Yesterday Rep.Eric Swalwell, D-Calif shared a voicemail threat he got Wednesday on Twitter.
Of course, there is no word on any police investigation to try & find the caller, because that would go against the narrative.
Yesterday Rep.Eric Swalwell, D-Calif shared a voicemail threat he got Wednesday on Twitter.
Of course, there is no word on any police investigation to try & find the caller, because that would go against the narrative.
Other urls found in this thread:
If this is real, which it almost undoubtably isn't, it will be a negro that did it so no investigation will happen.
No doubt. They even made sure to have the guy sound like a stereotypical redneck.
But really. Why does he upload a version where you can hear the callers dial tone along with pressing numbers? I've NEVER heard a voicemail record the other parties dial tone before the call was actually placed.
I give it exactly 15 hours for it to be proven fake.
Nobody is afraid of the NRA, they're a punching bag. All they've done is advise gun control legislation, made some commercials, and taken money from stupid boomers. Fuckem
It's Swalwell dialling the number to access the voicemail server where the voicemail is stored.
The suspicious thing is the dialtone at the END of the video, it's blatantly edited.
My money is on it being one of his voters trying to false flag gun owners. Police will pick him up and it'll never make news when it turns out he's a democrat.
Alternatively, if the police don't pick him up, it's a false flag by Swallwell himself.
lol, fuck this fake bullshit, anyone who thinks that right wingers sound like this is fucking retarded.
Obviously fake, but also motivational because when (((they))) are forced to resort to this, then you know they're getting desperate. They need to mobilize their leftist troops before Trump is draining the swamp. Their Russia/collusion coup failed. Their various little riots and weak attempt at revolutions failed. Their immigration scheme is getting exposed. People are starting to get wise on social media on (((the problem))). We're seeing the beginning of the end. Push harder, fellow anons, push harder.
As usual, they don't need to convince a few smart people. They just need to convince many stupid people.
It's gonna happen, but I doubt it will make a difference at this point. The Mueller report completely hamstrung the leftist media by exposing them as liars. In a week, Fox News bolstered their viewership by a large amount and there more people will be pinkpilled on USA's problems. We just need to give the public the proper (((redpill))) through social media by normalizing merchant posting and debunking the notion of anti-semitism. The boulder will roll by itself when the time comes.
How could anyone believe this bullshit?
We must ban central banks and buy gold. See how easy it is?
It was
You are afraid and yet you do not yet know true fear. You will learn.
He probably gets a hundred threats a day (rightfully so).
Why would you ever post something like this for the public? If it's actually serious you give it to law enforcement and don't openly talk about it because it's serious shit. I'm sure politicians get death threats all the time, but he just magically decided to pick one out and post it on social media?
8-chan? I heard he’s dangerous…
The guns he's surrounded himself with probably helps.
"Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun." So why is it liberals think the government is the good guy here?
Rep. Swallowell.
He isn't afraid because he's surrounded by police and security. He's a fucking coward faggot.
Oh, he's afraid.
They are all very afraid.
That's his voicemail password. Isolated the tones, ran them through a decoder. The numbers pressed in the recording are: 2 2 5 4 4 3 9 8 3
The first tone is clipped so it is likely this is not the whole thing.
It's not that the first tone is even clipping. It fades in. And this is after the initial dial tone.
I just wonder what that number dialed really is. If the last couple digits are part of the voicemail password or something, then it only brings up more questions. 225 seems to be a popular prefix for the office numbers of many members of congress.
If 225-4436 is indeed the number that was accessed, that would be the number for Congressman Jim Banks if it was from the 202 area code.
Guaranteed nigger it was probably that faggot nigger itself that did it
Would not surprise me at all
It’s funny user I’m laughing my ass off