Dear FBI/CIA/GCHQ/NSA and all other so-called 'protectors of the nation',
I would like to talk to you about your duties and some historical examples of those who, when in positions such as yours, served their nation - that is; their people, their blood-kin -, and in the process were forced to turn their backs on their paymasters who despite fronting as the leaders, were in fact traitors to the very people who relied upon them. If you are from more or less any Western nation and are monitoring this website instead of defending your populace from the myriad foreign threats that actually inspire the potential danger from sites like these; then you are serving a traitor. It is because of your inaction, because of your resources being spent on surveilling those like us who are the good and loyal citizens; that people here might feel that they need to do the job that you are not doing.
Our nations are currently crawling with myriad foreigners whilst our leaders are legislating time and again in ways that disadvantage and impoverish the well being of our own. Our hard earned money is spent on groups like you who, rather than protecting us; waste your time spying on us whilst turning a blind eye to the countless real threats that are all about. If those threats were not about, then boards like Zig Forums would not exist; they certainly would not be growing at the incredible rate which they are today. You are forcing people like us to take up the mantle that you are supposed to be bearing; your cowardice and treachery is the reason why people here are becoming increasingly radicalised. You are supposed to be the front line of defense against our enemies; but instead you accept their thirty pieces of silver and turn against us.
It is time for you to realise that you have other options. I have no doubt that many of you genuinely thought we were the bad guys before, but surely now after all the browsing you have done here, you must see that your own leaders have sold their souls and are actively working against their citizens? Surely with the massive rise in terrorism, and even in petty crime perpetrated by immigrants; surely now you see how these schemes of your paymasters do nothing but ruin the lives of the good and honest folk that you once swore to protect?
You do not have to serve traitors. In fact it is your duty to expose and destroy them. The common man is very forgiving, and whilst we on Zig Forums will never trust you even if you do turn to the light; you can serve righteousness and make the world a better place, and uphold that oath you once made to protect your people. When the King of England sought to give the nation over to foreigners; his Parliament rebelled, they decided that their duty was not to a foreigner King who relied on military strength from elsewhere to enforce his will, but to their own flesh and blood. They fought the King and the cut his head off.
Now what we ask of you is to stop serving these demonic foreign overlords that are oppressing your flesh and blood, and which are using you as one of their prized instruments. Do your duty; protect your people, protect your Nation, and cut the head off the treasonous King. Your loyalty is to us, not to someone who curses your name and wishes to see your family torn apart by foreign animals. You know what the right thing to do is; now do it.
Thank you for your time.