just like Obama.


Molon labe

Shutting it down isn't an option. It's an inevitability. Hope you prepared.

It won't get shut down. The national security state will keep it running by martial law and there will be a bank holiday declared that will last decades. Savings will be portioned out in tiny dribs and drabs. Say you have 450k in the bank. You will be able to withdraw say $500 a week with yearly limits of $10,000.00

Ain't gonna happen. Cash-less currency will end the freedom of individual wealth. That was the plan of fiat all along…devaluing the money to it's destruction. Everything jews do aims at turning freedom into slavery. It's how copyright stole humanities ability to create on the accomplishments of their ancestors, without paying jews exorbitant fees to rent "intellectual property" aka our thoughts.

please, get out
Nobody wants you here and you don't agree with anyone here on anything

Blatantly false. US monetary policy is based on the art of writing electronic numbers into hard drives as a payment of currency for the electronically validated promises to pay the said currency back with interest, also registered as electronic numbers on hard drives.

For those who wishing for ‘Merica’s Yellow Vest moment….. Herman Cain on the Fed gets us a lot closer to it. How often do you hear about the Federal Reserve ? With the exception of Trump taking a swipe at it the Fed is burried in the Business Pages . Now that a “Trumper” is there we can expect (((them))) to be Front Page News .
So all the “Woke” leftists will be able to see what we’re talking about.

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he should issue real silver 2dollars that are patterned like an 8 slice pizza on one side, and his big nigger face on the other side.

niggers could break them along the pizza lines to 'make change' but niggers would invent their own words, of course.

He's hiding the number of the beast right in front of you

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