seriously i will never understand why any cucks would actually support a monarchy. Saying monarchy would work is like commies saying "that wasnt real communism" even though the evidence points to that system always leading to the monarch abusing their power and becoming super entitled. it never succesfully worked in the past and always lead to over taxation, hungry population, overly decadent rulers with disdain for the common man ect…
you sound like faggots when you support monarchism, its a bad look for you edgy cuck boys just begging to suck another mans dick and let him control you,let me guess you also wear chastity belts while your gir fucks tyrone and ahmed? time to grow up now little boys.
give me one good reason monarchy would be the best political system? please enlighten me.
you sound like faggots when you support hitler's national socialism, its a bad look for you edgy cuck boys just begging to suck another mans dick and let him control you,let me guess you also wear chastity belts while your gir fucks tyrone and ahmed? time to grow up now little boys.
Mason Phillips
Strangle yourself with a wet shoelace
Luke Hughes
Strangle yourself with a wet shoelace you jacobin
Easton Diaz
Kevin Hernandez
Are you broken somehow? Guards! It has lost its composure
Josiah Hernandez
off to the dungeon with this one too!
Adam Rodriguez
Well, they don't anymore so I guess that solves your problem faggot, not stop spamming shit threads you homo
Ryder Gomez
The redpilled answer to this is the elective monarchy (or president for life). A leader is chosen based on merit and is given a mandate to rule the nation for life. Long-term rule is far more stable than switching every four to eight years
Blake Reed
Read a fucking book, particularly a history book and a real one not a (((history book))) which focuses on medieval times through the beginning of World War II and you'll see that (((they))) are terrified of monarchies because it only gives them a single path to establishing themselves in a country. Why do you think all the holocausts and forced emigrations of jews has been mostly under monarchies or dictatorships? This is also a double edged sword as it also gives them a single fault point, which means one jewish whore of babylon here, and one there and you have control of an entire trade empire from both ends. When this doesn't work however they kvetch something fierce, see the French Revolution, the death of Franz Ferdinand, the death of Nicholas II, pretty much that entire period was rife with regicide. Now we have (((democracy))) all over the world. Quite the (((coincidence))). :^)
Levi Hill
there surely weren't thousands of coup attempts..
Caleb Parker
stop stalking me faggot
Gabriel Adams
fuck you enlightenment faggots and your (((human rights))), (((freedom of speech))) and (((democracy))). with a monarchy the monarch is in power not some shadow kike pulling strings from behind
Monarchists are descended from traitors who sold Europe out to the (((Vatican))) in exchange for their crown to be recognized.
Oliver Fisher
My Harvard U. World History 1949 (that doesn't mention anything about Holocaust EXCEPT for something about Nazis losing points in Public Opinion in USA BEFORE WW2….but does feel it noteworthy to mention 40 (two score) Jews supposedly being executed in Poland in 1946)…..
mentions lots of stuff about German kings being ELECTED in the middle ages. IIRC there were votes of from about 150 to about 600 more or less, so I guess that was all the landowners of certain size, or some kind of lessor nobles, etc. Same deal in Saudi Arabia today, IIRC. Mix of family but its required to be the best and brightest of a family with other "stakeholders" needing to agree. More like a corp picking a CEO, which tends to work out pretty good most of the time unless the corp board gets pozzed and picks a woman like with IBM, H-P, GE.
Luis Watson
Hang yourself filthy Rothschild
Julian White
The best government type, and the only one worth fighting for, is a Republic.
Which is why you need a strong religion that can hold the frame work together even if the bloodline degenerates. You can always replace them later. Hoppe makes some good cases for it, perhaps the most intuitive being the one of ownership: the king owns the land and therefore has incentive to take care of it. His book From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy is required reading and shows that Aristocracy is the first natural system of governance that will arise out of entropy. Monarchy is a formalized system which grows out of it and from monarchy comes democracy which what comes out of monarchy. The best case against monarchy is that it is relatively bureaucratic and gives birth to communism-light: democracy. It's easy to corrupt. Aristocracy is less corruptible and therefore more ideal. Plus, it doesn't suffer the problem of having a single convergence point. Bu,t in its classical form, it lacks a system of governance suited to the modern, global world we live in. If someone could formalize a system of it for our world, it could prove quite good. Of course, you'd want a constitution of sorts that puts the nation (people) first.
Wrong you fucking kike Ethno globe One hundred million total population all white , eco-Naturism / NATIONAL SOCIALISM
Christopher Perez
Republicanism comes from the French enlightenment and is leftwing. It's no good if you care about degeneracy.
Parker Baker
Isabella and King Ferd of Spain 1492. Expelled Jews, made peace with powerful and advanced Moors across the straight, which allowed Spain to become middleman between Europe and N Africa, making Spain suddenly wealthy BEFORE any gold showed up from New World after 1520 (when King Ferd been dead 7 years). The Emperor of Japan did a masterful job at playing a very weak hand at the end of WW2, due to his holding on to support from common men, which allowed Japan to avoid Jewish degradation that hit Europe so hard. Today you swear Japan won WW2 and USA and UK, and USSR, and France all lost, and lost again about 2x since.
Ethan Clark
Wrong you fucking green kike Worldwide empire 8billion people with nonwhites to work and live in their own lands that are vassals
Benjamin Parker
fucking pea brain
So i make one thread about prince harry and fornite you bitch at me about my thread saying to just start a general thread about my hate for monarchy that wouldnt just be about fornite and a bbc article ect….. then when i start a general anti monarchy thread like you specifically stated then all of a sudden im a kike… got it.
Grayson Perry
"Republic" is why CA voters were overruled by (((9th circuit))) on Gay Marriage and Denying Welfare for Wetbacks.
lol nah… how did that work for humanity? literally every civilation has lost all their technology and acomplishments over and over, every major civilization destroyed over time to the point of newer civilizations having to perform primitive archaeology just find get minor glimpes into the past. Sounds like it really worked out.
honestly the elected king idea is the only reasonable idea. as l ong as you can kick them out if they become abusive.
made peace with the empire that only a couple hundred years earlier raped and pillaged the entire iberian peninsula. sounds legit.
you dont say? your glowing shill
Liam Adams
The French Revolutionary era was where the terms Left-wing politics and Right-wing politics first originated.
The reason for the terms to become used at all was the seating of the ancien régime of France at that time. The aristocrats sat on the right, and the commoners sat on the left. So these terms evolved to mean so that right-wing politics refer to politics for aristocratic and royal interests, while left-wing politics refer to republicanism, socialism, and civil liberties.
I'm talking about republicanism in its modern form.
Blake Flores
Take your absolute kikery elsewhere you enormous adamite faggot
Ethan Williams
exactly my point, monarchy sucks because their is no safeguard to protect the common man in case the monarch turns into a piece of shit.
Angel Bell
Which is why Aristocracy is superior. Leaders are naturally selected and only stay in power if they can retain it. Also, they're held accountable and can be executed by the public if need be.
Parker Stewart
No shit newfaggot Eco Naturism. National Socialism ethnoglobe. One hundred million population , worldwide, all of them white. It would solve literally every problem on earth
We’ll get to crackin there bud , there’s a whole mess of them to start with in ZOG. Let her rip
Owen Scott
ok not sure why you are even trying to argue with me then i agree with this. Its not a monarchy tho
Jordan Stewart
Exactly. No need to argue it’s a globe called earth (that is most likely hollow , Heil HYPERBOREA AGARTHA) with slightly less than one hundred million total pop , all white. There would be no brother wars and plenty of ALL for all A Serious series of regions of hospitable arable land exists with beautiful climate year round that are currently infested with mudshits and bugs. Remove the filth. Eco Naturism with National Socialism worldwide
Kevin Gray
Sorry faggot but Whites are not going to become Nadzess for the Jews no matter what scam you propose.
Jack James
Dominic Collins
They did work, for thousands of years. Why is OP always a retard?
I am objectively not wrong faggot Also it’s pronounced National Socialist
Jose Turner
it never worked long term, there was occasionally a prosperous century or so, but humanity is thousands of years old, empires collapse left and right. We barely have records going back 1000 years. what about these ancient societies that built megaliths we could never even dream of creating and yet there is no more trace of these people left. seems like monarchy really worked out.
Jaxon Green
There are no "National Socialists", only larping faggots.
Wyatt Collins
That’s where you’re wrong homo
Ayden Butler
OP, there's a whole board for this:
They even have a goddam FAQ of arguments and counterarguments about monarchy.
actually ill check that out tonight for sure. never knew there was that many different types of monarchies.
But anarcho-monarchy? sounds like they just took every type of political system and added monarchy on the end and tweaked it a bit to add a monarch
Brandon Green
Monarchy is basically warlordism with convention and better manners.
Which honestly seems preferable to the current state of affairs.
Daniel Morris
Yeah, they'll do that.
The best monarchy (and one of the best governments, and a kick-ass country) is Lichtenstein, but it's also tiny. Which is almost certainly not coincidental.
Sebastian Foster
ive heard good things about lichtenstein actually for sure.
interestingly enough the kingdom of jordan goes back like 40 generations to the grandfather of mohammed. thats gotta be the longest consecutive running monarchy in the world and its run by mudshits…. wow
I have no patience for newfags. Youre not special, there are many like (((you))). You make threads with no substance, insulting the very people you want answers from. Asking other people to do your work for you, and being rude about it. And you wonder why people call you a jew? Fucking hang yourself kike.
I will check these trips before i get out of this shitpile.
i was wrong there is quite a few longer running monarchy's but still. damn japan is number 1? imagine your political system has been the most successfully implemented by a bunch of slant eyes
Dominic Reed
lol fag…. you contirbuted absolutely nothing to this thread. so thanks for that you inteligent guy. way to contribute more than calling me a kike and to go post on 4chan. nicee jobm you got me with your intelligent witty response. go have your mom put another star on your weekly progress board. good job pal.
you arnt getting out of the shit pile… you are the shit pile
It's just for show at present, but probably being kept around in case they need a "plan B".
Whitest, smartest, most creative gooks on the planet. Also based, most racist, fiercely and unapologetically ethnocentric, anti-poz (trans considered mentally ill and get sterilized), and smart enough to realize if you don't admit kabab, no need to remove kabab.
If I was hapa I'd learn Japanese and move there in a heartbeat.
Isaiah Moore
You're a fucking retard. Republicanism means something different almost every time it's instituted. America's political infrastructure draws from Ancient Rome, not France. Hell there are even two seperate "Republicanisms" in American history. The founding fathers were closer to National Socialists than the Republicans in France. Why don't you read a fucking book instead of bloviating about something you clearly don't understand and only heard about in Professor Shekelstein's Social Studies class.
Ian Rodriguez
then why were they freemasons
Oliver Williams
The heights of European achievement were attained when the nations of Europe were under monarchy
Michael Reed
No it doesn't As well as Rome, Venice was also a very successful Republic at the time, having lasted in a very stable system for over 1000 years, and at the time a lot of people in the rest of Europe looked to the Venetian Republic as an inspiration
James Cook
We have 5000 years of human history proving that monarchy DOES in fact work. All governements fail, but Monarchys and Aristocratic Republics tend to fail a hell of a lot slower, provided that primogeniture is followed (ie NOT FRANCE).
Aiden Gray
Aristocracy and elected kings is perfectly fine. They're landowners or lesser nobles, so they still have multi-generational perspective, rootedness, inter-generational-familiy-reputation, and thus have the requisite low-time-preference for a functional system.
Jason Long
Imagine if you wanted to choose someone for a job. Maybe a Captain for a Ship, or a Carpenter to make you some furniture. I wonder who you would rather choose; would you choose the man who has spent every day of his life on the seas with his family, where he was taught all the secrets of sailorship and where he experienced every kind of nautical catastrophe; and thus knew how to deal with it. Would you choose the man who grew up from being a young child watching his father make furniture, learning all the tricks of the trade and amassing a wealth of experience from his father's stewardship. Or you would you choose some guy off the street who says: "I might have only spent three years at college learning about the subject matter; but I am the best, pick me!" The question is rhetorical. If you do not choose the person who has been groomed for the job their entire life then you are a fool.
Further to this is the fact that Monarchy by design encourages stability. For the Monarch to retain their dynastic rulership they must ensure that the nation is prosperous, stable and peaceful; otherwise they risk brutal conquest from foreign invaders or a merciless uprising from their disgruntled citizens. If they want their family to retain their position of privilege then they must work for the good of the nation, or else they shall lose it.
Now, with all of that said, there can of course be terrible monarchs. Just as it is possible that you have a prodigy carpenter who after a scant few months of training is able to surpass the man who has been carpenting his entire life; so too can you have the incredible politician who is better suited to rule than the person who has been trained for it all their days. You can have fools who, no matter how hard they try or much they know; can never actually utilise their skill to any great effect. In general though, that will not happen. Only a foolish Monarch would risk their position by allowing their nation to become unstable. Foolish Monarchs do exist, Queen Elizabeth is one such; if England, Wales and Scotland cease being England, Wales and Scotland, then why does she think her family will retain any authority? If an Americanised populace should spring up in her nation then the royal family will disappear in a cloud of republican fervour. If an Arabic or African horde should overrun the nation; then they shall choose one of their own to lord it over them, not some pale faced old biddy and her race-mixing ginger spawn. Her foolishness is the exception, not the norm. Monarchy has been the most stable and most popular form of rule in human history. Unfortunately it only takes one generation to seal the death of Monarchy for generations. When democracy fails, as it always does, I have no doubt that we will return to the veneration of great men, chieftains if you will; and that overtime these men shall lead forces in their now balkanised nations, and they shall become Princes - owners of Principalities - and the most successful of them who manage to seize many areas shall be crowned as Kings, with all of those Principalities making up their Kingdoms.
I have little doubt that we will return to Monarchy so long as the world is not engulfed in nuclear fire. It is only natural.
Wyatt Evans
When will yanks stop posting here?
Owen Reed
By that retarded logic no system "works". It's almost like there is a natural life cycle to all cultures and no form of organization will last forever. PS: National socialism couldn't even stay stable for 30 years.
There is no safeguard like this in any system, because that's just not how power works. If your major concern is your little safeguard, democracy is right for you.
It's pretty interesting times though, they have in effect a jewish global monarchy, which really only leaves one target for people who don't want to be jewish subjects. Now they have to spend their entire lives avoiding a global pogrom by pitting young against old, women against men, slave race against slave race, all whilst invent reality inverting moronic mantras. Diversity is strength Democracy is Loxism
Oliver Russell
Monarchy is great as long as I'm king. Otherwise I don't like it. You see the problem with that?
Yes, I see the problem. You're hyper-individualistic and extremely selfish; however, the true problem, so to speak, is the pervasiveness of that pattern in the population at-large.
Would you truly want to be king? Do you think you'd truly be a good king? Why, why not? Is there truly nobody you would be willing to serve in the capacity as a monarch, no man you look to above yourself? If so, you must either be an extremely self-centered and asinine fool; or else, I should dare say, you should grace us further with your words, that we might be inspired towards reverence and service in the presence of such a man!
Xavier Roberts
Monarchy, absolutely monarchy, is not a sufficient type of system to govern in the modern world.
There are several issues. First of all human lifespan is becoming longer, and could potentially be expanded to be hundreds of years, or even eternal longevity. For this reason we will also have to reform courts and other institutions that grant life terms to its officer holders (such as the US supreme court).
Second of all it almost guarantees instability at some point in the future when the monarch either dies or is incapacitated and incapable of ruling for one reason or another. Monarchy basically demands that the ruling monarch have a child (usually male) to eventually take its place. This leads to problems, because sometimes the monarch is unable to produce a child, or the child is too young at the time of the passing of power.
It is a very stupid system that should be done away with even on a ceremonial level (UK, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, etc.). It is a spit in the face to any person who things they are worth their weight in salt lol.
Andrew Jones
Whats not to like if it works out? And if it doesn't you only have to kill one man instead of however many thousands work in government.
David Thomas
Except monarchy did work for millennia, and the only downside is that kike bankers had a harder time trying to control the state. Thus (((they))) got rid of them.
Thomas Lewis
I see it's computer day at the special needs school again.
William Clark
Name some then. Because none of your post posits any kind of concern.
Justin Watson
Except that is not true. You had great rulers.
Also, what's with the retarded argumentation? In any form of government someone rules over you, not just monarchy.
How is sucking 100 dicks better than sucking 1?
Also, nice IP hopping, faggot.
Daniel Scott
AAAnd you really are either an obnoxious retard, or a dedicated troll.
Reminder that the jew hates monarchies because it only takes one man to tell him to fuck off, in a democratically elected government there are many weak lines that let the parasite have control. Thousands of chances at infiltration is better for them than only one chance.
Jayden White
If we get rid of the monarchy, then whose castle will we have to ransack?
Alexander Wilson
no we're different people
Dylan Collins
That bait is a bit obvious, isn't it?
It's a pity the Tarrantino threads completely sliderezzed the one we had about a month ago on the compatibility between NatSoc and Monarchy. It's in archives for March I think. :(((
Asher Adams
Dominic Ward
OP here, ill be honest ive seen some good arguments for monarchy. im still not convinced it would be the best system over all but I do actually see a lot more of the pros then I saw before. Espcially the they really did get groomed their entire lives to be good rulers and didnt turn out as entitled cunts who dont care about their people.
Honestly i still maintain that the windsor family is an absolute waste of space and air. Ive never gotten the feeling that they give a shit about their own people, and their decadence while failing to serve a real purpose is somewhat appalling. Hearing all the stories about sexual abuse of children that have popped up over the years with many people surrounding that family and even some rumors involving the the core members is disgusting. But then one could argue alot of that behavior was in influenced by jews behind the scenes.
last night i actually read a lot about the Teutonic Knights and how they evolved into the german, prussian and austria-hungaria empires and i see how crucial of a role those monarchies played in european history. And ill be honest seeing what happened to some of these great monarchies after WW1 and the people of that region was effects was honestly tragic. Seeing how the current muslim invasion is basically a result of getting rid of these historic groups almost brings a tear to my eye to be honest.
Philosopher kings are the salvation of mankind. Marcus Aurelius was one. Adolf Hitler was one. Their nations prospered like none other with ruthless efficiency. Now the world needs a third to gather all the loose ends when the inevitable crash of the postmodernist kike period comes.
Still a faggot thread, so saged.
Blake Bell
(Check'd) Because it was before the Illuminati takeover of the masons?
Caleb Baker
Because Princes and Princesses are such a part of the history of Europa, and Christendom (that is, Post-Rome Western Civilization) people mistakenly believe that Monarchism and Feudalism will be the savior of the White Race. They are mistaken.