Nordic Man Arrested for Eating Raw Squirrel at Vegan Market in London
Would be with him but he pussied out in a follow-up and caved
They sound like whiney leftists.
You understand precisely what i mean when i say they sound like leftists.
Wasted a good 15 mins watching. Fuck this.
it's disgusting that all it takes is one offended person to get another person arrested. section 5 seems like a nightmare. while i wholeheartedly approve of nordic-anons actions he should have read up on the laws before attempting this. a random vegan cameraguy potentially saved his life because he was read up on how the legal bullshit works
He should have been hospitalized. Worms rabies etc
Nah. Grass fed, all natural, hormone free squirrel. This isn't a factory farmed squirrel. Non-GMO too.
Yeah, animals in the wild never get sick right?
Hardly as often, i suggest you read up on how pathogens works, imbecile jew fuck
He is such a freaky vampire but I still think he is kind of cute in a freaky vampiric kind of way…nothing compared to Saint Tarrant…my hero…I mean it is difficult to top killing 50 invaders with eating a squirrel.
You only die 'hardly as often'…LMFAO
Good to see cuckchan is here shitting up the board as usual
Bro, non-GMO. Get with the times. This is an organic squirrel.
This is Sv3rige. He's famous for being an idiot who subsists on a diet of lumps of butter and raw meat. He's also homeless and blames everyone who didn't let him into their house for it. This includes you and me.
This is what a proud son of Odin looks like. Take note amerifats and assorted creaturas of mexi/pol/.
Extreme as he may be, he still hasn't gotten sick living on this diet for years. That says something.
A real son of Odin would fuck up any faggot trying to mess with him, especially the cops and would never be afraid of dying for it. Go watch his follow up video where he chickens out and says he;s not going to do "extreme" stuff like this anymore, as if eating a raw squirrel is extreme
tits or gtfo
For what it's worth, you never hunt deer, for instance, during summer months. Even healthy ones. They're covered in ticks and parasites during warm months. In the winter, however, these die and you're pretty safe.
Appearntly he doesn't 'faaart' either. Oh the glory of being a fartless organic squirell eater whose turds are hard nuggests that leave no shit stain…how will Saint Tarrant ever compare?
One of these things is not like the other…
Nigger is that you again?
scarcely (used to qualify a statement by saying that it is true to an insignificant degree).
Learn the meaning of words you disgusting inbred imbecile
honk honk
Extremely tiny…I mean can you imagine trying meat off the tiny bones? Nibble nibble…like eating baby corn.
He wasn't arrested for eating meat he was arrested for failing to identify himself but mostly because he didn't have an angry mob of sand niggers backing him.
sv3rige is a troll for the ages
It is funny beacuse as the higher predator you are increasing your risk of severe disease with every 'wild NON-GMO squirrel' you devour. Since these were ordered 'online' they could have come from ANYPLACE…and seeing no bullet holes they were probably poisoned. But whatever, pony tale boy is interesting as a conversation piece…like 4 people have asked me about the video as they walked by…
Got angry on the internet because you got laughed at.
Anything thats farmed on a large scale, where they interact with eachother involuntary, quite like cities works significantly increases how pathogens spread and operate.
I didnt once mention anything about GMO, not once, but you take it up as a counter debate point against me (Which makes you an inbred imbecile).
Im simply stating that wild life has about 10000 times less pathogens in them than livestock bred in a confined enviroment merely by how pathogens work. I suggest you look it up you disgusting low IQ imbecile
You replied in agreement to someone who did, therefore you did mention GMO's
It is a joke from the video…HELL-O Earth to user. Anyone home? Why so sensy user…who the EVERYLIVING FUCK cares about a dude eating a squirrel? I seriously can't believe I am having this conversation. Animals, ESPECIALLY RODENTS, carry everything from bubonic plague to worms to rabies…they are 100% unsanitary.
While I whole heartedly support the niggers that did this.
Would you ever get me to try furry tailed rat tartar.
Eating wild game is super natural to us. If we actually would live hunter lives we would develop and sharpen our senses to know what meat is poisonous. But our comfortable lives made us dull to the natural world. The natural system is 100% percent clean and works like it should by recycling itself.
This whole thing is so funny I can't stop laughing…I am strictly here for comedy.
Saint Tarrant, kills 50 invading enemies, in the next thread, user eats a NON-GMO squirrel to piss off vegans. Zig Forums is comedy gold…pure comedy.
Everyone knows that vegans are the reason for the season of invasion…BASTARDS!
100% clean in what sense, user? The Earth has been polluted with disease for a long time since the kikes are IN OUR FUCKING WAY and we haven't had a chance to remove disease from the Earth, practice Eugenics and reach for the stars…
gay as fuck, op is a faggot
Instead of trolling leftists, start killing leftists.
we need more counter-protest ideas
Even your ancestors 10,000 years ago knew to cook meat
That is because we knew that we needed to denature the protein enzymes bacteria and virus before we put it into our body. Thing is bacterial DNA jumping due to plasmid transfers can cause that DNA to crossbreed inside your body…cooking denatures the DNA so that it can’t jump and cause disease. (Sometimes…obviously this doesn’t always work)
No, we realized that we'd get sick as fuck or risk dying after trial and error, so everyone(with a brain capable of learning) started to cook their food, especially meat.
Y e a h user…that is what I said. Did you need it translated into grunts and growls.
Sv3rige is Latvian, not Nordic. Latvians are like a Nordic-Slav people, if I understand correctly.
Yeah I'm sure they knew that 10,000 years ago
Watch the rest of his videos, he eats raw meat all the time, he believes a natural medicine is to stare at the sun without any sort of eye protection and a bunch of other stuff.
Either he's retarded or a world class troll
Counter Protest Idea:
I am a Vegan (no, I really am) and I will cook steaks (or any cut of meat) for anyone who asks.
What you eat is your business, regardless of the health benefits or risks.
I will do my best though to make it the best slab of steak/ribs/etc you ever had.
as in OP's case
Never ever ever cave
They were arrested because eating raw meat is implicitely rightwing.
Also he likely used a (((illegal))) weapon to hunt that squirrel could get life in prison 3strikes in Communist Europe.1 he's White . 2 he hurt Vegan Fee fees .3 no Weapon loysunz
Seriously though
Don't Eat tree rat raw or any small game you could get Black death and or become a Leapor
Watching this video I couldn't help but generate an extrapolation of a scenario based on the idea of a man getting arrested for simply eating meat in a public area.
These police people… so ignorant, so unreasonable, so irrational.
Imagine you are relaxing in a comfy and cozy pagan tribe having good sex and enjoying nature, and out of nowhere an army claiming allegiance to a kike on a stick desert cult marches on you like this - no reason, no rationality, no empathy, no nothing.
Just a brainwashed clone mob of runners and blades.
What could you even do?
What would your choice be?
Face genocide, convert and become part of the horde, or learn how to subvert and infiltrate.
Idk what else could be done.
Europe is a mess.
Subhuman acts subhuman on camera, news at 11.
hail sverige
Police arrest meat eaters but not the terrorists.
This is me…vegitarian but people tell me that my meats are better than most resturants.
It actually doesn't, not unless you're an idiot. If I toss 9 heads in a row, what is the probability of getting a head on the 10th toss?
I hope streak come from your animals, not the shops. The meats in the shops have poisons in them so anons should not buy the meats from the shops. It’s for safety and economical reason.
He isn't even trying though.
We we studying Clostridium tetani (tetanus) and plasmid transfers from tetani that had been killed but the dead plasmids were capable of transfering their DNA to a related bacteria and 'come back to life' in the related live proteins inside the body…thankfully this was mice and not humans but all plasmids can transfer DNA through sex pili…yes, theoretically the stomach acid would also denature the proteins but cooking gives you a double dose of protection in terms of denaturing the proteins cutting your risk WAY down. Just rodents; dirty disgusting vermin that are only really different from rats because they have a puffy tail and can climb better…?…I would have been so much more comfortable seeing him chew a leg of mutton or beef.
This guy looked at veganism, saw how stupid it all is, then went full blown retard the other way.
Enjoy your parasites, dumb fuck.
"He's on the autistic spectrum, he isn't well"
Well fuck me sideways and call me shirley. Maybe they should get that poor kid some real food to eat instead of fucking rabbit food.
Jesus user. Rabbits don't eat squirrels. I think you need to get out of the city for a while.
I don't know whats more disgusting, the vegans or this retard who's literally eating a raw wild animal.
is there an echo in here?
Look at least the disease bearing rodent is not alive when he is eating it…maybe that will be next thread. Man arrested for eating raw rodent at a vegan market. DIdn't ozzy eat a bat or something once (ignore english dentistry)…look at what happened to him…amirite? I am right.
What is he being charged with?
There's nothing wrong with that.
Surprised they haven't been shanked yet.
London is full of pillow biters. Okay, thank you.
Except everythings.
Kill yourself yid.
Newfag, lurk 2 fucking years and you can spot the spam without clicking on it.
Checked, I guess?
where in the fuck would you even find an organic squirrel? All the squirrels and coons in my city are fat as fuck from mcdonalds.
Liar. Everyone knows coons prefer KFC.
Funny day, Zig Forums against freedom. He's eating a squirrel, who cares? You little fags are such faggot tyrants it's unbelievable. muhfuggas gonna get sick you cant do that and sheeeit
This. He also supports Israel, typical controlled op
Doxx those cops. Human waste.
Nice use of language. Go back to cuckchan now.
It was I the press recently that a Squirrel was found to be a carrier of a rare plaque that killed many during the dark ages
Fool should have kept his mouth shut.
It was in England as well, both the squirrel and the plague
Go back to reddit.
Crimebodge has helped many people in similar situations to sue the police.
He's an anti-leftist activist, was arrested himself not long ago for saying "shit" in front of a cop (really as punishment for helping others.)
Video related, one of his recent ones where a christian preacher is arrested for preaching the gospel.
yes, the preacher is black
He didn't have his squirrel eating licence
Reminder to read the independent inquiry on Rotherham grooming gangs.
It also has a section on all of the previous reports, where the authorities try to exonerate themselves.
faggot attention whore.
Spreading bubonic plague in a crowded city?
OMG maybe that is Ethnoglobe user? He is trying to wipe out London…dang it, I should have encouraged this!!
No, it is definitely not. Ethnoglobe user outed herself as a woman in one of the woman threads a few months back. Lol, she thought we would respect her because she’s “not like those other girls”.
You're actually talking to her, talking about herself in the third person. It's pretty fucking sad.
He's Latvian, not Norse. Swing and a miss
thanks fake science bro
hes genuinely retarded but he keeps to himself
He seems to me the perfect example of those people who see some idea is retarded(veganism) and thus immediately jump to the other extreme(eating ONLY meat and eggs and butter, specifically RAW).
For Iuppiter sake just fucking eat your meats, your eggs AND your veggies, it's not aut aut.
Also, being arrested for eating meat? For fucks sake.
What was he charged with? Unlicensed digestion of non-plant material?
Offensive use of incisors?
And will he be charged for unlawful murdering of a squirrel?