Brenton Tarrant, 28, would be seen by experts to determine whether he was fit to stand trial or insane, said high court judge.
Tarrant has been ordered to undergo mental health tests
Isn’t that pretty standard for mass murderers
He better meme insanity as hard as possible. Also interesting that New Zealand actually censors the accused face instead of just perp walking them past every single possible camera like in my country
but then how can ordinary white men self-insert themselves into a terrorist fantasy?
but why? to get less punishment? to make fun of insanity pleas? to devalue his manifesto?
nice soruce
To avoid life in prison and instead get a comfy insanity conviction where you can get placed at an institution with women, even if they are crazy at least you get some pussy. Plus they may even release you, then you can Tarrant 2: Electric Bugaloo
Typical kike move.
(((He standed with the white race, he must be insane)))
This is what the jews did with dissidents in the USSR as well.
Yes. It avoids an appeal opportunity at a later date if they get convicted.
Psychiatry is kike quackery created by jews who were too stupid to pass the Bar exam.
I suspect Tarrant will answer the inkblot questions the same way I would:
What do you see here?
Dead jew.
And how about this one?
Dead jews.
And this?
Six Gorrilian dead jews.
He should go full Joker.
This sort of thing caused leftists heads to explode during the Breivik case.
If they declare him insane they cant trial his politics and write off the ability to use it as propaganda.
If they declare him sane they cant write off his politics as crazy and thus legitmatise it.
They ended up declaring Breivik sane. Either way its a lose lose situation for them
and off course, he'll be found mentally unsound. It's a way to discredit his beliefs.
He's definitely Cuh-razy In the Devil May Cry sense.
This. It's a way to say anyone who agrees with any elements of his manifesto is also insane and needs mental help.
Not that simple. See Breivik. Declaring him insane works against him because they can't criticise the politics.
Didn't they do this to Dylan Roof and he refused?
Has anybody here actually been to jail or had a trial? The #1 thing you want is to be found crazy. That's literally being gifted the ultimate gift. This is why Tarrant has 2 lawyers, they likely demanded a mental competence exam because he's looking at living in a box with no windows for the rest of his life with 1hr per month recreation (they don't have to give you daily, always find excuses to never let you out).
"This will invalidate my manifesto because I'm legally insane!" 10 days as a prisoner, where it's celebrated getting one over on the system, you'll be making suicide threats just so you can get transferred to observation and the guard writeups are no longer valid, meaning you keep your privileges.
A yes it is and B BRENTAN committed zero murders. This is a fact
He only stepped on roaches.
Which makes him a HERO
Also his actions are still reverberating and the mudshits are scared (they should be)
Dude these cases are not like regular ones anything involving western nationalism is the most politicised in the world. The establishment is petrified of these people.
High chance they wont declare him insane.
Of course they won't.
The narrative is he's a full blown racist and evil white nationalist, he must get the biggest show trial that ever existed in order to deter from this horror.
But there's a reason he has a bunch of lawyers now and they're demanding sanity exams. He's playing the system like every other convict does and might actually win because NZ is not the US, like when they hyper dosed both Loughter and Holmes in order to prove they're not actually nutjobs. NZ he actually has a chance to pull one over and get some sweet time frollicking around the nuthouse hanging out with chicks and just selling his court ordered meds by not swallowing them. Some idiotic liberal shrink might actually even release him all he needs to do is pretend the 'voices that told me to kill muslims' are gone and he'll get day parole 20yrs from now.
When you get sent to a state hospital they can force powerful medication on you.
I know. Jews = Satan.
Whites = Gods chosen people.
Satan wants to destroy the creation of god.
They already make him Martyr and Hero. Majority of white cucks secretly support him. Only alt-kike optic cucks call this horrible because they don't want to lose their precious youtube channels. Even Jared Taylor said that when people have no voice in system, this is only way to show their opinion.
Sigmund Freud was a fraud and a pervert. He only gets pushed by (((fellow tribesmen))) who controll the media. Like (((Einstein))) who supposedly stole "his" ideas while working in a patent office.
They may not like what they find.
It's just temporary and you end up stoned all night lying naked in observation. Since you're not actually crazy they don't do anything to you. Meanwhile, the six violation tickets you accumulated because you were caught with gambling and tattoo equipment contraband are DISMISSED, and your mail and visitation is reinstated upon return to gen pop. The greatest thing ever is coming back from 2 weeks observation and telling the guard that wrote you up for violations they were all squashed. Inmates do this every single day and Tarrant is no exception, he's playing the Kiwi system somehow.
Memeing will be misused against him this time. I have the apprehension Brenton will assuredly be left to rot in prison
It's pretty likely they'll nail him with paranoid schizophrenia and lock him up for the rest of his life, just like they did with Ted K.. These diagnoses are politically weaponized
This is what they'll say.
There is no death penalty in New Zealand.
The court said "many people share Breivik's conspiracy theory, including the Eurabia theory. The court finds that very few people, however, share Breivik's idea that the alleged 'Islamisation' should be fought with terror."[120]
In the end, "mentally ill" is just a label.
He spent two years preparing. He's going to meme this to the bone.
user this is going to happen. ( ( ( they ) ) ) will try to lie and suppress and obfuscate everything about this abortion of a “trial”
Kiwis should give B T a hero’s parade and a medal.
All are. Psychology and psychiatry are just political tools of the left.
Yes he will and I’ll laugh every glorious second of it. Infinity speed to the madman
( ( ( psychology ) ) )
( ( ( psychiciatry ) ) )
hey man , I weaponized my autism against them I bet you did too ha ha ha ha he he
In a world that is run by (((Satan))), the only sane people will be called ill or NAZI, so wear both badges with pride.
He's gonna live in a bouncy boy room if he did the shooty shoot.
layz JIDF post. Try harder next time.
Generally yes.
And excuse will be found for
How odd. It's almost like OP is a faggot or something.
I dont see a source anywhere.
Fucking thank you
If they do it while he is incapacitated under duress or chemical impairment it is grounds to militarily intervene on behalf of this prisoner of war who carried out his mission in open warfare as an armed partisan combatant.
Sieg Heil
They did this to Roof as well. Tarrant will tell them to fuck off just the same.
Oh my. Peace is the only solution
There's many things worse than a death penalty once you get in a system user, like being shackled in a transport bus, and driven from city to city for the next 8months, shackled in an uncomfortable seat while you piss and shit yourself. Eventually the chains dig into your skin and you're bleeding all day long. Imagine that, for 8 months, because it's called 'diesel therapy' and most countries have this kind of a scheme to deal with uppity federal prisoners that are causing them political problems. The answer is just deny them mail and other contact by continually transferring them. This happens everyday btw, in so called Freedom Land Murica so will definitely happen in New Zealand too if this guy is sentenced as an inmate and not as a nutjob. He will never see gen pop ever, because the other inmates will kill him for targeting women and kids so he'll just get solitary with no rec and/or nonstop diesel therapy, even in Kiwi land.
Not that I think he doesn't deserve it however, he essentially fell for Jewish propaganda and became an agent of ZOG targeting the people who hate jews the most: sand people.
"Peace is the only solution"
What's the punishment for falsifying a terrorist attack in New Zealand?
It is. It’s perfect too. Peace is the only solution
kill yourself
looks like you are not very smart. muslims love jews and jews love muslims. boomer or JDIF
Peace by force
If sandniggers return, than they can be allies. But in any case before they are jewish assets.
I do not like the property of my enemy.
Hoax! Hoax! Hoax!
Verdict: last sane man in the West.
Jews and Arabs are semitic cousins.
Both very similar and equally disgusting.
Checked. Hey man drastic times call for complete measures
Of course he has. This is one of their greatest marginalization-demonization-shaming tactics
(((They))) murdered our ancestors by inflicting unnecessary wars between aryan people.
(((They))) brought nigger slaves to america and are pushing for race mixing.
(((They))) defile our girls in porno movies all the time.
(((They))) have stated on numerous occasions that they want to see all whites dead.
Only a fool could think that he can negotiate with Satan
Better we do gods own work, then letting our unborn grandchildren do it.
as if anyone remembers those things
The FBI are motherfucking patriots and I stand to salute them here today. Entrapping young white men so that those persecuted chosen can live a safe, carefree life is probably one of the most patriotic duties one man can do in this land of the free. I volunteer an extra 15% of my wages to go towards funding new counter-terrorism forces to hunt the last white man down so that the PoC can inherit the earth. Thank you feds, for entrapping, radicalizing, torturing, raping, molesting and destroying as many young white males as physically possible.
Checked. Traps are gay bro
Also also
its got nothing to do with normies.
What larps cant process in this case is sane vs insane are both bad for the leftist prosecuters.
It's the BBC you faggot
Now take it in your mouth and shush
>>>Zig Forums231635
The last time I played Spyro the dragon was back during the psone era.
That fucker should be a grown ass adult by now.
**polite sage for off topic
Checked Spyro dubs. He’s a big guy
all their "revenge atracks" are mediocre. Compared to one white man on a mission.
Non-whites cant even do attacks as well as whites.
I don't know what the laws are in jew sealand, but in America, the government made that impossible after Hinckley shot Reagan.
I can't find the link, but this fucking manual basically said that those who oppose the actions of the government are mentally ill.
He'll be on his way back to Mossad HQ in no time.
schizo boomer from other thread is here.
jews hate whites, particularly white protestant christians more than any other group
Sure fellow (((goy))), seems like you know way too much about my buddies huh?
this isn't the full book only a summary of the dsm, the dsm is about 950 pages long
You see, if you are alone, some people consider this a big deal. Yet for some people they can handle this without much probem. Afterall, you will get books, maybe TV after the trial, phone calls, letters. Easy life and seriously most inmates if not all of them have an IQ level below a negro in Congo.
The funniest thing people have threatened him with is removing his access to msm. Thats like saying not having access to the pozzed inhuman anti-white media is somehow inhumane and cruel and unusual.
The msm is the most perverse thing in history.
when you hear that hebrews are gods chosen people, just think 'not my god' (aka. satan)
whites have the strength to choose God above any damn, cucked religion of gibs
Im kinda curious as a burger what are you niggers going to do about the muslim no go zones? Why is that even a thing? Handle it.
If it is a false flag then having him declared insane avoids any possible evidence of it entering the public record. In the USA political crimes never go to trial one way or the other for this very reason.
Source? I found nothing suggesting ISIS claimed this.
I'm not aware of this being a thing in my country, at least. I'd imagine they exist in Sweden, maybe France?
If it's a truck of peace that's usually a pretty good hint.
Sandniggers are sandniggers anyway, ISIS or no.
Is there any info about who the bus driver is?
I wouldn't know of any, no.
I suppose it'll be known in the morning.
Massive bonus points for us if like this is even a doubt it's a muslim, really gets the old retaliation cycle to acceleration ville going.
Freud was cocaine addict, his diaries are filled with self incrimination.
Christcucks out!